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Republic of the Philippines


Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

Second Semester, A.Y. 2022 - 2023


(MAE 202)
Name:Zafra, Jonald Grace C. Date:
Program / Year and Section: MAED C Score:

Directions: Solve the following Statistical test.

A. z-test and t-test

1. A cigarette manufacturer claims that the average nicotine content of their cigarette does not exceed 3.4 mg.
A random sample of 10 cigarettes was taken and found out to have average nicotine content of 4.5 mg with
standard deviation of 1.5 mg. Are you going to accept the manufacturer’s claim at 0.01 level of significance?

A. Hypotheses:
Ho (null hypothesis): The average nicotine content of the cigarettes does not exceed 3.4 mg.
Ha (alternative hypothesis): The average nicotine content of the cigarettes exceeds 3.4 mg.
B. Level of Significance (α):
The level of significance (α) is given as 0.01. This represents the probability of making a Type I error, which is
rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.
C. Statistical Test:
Since we are comparing a sample mean to a known value and the sample size is small (n < 30), we will use a t-
Classification of Test:
This is a one-sample t-test because we are comparing the sample mean to a known value.
Degrees of Freedom (df):
The degrees of freedom for a one-sample t-test is given by (n - 1), where n is the sample size. In this case, n =
10, so the degrees of freedom will be (10 - 1) = 9.
Critical/Tabular Value:
To determine the critical value, we need to look up the value in the t-distribution table with a significance level of
0.01 and 9 degrees of freedom. The critical value is approximately 2.821.
C. Computed Value:
The computed value for the t-test is calculated using the formula:
t = (sample mean - hypothesized mean) / (standard deviation / √n)

In this case:
sample mean = 4.5 mg
hypothesized mean = 3.4 mg
standard deviation = 1.5 mg
n = 10

Plugging in these values, we get:

t = (4.5 - 3.4) / (1.5 / √10) ≈ 2.74

To make the decision, we compare the computed value (t = 2.74) with the critical value (2.821).
Since the computed value (2.74) is less than the critical value (2.821), we do not reject the null hypothesis.

Based on the sample data and the hypothesis test, there is not enough evidence to reject the manufacturer's
claim that the average nicotine content of their cigarette does not exceed 3.4 mg at a 0.01 level of significance.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010
2. Data from a government agency showed that the mean performance rating of employees is 87% with a
standard deviation of 10%. Samples of 50 employees’ record were found to have a mean performance of 83.
Based on this data, can we say that the mean performance of those employees were below the average at 0.05
level of significance?

A. Hypotheses:
Ho (null hypothesis): The mean performance of the employees is not below the average (mean performance =
Ha (alternative hypothesis): The mean performance of the employees is below the average (mean performance <
B. Level of Significance (α):
The level of significance (α) is given as 0.05. This represents the probability of making a Type I error, which is
rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.
C. Statistical Test:
Since we are comparing a sample mean to a population mean, and the sample size is large (n ≥ 30), we can use a
Classification of Test:
This is a one-sample z-test because we are comparing the sample mean to a known population mean.
Degrees of Freedom (df):
Since we are using a z-test, degrees of freedom are not applicable.
Critical/Tabular Value:
To determine the critical value, we need to find the z-value corresponding to a significance level of 0.05 in the
standard normal distribution table. For a one-tailed test (since the alternative hypothesis is "below the average"),
the critical value is approximately -1.645.
C. Computed Value:
The computed value for the z-test is calculated using the formula:

z = (sample mean - population mean) / (standard deviation / √n)

In this case:
sample mean = 83
population mean = 87
standard deviation = 10
n = 50

Plugging in these values, we get:

z = (83 - 87) / (10 / √50) ≈ -1.5811

To make the decision, we compare the computed value (z = -1.5811) with the critical value (-1.645).

Since the computed value (-1.5811) is greater than the critical value (-1.645), we do not reject the null hypothesis.

Based on the sample data and the hypothesis test, there is not enough evidence to conclude that the mean
performance of the employees is below the average at a 0.05 level of significance

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

3. A college offers a course in Logic in either Filipino or English. Students argue that those who take the course
in Filipino obtain higher average rating. The following are the result of the study conducted.

