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Experiment I

OPH 201 Lab Report

Dik Man Rai (07170526)

Semester IV, B.Sc Physics
June 16, 2020

To determine the wavelength of the blue laser in units of nanometers by means of
Young’s Double slit Experiment.

Apparatus required
1. Laser

2. Measuring Tape

3. Ruler

4. Slit Panel

5. Stand

6. Optical Bench

Formula Used
mλ d sinθ
d= OR λ=
sinθ m

d = Distance between two slits

D = Distance between slit and screen
λ = Given wavelength of laser light
m = Distance from center of maxima to bright fringe

Electromagnetic radiation propagates as a wave, and as such can exhibit interference
and diffraction. This is most strikingly seen with laser light, where light shining on
a piece of paper looks speckled (with light and dark spots) rather than evenly illumi-
nated, and where light shining through a small hole makes a pattern of bright and dark
spots rather than the single spot that we might expect from our everyday experiences
with light. A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplifica-
tion based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. Laser light differ
from other source of light. Laser light is much more coherent than light from Conven-
tional sources. Light is electromagnetic wave and different rays of light can interfere
with each other. Laser makes a high intensity and extremely directional beam which
has a narrow frequency range. When parallel waves of light are obstructed by a very
small object(i.e. sharp edge, slit, wire, etc.), the waves spread around the edges of
the obstruction and interfere, resulting in a pattern of dark and light fringes. When
light diffracts off of the edge of an object, it creates a pattern of light referred to as a
diffraction pattern.

Figure 1: Young’s Double Slit

Consider light that falls on the screen at a point P a distance y from the point O that
lies on the screen a perpendicular distance L from the double-slit system. The two
slits are separated by a distance d. The light from slit 2 will travel an extra distance
δ = r2 − r1 to the point P than the light from slit 1. This extra distance is called the path
difference. From Figure above, we have, using the law of cosines.

d π d
r21 = r2 + ( )2 − dr cos( − θ) = r2 + ( )2 − dr sin θ (1)
2 2 2


d π d
r22 = r2 + ( )2 − dr cos( + θ) = r2 + ( )2 + dr sin θ (2)
2 2 2

subtract equation (2) by (1), we get,

r21 − r22 = (r2 − r1 )(r2 + r1 ) = 2dr sin θ (3)

In the limit L >>>> d i.e., the distance to the screen is much greater than the distance
between the slits,the sum of r1 and r2 may be approximated by r1 + r2 ≈ 2r,and the
path difference becomes

δ = r2 − r1 ≈ d sin θ (4)

In this limit, the two rays and are essentially treated as being parallel(Figure 2). Whether
the two waves are in phase or out of phase is determined by the value of δ. Construc-
tive interference occurs when δ is zero or an integer multiple of the wavelength λ :

δ = d sinθ = mλ, m = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, .......(constructive interference) (5)

where m is called the order number. The zeroth-order (m = θ) maximum corresponds

to the central bright fringe at θ = 0, and the first-order maxima (m = ±1) are the
bright fringes on either side of the central fringe.

Figure 2: Path difference between two rays, assuming L >> d

On the other hand, when δ is equal to an odd integer multiple of λ/2, the waves will
be 180o out of phase at P, resulting in destructive interference with a dark fringe on
the screen. The condition for destructive interference is given by

δ = d sinθ = (m + )λ, m = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, .......(destructive interference) (6)

Figure 3: Destructive interference and Constructive interference

In Figure 3, we show how a path difference of λ = λ2 (m = 0) results in a destructive
interference and δ = λ(m = 1) leads to a constructive interference. To locate the
positions of the fringes as measured vertically from the central point O,in addition to
L >> d,we shall also assume that the distance between the slits is much greater than
the wavelength of the monochromatic light, d >> λ. The conditions imply that the
angle ? is very small, so that
sinθ ≈ tanθ =
Substituting the above expression into the constructive and destructive interference
conditions given in Eqs. (5) and (6), the positions of the bright and dark fringes are,
yb =



1 λL
yd = (m + )
2 d

d - Distance between two slits
L - Distance between slit and screen
λ - Given wavelength of laser light
yb - Distance from center of maxima to bright fringe

1. Collected all the apparatus required for the experiment.

2. Then arranged the apparatus, placing slit and laser on the optical bench in such
a way that the beam pass through the slit and a clear pattern of diffraction is seen
on the wall.

