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a Aeterna, Vol. 3, 2013, no. 6, 421 - 432

On the Distribution of the Produ t and the Sum of

Generalized Shifted Gamma Random Variables

Pushpa N. Rathie
Department of Statisti s
University of Brasilia
Campus Universitário Dar y Ribeiro, Brasilia, DF, 70910-900, Brazil
email: pushpanrathieyahoo. om

Arjun K. Rathie
Department of Mathemati s
S hool of Mathemati al and Physi al S ien es
Central University of Kerala, Riverside Transit Campus
Padennakkad P.O. Nileshwar, Kasaragod - 671 328, Kerala, India
email: akrathieredimail. om

Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Brasilia
Campus Universitário Dar y Ribeiro, Brasilia, DF, 70910-900, Brazil
email: luanozgmail. om

Abstra t
In general, while obtaining the probability density fun tion of sums
and produ ts of shifted random variables, ordinary analyti al methods
su h as Fourier and Mellin transforms tend to provide integrals whi h
annot be expressed in terms of ordinary Meijer G and H fun tions.
This way, the need of dening new fun tions whi h easily enable one
to write su h integrals in a losed-form is inherent to the development
of this area of statisti al s ien es. By generalizing the Mellin transform
whi h denes the H fun tion, a new fun tion is established. A dire t
appli ation of the so- alled Ib is dis ussed while developing the probabil-
ity density fun tion of the sum and the produ t of shifted generalized
gamma random variables. Important spe ial ases of the Ib and their ap-
pli ations in s ien e are also dis ussed in order to show the appli ability
of the fun tion hereby dened.
422 Puhspa N. Rathie, Arjun K. Rathie and Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim

Mathemati s Subje t Classi ation: 33C70, 33E20, 33F05, 62E15,


Keywords: generalized gamma distribution, shifted random variables,

Mellin transform, Fourier Transform, generalized H fun tion.

1 Introdu tion

The use of shifted distributions in the modelling of pra ti al situations has

grown onsiderably over the last years. Su h growth is deeply related to the
possibilities that arise by inserting a shifting - or translational - parameter
into the denition of a given random variable. For example, the possibility of
positioning the enter of mass of a given distribution along its support enables a
better des ription of the data analyzed. Also, while modelling measured data,
shifting parameters make it possible to orre t some experimental limitations
su h as measurements above/below a given threshold.
Even though shifted distributions have be ome more frequent in the s ien-
ti ommunity, standard analyti al fun tions and methods whi h would be
apable of dealing with this kind of distributions fail in their intent. This way,
a new approa h to this problem is required.
In the present paper, a new fun tion, hereby named Ib fun tion, whi h
generalizes the well-known H fun tion is dened.
In short, this new fun tion hanges the usual gamma fun tions in the on-
tour integral representation by H fun tions themselves. This way, the Ib fun -
tion ontemplates as spe ial ases the H fun tion [6℄, the I fun tion [7℄, the Y
fun tion [10℄, the Generalized Upper In omplete Fox H fun tion [9℄ and other
hypergeometri -type spe ial fun tions.
In order to show the appli ability of the Ib fun tion, the latter is used to
represent the distributions of the sum and the produ t of generalized shifted
gamma random variables. This result ould not be a hieved by means of the
existent fun tions, whi h ensures the need of the new fun tion dened in the
present paper.
In the next se tion, the denition of the H fun tion and its Mellin transform
are presented whi h are used in the denition of the Ib fun tion.
On the Dist. of the Produ t and the Sum of Gen. Shifted Gamma RVs 423

2 The H- fun tion

The H - fun tion (see [8℄,[6℄ and [3℄) is dened as an ontour omplex integral
whi h ontain gamma fun tions in their integrands by
(a1 , A1 ), . . . , (an , An ), (an+1 , An+1 ), . . . , (ap , Ap )
Hp,q z
(b1 , B1 ), . . . , (bm , Bm ), (bm+1 , Bm+1 ), . . . , (bq , Bq )
Y m Yn