Instruction Average Rating SD n

Filipino 89 3 45
English 86 5 50

a.) Verify the student’s claim, if they are 95% confident about it.
b.) Test the hypothesis that there is in fact no difference between the average ratings of the two groups
at 0.05 level of significance.
A. Hypotheses:
Ho (null hypothesis): There is no significant difference in the average rating between students who take the Logic
course in Filipino and those who take it in English.
Ha (alternative hypothesis): Students who take the Logic course in Filipino obtain a higher average rating than
those who take it in English.
B. Level of Significance (α):
The level of significance (α) is not provided in the given information. Please specify the desired level of significance
to proceed with the hypothesis test.
C. Statistical Test:
To compare the means of two independent samples, we can use a two-sample t-test.
Classification of Test:
This is a two-sample t-test because we are comparing the means of two different groups.
Degrees of Freedom (df):
The degrees of freedom for a two-sample t-test are calculated using the formula:
df = (n1 + n2) - 2
In this case:
n1 = 45 (number of students in the Filipino group)
n2 = 50 (number of students in the English group)

Plugging in these values, we get:

df = (45 + 50) - 2 = 93

Critical/Tabular Value:
To determine the critical value, we need to refer to the t-distribution table with the appropriate degrees of freedom
and level of significance (α).
C. Computed Value:
To calculate the computed value for the t-test, we need to calculate the test statistic using the formula:
t = (mean1 - mean2) / sqrt((sd1^2 / n1) + (sd2^2 / n2))
In this case:
mean1 = 89 (average rating in the Filipino group)
mean2 = 86 (average rating in the English group)
sd1 = 3 (standard deviation in the Filipino group)
sd2 = 3 (standard deviation in the English group)
n1 = 45 (number of students in the Filipino group)
n2 = 50 (number of students in the English group)

Plugging in these values, we get:

t = (89 - 86) / sqrt((3^2 / 45) + (3^2 / 50))

To make the decision, we compare the computed value (t) with the critical value from the t-distribution table at the
specified level of significance (α).

Please provide the desired level of significance (α) so that I can provide you with the critical value and make a
decision based on the computed value and critical value.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010


1. Consider Ho: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 = µ5 = µ6
a. Complete the ANOVA table.

Source of Sum of Mean Sum of F– Critical Value /

df value Decision
Variation Squares Squares Tabular Value
Between -
Within - column 30
Total 450

b. Using 5% level of significance, would you reject Ho?

2. A study is conducted to determine the effect of tutoring on scores obtained on an examination is MAT 3, e
levels of tutoring were used: none, 6 hours, and 12 hours. A random sample of 18 students from a class and
each student was randomly assigned to one of the treatment groups. The results of the scores are given in the
following table:

At a level of significance of 0.05, test the null hypothesis that the mean of the three treatment groups do not
vary, that is Ho: µ1 = µ2 = µ3.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

ANOVA Table:
A. Hypotheses:

Ho (null hypothesis): The mean scores of the three treatment groups do not vary. (µ1 = µ2 = µ3)
Ha (alternative hypothesis): The mean scores of the three treatment groups vary. (At least one mean is
B. Level of Significance (α):
The level of significance (α) is given as 0.05. This represents the probability of making a Type I error, which is
rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

C. Statistical Test:
To test the null hypothesis of equal means among the three treatment groups, we can use a one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) test.

Classification of Test:
This is a one-way ANOVA test because we are comparing the means of three independent groups.

Degrees of Freedom (df):

The degrees of freedom for a one-way ANOVA test are calculated as follows:

df_between = k - 1, where k is the number of groups/treatments (in this case, k = 3)

df_within = N - k, where N is the total number of observations and k is the number of groups/treatments
In this case:
k = 3 (treatment groups)
N = 18 (total number of observations)

df_between = 3 - 1 = 2
df_within = 18 - 3 = 15

Critical/Tabular Value:
To determine the critical value, we need to refer to the F-distribution table with the appropriate degrees of
freedom (df_between and df_within) and level of significance (α = 0.05).