3. Adjusted the laser light until the clear pattern is obtained on the wall.

4. Next, measured the distance between the wall and the position of the laser beam
by using measuring tape.

5. With the help of plain white paper marked the central maxima and the distance
between corresponding minima from the central maxima.

6. Repeated the above procedure for different sets of D.

7. With the help of ruler,measured the distance between corresponding minima


8. And finally did the required calculation to find distance between two slits.

Sources of errors and precautions

• The laser should be well focused so that the image appears clear.

• While measuring the distance between the laser and the screen the measuring
tape should be streached to its exact amount.

• The sketch of maxima and minima points should be neatly drawn so that it is
clearly distinguishable.

• There can be some error while measuring the distance between slit and screen.

• There can be some error in the distance between corresponding minima as the
interference pattern was not clear.

• The interference pattern should be clear and the laser should be turned off while
not in use.

Observations And Calculations
1. m = 5

2. λ(red laser) = 650 nm

3. L = 1.285 m

4. y = 0.019 m

From Figure 1 for the calculations below:

y 0.019
tanθ = = = 0.0148
L 1.285

∴ θ = 0.847

sinθ = sin 0.847 = 0.0147



And substituting the above parameters’ values we get,

d = 2.6 × 10−4 m

And to calculate the wavelength of blue laser, we have

1. m = 5

2. L = 1.03 m

3. y = 0.009 m

From Figure 1:
y 0.009
tanθ = = = 8.7 × 10−3
L 1.03

∴ θ = 0.5

sinθ = sin 0.5 = 8.73 × 10−3

d sinθ

And substituting the above parameters’ values we get,

λ = 4.539 × 10−7 m

λ = 453.9 nm

X Observed wavelength of the blue laser light is (λ0 ) : 453.9 nm.

X Actual wavelength (λA ): 460 nm.

X % error = | λ0λ−λ
| × 100 = 1.32%

The wavelength that we got after performing this experiment is equal to 453.9nm
which is close to the actual wavelength i.e 460nm and it has the percentage error of
1.32 which is less and acceptable.Even then the calculated wavelength might not be
the correct as the result has still some errors within the range of the percentage er-
ror.This might be due to only one reading that we took for calculating the wavelength
of the red laser.It can be minimized by taking at least five or more reading and finding
their mean.

More over while performing experiment such as during the measurement of the dis-
tance between slit and the screen and while measuring distance between correspond-
ing minima, we might have taken wrong distance as some interference pattern are not
clear as it fades from the center.

Experiment II:
Newton’s Ring
OPH 201 Lab Report

Dik Man Rai (07170526)

Semester IV

June/16/ 2020

1 Experiment: Newton’s Ring.

2 Aim:
To determine the wavelength of Sodium light using Newton’s ring method.

3 Apparatus required:
1. Plano-convex lens.

2. Sodium lamp.

3. Traveling microscope.

4. Plane glass plate.

5. Wooden box to place the plane glass plate at an angle of 45o

6. Spherometer.

4 Formula Used
D2n − D2m
4R(n − m)

D2n = diameter of nth ring

D2m = diameter of mth ring(cm)
R = radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens(cm)

Radius of curvature
L2 h
R= +
6h 2
L = mean of the sides of the triangle formed by the spherometer(cm)
h = Difference of the height of the two lenses(cm)

5 Theory:
Newton’s rings are circular interference fringes of varying thickness which
are produced in the air enclosed by a very thin film between a convex lens
and an optical flat(say a plane glass plate). Such a fringes which demon-
strate the wave nature of light were first obtained by Newton.

When a parallel beam of sodium light is incident normally on a combina-

tion of a plano-convex lens L and a glass plate G,as shown in the figure.1,
a part of each incident ray is reflected from the lower surface of the lens,
and a part, after refraction through the air film between the lens and the
plate, is reflected back from the plate surface. These two reflected rays are
coherent, hence they will interfere and produce a system of alternate dark
and bright rings with the point of contact between the lens and the plate
as the center. These rings are known as Newton’s ring.

