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Taller 1 Estadistica

Sergio Andrés Osorno Ospina


Gabriel Ovidio Clavijo Gañán

Universidad de San Buenaventura

Facultad de Ingeniería

Ingeniería de Sonido


9 de Junio de 2020
Solución taller

1.The relative frequency of a variable is:


c. dividing the sample size by the frequency of the class

2. The sum of all absolute frequencies will always equa:


b. The total sample size

3. A researcher is gathering data from four geographical areas designated: South = 1; North = 2; East
= 3; West = 4. The designated geographical regions represent


a. qualitative data.

4. The column frequency table showing the fraction or percentage of share value in the total sample
is called


b. relative frequency distribution.

5. The sum of the percent frequencies for all data will always equal:


d. 100.

6. The total number of data items with a value less than the upper limit for the class is given by the


c. cumulative frequency distribution

The numbers of hours worked (per week) by 400 students are shown below.

Number of hours Absolute Frequency fi

0-9 20
10 - 19 80
20 - 29 200
30 - 39 100

numbers of
hours worked
(per week)
Intervalos Xi fi Fi hi Hi
0-9 4,5 20 20 5% 5%
10,- 19 15 80 100 20% 25%
20 - 29 25 200 300 50% 75%
30 - 39 35 100 400 25% 100%

7. The number of students working 19 hours or less


b. is 100

8. The percentage of students working 19 hours or less is.


b. 25%

9. The cumulative percent frequency for the class


a. 100%

10. If a cumulative frequency distribution is developed for the above data, the last class will have a
cumulative frequency of

b. 1

11. The number of students who work 29 hours or less is:


c. 300

12. In constructing a frequency distribution, as the number of classes are decreased, the class width

13. In a cumulative frequency distribution, the last class will always have a cumulative frequency
equal to


c. the total number of elements in the data set

14. In a cumulative percent frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative percent
frequency equal to


b. 100


1. One hundred fifty Students from the faculty of administrative and accounting sciences were
asked by the area of greater acceptance. The following represents their responses (M =
Management; A = Accounting; E = Economics; O = Others).

a. construct a frequency distribution table

area of greater
Xi fi hi
M 36 24,0%
A 62 41,3%
E 34 22,7%
O 18 12,0%
b. construct a frequency histogram or bar graph

c. calculate and interpret descriptive measures

Falta el punto c

2. Forty shoppers were asked if they preferred the weight of a can of soup to be 6 ounces, 8 ounces,
or 10 ounces. Below you are given their responses.

a. construct a frequency distribution table.

preferred the weight of a can of soup

Size fi Fi hi Hi
6 14 14 35,0% 35%
8 17 31 42,5% 78%
10 9 40 22,5% 100%
b. construct a frequency histogram or bar graph.

c. construct the frequency polygon and ogive.

d. calculate and interpret descriptive measures.

3. A sample of 50 TV viewers were asked, "Should TV sponsors pull their sponsorship from programs
that draw numerous viewer complaints?" Below are the results of the survey. (Y = Yes; N = No; W =
Without Opinion)

a. construct a frequency distribution table

Should TV sponsors pull their sponsorship

from programs that draw numerous viewer
Indicador fi hi
Y = Yes 15 30,0%
N = No 24 48,0%
W = Without 11 22,0%

b. construct a frequency histogram or bar graph

c. calculate and interpret descriptive measures

The frequency distribution below was constructed from data collected from a group of 250 students.

a. construct a frequency distribution table

XX of students
Intervalos Xi fi Fi hi Hi
58 – 62 60 30 30 12% 12%
62 – 66 64 52 52 21% 33%
66 – 70 68 116 116 46% 79%
70 – 74 72 46 46 18% 98%
74 – 78 76 4 4 2% 99%
78 – 92 85 2 2 1% 100%
n=250 100%

b. construct a frequency histogram or bar graph

c. construct the frequency polygon and ogive

d. calculate and interpret descriptive measures

5. Una de las preguntas de un cuestionario está diseñada y codificada de la siguiente forma: Su

vivienda es: 1 ____ propia sin deuda2 ____ propia hipotecada 3 ____ en amortización 4 ____
arrendada 5____ prestada

a. Construya una tabla de frecuencia

Tipo de casa
fi hi
1 propia sin deuda 3 7,5%
2 propia hipotecada 5 12,5%
3 en amortización 16 40,0%
4 arrendada 14 35,0%
5 prestada 2 5,0%
n=40 100,0%

b. ¿Cuántas personas encuestadas tienen vivienda arrendada?


14 personas

c. ¿Qué porcentaje de personas tenían vivienda en amortización?


40 %

d. Una persona posee vivienda si señala uno de los códigos 1, 2 ó 3. ¿Qué porcentaje de personas
posee vivienda?


60 %

e. Efectúe un grafico de barras

f. Halle e interprete las medidas descriptivas


6. El cociente de inteligencia CI de un grupo de estudiantes de quinto grado es el siguiente:

a. Halle el dato mínimo y el dato máximo


Dato mínimo: 86

Dato máximo: 125

b. Calcule el rango


Rango= 125-86 = 39

c. Halle la amplitud para una agrupación de este conjunto de datos en 8 intervalos


I= 1 + 3,3 log (200)= 8,59

Amplitud = R/I = 39/8

A= 4,8 se Aproxima a 5

Rango ampliado = I*A = 8*5 = 40

Nuevo dato mínimo es 86-1 = 85

d. Construya la tabla de distribución de frecuencias

Tabla de distribución de frecuencias

Intervalo Xi fi hi Hi
85- 90 87,5 7 7 3,50% 3,50%
90- 95 9,5 11 18 5,50% 9,00%
95-100 97,5 27 45 13,50% 22,50%
100-105 102,5 40 85 20,00% 42,50%
105-110 107,5 48 133 24,00% 66,50%
110- 115 112,5 37 170 18,50% 85,00%
115- 120 117,5 20 190 10,00% 95,00%
120- 225 122,5 10 200 5,00% 100,00%

c. ¿Cuál es el CI más frecuente entre los estudiantes?


El coeficiente del intervalo entre el rango de clase 107,5

d. ¿Cuántos estudiantes tienen un CI superior 102 puntos?


155 Estudiantes

e. ¿Qué porcentaje de estudiantes tienen un CI bajo? (suponga inferior o igual a 101)


El 42,5 de los estudiantes aproximadamente

f. ¿Cuántos estudiantes han obtenido a lo sumo un puntaje de 121 puntos?


3 estudiantes

g. ¿Qué porcentaje representa la cantidad de estudiantes que ha obtenido como mínimo un

porcentaje de 97 puntos?


El 91 % de los estudiantes
h. efectúe el histograma de frecuencias, el polígono de frecuencias y la ojiva.

i. Calcule e interprete las medidas descriptivas

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