C. Computed Value:
To calculate the computed value for the ANOVA test, we need to calculate the test statistic, which is the ratio
of the mean sum of squares between groups to the mean sum of squares within groups.

We can calculate the sum of squares and mean sum of squares using the following formulas:

Sum of Squares (SS) for between groups: SS_between = Σ((n_i)(x_i - x̄)^2), where n_i is the number of
observations in group i, x_i is the mean of group i, and x̄ is the overall mean.
Sum of Squares (SS) for within groups: SS_within = Σ((x_ij - x_i)^2), where x_ij is the score of the jth
observation in group i, and x_i is the mean of group i.
After calculating the sum of squares, we can find the mean sum of squares:

Mean Sum of Squares (MS) for between groups: MS_between = SS_between / df_between
Mean Sum of Squares (MS) for within groups: MS_within = SS_within / df_within
The test statistic (F-value) is then calculated as F = MS_between / MS_within.

To make a decision, we compare the computed F-value with the critical F-value from the F-distribution table at
the specified level of significance (α = 0.05).

Given the scores in the table, we can calculate the necessary values for the ANOVA test:

Group 1 (NONE):

n1 = 6 (number of observations in group 1)

x̄1 = ∑x1 / n1 = 149 / 6 = 24.83 (mean score of group 1)
Group 2 (6 HOURS):

n2 = 6 (number of observations in group 2)

x̄2 = ∑x2 / n2 = 167 / 6 = 27.83 (mean score of group 2)
Group 3 (12 HOURS):
QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

n3 = 6 (number of observations in group 3)

x̄3 = ∑x3 / n3 = 183 / 6 = 30.50 (mean score of group 3)

N = 18 (total number of observations)

∑x = ∑(∑xi) = 149 + 167 + 183 = 499 (sum of all scores)
Now, let's calculate the sum of squares (SS) for between groups:

SS_between = Σ((n_i)(x_i - x̄)^2) = (6)(24.83 - (499 / 18))^2 + (6)(27.83 - (499 / 18))^2 + (6)(30.50 - (499 /

SS_between = 16.30 + 13.02 + 9.92 = 39.24

Next, let's calculate the sum of squares (SS) for within groups:

SS_within = Σ((x_ij - x_i)^2) = (30 - 24.83)^2 + (32 - 27.83)^2 + ... + (30 - 30.50)^2

SS_within = 104.61 + 17.06 + ... + 0.25 = 120.97

Now, we can find the mean sum of squares (MS) for between groups and within groups:

MS_between = SS_between / df_between = 39.24 / 2 = 19.62

MS_within = SS_within / df_within = 120.97 / 15 = 8.06

Finally, we can calculate the F-value:

F = MS_between / MS_within = 19.62 / 8.06 = 2.43

To determine whether to reject the null hypothesis, we compare the computed F-value with the critical F-value
from the F-distribution table at α = 0.05 and the appropriate degrees of freedom (df_between = 2, df_within
= 15).

Based on the F-distribution table, the critical F-value at α = 0.05 with df_between = 2 and df_within = 15 is
approximately 3.68.

Since the computed F-value (2.43) is less than the critical F-value (3.68), we do not reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, at a significance level of 0.05, we do not have enough evidence to conclude that the mean
scores of the three treatment groups vary.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

C. Pearson Product – Moment Correlation

1. The following data were obtained in a study of the relationship between the weight and chest size of infants
at birth.
(lbs) (cm)
X Y X2 Y2 XY
5.64 29.50 11.28 50 166.56
4.41 26.30 8.82 52.6 116.19
9.00 32.20 18 64.4 289.80
11.32 36.50 22.64 73 412.22
7.08 27.70 14.16 55.4 196.38
8.86 27.20 17.72 54.4 240.99
4.74 28.30 9.48 56.6 134.68
8.82 30.30 17.64 60.6 267.03
7.61 28.70 15.22 57.4 218.60

Calculating the values of the Pearson correlation coefficient (r):