For a normal incidence of sodium light, the path difference between the
reflected rays is very nearly equal to 2µ where µ and t are the refractive

Figure 1: Experiment set-up

Figure 2: Newton’s Ring

index and thickness of the air film respectively. The fact the wave is re-
flected from air to glass surface introduces a phase shift of π. Therefore,
for bright fringe

2µt = (n + )λ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (1)
and for dark fringes

2µt = nλ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (2)

Figure 3: Geometry used to determine the thickness of the air-film

For n-th(bright and dark) ring(figure 2), we also have

+ (R − t)2 = R2 (3)
where, Dn is the diameter of the n-th ring and R is the radius of the cur-
vature of the lower surface of the plano-convex lens. On neglecting t2 ,
equation(3) reduces to

D2n = 8tR (4)

From equations (1) and (4), we get

1 λR
D2n = 4(n + ) (5)
2 µ
for n-th bright ring and
1 λR
D2n+p = 4(n + p + ) (6)
2 µ
for (n + m)th bright ring.
Similarly, from equations (2) and (4), we obtain
D2n = (7)
for n-th dark ring and
4(n + p)λR
D2n+p = (8)

for (n + m)th bright ring.
Thus, for bright as well as dark rings, we get

D2n+p − D2n
R = µ (9)
since,µ = 1 for air film, above equation becomes

D2n+p − D2n
R = (10)

D2n+p − D2n
λ =

D2n − D2m
λ =
4R(n − m)

6 Procedure:
Measurement of Newton’s ring
1. Switch on the lamp and wait for a while until the light it emits, reg-
ulates and turns yellow.

2. Then we took a Plano-convex lens and a flat lens and placed them in
contact with each other keeping curved surface of the plano-convex
lens in contact with the flat lens.

3. Using our naked eye, we found the formation of concentric rings

formed by the air bubbles between the lens and planer plate.

4. After obtaining the Newton’s Rings, we carefully placed the lenses

under the optically flat glass plate placed at 45o .

5. Placed the traveling microscope directly above the glass plate. Then,
I looked through the microscope and adjusted its position by moving
it upwards or downwards until the rings come into focus. The rings
are referred to as fringes and they form due to the interference of

6. Searched for the center of the rings by moving the microscope right-
wards or leftwards. Upon finding the center, I placed the vertical
cross wire directly in the middle. Notice that the cross wires divide
the concentric circles in half. There is a right-hand side and right-
hand side.
7. Now, I moved the microscope towards the right-hand side and aligned
the vertical cross wire with the first ring formed(smallest circle). Recorded
the fringe number n. M.S.R and V.S.R readings are also noted as the
M.S.R and V.S.R from the Right side.
8. Then, I moved the microscope towards the left-hand side and aligned
the vertical cross wire from the left on the same circle in procedure 7.
Recorded the M.S.R and V.S.R readings noted them as the M.S.R and
V.S.R from the left side.
9. Repeated procedure 7 and 8 taking fringe number n = n + 2. Took 5
readings taking n = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

Source of Error and Precautions:

1. The microscope should be parallel to the edge of the glass plate.
2. The mirrors should be in perfectly stable positions when reading are
being taken.
3. There should be no play between the screw and the nut in which it
4. To avoid any backlash error, the micrometer screw of the travelling
microscope should be moved very slowly and be moved in one di-
rection while taking observations.
5. While measuring diameters, the microscope cross-wire should be ad-
justed in the middle of the ring.

Measurement of radius of curvature using spherometer

1. Raise the central screw of the spherometer and press the spherometer
gently on a plain paper so as to get pricks of the three legs. Mark
these pricks as A,B and C.
2. Measure the distance between the pricks(points) of joining the points
as to from a triangle ABC.

3. Note these distances (AB, BC, AC) and take their and mean. Then
found the least count using the formula

Value of 1 division of MSR

Least count =
No.of division of VS

4. Raise the screw sufficiently upwards. Place the spherometer on the

convex surface so that its three legs rest on it.

5. Gently, turn the screw downwards till the screw tip just touches the
convex surface. (The tip of the screw will just touch its image in the
convex glass surface)

6. Note the reading of the circular(disc) scale which is in line with ver-
tical(pitch) scale. .

7. Remove the spherometer from over the convex surface and place
over large size plane glass slab.

8. Turn the screw downwards and count the number of complete rotations(n1 )
made by disc (one rotation becomes complete when the reference
reading crosses pass the pitch scale).