Z Γ(bj + Bj s) Γ(1 − aj − Aj s)
1 j=1 j=1
= q p z −s ds, (1)
2πi L Y Y
Γ(1 − bj − Bj s) Γ(aj + Aj s)
j=m+1 j=n+1

where Aj and Bj are assumed to be positive quantities and all the aj and
bj may be omplex. The ontour L runs from c − i∞ to c + i∞ su h that
the poles of Γ(bj + Bj s), j = 1, . . . , m lie to the left of L and the poles of
Γ(1 − aj − Aj s), j = 1, . . . , n lie to the right of L.
The Mellin transform of the H -fu tion is
Y n
Z   c−s Γ(bj + Bj s)
Γ(1 − aj − Aj s)
∞ (ap , Ap ) j=1 j=1
xs−1 Hp,q
cx dx = q p .
0 (bq , Bq ) Y Y
Γ(1 − bj − Bj s) Γ(aj + Aj s)
j=m+1 j=n+1

Given these, one shall pro eed to dene the generalized H fun tion.

3 The Generalized H fun tion: The Ib fun tion

The generalized H fun tion, hereby named Ib fun tion, an be dened as a
ontour omplex integral whi h ontain H fun tions in their integrands. For
simpli ity and in order to address a few problems of interest, the following
simplied denition an be given

 
(am,1 , âm,1 , Am,1 ), (am,2 , âm,2 , Am,2 ), (am,3 , âm,3 , Am,3 )
 (bm,1 , b̂m,1 , B m,1 ), (bm,2 , b̂m,2 , B 
Ibm  z
 m,2 ) 
 γ m , Γm , πm , Πm , ρm , σ m  
αm , β m , Λm , Θm , ζ m , ηm
= Υ (s) z −s ds, (3)
2πi L
424 Puhspa N. Rathie, Arjun K. Rathie and Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim

in whi h Υ(s) is the Mellin transform of the new fun tion and an be expli itly
given as:

Υ(s) = m j=1 (αj s + β j )
Λj s+Θj ζ j s+η j
  ρj s+σj
πj +Πj s (aj,1 + âj,1s, Aj,1 ), (aj,2 + âj,2 s, Aj,2), (aj,3 + âj,3s, Aj,3)
H 2,1 γ j + Γj s
3,2 (bj,1 + b̂j,1 s, B j,1), (bj,2 + b̂j,2 s, B j,2)
where Aj,k and B j,k are assumed to be positive real quantities, the aj,k ,
âj,k , bj,k , b̂j,k , Πj , πj , Γj , γ j , ρj , σ j , αj , β j , Λj , Θj , ζ j , ηj , j = 1, ..., m are real
numbers. The ontour L runs from c − i∞ to c + i∞, where c is a real number,
and exists in a ordan e to Mellin inversion theorem, taking into a ount all
the singularities.
Based on the denitions above, dire t appli ations of the new fun tion
hereby introdu ed are shown in the next se tion. The new fun tion an be
further generalized by hanging H3,2 to Hp,q m,n
. This latter onsideration is
dis ussed in Se tion 6 of the present paper.

4 Generalized Gamma Distribution and Distri-

bution of its Produ t and Sum

In the present se tion, a dire t appli ation of the generalized H fun tion is
developed. Let the probability density fun tion of the generalized gamma
distribution be given as:
γβ γ γ
f (x) =   (x − µ)α−1 e−β(x−µ) , x > µ; α, β, γ > 0 (5)
Γ αγ

One may noti e that, in (5), by setting α = γ = k ; µ = 0 and β = λ−k ,

the Weibull distribution with shape parameter k and s ale parameter λ is
retrieved. On the other hand, in (5), when α = γ = 1; µ = 0 and β = λ, the
Exponential distribution with rate parameter k is obtained. Also, by setting
µ = 0, α = γ = 2 and β = 1/2σ 2 , the Rayleigh distribution with parameter σ is
re overed. By taking α = 3, µ = 0, γ = 2 and β = 1/2a2 a Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution with parameter a is obtained. Finally, by setting µ = 0, α = k ,
γ = 1 and β = λ, the generalized gamma distribution redu es to an Erlang
distribution with shape parameter k and rate parameter λ. It is worth noti ing
that other gamma-type distributions may be expressed as spe ial ases of (5).
The Generalized H fun tion an be used to express (5) as follows:

Theorem 1. The probability density fun tion of a generalized gamma random

variable is given as:
On the Dist. of the Produ t and the Sum of Gen. Shifted Gamma RVs 425

   
(1 − α, 0, γ), αγ , 0, 0 , (1, −1, 0)
 
α  (0, 0, 1), (1 − α, −1, γ) 
f (x) = γβ γ µα−1 Ib1 x  (6)
 (βµγ , 0, 1, 0, 0, 1) 
(0, µ, 1, 0, 0, 0)

Proof. Consider the Mellin transform of the probability density fun tion of a
generalized gamma distribution. By means of (5), one may get:
R∞ α
M[f (x)](s) = µ xs−1 Γγβα (x − µ)α−1 e−β(x−µ) dx

(γ) α
R∞ (7)
s−1 γβ γ α−1 −βy γ
= 0 (y + µ) Γ α y e dy
On the other hand, onsider the Mellin - Barnes representation of the
exponential fun tion e−βy :
−βy γ 1
e = Γ(s)[βy γ ]−s ds, (8)
2πi L

This way, by inserting (8) into (7), the Mellin transform given in (7) an
be written in terms of the H fun tion as:

α (1 − α, γ), ( α , 0), (1 − s, 0)
M[f (x)](s) = γβ µ γ α−1+s
H 2,1
3,2 βµ
γ γ (9)
(0, 1), (1 − s − α, γ)

This way, by means of the inverse Mellin transform theorem, the represen-
tation (6) follows from (9).

Theorem 2. Consider the random variable X = Xi in whi h Xi , i = 1, .., N
are independent generalized gamma random variables. This way, the probability
density fun tion of X is given by:

QN γj α −1
fX (x) = j=1 γj βj µj j
     
(1 − α1 , 0, γ1), αγ11 , 0, 0 , (1, −1, 0) (1 − αN , 0, γN ), αγNN , 0, 0 , (1, −1, 0)
 
b  (0, 0, 1), (1 − α1 , −1, γ1 ) (0, 0, 1), (1 − αN , −1, γN ) 
IN x ; ...; 
 (β1 µγ11 , 0, 1, 0, 0, 1) (βN µγNN , 0, 1, 0, 0, 1) 
(0, µ1 , 1, 0, 0, 0) (0, µN , 1, 0, 0, 0)
426 Puhspa N. Rathie, Arjun K. Rathie and Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim

Proof. It is known that the Mellin transform of the distribution of the produ t
of independent random variables is the produ t of the Mellin transforms of ea h
variable [8℄, this way, the Mellin transform of the distribution of the produ t of
N independent generalized gamma random variables is easily given by means
of (9) as:

Y αj
α −1+s 2,1 γ (1 − αj , γj ), ( αγ j , 0), (1 − s, 0)
M[fX (x)](s) =
γj βj µj j H 3,2 βj µj j j
(0, 1), (1 − s − αj , γj )
in whi h the subindex j indi ates the parameters of ea h distribution. By
means of (3) and (4), the representation in (10) easily follows.
It is also worth noti ing that the quotient of generalized gamma random
variables an be easily obtained by making the substitution s = 2 − s in (9)
for the random variable whi h is in the denominator of the ratio [8℄. Due to
the simpli ity of the pro edure, its full development is not presented in the
present paper.
Theorem 3. Consider the random variable Y = Xi in whi h Xi , i = 1, .., N
are independent generalized gamma random variables. This way, the probability
density fun tion of Y is given by:

QN γj
fY (x) = j=1 γj βj
     
(1 − α1 , 0, γ1 ), αγ11 , 0, 0 , (1, 0, 0) (1 − αN , 0, γN ), αγNN , 0, 0 , (1, 0, 0)
 
 x 
IbN   (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)   (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)  
e 1/γ1
; ...; 1/γ 
 0, β1 , γ1 , 0, 0, 1 0, βN N , γN , 0, 0, 1 
(1, 0, 0, −α1 , −µ1 , 0) (1, 0, 0, −αN , −µN , 0)

