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Lisa Reagan

TERG 3703


Attitude Inventory Analysis

An attitude inventory was administered to Kaliyah E. on February 4th, 2019. Kaliyah is 9

years old as of the beginning of January. She is in the third grade at Volney Rogers Elementary

School in Mrs. Bowers class. The informational form that was administered is called Reading

Interview written by Weaver and Wallis from Reading Process and Practice. Kaliyah seemed

very interested in the questions on the informational form. She was likely eager to provide this

information and discuss her reading habits.

Kaliyah seems to think that people are smart if they want to read. She stated that reading

is something that “you start when you’re little and you get smarter when you grow up.” It seems

that if Kaliyah comes to something she does not know when she is reading, she asks a friend or

teacher for help. If they do not know the word, then they try to sound the word out. It appears

that Kaliyah thinks that her older sister is a good reader, as she is the first person that came to

mind. She also mentioned that one of her friends are a good reader, along with her mom, step

dad, grandma, and her cousin. It appears that she thinks her sister is a good reader because she

buys a lot of books to read and she also discusses books on blogs with other readers. It seems

that Kaliyah does not think her sister comes across things that she does not know because she

knows a lot of words. Kaliyah thinks if her sister did come across a word that she did not know,

she would most likely ask her mom first. After this, she would ask her step dad, friend, or

If Kaliyah came across someone that was having trouble reading, she would most likely

“ask if they need help.” After this, she would see if she could sound out the words they are

struggling with and ask a teacher if she had to. It seems that Kaliyah believes her teacher would

help them by “helping them sound it out and give them hints to the word.” It appears that

Kaliyah learned how to read in second grade. She stated, “I was having trouble reading in school

and my mommy took away my toys at home for me to practice reading.” It also appears that

Kaliyah wishes that she was better at sounding out words to decode them when she is reading.

She said she wishes that she could have a superpower in which she could read anything. When

asked if she thought she was a good reader, she responded with “yes because my grades have

gone up a lot since last year.” It seems that Kaliyah’s mother encourages her to read to become a

better reader.

It seems that Kaliyah has a great schema of what reading it, since she knows that reading

can make you smarter and you can gain knowledge by reading. It’s great to know that she is

willing to ask her teacher and friends for help when she is stuck on a word instead of ignoring

the word as she reads. Though, it is potentially a concern that she asks someone what a word is

before she attempts to sound it out. It appears that Kaliyah has a lot of good readers to look up to

in her school life and home life. Kaliyah seems willing to help others that need help reading as

well, whether this means sounding it out or asking a teacher for help.

It appears that Kaliyah has a good attitude towards reading. It seems that she still

struggled to sound words out, considering that she wishes her had a superpower to where she

would be able to read anything without a problem. She thinks that she is a good reader, which is

important because she appears to have confidence in her reading ability. This information will

impact Kaliyah’s comprehension while reading instructional texts because the teacher will be
aware that she is willing to ask if she does not know a word. While reading instruction texts in

the classroom, it may be possible to select texts that are slightly above her reading level if she is

receiving some help from her teachers. This information can impact texts that the child reads

independently as she may need texts at her individual reading level. The attitude inventory was a

great informational form to gain insight on Kaliyah’s attitude about reading. It will help her

teachers understand her reading background more, as well as, who in her life she can look up to

as a good reader. It appears that she is determined to become a better reader and she has role

models in her life that may model fluency and comprehension strategies that could benefit her.

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