9. Continue till the tip of the screw just touches the plane surface of the
glass slab.

10. Note the reading of the circular scale which is finally in line with the
vertical (pitch) scale.

6.1 : Observations Table

6.1.1 Table 1:

Microscope reading (cm)

Sr. Ring Left(L) Right(R) Dn = L − R D2n D2n − D2m
no. no.(n) Main Vernier Total Main Vernier Total (cm) (cm ) (cm2 )
1 1 7.55 1.3 7.5513 7.45 2.5 7.4525 0.0988 0.00976144 -0.02512
2 3 7.6 2.2 7.6022 7.4 2.3 7.4523 0.1499 0.02247 0.01271
3 5 7.61 1.4 7.6114 7.42 4.6 7.4246 0.1868 0.03488 0.01241
4 7 7.62 9.9 7.6299 7.41 1.2 7.4112 0.2188 0.04787 0.01299
5 9 7.65 0.8 7.6508 7.4 4.8 7.4048 0.246 0.06051 0.01264

6.1.2 Table 2:
D2n −D2m
Sr. no. λ = 4R(n−m)
1 578.24
2 585.11
3 571.36
4 598.07
5 582.23

Calculation for table 1

value of 1 division of M.S.R

least count =
no. of division of V.S
1 cm = 20 division
1 division =
= 0.05
∴ least count =
= 0.001cm

T otal reading(a) = MSR + (VSR × least count)

For Ring Number 1

T otal Reading(L) = 7.55 + (1.3 × 0.001)

= 7.5513 cm
T otal Reading(R) = 7.45 + (2.5 × 0.001)
= 7.4525 cm
Dm = L−R
= 7.5513 − 7.4525
= 0.0988 cm
Dm = 0.00976144 cm2

For Ring Number 2
T otal Reading(L) = 7.6 + (2.2 × 0.001)
= 7.6022 cm
T otal Reading(R) = 7.4 + (2.3 × 0.001)
= 7.4523 cm
Dn = L−R
= 7.6022 − 7.4523
= 0.1499 cm
Dn = 0.02247001 cm2

D2n − D2m = 0.02247001 − 0.00976144

= 0.01271 cm2
Calculation of radius of curvature

Distance Travelled in C.S.R 1

Pitch = = =1
no. of rotattion 1
Pitch 1
least count = = = 0.01cm
no. of rotation 100
x1 + x2 + x3 3.5 + 3.5 + 3.5
L= = = 3.5
3 3

The height is,

h = a’ − b’
= 0.50 − 0.425
= 0.075cm
Then the radius is,
L2 h
R = +
6h 2
(3.5)2 0.075
= +
6 × 0.075 2
= 27.22 + 0.037
= 27.15cm

Calculation for the wavelength(λ)

D2n − D2m
4R(n − m)

when m=1,n=3,

D23 − D21
λ =
(0.14992 ) − (0.0988)2
4 × 2 × 27.15
= 585.11 × 10−7 cm
= 585.11 × 10−9 m = 585.11 nm

6.2 Results:
1. Radius of curvature = 27.15 cm

2. Observed wavelength of the Sodium light is (λO ) = 583.002 nm

Result Analysis

Actual wavelength-Calculated Wavelength

%error = × 100
Actual wavelength
589.3 − 583.002
= × 100
= 1.0687%

The theoretical wavelength of sodium is 589.3 nm. The value we obtained
is 583.002nm leading to percentage error of 1.0687%.

These errors may be be due to instrumental and personal errors. The

biggest source of error could be in measuring the ring diameters. The point
in which the interference pattern is in focus was difficult to determine as
there was a range of adjustments that could be made which produced a
projection that could be deemed to be in focus. As a result there was an
appreciable range on focus in which the ring sizes differed. There was also
no precaution to ensure that the lengths being measured are of the diame-
ter, exactly perpendicular to the edge of the ring and not of a chord. These
sources of errors can be improved by taking repeated measurements.The
listed source of errors might have also let some errors and hence this result
even when the calculated value is close to the agreement cannot be correct.

Experiment III
OPH 201 Lab Report

Dik Man Rai (07170526)

Semester IV, B.Sc Physics
June 16, 2020

To determine the wavelength of the lasers using the Michelson interferometer.

Apparatus required
1. Laser light source.
2. Michelson interferometer kit.
3. optical bench.
4. meter scale.

Formula used
Where; d is the distance of the fringes and m is the number of fringes.

