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ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬

1) Why do people leave their home countries? (Students’ Book –

deteriorate to get worse /‫يتدهىر‬

emigrate to leave your country to live in a new country ‫يهاجر‬

famine serious shortage of food leading to great hunger on a large scale ‫مجاعة‬

success a period of great wealth ‫نجاح‬

development the process of modernisation ‫تطىير‬

industry economic activity concerned with raw materials and manufacture goods ‫صناعة‬

1) In the early 19th century, the most important economic activity in Ireland was agriculture. But the
farmers were poor and they used old-fashioned methods.

Because they heard that they could earn four times as much abroad, some farmers emigrated. But
between 1820 and 1840, the economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in 1845 the Potato Famine

Disease destroyed 75% of the year’s potatoes – the main food for most of the population. During the next
two years, 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge increase in emigration.

By the end of 1854, a quarter of the population of Ireland had left for other parts of the world.

Tristan da Cunha is a small island in the South Atlantic Ocean. In August 1961, earth tremors started
and gradually became more frequent.

At the beginning of October, the government decided that the island was no longer safe and the whole
population of 268 people was evacuated to a nearby island.

A ship picked them up and took them to South Africa. As they passed Tristan da Cunha, they saw the volcano
erupt. Later the people were taken to England, where they stayed for the next two years.

In 1963, the volcanic activity on the island stopped and most of the people voted to go back. However, not
everyone returned: 14 people had adapted to life in England and decided to stay there, and five elderly
people had died. There were other changes too: ten couples from the island had married, and eight babies
had been born.

ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬

Answer the following questions:

1. What was wrong with farming in Ireland?


2. Why did some farmers emigrate?


3. What caused the Potato Famine ?


4. What were the effects of the Potato Famine?


5. Where is Tristan da Cunha located ?


6. Why were the people evacuated from the island?


7. What do the underlined words them – their refer to ?


8. When did Tristan da Cunha become safe again?


Find words in the text which mean the following:

9. farming ………...….
10. in another country ………...….
11. illness ………...….
12. serious shortage of food leading to great hunger on a large scale ………...….
13. entire ………...….
14. taken to a safer place ………...….
15. not tiny ………...….
16. not modern ………...….
17. not late ………...….
18. not young ………...….
19. not rare ………...….

ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬

Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the information:

20. In the early 19th century, the Irish economy depended on industry.


21. In the 19th century over half a million people died because of the famine.

22. The people in Tristan da Cunha emigrated because of famine.


23. The people of Tristan da Cunha went home even though there was still volcanic action

24. All the people of Tristan da Cunha wanted to go back home.



2) Animal Migration (Activity Book – p 9 )

original first ‫أصهي‬

recurrent occurring often or repeatedly ‫متكرر‬


raise bring up children ‫يربّي‬

forge advance steadily ‫يندفع‬

extensive very long ‫ىيم جددًا‬

creature a living thing / animal ‫مخهىق‬

temperate having mild temperatures / not too hot or too cold ‫معتدل‬

original first ‫ دألول‬- ‫دصهي‬

ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬

2) When we talk about animal migration we mean the movement of an animal from the place where it has
been living to a different place and the return journey to that animal’s original home.

Most animal migrations are recurrent events which happen at certain times of the year.

Animals usually migrate to find food or to raise their young. Incredibly, most migrating animals follow the
same route every year and from generation to generation.

Land animals may cross mountains or forge through rivers, while birds and insects travel extensive
distances, sometimes across continents and oceans. Fish and other sea creatures may migrate halfway round
the world.

For example, the grey whale can travel as much as 20,000 kilometres. Many animals migrate to northern
regions during the northern summer because the long summer days mean that there is always plenty of

In the autumn, when the weather gets colder, many animals migrate south to find food and warmer
weather (the southern summer). Some animals migrate every year, doing the two journeys in one year, but
others migrate only if they need to find food or for more temperate weather.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is surprising about animal migration?


2. How far can the grey whale travel?


3. When do some animals migrate northwards and southwards?


4. Do all animals make the same number of migrations every year? How?


Find words in the text which mean the following:

5. important things that happen ………...….

6. travel to live in a warmer place ………...….

7. way ………...….

ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬

8. very big seas ………...….

9. much – a lot of ………...….

10. trips ………...….

Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the information:

11. Most animal migrations happen once a year.

12. All animals migrate at the same time every year
13. Most animals migrate to escape their enemies
14. Many animals migrate south in the summer.
15. Finding food is rarely the main reason for migration.


ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬


1. The farmers were poor and they used old-fashioned methods.
2. Because they heard they could earn four times as much abroad.
3. Disease destroyed 75 % of the year’s potatoes.
4. 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge increase in emigration.
5. in the South Atlantic Ocean.
6. Because the island was no longer safe.
7. them = 268 people / there = in England .
8. In 1963.
9. agriculture
10. abroad
11. disease
12. starvation
13. whole
14. evacuated
15. huge
16. old-fashioned
17. early
18. elderly
19. frequent
20. In the early 19th century, the Irish economy depended on agriculture.
21. In the 19th century less than half a million people died because of the famine.
22. The people in Tristan da Cunha emigrated because of the volcano.
23. The people of Tristan da Cunha went home when the volcanic activity stopped.
24. Most of the people of Tristan da Cunha wanted to go back home.


1. Most migrating animals follow the same route every year.

2. 20,000 Km
3. They migrate to northern regions during the northern summer and in the autumn, they migrate south.
4. No, Some animals migrate every year, doing the two journeys in one year, but others migrate only if
they need to find food or for more temperate weather.
5. events
6. migrate
7. route
8. oceans
ّ ‫ برهـان محمد خيـر‬: ‫المدرس‬ 0966326191 - ‫بخـش‬

9. plenty
10. journeys
11. Most animal migrations happen at certain times of the year.
12. Most animals migrate at the same time every year
13. Most animals migrate to find food or raise their young.
14. Many animals migrate to the north in the summer.
15. Finding food is one of the main reasons for migration.



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