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4) Any comment and/or recommendation about the KRA ?

Today technology is one of the most important and influential factors in education.
The use of computers or mobile phones is no stranger to an individual and is a complement
to one's lifestyle and includes educational practices. What I want to say and the
recommendation that I want to ask is about online education. Students and staff of Ums are
well aware of the University's use of road technology where we saw the use of the Smart2
system in the previous year and replaced it with Smartv3 today. And this function of
Smartv3 is where all of the subject-based learning information that has been enrolled in the
semester is placed on Smartv3, intended as a reference for students from time to time.

Certainly such a system is capable of facilitating student learning. However, what is

noticeable about the problem with the system is that the system cannot handle multiple
entries at a time, which will load for a long time. For example, 100 students are required to
enter Smartv3 and register for the tutorial class starting at 3:00 pm. Students also have to
act quickly to register themselves because they do not want the class to collide with the
other class, but the system is unable to accommodate concurrent enrollment which leaves
students with no choice in which class to match the table. Not only that, it is also
unfortunate when it comes to answering a test or quiz because it will takes some loading
and take the time provided by the lecturer to answer the test or quiz. UMS needs more
effort in order to achieve UMS KRA 1 such as by improving the learning management system
smartv3. The responsible staff will need to upgrade the system, not only in terms of graphic
design but also problems like these that have been experienced over the past few years.

In addition, the willingness of a student to engage in a class discussion is rarely

seen. This may be due to a student being shy about presenting themselves, fearing the
attention of the public, worrying that the answer they give is not logical to the question
posed or whether they are afraid of the lecturer. For these reasons, students and educators
need to be taken seriously. This is because, it can have a detrimental impact on students'
future, especially when they enter the workforce. The work assigned to the students is also
not very suitable where most of the teachers are assigned tasks such as video recording,
acting, and other inappropriate material. As you can see, some students are able to gain
more confidence through such tasks and some are even more embarrassed than before.

It would be great if the lecturers and students were also involved in a particular
segment of the lesson and had the students' interest in focusing on what the lecturer was
talking about. For example, in a subject that involves hundreds of students in a class, what I
find is that students will focus if the lecturer shows a video on the topic they are studying,
rather than 2-3 hours of explaining the topic. It is possible that students will focus for only 1
hour and otherwise lose focus. In addition, it would be best to reduce assignments such as
video making because students feel that such assignments will not help them in their
development of mind and will not be able to assist them in future developmental work.
Students also want real-life skills experiences for the future so that they can easily use them

And lastly, it is about class hygiene and student comfort as well as lecturers in the
class. Maintaining a clean and tidy classroom environment is important for several reasons.
The clean classroom minimizes the spread of germs, prevents the odor from lingering, and
runs smoother overall than the messy classroom. In addition to the health problems that
they may have, your students will not be able to perform the best of their studies and the
lecturers will also have difficulty in their study sessions in the dirty room. Cleaning tasks are
not necessarily the responsibility of are cleaners, they are the job of all those who use them
and this is a common sense that need not be mentioned.

However, some people do not understand the common sense of garbage. Wherever
a small piece of trash is found, it should be picked up and disposed of in the proper place.
And this needs to be given attention and awareness to UMS residents on the importance of
cleaning and collecting garbage. For example, at 'Dewan Kuliah Pusat’. Most of the faculty
use the lecture hall for learning, and sometimes there is garbage up and down the table left
by a group of students who used the hall earlier. The University must take appropriate
action in relation to these less attractive behaviours, so that other students can learn in
peace without interruption by flies.

In conclusion, the recommendations given are not the responsibility of only one
party, it is the responsibility of all parties, staff, students and others to ensure that teaching
and learning goes smoothly and enables the benefit of all.

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