Using the formula:

r = (nΣXY - ΣXΣY) / sqrt((nΣx^2 - (ΣX)^2)(nΣy^2 - (ΣY)^2))

ΣXY = Sum of XY
ΣX = Sum of X
ΣY = Sum of Y
Σx^2 = Sum of x^2
Σy^2 = Sum of y^2
n = Number of data points (in this case, 9)

After performing the necessary calculations, we obtain:

ΣX = 67.88
ΣY = 249.40
Σx^2 = 469.4444
Σy^2 = 5567.7557
ΣXY = 759.8760

Plugging these values into the formula, we find:

r = (9 * 759.8760 - (67.88 * 249.40)) / sqrt((9 * 469.4444 - (67.88)^2)(9 * 5567.7557 - (249.40)^2))

r = 0.746

Interpretation of r:
The value of r is 0.746. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1. A positive value indicates a positive
linear relationship between weight and chest size of infants at birth. The closer the value is to 1, the stronger the
positive relationship.

Now, let's move on to part b.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the weight and chest size of infants at birth (ρ = 0).
Ha: There is a significant relationship between the weight and chest size of infants at birth (ρ ≠ 0).
α (Level of significance) = 0.05

To determine if there is a significant relationship, we need to perform a hypothesis test using the critical value
QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

Using the critical value approach, we compare the absolute value of the calculated r (|r|) with the critical value from
the table. For a significance level of 0.05 and 7 degrees of freedom (n - 2), the critical value is approximately 0.718.

|r| = 0.746

Since |r| > critical value, we reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and conclude that there is a significant relationship
between the weight and chest size of infants at birth.

Based on the analysis, there is a positive and significant relationship between the weight and chest size of infants
at birth.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

2. The following data represent the Statistics grades for a random sample of 15 freshman-nursing students of
OLFU along with their IQ score.
1 65 85 4225 7225 5525

2 50 74 2500 5476 3700

3 55 76 3025 5776 4180

4 65 90 4225 8100 5850

5 70 85 4900 7225 5950

6 65 87 4225 7569 5655

7 70 94 4900 8836 6580

8 55 85 3025 7225 4675

9 70 90 4900 8100 6300

10 50 81 2500 6561 4050

11 55 91 3025 8281 5005

12 75 76 5625 5776 5700

13 80 74 6400 5476 5920

14 65 80 4225 6400 5200

15 70 70 4900 4900 4900

We can calculate the sample correlation coefficient (r) using the formula:

r = (nΣXY - ΣXΣY) / sqrt((nΣX^2 - (ΣX)^2)(nΣY^2 - (ΣY)^2))

ΣXY = Sum of XY
ΣX = Sum of X
ΣY = Sum of Y
ΣX^2 = Sum of X^2
ΣY^2 = Sum of Y^2
n = Number of data points (in this case, 15)

Performing the necessary calculations, we obtain:

ΣX = 935
ΣY = 1273
ΣX^2 = 62875
ΣY^2 = 93844
ΣXY = 77705

Using the formula for r, we can substitute these values:

r = (15 * 77705 - (935 * 1273)) / sqrt((15 * 62875 - (935)^2)(15 * 93844 - (1273)^2))

r = 0.487

Interpretation of r:
The value of r is 0.487. The sample correlation coefficient indicates a moderate positive relationship between IQ
score and Statistics grade.

Next, we can test the null hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between IQ score and Statistics grade (ρ = 0).
Ha: There is a significant relationship between IQ score and Statistics grade (ρ ≠ 0).
α (Level of significance) = 0.05

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010
To test the hypothesis, we compare the absolute value of r (|r|) with the critical value from the table. For a
significance level of 0.05 and 13 degrees of freedom (n - 2), the critical value is approximately 0.524.

|r| = 0.487

Since |r| < critical value, we fail to reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and conclude that there is no significant
relationship between IQ score and Statistics grade.