Proof. In order to obtain the probability density fun tion of the sum of N
independent shifted generalized gamma random variables, onsider the Lapla e
transform of the probability density fun tion given in (5)
R∞ α
L[f (x)](s) = µ e−sx Γγβα (x − µ)α−1 e−β(x−µ) dx

( γ )α
R∞ γ γ
= 0 e−s(y+µ) Γγβα y α−1 e−βy dy
On the other hand, onsider the Mellin - Barnes representation of the
exponential fun tion e−βy , given in (8).
On the Dist. of the Produ t and the Sum of Gen. Shifted Gamma RVs 427

This way, by inserting (8) into (13), the Lapla e transform given in (13)
an be written in terms of the H fun tion as:

α (1 − α, γ), ( α , 0), (1, 0)
L[f (x)](s) = γβ e γ −sµ −α
s H 2,1 βs−γ γ (14)
3,2 (0, 1), (1, 0)

It is known that the Lapla e transform of the distribution of the sum of

independent random variables is the produ t of the Lapla e transforms of ea h
random variable [8℄, this way, the Lapla e transform of the distribution of the
sum of N independent generalized gamma random variables is easily given as:

Y αj
(1 − αj , γj ), ( αγ j , 0), (1, 0)
L[fY (x)](s) = γj βj
e−sµj s−αj H 2,1 βj s−γj j
3,2 (0, 1), (1, 0)
By means of (3) and (4), the representation in (12) easily follows.

The formulas obtained for the sum of N independent generalized gamma

random variables easily enable one to obtain the distribution of the linear
ombination of random variables of this type. This an be a hieved by noti ing
that, if X is a generalized gamma random variable with parameters α, β , γ and
µ, for a given onstant value A, the random variable AX is also a generalized
gamma random variable with parameters α, β/Aγ , γ and Aµ, respe tively.
One may also noti e that the results presented in the present se tion are
a generalization of the ones in [9℄ and [10℄. Also the new results are entirely
dependent on the denition of the Ib fun tion.

5 Spe ial Cases of the Ib fun tion

In the present se tion, a few spe ial ases of the generalized H fun tion are
dis ussed.

5.1 Standard H fun tion

The key equation to relate the new fun tion hereby dened to the standard H
fun tion is the ontour integral representation of the gamma fun tion, given
1 Γ(s)Γ(z)
Γ (z) = ds, (16)
2πi L Γ(1 + s)
Thus, from (1), one shall get:
428 Puhspa N. Rathie, Arjun K. Rathie and Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim

(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)
Γ (z) = H 2,1
3,2 1 , (17)
(0, 1), (z, 0)
On the other hand, by setting αj = ζ j = η j = Γj = Πj = Λj = ρj = 0, γ j =
Θj = β j = π j = σ j = 1, and taking into a ount (17) the rst produtory
present in the numerator of (20) is re overed. The other produtories are easily
obtained by similar pro edures, ultimately showing that the H fun tion is a
spe ial ase of the Ib fun tion.

5.2 I - fun tion

In [7℄, a generalized hypergeometri fun tion has been dened. The main
advantage of the so- alled I fun tion is that powers of gamma fun tions are
onsidered inside the Mellin transform used to dene su h a fun tion. Expli -
itly, in [7℄ it has been dened the I fun tion as the inverse Mellin transform of
the following fun tion I(s):

Y n
Γ (bj + βj s) ΓAj (1 − aj − αj s)
j=1 j=1
I (s) = q p (18)
Bj Aj
Γ (1 − bj − βj s) Γ (aj + αj s)
j=m+1 j=n+1

