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1.Method 1 :- Dim array(10) as single

Method 2 :- Dim array(0 To 9 ) as single

2. a. 11 Elements
b.The last element has an index of 10
3. True
4.a, A Dynamic array named kk
B, Redim kk(10)
C. Dim kk(10) As Single
Console.WriteLine("Enter The Number")
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(kk)

kk(i) = Console.ReadLine()

Next i

D. UBound(kk) Refers the upper bound of the array named “kk”

5. OutPut :- 11,23,34,49,56


This paper attempts to determine factors affecting loan repayment performance of Organization
for Women in Self Employment (WISE) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. WISE is a charity registered
with the Ministry of Justice since August 1997 which is a source of financial services to low
income individuals and small business that don't have access to banking and related service.
The ultimate objective of almost all microfinance institutions is to ensure poverty alleviation and
enhancing productivity endeavor, and client sustainability. Different microfinance organization
in Ethiopia shows Poor Loan repayment. Therefore, these papers will try to investigate the loan
repayment performance in Organization for WISE at Nfas silk sub city A.A. In order to achieve
this objective, primarily data were collected from 30 borrowers randomly selected which
currently exist in organization for WISE. This research is descriptive type and descriptive type of
research have three main types which are observational methods ,case study method and survey
method so for this study the researcher use survey method(a method used to collect information
from sample of individual) because the data collection tool to gather data from sample is
telephone interview. For the data analysis, the data collected through the telephone interview is
presented by descriptive statistics including Percentage and frequency.
Results of the study indicate loan size with its interest rate, political crises, Supervision, Lack of
competition and dependency of client work on government affects the loan repayment
performance but majorly loan size with its interest rate highly affects the loan repayment
performance. This shows loan size factors hinder respondents to repay their loan defaults.
Therefore, this harms the institution in lending and borrowing process.

The study suggests…..

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