The two beams obtained by amplitude division are sent in different directions against
plane mirrors, then reflected back along their same respected paths to the beam split-
ter to form an interference pattern. The core optical setup, which is labeled in Fig.1,
consists of two highly polished plates, A1 and A2 , acting as the above-mentioned mir-
rors, and two parallel plates of glass G1 and G2 - one is the beam splitter, and the other
is a compen- sating plate, whose purpose will be described below. The light reflected
normally from mirror A1 passes through G1 and reaches the eye. The light reflected
from the mirror A2 passes back through G2 for a second time, is reflected from the sur-
face of G1 and into the eye. The purpose of the compensating plate G2 is to render the
path in glass of the two rays equal. This is not essential for producing effective, sharp,
and clear fringes in monochromatic light, but it is crucial for producing such fringes
in white light (a reason will be given in the "White Light Fringes" section). The mirror
A1 is mounted on a carriage, whose position can be adjusted with a micrometer. To

obtain fringes, the mirrors A1 and A2 are made exactly perpendicular to each other by
means of the calibration screws (Fig.1), controlling the tilt of A2 .

Figure 1: A schematic diagram of the Michelson interferometer.

There are two very important requirements that need to be satis

ed along with the above set up in order for interference fringes to appear:
1. Use an extended light source.

2. The light must be monochromatic.

Circular Fringes
To view circular fringes with monochromatic light, the mirrors must be almost per-
fectly perpendicular to each other. The origin of the circular fringes is understood
from Fig. 2. The real mirror A2 has been replaced by its virtual image A20 formed by
the reflection in G1 : hence A20 is parallel to A1 .

Since light in the interferometer gets reflected many times, we can think of the ex-
tended source as being at L, where L is behind the observer as seen in Fig. 2; L forms
2 virtual images, L1 and L2 , in mirrors A1 and A20 , respectively. The virtual sources
in L1 and L2 are said to be in phase with each other (such sources are called coherent
sources), in that the phases of corresponding points in the two are exactly the same at
all times. If d is the separation of A1 and A20 , the virtual sources are then separated by
2d, as can be seen in the diagram (Fig. 2). When d is exactly an integer number of half
wavelengths, every ray that is reflected normal to the mirrors A1 and A20 will always
be in phase. The path difference, 2d, must then be an integer number of wavelengths.
Rays of light that are reflected at other angles will not, in general, be in phase. This
means that the path difference between two incoming rays from points
P’ and P” will be 2dcosθ, where θ is the angle between the viewing axis and the in-
coming ray. We can say that is the same for the two rays when A1 and A20 are parallel,
which implies that the rays themselves are parallel. Since the eye is focused to receive

the parallel rays, it is more convenient to use a telescope lens, especially for looking at
interference patterns with large values of d. The parallel rays will interfere with each

Figure 2: Virtual images from the two mirrors created by the light source and the beam
splitter in the Michelson interferometer.

other, creating a fringe pattern of maxima and minima for which the following relation
is satisfied:
2dcosθ = mλ (1)
where d is the separation of A1 and A20 , m is the fringe order,λ is the wavelength of
the source of light used.

Since, for a given m,λ and d the angle θ is constant, the maxima and minima lie on a
circular plane about the foot of the perpendicular axis stretching from the eye to the
mirrors. As was mentioned before, the Michelson interferometer uses division by am-
plitude scheme: hence the resultant amplitudes of the waves,α1 and α2 , are fractions
of the original amplitude A, with respective phases α1 and α2 . We can calculate the
phase difference between the two beams based on the respective mirror separation. If
the path difference is 2dcosθ, then the phase difference δ for light of wavelength λ is
δ = 2π (2)
By starting with A1 a few centimeters beyond A20 , the fringe system will have the gen-
eral appearance which is shown in Fig.3, where the rings of the system are very closely
spaced. As the distance between A1 and A20 decreases, the fringe pattern evolves,
growing at first until the point of zero path difference is reached, and then shrinking
again This implies
that a given ring, characterized by a given value of the fringe order m, must have a
decreasing radius in order for (2) to remain true. The rings therefore shrink and vanish
at the centre, where a ring will disappear each time 2d decreases by λ. This is because
at the centre, cosθ=1, and so we have the simpli
ed version of equation (2),
2d = mλ (3)
λ = (4)
Figure 3: The circular fringe interference pattern produced by a Michelson interferom-

Alignment procedure
1. Turn on the laser, and look at the observation screen. If you see the ring pattern,
and it can be changed by turning the micrometer screw, then the apparatus is aligned

2. Take out the lens from the component holder next to the laser. 3. Turn on the laser
beam, and adjust its position to direct the beam straight into the center of the the "mov-
able" mirror (Mirror 2). The beam should be re ected right back into the laser.

