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Neck masses- Dr Bayani Tecson- 2/5/20

General consideration

Etiologic origin

 Congenital= thyroglossal duct cyst/ fistula: Branchial anomalies

 Acquired=infection (LN)

Clinical diagnostic consideration

 Location= neck triangles

o Anterior triangle
 Thyroglossal duct remnants; thyroid masses; thymic cyst, dermoid cysts; salivary
gland tumors, branchial cleft remnants
o Posterior triangle
 Cystic hygroma; lymphatic-venous malformations
 Torticollis; lipoblastoma
o Both triangles
 Lymphadenopathy

General Consideration

 Duration
 Since birth
 Acute/ insidious

Associated symptooms

 Signs of inflammation
 Fever
 Weight loos
 Other masses in the body


Etiologic consideration

 Mostly inflammatory
 Rarely neoplastic

Clinical diagnostic consideration

 Duration
o Acute: oropharyngeal, ear, dental infection
o Chronic: painless, insidious
 TB, atypical mycobacteria
 Neoplasms= lymphomas
 Associated sym: syns of inflammation


 Do imaging studies: CXR

o Lung patho anf mediastinal lesions
 Treatment
o Inflammatory lesions= treat source
 Antibiotics- staph and step
 Incision and drainage
o Neoplastic/ chronic lesion( TB/ atypical mycobacteria
 Do biopsy( CGD with caseation necrosis)

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

 Embryology
o 3 weeks AOG
 Thyroid gland- originates as a forgut diverticulum at the base of the toung,
foramen cecum
o Thryroid descernt- intimate realtion with the body of the hyoid bone
 Presentation
o Anterior neck mass
 2-4 years old- baby fat disappears
 Located below the hyoid bone( goes down to the sternal knotch just on the area
og the hyoid)
 Moves with swallowing of the tounge
 Mostly asymptomatic except when infected= connected with the oropharynx,
columnar epi lining secreting mucus.
 Lead to abscess formation
 Rupture of I & D procedure: “ acquired fistula formation” ( if ruptured
and not treated)
o Differential Diagnosis
 Hemangioma/ vascular
 Ectopoc thyroid
 Dermoid cyst
o Imaging
 Solid (LAD), cystic
 Presence or absence of thyroid tissue
 Characteristics
o Vascularity, size, calcification, borders
 Nuclear scan
 Docu thyroid tissue( take up idodine)
o Treatment
Cyst/ fistula
 Systrunk’s operation
o Removal of the body of the hyoid bone9 if not removes the
hyoid, high recurrence and a core of muscles at the foramen
o A finger inside the patients mouth pushing the base of the
tougue aids in the dissectuin
 Infected cyst/ abscess
o Antibiotics/ I&D
o Prognosis
 Excelent

Brancial anomalyes

o Cyst of sinuses= congenital related to the embryonic process of fusion, closure and
development of neck structures
o Brancial arches and clests= formed in the 7th week AOG
o 6 branchial arches
 Covered by ectorderm external
 Lined with endoderm internallu
 Filled with esoderm(VAN and muscles
o Clefts

Brancial anomalies

o Branchial cyst
o Vestigial remnat of 2nd branchial lcleft
 Most common
 Lined with Squamous epo
 Contains fluis and keratin material
 Anterior to the upper third of the SCM
o Branchial fistula
o Congenital
o Secondary
 Infection and rupture
 I and D of infected cyst
o Anterior to the lower 3rd of the SCM
o Pathologic features
o External opening= anterior border of the lower thir of the SCM
o Internal opening= posterior pharynx just belowe the tonsillar fossa
 Blind internal opening- “branchial sinus”( when the internal opening close
rd th
o 3 and 4 branchial anomalies are rare
o When present= internal opening is at the level of pyriform fossa
o Lining epithelium is ciliated columnar epithelium
o Clinical presentation
o Mostuy asymptomatic
o Cyst infection
o Golfenhar’s complex
o Branchial anomaly
o Biliary atresia
o Congenital heart disease
o Treatment
o Excision
 Step ladder incision
 Probe through the fistula
 Infusion with methylene blue/ gentian violet
 Passes though the carotid artery bifurcation
 Superficial tp the hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves
 Deep to the posterior belly of digastric muscles


o Embryology
o 6W AOG
o Pathology
o Multiple macro-/micro cyst
o Clear lymphatic fluid
o Infiltrating and distorts tissue plans and muscles
o Lined with endothelium
o Associated with aneuploidy and othe malformation
o May contatin nest of vascular tissue Lymphatico venous malform
o Deep cavernous lymphangioma- cystic hygroma
o Clinical presentation
o Prenatal ultrasound
 Cystic mass in the neck
 Cause of hidden mortality
 Highly associated with congenital anomalues
 aBN karyotypes
 hydrops fetalis
 polyhydramnios
o at birth= large swelling may obstruct labor
o Post natal= cystic hydroma
 Mostly asymptomatic
 Neck most common site, at the lower 3 rd of posterior triangle
 Other= axillary groin
 Clinical presentation
 May have intra thoracic extention=10%
o Airway compromise
o Swallowing difficulty
o Vascular compromise
 Compression symptoms= respiratory distress, dysphaguo
o Infection
o Hemorrhage
 Diagnostics:
 UTZ with doppler
o Cystic nature9macro/micro
o Low flow or high flow( arterial
 Ct/ MRI
o Better anatomical detail- relationship with asjacent vital
o Guide to operative structure
 Treatment
 Observation- small asymptomatic lesiona
 Sclerotherapy
o Large symptomatic, microcyst lesions
o Agents used:
 Hypertonic saline
 Bleomycine( cause pulmon fibrosis)
 Na trtradecyl sulfate
 OK-432
 Doxytetracycline
 Benzyl peniciline
o Aspiration- infected lesion
o Surgical excision
 Residua lesion after sclerotherapy
 Small accessable lesion
 Surgical principles
 Complete excision- as much as possible
o Residual cysts
 Radical excision is never indicated- preserve vital structures
 Unroofing of cyst is acceptable to preserve vital structures
o Requires prolonged drainaged


