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Black Death:

A epidemic that became cause for the death of the nearly one-third of the
population of Europe, this disaster had been occurred at the time of the 14th century
nearly (1346-1353). We can say that was a really a great disaster that led to the
death of many people and also the animals. The life became very miserable and the
people were dying like leaves drop from the tree’s that made a evil sign to every
one and all of them are thinking about what was the cause of this epidemic that
lead to the death of many human lives and made their family put into the miserable
conditions. As at those medieval ages there is a lack of science and technology that
we have now in this growing or emerging world. Many of them used to listen to
the head i.e. higher authority people and make them as a conclusion in the same
way at that critical situation many of them didn’t thought about the root cause of
the epidemic rather than they were thinking that this a very huge disaster than the
earthquakes, cyclones because this were will occur only at the certain period of
time but the epidemic is spreading like anything and that made a lot of worries in
the human kind and they thought that this could be due to the god’s anger as a
humans we did many mistakes and sins that had been overdosed and this lead to
the anger of the god, that lead to the punishment of the human kind. So the people
thought that to escape from this the only way is to satisfy the god so that he will
forgive us from this epidemic so they started to trouble the jews and they decide
that to win the god the only way is to give the lives of human being so they started
to kill the jews brutally to save themselves from this some people have died due to
this foolish act that put forward by the people at that time. But there was no use of
this as the disease is spreading from person to person and also to the animals. This
was the main drawback or we can say the foolishness because the actual disease
was spread from the flues and the bats if they would have recognized this at that
time it would be helpful because without knowing the root cause no one can solve
the problem because they were in the wrong perspective and moved the solution
for the problem from one side to another.

What exactly is Black Death?

Black Death is a plague which wreaked havoc across Europe and Asia in the mid-
14th century. It took the lives of many people across Europe and Asia. It took place
in the time period of 1347-51. The disease behind the black plague is called
Bubonic Plague. The cause of this plague is bacterium that goes by the name
Yersinia Pestis. It is said to also cause septicemic or pneumonic plague. The death
count of black plague ranges from 75 million people to around 200 million people.
It was the second plague recorded after Plague of Justinian which took place in the
time period of 542-546.

It is most likely originated from Central or Eastern Asia in 1346. It is said to be

travelled across silk road, the most prestigious trade route at that time and reached
Crimea by 1347. It was then mostly carried by fleas which infested dead rats. The
Black Death was in enormous part spread by human fleas – which cause
pneumonic plague – and the individual to-individual contact through mist
concentrates which pneumonic plague empowers, along these lines clarifying the
exceptionally quick inland spread of the pandemic, which was quicker than would
be normal if the essential vector was rat fleas causing bubonic plague.

The plague appeared in Europe in October 1347, when 12 boats from the Black
Sea docked at Messina's Sicilian port. People collected on the docks were met with
a disturbing stun: Most sailors on board the pontoons were dead, those still alive
were gravely debilitated and covered in dark bubbles up that flooded blood and
sickening release. Sicilian experts hastily mentioned the naval force of "death
ships" out of the harbor; anyway it was past the final turning point: More than 100
million Europeans passed on because of Black Death.

It is estimated to have killed more than 30 to 60 percent of the population the

European continent. It reduced the then estimated world population from 475
million to around 350-375 million. The resultant shortage of labor resulted in a
heavy increase of daily wages and played a huge role in the world economic
situation. And as the time period of 13th century and the early 14th century was
plagued with war and famine mainly due to the Mongol conquest of China, Black
Death caused more damage to the economy than it naturally should.

In this paper, we are going to discuss the overall impact Black Death had on the
world mainly economically.
Black Death had made a great impact on the people in various sectors, now we
stick our topic with the economy sector as there is a great and adverse impact in
this sector. This made effects on the human population in the affected areas at the
time of 1348-1350 as there was drastic decrease in the population as there were
more deaths occurred due to this, and roughly there were one-third of the Europe
population was lost due to this pandemic.

The pandemic made the life of the people miserable, at that time there was the
monarchy rules as the peasants (daily labors, farmers) who rely on the daily wages
that would generated when they do the work in the fields of the landlords and make
their life somewhat easier to live. But this pandemic made their opportunity loss
and this lead to the bad situation for them.

At the time of the 14th century i.e. 1348-1350 many of the Europeans where
thought that this plague emerged from the supernatural powers and that was due to
the god’s anger and this supernatural power had lead to this disaster this was the
believes of that people instead if they would think about that considering the
control of rat and making the hygiene etc.,. If they would have done this and made
some precautions this may be lead some of the decrease in the spread of the

Population growth:

At the time of the 14th century, this pandemic had killed many people in the
European countries. The actual flue was from the Asian continent as this was
spread to the Europe as there was trading of goods by the transport of seaways
(ships) the flue had started to spread from one person to other as no knows that the
plague is caused, later the spread was drastically increasing and no one could stop
that as the flu was actually from the bacteria from the rats, but that was not found
immediately when this occurred it took some time to find this source this lead to
the death of many of the people. This made the great decrease in population growth
that nearly the one-third of the European population was lost.

Restricting the wages:

As there was spread of the disease and many people are dying in this difficult
situations many of the lands that were owned by the landlords were kept empty
without doing any work in that fields for the cultivation of crops. This made to feel
sad for the landlords as there was no crops and money for them in spite of owning
acres of land, because there are no workers willing to do the work in their fields.

Some of the workers had approached to the landlords with a group of community
to do the work in the fields. The workers asked higher wages to do the work in the
fields as there was a risk involved in the work so the workers demanded for the
higher wages. That was a nice step by the peasants because the amount of money
generated will be higher when there is a risk in the work.

After the demand of the workers for the higher wages the landlords refused to give
the higher wages and they said that they would offer the wages that used to be
before the pandemic like 1346, 1347 as many of the rulers tried to make the wages
same as before so they made a rule (or) law at that time that made to force the
workers to take the wages before given. They made a law to the workers that the
age around 60-65 people should do the work. If they refuse the law the workers
would be fined and lead to the punishment which will be miserable.


There was scarcity in every aspect as the life was become very miserable for the
people at the difficult situation. The flu can be spread through the air as this
become more worse that every used to restrict themselves and stayed in their
places as the animals were outside and the disease was also from animals that lead
to the spread of this disease to many animals and that lead to the death of many of
the animals that also made difficult for the human to do the agriculture and some
works that had been done with the help of animals.

There were more lands and certainly there were only few workers to do the work
with their tools as they need to work for the many lands if they do any mistake that
may lead to the time waste and also to do the work double. So, the workers became
productive and they stared to work in manner where doing the work efficiently and
correctly for the first time, so that they can complete the work with efficiently in
lesser time.
The work was completing efficiently so the landlords are willing to pay higher
wages for the workers. Many of the landlords denied the law and paid higher
wages to the workers as there were few workers so in order to grab to do the work
in their fields there was no alternate option with the landlords.

Many of the workers know that there was need for the workers so they moved to
the different localities to meet the wages they are searching for and there was no
option with the land lords and they started to give the wages as much required that
made an impact on the urban areas.

The flu leads to the productive work and made the work output efficient and also
used the innovative techniques to meet up the challenges that were faced at that
time. That led to the profits for the workers and made their work easier but this
technique requires fewer workers that made a shortage for the need of the workers.

We can see in the graph that the wages were increasing rapidly corresponding
decrease in the population as there was the drastically decrease in the population
due to the deaths occurred due to the pandemic. The landlords are with no choice
but to give the wages as proposed by the workers.

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