4. Then restore the beam-splitter mirror and look at the observation screen.

5. Use the adjusting screws on the "fixed" mirror (Mirror 1) to make the bright spots
overlap each other. As you are doing that, the overlaping spots will twinkle, due to
the interference of the beams.

6. Finally, restore the lens. Slide it around until you can see the ring pattern on the
observation screen.

Measuring the wavelength

7. Turn the microcrometer either clockwise or anti-clockwise for about 1 rotation.

8. Then turn it, in the same direction, enough to see m fringes pass some point on the

Figure 4: Michelson interferometer appratus

screen. m should be at least 20.

9. Measure the number of ticks on the micrometer which correspond to the m fringes.

10. Compare this with the known wavelength of 633 nm.

Source of error and precaution

1. When turning the fine adjustment knob to count fringes, always turn it one com-
plete revolution before you start counting. This will almost entirely eliminate
errors due to backlash in fine adjustment knob.
2. Always turn the fine adjustment knob in one direction either clockwise or anti-
3. Direct eye exposure to laser should be avoided.
4. Observing laser interference fringes by reflecting mirror is prohibited.

5. Avoid touching any of the optics with bare hand.

Observation and calculation

Given values of

d=0.08mm, m=250 fringes

λ =
2 × 0.08
λ =
λ = 640 × 104 mm
= 640nm

The wavelength of the light is 640 nm.

Error Analysis

Observed wavelength-Actual wavelength

%error = | | × 100
Actual wavelength
640 − 633
= × 100
= 1.105%

The experimentally calculated wavelength of the light is equal to 640nm leading to
the percentage error of about 1.105% which is less showing that our experiment has
not gone too wrong.The actual wavelength of light being 633nm could not be matched
with the experimented value as there might be many errors involved while doing the
experiment.For example,while measuring the distance of fringes,we might had failed
to note the correct distance between them as our meter scale can measure only up to
0.1cm significant digits.More over the list of source of error above could have always
contributed to some extend,so this result may not be correct.

Experiment IV
OPH 201 Lab Report

Dik Man Rai (07170526)

Semester IV, B.Sc Physics
June 16, 2020

1. Determine the index of refraction of a glass prism for various colors.

2. Determine the Cauchy constants from the plot and what type of glass constitutes
the prism.

3. To Calculate the dispersive power of the prism.

Apparatus required
1. A prism.

2. Mercury light

3. A spectrometer

Formula used
1. Calculation of angle of prism

V1 + V2

φ=Angle of the prism(o )

V1 =First vernier reading(o )

V2 =Second vernier reading(o )

2. Calculation refractive index of prism


sin 2
n= φ
sin 2


n= Refractive index
φ= angle of prism (o )
δm =Angle of minimum deviation (o )

When a beam of light is transmitted from air to glass, the ray is bent according to
Snell’s law.
sinθair = nsinθglass
White light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow - red, yellow, green, blue, and

Figure 1:

violet.Different colors correspond to different wavelengths. Human eyes are sensi-

tive to light with wavelengths in the range 390 nm (violet) to 750 nm (red) (1 nm =
nanometer=10−9 ). Glass has a greater index of refraction at shorter wavelengths, that
is, it bends blue light more than red light. So a prism can be used to disperse white

Figure 2:

light into its component colors. In this experiment, we will use a prism spectrometer
to measure the dispersion angle of various wavelengths. From the measurements, we

will make a graph of the index of refraction vs. wavelength. The form of the curve of
index of refraction as a function of wavelength, known as the Cauchy formula, is

Refracting prism is a convenient geometry to illustrate dispersion. Prisms are typically

characterized by their angle of minimum deviation. When a ray of single wavelength
light incident on a prism from the left it emerges refracted from its original direction of

Figure 3:

travel by an angle , called the angle of deviation The minimum deviation angle δmin

Figure 4:

can be achieved by adjusting the incident ray perpendicular to one of the prism’s sides
which leads that the ray passing through the prism to be parallel to the bottom of the
prism. And the incident angle =the refracting angle. Using the geometry in the
gure, we find that,
θ2 =

Where φ is the apex of the prism

φ δmin φ + δmin
θ1 = θ2 + α = + =
2 2 2
From snell’s law of refraction with n1 = 1 because medium 1 is air.

sinθair = nsinθglass
φ + δmin φ
sin = nsin
2 2

sin 2
sin φ2

1. Turn on the mercury light. It takes a while to warm up.

Focus adjustment

2. With no prism on the prism table, focus the telescope at in


3. While looking through the telescope, slide the eyepiece in and out until the cross
hairs come into sharp focus.

4. Check to see that the collimator slit is partially open. Adjust, if necessary.

5. View the collimator slit through the telescope. Focus the collimator (not the tele-
scope) until the slit comes into sharp focus.