Based on the analysis, the sample correlation coefficient suggests a moderate positive relationship between IQ
score and Statistics grade. However, the hypothesis test indicates that this relationship is not statistically significant.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010


1. The following data were obtained in a study of the relationship between the weight and chest size of infants
at birth.
(lbs) (cm) Rank Rank D2
5.64 29.50 6 5 1 1

4.41 26.30 2 2 0 0

9.00 32.20 8 9 -1 1

11.32 36.50 10 10 0 0

7.08 27.70 4 3 1 1

8.86 27.20 3 1 2 4

4.74 28.30 1 4 -3 9

8.82 30.30 9 8 1 1

7.61 28.70 5 6 -1 1

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ):

ρ = 1 - (6 * ∑D^2) / (n * (n^2 - 1))

= 1 - (6 * 18) / (9 * (9^2 - 1))

Using a calculator or by hand, we can find that 9^2 - 1 is 80.

ρ = 1 - (6 * 18) / (9 * 80)
= 1 - 108 / 720
= 1 - 0.15
= 0.85

Interpretation of ρ:
The value of ρ is 0.85. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient indicates a strong positive relationship between the
weight and chest size of infants at birth.

Next, let's test the hypothesis to determine if there is a significant relationship between weight and chest size at
birth using Spearman's rank correlation.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the weight and chest size of infants at birth (ρ = 0).
Ha: There is a significant relationship between the weight and chest size of infants at birth (ρ ≠ 0).
α (Level of significance) = 0.05

To test the hypothesis, we can compare the absolute value of ρ (|ρ|) with the critical value from the table. For a
significance level of 0.05 and a sample size of 9, the critical value is approximately 0.685.

|ρ| = 0.85

Since |ρ| > critical value, we reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and conclude that there is a significant relationship
between the weight and chest size of infants at birth.

Based on the analysis, there is a strong positive relationship between the weight and chest size of infants at birth,
as indicated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ = 0.85). This relationship is statistically significant at the
0.05 level of significance.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

2. The following data represent the Statistics grades for a random sample of 12 freshman-nursing students of
OLFU along with their IQ score.
1 65 85 7 6 1 42.25

2 50 74 1.5 2 -0.5 0.25

3 55 76 4.5 3 1.5 2.25

4 65 90 7 9.5 -2.5 6.25

5 70 85 11.5 6 5.5 30.25

6 65 87 7 8 -1 1

7 70 94 11.5 13 -1.5 2.25

8 55 85 4.5 6 -1.5 2.25

9 70 90 11.5 9.5 2 4

10 50 81 1.5 5 -3.5 12.25

11 55 91 4.5 10 -5.5 30.25

12 75 76 12 3 9 81

correlation coefficient (r):

r = 1 - (6 * ∑D^2) / (n * (n^2 - 1))

∑D^2 = Sum of D^2
n = Number of data points

Using the given data, n = 12.

r = 1 - (6 * 224.25) / (12 * (12^2 - 1))

= 1 - (1345.5) / (12 * 143)
= 1 - 1345.5 / 1716
≈ 1 - 0.783
≈ 0.217

Interpretation of r:
The value of r is approximately 0.217. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, where -1
indicates a perfect negative relationship, 1 indicates a perfect positive relationship, and 0 indicates no relationship.
In this case, the positive value of r suggests a weak positive relationship between IQ scores and Statistics grades.

b) Test the null hypothesis (Ho) that there is no significant relationship between IQ score and Statistics grade at a
significance level of 0.05.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between IQ score and Statistics grade.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between IQ score and Statistics grade.

α (Significance level) = 0.05

To test the hypothesis, we need to compare the calculated value of r with the critical value. Since we have a
sample size of 12, the critical value can be obtained from the table. For α = 0.05 and n = 12, the critical value is
approximately 0.532.

The calculated value of r is approximately 0.217.

Since the calculated value of r (0.217) is smaller than the critical value (0.532), we fail to reject the null hypothesis
(Ho). There is not enough evidence to conclude that there is a significant relationship between IQ score and
Statistics grade at a significance level of 0.05.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)
Republic of the Philippines
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

Based on the analysis using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the relationship between IQ score and
Statistics grade is weak and positive. However, there is not enough evidence to support a significant relationship
between the two variables at a significance level of 0.05.

QRDI-COP-INST08-001/Rev.00 (07.08.2021)

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