o Pathology
o SCM fibrosis and contracture
 Unkown cause
 Birth traumas
o Clinical presentation
o Characteristics head posturing
 Tilting of the head to the affected side
 Head rotated to the opposite
 Pa;a[ble mass with the SCM of the affected sides
o If unconrrected
o Facial hypoplasia
o Scoliosis
o Ipsilateral trap atrophy
o Craniofacial deformities
o Other concerns
o Squinting
o Imaging
o Cervical spine xray- mandatory
 Rule out bony vertebral anomaly
o Diagnosis
o Purelu clinical
o Treatment
o Initially concervative neck physiotherapy
 PROM exercises up to 6 months
o Indications for surgery
 Failed concervative treatment
 Vomplications= facial asymentry/ hemifacial hhypo plasia
 Older or above 1 year olf
o Surgical techniques
 3-4 cm skin crease= 1 cm above the clavicle
 Divie the clavicald anf external heads of SCM
 Thickened investif cervical fascia


Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Pulmonary conditions

1. Bronchopulmonary forgut malformations

a. Bronchogenic cyst
ii. Broncopulmonary sequestration
iii. CLE
c. Bronchiectasis
d. Foreign body

CDH: Embryology

o Pleuroperitoneal canla
o One continuos pleural and peritoneal cavity
o Septum transversum
o Last to close in the diaphragm


o Failed closure of the pleuroperitoneal canal

o Herniation of the abdominal viscera into the pleural cavity
o Hypoplastic lung
 Essentiallu non functiona
o Contralateral mediastinal shift
 Varying degree of pulmonary hypoplasia
 Compromised gas exchange
o Persistent pulmonary hypertension(PPH)
 Due to the hypoplastic lung leading to decreased bronchial and
pulmonary artery branching
 Results in persistent fetal circulation
 Right to left shunting via PFO or PDA
 Mostly with relative surfactant deficiency
o Clinical presentation
o RDS at birth
o Abdominal cavity is small and scaphoid
o Can be seen in older children
 Recurrent cough
 Recurrent vomiting
 Sudden onset of respiratory distress
o Diagnostic exam
o Amniocentesis with karyotyping
 May show chromosomal defects
o 40% with associated anomalies
 Heart
 Brain
 Craniofacial
 Limbs
o Prenatal imaging(US, MRIA)
 As early as 15 weeks
 Presence of herniaited abdominal ciscera
 Abnormal anatomy of upper abdomen
 Contralateral mediastinal shift
 Lung-head ratio= index of severity of left CDH
 LxW of right lung (level of atrium/ HC
 Lung head ration, 11.0= pooor prognosis
 LHR.1.4= good prognosis
 Postnatal CSR
 Multiple lucent structures in involved side
 Contralateral mediastinal shift
 In older children= CXR
o Multiple luscent structures
o Air fluid levels
o Contralateral mediastinal shit
o NGT into the chest
o Contrast study is rarely necessary
 Echocardiography
 Asses the degree of pulmonary hypertension
 Identify the presence of co existing cardiac anomaly
 pH of blood=; PaO2; PaCO2:HCO3
 hypoxemia, hypercarbia; metabolic acidosis
 measure degree of shunting
o preductal an post ductal values compared\
o Classificaation
1. Bochdalek hernia
a. Posterior diaphragmatic defect
b. Left sided defect- most common
c. Right side- mostly liver herniation
i. Delayed hernation
2. Morgagni hernia
a. Anterio-medial diaphragmantic defect
b. Mostly transverse comlon herniation
c. Isolated effect are mostly asymptomatice
d. Associated with other anomalies
i. Pentalogy of cantrel
1. Omphalocele

Initial medical treatment

o Prompr CP stabilization
o A physiologic emergency
o Honeymoon period
o 24 to 48 hrs- characterized by a period of relative stability
o Hig PA O2
o Relatively goof perfusion
o Oftern followed by progressive CP deterioration
o Goal of treatment
o Preven pulmon hyper
o Bara
o Strategies of medical treatment
o Mechanical ventilation woth low gentle setting
o Permissive hypercapnia
o PaCO2 level in 50- 60 mmhg or higher as long as pH remains 7.25 or higher
o HPOV- high frequency oscillatory ventilation
o Avoid injurious effects of conventional ventilation
o Inhaled nitric oxide/ sildenafil
o Bicarb infusion
o Minimizes degree of pulmonary hypertension
o Fluid restriction
o Fluid overload- compound the degree of cardiac failure
o Inotropes support using epinephrine
o Extracorporial membraine oxygenation
o Veno-venous bypass
 Single canuala via IJV
o Veno-arterial bypass is preferred by some centers
 Venous side- right atrium
 Arterial conduit- right common carotid arteri


o Tiing is controvertial
o Hemodynamic status is optimized
o Most important factor
o Patientsts on ECMO
o Approach
o Open surgical repair
 Abdominal
 Thoracic
o MIS(thoracoscopy)
 Stable patient
o Definitive surgical treatment
o Left CDH
 Abdominal approach is best
o Right CDH
 Thoracic approach is best
o Technique

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