This way, by setting αj = ζ j = η j = Γj = Πj = Λj = ρj = 0, γ j =

Θj = β j = π j = 1, σ j = Bj , and taking into a ount (17) the rst produtory
present in the numerator of (18) is re overed. The other produtories are easily
obtained by similar pro edures, ultimately showing that the I fun tion is a
spe ial ase of the Ib fun tion.
It is interesting to noti e that re ently the I fun tion has found important
appli ation in the study of wireless ommuni ation systems. In [2℄ it has been
derived the probability density fun tion and umulative distribution fun tion
of the sum of L independent but not ne essarily identi ally distributed Gamma
variates. Their result is appli able to the modelling of the output statisti s of
maximal ratio ombining (MRC) re eiver operating over Nakagami-m fading
hannels. The results are derived in terms of Meijer G fun tion, H fun tion
and I fun tion. Following a similar approa h as in [2℄, in [1℄ it has been
derived the probability density fun tion and umulative distribution fun tion
of the sum of L independent but not ne essarily identi ally distributed squared
η − µ variates. As in the ase of [2℄, the results are appli able to the output
statisti s of maximal ratio ombining (MRC) re eiver operating over η − µ
fading hannels. The I fun tion has a major role in the development of the
results of both [2℄ and [1℄.
On the Dist. of the Produ t and the Sum of Gen. Shifted Gamma RVs 429

5.3 Y - fun tion

In a re ent paper [10℄, it has been proposed a generalization of the H fun -

tion. In short, the so- alled Y fun tion generalizes the Mellin transform of
the H fun tion by hanging the ordinary gamma fun tion in (2) by Tri omi
hypergeometri fun tions, dened as the following ontour integral:

1 1
U (a, b, z) = Γ(s)Γ(1 − b + s)Γ(a − s)z −s ds, (19)
Γ (a) Γ (a − b + 1) 2πi L

This way, by pre-multiplying the Tri omi hypergeomtri fun tions by a

onstant raised to a linear fun tion of s, in [10℄ it has been dened the Y
fun tion as the inverse Mellin transform of the following fun tion Y (s):

Y (s) =
Y n
φ +b +β s−1 ϕ −a −α s
Bj j j j U(φj , φj + bj + βj s, Bj ) Aj j j j U(ϕj , ϕj − aj − αj s + 1, Aj )
j=1 j=1
Y ϕ +aj +αj s−1 Q
q φ −bj −βj s
Aj j U(ϕj , ϕj + aj + αj s, Aj ) Bj j U (φj ,φj −bj −βj s+1,Bj )

One may noti e that (20) is misprinted in [10℄.

In order to present the relation between both fun tions, by means of (1),
it is easy to noti e that:
(1 − a, 1), (a, 0), (a − b + 1, 0)
U (a, b, z) = H 3,2 z
, (21)
(0, 1), (1 − b, 1)
Finally, by setting αj = ζ j = η j = Γj = Πj = ρj = 0, β j = γ j = Bj , Λj =
βj , Θj = φj + bj − 1, πj = σ j = 1 and by means of 21, the rst produtory
present in the numerator of (20) is re overed. The other produtories are easily
obtained by similar pro edures, ultimately showing that the Y - fun tion is a
spe ial ase of the Ib fun tion.
The Y fun tion has found interesting appli ations in wireless ommuni a-
tion systems. In spe ial, [10℄ obtained the PDF and CDF of a shifted gamma
random variable in terms of the Y fun tion. By means of their results, it was
possible to simulate the outage apa ity of a multi arrier transmission system
through a slow Nakagami-m fading hannel.

5.4 Generalized Upper In omplete Fox H fun tion

Also in re ent paper [9℄, it has been proposed another fun tion whi h generalize
the H fun tion. The so- alled Generalized Upper In omplete Fox H fun tion
430 Puhspa N. Rathie, Arjun K. Rathie and Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim

generalizes the Mellin transform of the H fun tion by hanging the ordinary
gamma fun tions in (2) by upper in omplete gamma fun tions, whi h may be
dened by means of the following ontour integral:

1 Γ(s)Γ(s + a) −s
Γ (a, z) = z ds (22)
2πi L Γ(1 + s)

In [9℄ it has been dened the Generalized Upper In omplete H fun tion as
the inverse Mellin transform of the following fun tion UI(s):

Y n
Γ(bj + βj s, Bj ) Γ(1 − aj − αj s, Aj )
j=1 j=1
UI (s) = q p (23)
Γ(1 − bj − βj s, Bj ) Γ(aj + αj s, