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THE TEACHER’S ROLE IN STANDARDIZED  Just like when the teacher gave out the same
TESTING: situation through changing the subject/’s
I. These include: name, which this is not good and must be
a) Preparing students for the test avoided.
b) Administering the Test
c) Communicating test results to students and parents B. Administering the Test
d) Using the test result for planning  INCLUDES:
 Directions about how to set up the room and the
A. Preparing students for the test time allowed for each section should be followed
 FACTS: closely.
 Students who have good test-taking skills do better  Especially when you take your board exam,
on standardized tests than do those with poor beforehand the teachers/proctors are already
skills. there/present to check the room assignments,
the number of chairs and its distances, and
usually for the setup of the room, it will be
1. Familiarize students with a test’s formats and alphabetically arranged and is divided once it
provide practice opportunities for them to use comprises 30 people inside a classroom.
these formats.  For direction of the time, when you are about
 Test formats would include multiple choice, fish to take the board exam, there is a given
and feather types, true or false statements allotment for answering each part of the
(e.g. If statement 1 is true…, statement 2 is exam such as 15 minutes to read the
false), and all other kinds of tests. instructions, 15 minutes to write your names
and other information and after all is done,
2. Communicate a positive attitude toward
the 2-hour exam will start.
standardized tests and explain to students how
important it is for them to try their best. They can  If a script is provided, it should be word for word.
strive to get students to see the test as an  This only applies for high school and grade
opportunity to discover how much they have school students but as for college students,
learned rather than as a burden. they are given the time to read it on their
 Especially when the student is taking his/her own.
board exams, anxieties and all emotions are felt
that’s why the teacher/lecturer will be there to  Guidelines are provided for reducing the test
help the student to have a positive feedback/ anxiety often experienced by students.
motivation.  Because usually when taking the exam,
students get scared and are left disconnected
 GUIDELINES FOR PRACTICES TEACHERS SHOULD in the middle of the exam, so the teachers
AVOID IN PREPARING STUDENTS FOR A TEST: are giving out guidelines before it and
(In preparing a test, drills are done and these motivation to ease the students’ anxiety and
things are what the teacher must avoid doing) emotions felt upon taking it.

1. Focusing instruction only on the task or item D. Using Test Results

format used on the test.  Standardized tests also provide information that is
2. Using examples during instruction that are helpful in diagnosis and curriculum planning.
identical to test items or tasks.  For example:
3. Giving students practice taking actual test items.  In a certain topic in the comprehensive
(the most important) exam, most students got low on that part, so
 For example, if you’re going to have a by the next curriculum the teacher must plan
comprehensive exam/ final exam, the out on how both classroom discussion and
teacher must not focus on the questions instruction can be better for the next
alone that are included/ similar in the exam students.
paper itself, although the test/ exam must  Especially for students who took an exam,
have the same format as the practice tests, it we have two things to consider:
still needs to be a different question because  If a few students have low scores on the
the teacher is testing the student’s test- test, teachers may wish to explore why
taking skills or the strategies and how to and to consider instructional or

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curriculum adaptations for particular A TEACHER’S CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT
students. PROGRAM
 E.g. In a special test for neurological
condition, where the students Three Important Purposes of Teacher’s Assessment
couldn’t understand well on how to
1. Assessment FOR LEARNING
assess a cranial nerve test because
2. Assessment AS LEARNING
they were able to get low
3. Assessment OF LEARNING
marks/grades on their return
demonstration or in their
I. Assessments for learning
examination. So if a few students
 Also called Formative Assessment.
were able to have such low scores,
 These assessments are used to diagnose students’
(out of 30 there were 10 of them who
prior knowledge and interests, to monitor their
got the low grades), the teacher will
learning, and to provide feedback information.
think of other ways to explain the
 It talks about Diagnosing Prior Knowledge of
discussion better to those 10 students
but he/she should be discussing it
with everyone in the class. CONSIDER:
 Like on a part in the exam, if they  Monitoring Learning
weren’t able to understand it, the  Providing Corrective Feedback
teacher must give out another set of  Assess Frequently- “or assess the knowledge of
examples for those who have poor or the student frequently.”
low comprehension/ thinking skills.
 On the other hand, if a large proportion of  Differentiate instruction for specific students or to
students consistently scores poorly on a tailor instruction for a particular classroom group.
section of the test, it is likely that this  “Example: In section A, B, and C, in assessing the
content is not being taught thoroughly or is prior knowledge of the student. This will help you
sequenced inappropriately. know the things that are lacking in this section
 Let’s say out of 30 students, only 5 and you will know the instructions that are
have passed, so at this point there needed to be tailored in this section. The teacher
should be a review on the content and could adapt on what knowledge to teach a specific
on how it should be instructed because section.”
it must be changed since not
everybody was able to understand or EXAMPLE: (How will you diagnose the knowledge of your students?)
maybe the teacher wasn’t able to  Teachers can observe students closely as they
teach that topic well that’s why it approach a particular task and get some sense
resulted to students having low scores. about how difficult or easy it is for them.
 Listening carefully to students and by asking
probing questions.
 Especially in asking questions, some students
wouldn’t understand or would tend to overthink
the topic given with their straying questions.
 Teacher and student questions are a major
means of ascertaining student understanding.
 If the student/ teacher is asking a question, the
teacher must be keen upon listening on these
 Verbal responses help teachers decide whether to
move forward with the lesson or to back up and
review. Nonverbal responses such as frowns,
head nodding, puzzled looks, and the like also
provide hints about how well students understand
a topic.
Some teachers have found that interviewing students
in small groups can be a good way to gather the diagnostic

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information needed.  Make feedback specific and nonjudgmental.
 Identify the mistakes and misconceptions and follow
IA. MONITORING LEARNING with instruction on how to improve.
 Some examples of Informal response techniques that a  Don’t confine feedback to mistakes; confirm what is
teacher can use in collecting information from students correct.
as the lesson is progressing. (Specifically, for younger  If the teacher noticed a mistake, he/she must
population): correct the student right away.
 Provide feedback that is understandable and
1. Whiteboards developmentally appropriate.
 To use this response technique, the teacher provides  This doesn’t require the teacher to use highfalutin
each student with a small (8” X 12”) whiteboard or examples instead simple ones to make the
chalkboard. students understand it better.
 During the lesson, the teacher can stop and ask
students a question that can be answered in a phrase IC. ASSESS FREQUENTLY
or a few words.  Most of the researchers recommend that five to ten
 The teacher can then scan students’ responses to see assessments should be given over a unit of study and
if students understand the main ideas of the lesson at least two or three weeklies for each particular
or if they are confused. Obviously, if students are subject.
confused further instruction is required.  Remember to repeat and repeat so that the
information retains.
2. Traffic lights
 The teacher gives each student three cones or cups II. Assessment as Learning
(one green, one yellow, one red) and has them stack  Involves information collected by students
them on their desks, with the green cup on top. themselves and/or their peers about their own
 At a particular point in the lesson, the teacher can learning.
stop and check for levels of students’ understanding.  You may remember times when you were in school
If students have a good understanding, they display and the teacher had you exchange a test with a
their green cones or cups. neighbor for the purpose of checking correct
 Partial understanding requires showing a yellow cone answers.
or cup.
 Red indicates confusion. TWO TYPES OF ASSESSMENT AS
 Some teachers teach their students to display an LEARNING
appropriate cone independently as the lesson
 Corrective feedback provides students with
Learning Logs Preflight Checklist
information about how well they are doing. KWL Two Stars & A Wish
 Biofeedback Techniques are available to help students
monitor their own physical reactions to stress and
certain types of exertion.
EFFECTIVENESS OF FEEDBACK:  Help students become independent and self-
 Provide feedback that focuses directly on the learning regulated learners
task.  Help accomplish this goal by encouraging students
 If the student doesn’t know the 6MWT, teacher to be involved in identifying and clarifying their
must demonstrate or discuss on how it must be own learning goals, monitoring their progress
performed. toward achieving those goals, and making
 Make feedback as immediate as possible. adjustments, if needed.
 If the teacher was able to easily understand the
student’s question he/she must answer it SAMPLE OF SOME STRATEGIES:
immediately. 1. Learning Logs
 If the teacher was able to finish the lesson first,  The learning log is a strategy to help students
then she can respond immediately to the student’s consider their learning goals and monitor their
question as long as it won’t take long that much. progress.

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 Teachers have students keep a log and make but as a self-assessment strategy for helping students
entries on a regular basis. obtain information about their learning.
 Sometimes teachers ask students to divide the
learning log into two columns. 1. Preflight Checklist
 In one column, students describe the learning task  The preflight checklist technique is a way to get
or activity they are involved in and the goals for students to do this checking with a partner.
the lesson.  Teacher provide students with a checklist that
 In the other column, they record what they have shows required components and criteria for a
learned, the problems they have had, and particular assignment.
reflections on their learning.  Students then exchange papers (products) with a
peer and compare the peer’s work against the
required components.
 For example: Mia and Janelle have a cranial nerve
 How can you best describe the learning activity you
testing. They were assigned to write about the
just completed and what do you think was the
assessment of the CN 3 and the teacher’s instruction
purpose of the activity?
was to write it word by word. Janelle was checking
 What were your most successful responses or actions
Mia’s paper and noticed that some words were
in regard to the activity and what made them
missing then Janelle returned the paper to Mia for
her to add the missing words and vice versa.
 What errors did you make or do incorrectly as you
 If a component is missing, it is returned for revision.
completed the activity and why do you think this
 Peers must sign off on the checklist before the paper
or the product can be handed in to the teacher.
 What would you do differently when doing a similar
kind of learning activity in the future?
2. Two Stars and a Wish
2. KWL  This is another strategy where students exchange
their work and provide feedback.
 Develop to help students assess their prior
 After the exchange, each student reviews his or her
knowledge before an instructional activity and to
partner’s work and identified two strengths (stars)
reflect about what they have learned after the
and one area that needs improvement (wish).
 For example: Mia will give her work to Janelle and
THREE QUESTIONS GUIDE THE KWL STRATEGY: she noticed that Mia’s work was lacking she gave
1. What do I think I know? Mia 2 strengths or stars of comments and give 1
2. What do I want to know? area of improvement and vice versa.
3. What have I learned?  Then they will discuss the stars and wished with
each other and sometimes with another pair.


 Teachers must also devote considerable time and
energy to assessing student achievement,
determining grades, and reporting progress.
 This is true with the student’s prelim, midterm
and end term grades

 Many students perform academic work for
grades, and they expect their work to be
evaluated fairly.
 The larger society has assigned the job of making
judgments about student achievement and
IIB. PEER ASSESSMENT capabilities to teachers.
 You may remember times when you were in school
and the teacher had you exchange a test with a
neighbor for the purpose of checking correct
answers. Today, this type of activity is likely to be
used not for the purpose of saving the teacher time,

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