6. Lock the telescope rotation lock screw. Use the telescope rotation
ne adjustment to align the vertical cross hair with the
xed edge of the slit.

Zeroing the Reference Angle

7. Loosen the table base lock screw and rotate the table so that the right window
vernier reads about 0o . Re-tighten the lock screw.

8. Using the magnifier and the table base fine adjust, set the vernier to read 0o 0’.

9. Mount the prism at the center of the prism table

Measuring the Apex angle

10. Place the prism on the turntable with its frosted side hard against the lamp and
rotate the table until the beam from the collimator is roughly bisected by the apex of
the prism.

Minimum Deviation Adjustment

11. If the prism is in exactly the right orientation to provide the angle of minimum
deviation, the series of colored lines move to the right as a whole, whether you rotate
the table clockwise or counterclockwise. rotate the table until you are satis
ed that the orientation is where the lines bounce, or change direction.

12. Now view the lines through the telescope.

1. Rotate the prism back and forth slightly to

ne-tune the exact orientation that puts the lines at their extreme position.

2. Since the position of the prism for minimum deviation is a slowly varying func-
tion of the wavelength, it is not necessary to reset the minimum deviation for
each line (color). Once the prism is set, this orientation should not be changed
for the duration of the experiment.

3. Lightly tighten the prism holder.

Measuring δmin

13. Measure δmin for line in the mercury spectrum:

1. Loosen the telescope rotation lock screw and rotate the telescope so that its cross
hairs are near the
xed-edge side of the slit’s image.

2. Lightly tighten the telescope rotation lock screw.

3. Use the telescope

ne adjust knob to carefully align the cross hairs and the
xed- edge side of the slit’s image.


Table 1: Least count of the telescope.

Least count

50VSD = 49MSD
L.C = 1MSD − 1VSD
= 1MSD − MSD
L.C = 0.01o

1. Calculation of angle of prism

V1 − V2
φ =
2φ = 250.75 − 131.4
φ = 59.425o

2. Calculation of refractive index for Various colours

Without prism

δ1 = 195.6 − 24/60 0
δ1 = 196.0o

1. Red spectrum

MSR = 157.5o
VSR = 20cm
δr = 157.5 +
δr = 157.8
δmin = δ1 − δr
= 196o − 157.8o
= 38.2o

o o
sin 59.4 +38.2

nr =
sin( 29.7
nr = 1.518

2. Yellow spectrum

MSR = 157.4o
VSR = 13cm
δy = 157.4 +
δy = 157.617
δmin = δ1 − δy
= 196o − 157.617o
= 38.4o

o o
sin 59.4 +38.4

ny = 59.4
sin( 2 )
ny = 1.522

3. Orange spectrum

MSR = 157.5o
VSR = 16cm
δo = 157.5 +
δy = 157.617
δmin = δ1 − δo
= 196o − 157.7o
= 38.3o

o o
sin 59.4 +38.3

no =
sin( 59.4
no = 1.511

4. Green spectrum

MSR = 157o
VSR = 6cm
δg = 157 +
δg = 157.1
δmin = δ1 − δg
= 196o − 157.1o
= 38.9o

o o
sin 59.4 +38.9

ng = 59.4
sin( 2 )
ng = 1.53

5. Violet spectrum

MSR = 156.5o
VSR = 20cm
δv = 156.5 +
δv = 156.837
δmin = δ1 − δv
= 196o − 156.837o
= 39.2o

o o
sin 59.4 +39.2

nv =
sin( 59.4
nv = 1.53

Percentage error
Theoretical apex angle = 60o

Experimentally apex angle= 59.4o

60 − 59.4
%error = × 100
= 1%


Figure 5: Graph for n vs λ

1. The apex angle φ of the prism =59.4o

2. Refractive index (n) for the individual colors.

Table 2: Refractive index of various colors


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