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Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis :

Dosen Pengampu :

Mohammad Achsan.Pd, M,Pd.

Disusun oleh :

Kelompok 4

1. Ega Novri Andini (201911440)

2. Fidelia Ardelia D (201911419)
3. Indra Musthofa (201911454)
4. Muhammad Agung B.R (201911418)
Progdi Manajemen 1-H

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020


First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, we are writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Making a Career in Accounting” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Mohammad
Achsan.Pd, M,Pd. as lecturer in Business English.

in arranging this paper, we are the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help
of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. We are the writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Table Of Contents


TABLE OF CONTENTS.………………………………………………………………………..2

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………3

A. Background the paper………………………………………………………………………...3

B. Purpose the paper…………………………………………………………………………….3
C. Problem formulation…………………………………………………………………………3


A. Making career in accounting……………………………………………………….………4

B. Qualifications to build an accounting career………………………………………………4
C. Skills to build an accounting career………………………………………………………..5
D. Limitations when building an accounting career……………………………………………6
E. Vocabulary review…………………………………………………………………………6
F. Reading comprehension……………………………………………………………………9

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………11

3.1. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….11




A. Background of the paper

Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions
pertaining to a business. Accounting also refers to the process of summarizing, analyzing
and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators and tax collection
entities. The financial statements that summarize a large company's operations, financial
position and cash flows over a particular period are a concise summary of hundreds of
thousands of financial transactions it may have entered into over this period. An
accountant can be defined as a professional who performs accounting functions such as
audits or financial statement analysis. Accountants can either be employed with an
accounting firm, a large company with an internal accounting department or can set up an
individual practice. Accountants are given certifications by national professional
associations, after meeting state-specific requirements, although non-qualified persons
can still work under other accountants, or independently.

B. Purpose of the paper

1. To add insight about making career in accounting
2. To complete business English assignments
3. Knowing the importance of making career in accounting

C. Problem formulation
1. What is the meaning about making career in accounting ?
2. What are the qualifications for building a career?
3. What are the skills to build a career?
4. What are the limitations when building an accounting career ?


A. Making a career in accounting

A career in accounting demands the right qualifications, the necessary skills, sufficient
experience and oodles of patience and perseverance to keep at it, despite the many
challenges.The field has evolved with time, and there are many things that you need to be
aware of, in order to land that dream job in the accounting field.

B. Qualifications to build an accounting career

The very first step should be to have those degrees and certifications in place.
1. Obtain a Bachelors Degree
To begin with, choose the right college that promises you sufficient exposure to the
varied subjects in accounting. When you take up a full time accounting course, make
sure you opt for the right electives that will further your knowledge and prepare you
for the career path you wish to pursue.
2. Take up Accounting Internships
Internships while at college are good opportunities that will help you gain the
necessary experience that a professional life demands. It also gives you insights into
the nature of work.
3. Take up Certification Exams
Certifications can give you that extra edge over your counterparts in bagging the job
offer that you are looking at. Depending on the country you are studying in / you will
be working in, the Certification exams will vary.
4. Enrol for a Master's programme
After sufficient work experience, when you wish to scale up your work, you can

consider a master's degree in accounting. This will make you adept at the
specialization you want to pursue, and of course, improve your salary and job

C. Skills to build an accounting career

Over and above the accountancy degrees, having the relevant skill set is extremely crucial
to become an accountant of repute. Practical skills are the most crucial factor that
determines how successful you can be in this profession.
1. Organizational skills
An accountant has to deal with multiple responsibilities, and this requires good
organizational capabilities.
2. Time management skills
Handling competing priorities and shuttling between various tasks demands the
immense skill of managing time, and this is a huge determinant that makes or breaks
an accountant's success.
3. Versatility
The field demands that an accountant be adaptable and versatile to changes. As an
accountant, you should view each change as an opportunity to learn and grow.
4. Leadership skills
Be proactive, take charge and plan for long-terms, irrespective of which stratum of
the hierarchy you belong to. Demonstrating your leadership skills will take you a long
way in building a thriving career.
5. Communication skills
Irrespective of careers, job roles and companies, the one skill, which every individual
needs to possess, is the ability to communicate effectively.

D. Limitations when building an accounting career
It isn't always a rosy picture in the field of accounting, despite the great jobs and the fancy
pay. Getting to the top takes a lot of hard work, and having to undergo the test of time amidst
a lot of challenges. The limitations include:
1. Continuing educational requirements
Even after completing the degrees, internships and certifications, accountants have to
undergo the mandatory renewing of licenses.
2. Little or no work-life balance
At least in the initial stages, it would be rather difficult to balance work and play.
Deadlines, commitments, and long hours are characteristics of the accountant's life, and
you may find yourself with no time left for family or hobbies.
3. Stressful lifestyle
The tight deadlines, and absolutely no scope for mistakes make this profession a rather
challenging and stressful one. One can be incriminated for fraud if caught in malpractice
and so, a lot is at stake.

E. Vocabulary review
1. Balance sheet
a document which summarizes the assets, liabilities and equity of a business entity at a
given time.
2. CPA (certified public accountant)
the American and Australian equivalent of a Chartered accountant.

3. CFO (chief financial officer)

the most senior financial manager, responsible for overseeing the financial activities of
the entire company.

4. Credits
an entry showing the amount of money owed to the company by its customers.

5. Debit
an entry showing an amount owed (due to be paid by the company), entered on the left
hand side.
Before we can pay the invoice, we need to record the invoice as a debit in the accounting

6. Deferral
the state for postponing the recognition of an asset or liability until a future time.
As his accountant hadn't finished the tax calculations, he applied for a deferral.

7. Double taxation
the state where income tax is paid twice (often to two different governments) on one
A lot of countries now have double taxation agreements, so people should only pay the
tax in the country where the money was earned.

8. Due diligence
reasonable actions taken by a person to satisfy a law or regulation.
The accountant suggested not signing the final contract until all due diligence was done
to check that the company would be profitable.

9. Foreign currency
the money used in another country.
Because the company had offices in Spain, Brazil and America, they had to deal with
several foreign currencies including the euro.

10. In excess of
more than, greater than.
The most recent set of accounts reported a net profit in excess of $5 million.

11. LLC (limited liability company)

a business entity where the debts of the company are separate from the debts of the share-
As it was a Limited liability company, the creditors couldn't get at John's private assets
when the company went bankrupt.

12. Reconcile
to ensure that two figures agree with each other.
A lot of accounting departments reconcile the bank account to the accounts every day.

13. Record
a written account of a transaction.
The auditors went through every record of sale over the last decade before they were

14. Sole-trader
a business which is owned and run by one person.
Sole-traders don’t have to meet such strict accounting requirements as larger

15. Trial balance

a statement of all debits and credits in the double-entry account book, with any
discrepancies shown.
The company accountant spent two days trying to get the trial balance to agree.

F. Reading comprehension
In these uncertain economic times it can be hard to know which career path is right for you,
everywhere you look you can see job cuts and unemployment but the accounting sector is
still performing well.
A recent report on the starting salaries of 2012 university graduates stated that accounting
graduates salaries are still rising with an average salary of $42,500. When you add that to the
fact that in America accounting firms have almost recovered from the effects of the global
crisis, you can see why accountancy is becoming an attractive prospect.
And that is not all, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics the prediction is that in the
next 8 years the number of accounting jobs will rise from 1.2 million to 1.4 million in the
With such positive reports a lot of young people are looking to become one of the next
generation of accountants. A university education is the most common route into accounting
but it is not the only way, many firms offer apprenticeships where you learn while you work.
This means starting at the bottom so for the first year you are more likely to be making the
tea than preparing the balance sheet, or trial balance.
Those people who have graduated with a degree in accounting can expect to jump in at the
deep end and start dealing with the debits and credits that make up the foundation of
accounting. Although, further training will usually be given before you are expected to work
on the more complex accounting issues such as deferral.
Before applying for a job you should consider the area that you would like to work in.
Accounting is not limited to the private sector, with many accounting graduates being
employed by governmental and non-profit organisations.
Public accounting is perhaps the most common choice because they employ the most CPAs.
Public accounting also offers a wide variety of roles such as: corporate finance, due
diligence, as well as the more traditional accounting and tax advice. Some public firms also
specialise in a particular sector, such as entertainment or travel, so you can work in an area
which interests you. The job of a public accountant is always changing as new laws are
introduced, so you must always be learning new skills.

Public accounting may not be for everyone, and if you prefer the idea of working for the
government, you would do well to apply to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Working for
the national agency often involves analysing a company's financial statements and attempting
to reconcile the tax which has been paid on the reported earnings. It is a job with a great deal
of responsibility and would best suit someone with a strong knowledge of accounting and tax
Other government organisations also make use of accounting staff so you could even end up
working for the CIA, but of course you can't talk about it.
To do well in either of these areas you need to remember that whether you are dealing with a
sole-trader, or a limited liability company (LLC), accounting is an exact science and every
record must be precise. And if you are one of the increasing number of accountants working
for a multi-national corporation, you will need to be familiar with the often confusing rules
on double taxation and be up-to-date on the exchange rate of the foreign currency you are
working with.
There are even more opportunities if you continue your accounting education and get a PhD
in accounting. People, who do this often end up lecturing at Universities as well as running
successful practices or being CFO's of major corporations.
So remember the economy may be in bad shape, but a career in accountancy may just be the
best way to survive the crisis if you can cope with some of the challenges facing the new
generation of accountants.
These challenges include long hours. New graduates, especially, are often expected to work
in excess of 50 hour working weeks with many failing to meet the heavy workload placed on
them. Long hours are not the only challenge of a career in accounting though.
Major accounting firms are constantly raising the employment requirements with Big4 firms
often only hiring MBA graduates.
Those who can meet the entry requirements and cope with the long hours, are likely to find a
rewarding career which will allow them to live in a comfortable style and enjoy the finer
things in life.



A. Conclusion
In these uncertain economic times it can be hard to know which career path is right for
you, everywhere you look you can see job cuts and unemployment but the accounting
sector is still performing well. a lot of young people are looking to become one of the
next generation of accountants. A university education is the most common route into
accounting but it is not the only way, many firms offer apprenticeships where you learn
while you work. 

to build a career in accounting requires a qualification and skills. Qualification consists of

obtain a bachelors degree, take up accounting internships, take up certification exams and
enrol for a master's programme. While the skill consist of organizational skills, time
management skills, versatility, leadership skills, communication skills. in building an
accounting career also has limitations such as continuing educational requirements, little
or no work-life balance, stressful lifestyle.

Once you have chosen to become an Accountant, it is imperative to put your heart and
soul into building up your portfolio and emerging as a successful one. Choose the right
school, take the right electives, work for a number of years, do a post-graduation and
consider starting your own practice.

B. Suggest
We are the writer want to apology of this paper. We know that this paper is still far from
perfect. So that we need the suggest from the reader for the perfection of this paper.
Thank you very much for the reader




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