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Versión A Actividad : 01

Nombre: Nelson
Apellidos: Muñoz Valdivieso


Este es un modelo de examen final muy similar al que tendrás que hacer presencialmente en el aula. Dispondrás en su
momento de un máximo de dos horas para toda la prueba y tendrás que hacerlo sin consultar ningún tipo de material. Los
ejercicios aquí tienen las soluciones al final excepto la parte de expresión escrita. Si lo deseas, envía esta parte a tu tutor
para que te la corrija.

El examen consta de TRES partes:

1ª parte: actividades de elección múltiple similar a las realizadas durante el curso. Debes marcar en negrita la respuesta
correcta. Solamente una opción es correcta..

2ª parte: ejercicio de comprensión lectora. Completa el texto con las palabras que faltan.

3ª parte: expresión escrita.


Marca en negrita la opción que le parezca más acertada. Sólo una es correcta. No debes marcar más de una.

1. Are they your brothers?

a) No, they are. c) Yes, they do. b) Yes, they´re. d) Yes, they are.

2. A: This is Mr. Allen, the new Manager.

B: Mr. Allen.

a) How you do? c) Excuse me,

b) Pleased to meet you, d) Good bye,

3. How are you?

a) I’m English. c) I’m a doctor.

b) Fine. d) Yes, I am.

4. Does your mother speak English?

a) Yes, she does. c) Yes, she speaks.

b) Yes, she is d) Yes, she speak.
5. My father's brother is my .

a) daughter c) uncle
b) aunt d) cousin

6. “ have a table for two, please?”

a) Would we b) Can you c) Can we d) We can

7. ‘We can go to the theatre bus and get off at Colon Square.’

b) on b) in c) by d) with

8. Where are the children now?

a) They are going to school b) They go to the school
c) They go to school d) They going to school

9. Customer: "I love these jumpers. Can I have this one, please?"
Shop assistant: "Certainly, madam."
Customer: " ?"
a) Can I pay on credit card b) Can I pay for credit card
c) Can I pay credit card d) Can I pay by credit card

10. Stefan and Robin are German

a) are they? b) they are?
c) they aren’t d) aren’t they?

11. A: ‘Where can I get a ?’

B: At the baker’s

a) pound of potatoes b) loaf of bread c) packet of sugar d) beef steak

12. When was he in Madrid?

a) He was there on April. c) He was last week.

b) He was there last month. d) He was next week.

13. Thank you so much. It’s very kind of you.

a) It’s welcome. c) It’s a pleasure.

b) No problems. d) It’s very well.

14. Tom’s house is than Jane’s

a) better b) more good c) gooder d) the gooder

15. Peter is at home,

a) is Peter? b) is he?
c) he isn’t? d) isn’t he?
16. ‘They are going to the supermarket. Tell what you need.’

a) they b) their c) them d) theirs

17. ‘Rob works as a supermarket assistant. Ask what she has to do.’

a) he b) him c) his d) her

En el siguiente diálogo, marca la respuesta que te parezca más acertada de las que se ofrecen para cada hueco.

A: Have you got a single room, please?

R: ______18
A: Oh, good.
R: ____19 nights?
A: Just for the weekend.
R: ______20 ?
A: William Morris

18. a) Yes b) Yes, we have c) We have d) Yes, we got

19. a) How much b) How c) Many d) How many

20. a) What’s your name? b) What’s your surname?

c) What’s your names? d) What name?


Lee el texto y marca la respuesta que te parezca más acertada de las que se ofrecen.


Are you a big person? Do you need a very large size? Do you like large sweaters and long jeans? Do you usually
spend a lot of money in expensive shops?

Come to Parlan Store, the best Clothing Department Store for the big in Manchester. We’re waiting for you at Penrose
Street, opposite the National Bank next to the library! Talk to Peter Parker or Mary Lane. We are open from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m. We have many different clothing and shoes. We have nice T-shirts and dresses for every lady. We also have
large shirts, blouses and the best prizes!!! And you can pay by credit card.

Remember the name: Parlan Store. Don’t forget: Parlan Store in Manchester, for happy big people.

1. Parlan Store is a

a) boutique. b) clothes shop. c) grocer’s shop. d) gift shop.

2. You can hear this text in

a) a conversation. b) the radio. c) a shop. d) an airport.

3. Peter and Mary are

a) teachers. b) shop assistants. d) customers. e) directors.

4. In Parlan Store, they don’t sell

a) boots.b) trousers. c) socks. d) birds.

5. The library is

a) on the left. b) opposite the bank.

c) not near Parlan Store. d) next to the bank.

6. Parlan Store sells

a) things only for thin people. b) things only for old ladies.
c) all kind of clothing in all sizes. d) small size clothes and shoes.


Llegas a un restaurante con tu pareja y tres niños. Completa el diálogo de acuerdo a las instrucciones entre

Waiter: Good evening. Can I help you, sir/madam?

(Pide una mesa para cinco)

Hello, Can i have a table for five please?

Waiter: Follow me, please.

You: (Pide que traigan el menú)
Please, can you bring me two Menus?

Here you are sir/madam.

What would you like for starter?

(Pides sopa para ti)

You: Well, i will like to order a chicken soup,please.

Waiter: And for you?

(Pide una ensalada de tomate para él o ella)

Can you bring for her a tomato salad,please?

Waiter: And for the children?

Your daughter: Rice with fish for me and spaghetti for my little sister.

Very well, madam.

Would you like somethig to drink?
Certainly. (Pide bebidas para todos) Bring me five strawberry smoothies please


Escribe unas 50-60 palabras sobre lo que sueles hacer los fines de semana: Cómo y dónde los pasas, con quién, qué
cosas te gusta hacer y no haces, etc.
I can say that I'm a pretty festive person, who likes to dance, go out with friends and spend
weekdays away from home, either at the beach, at a disco or on a trip. Usually my weekends are
based on partying and having a good time or in case I have a lot of college homework to focus on
and accomplish my tasks. On Sundays I work as a cell phone salesman at a place near my house.

Envía tus conclusiones a la tutoría.

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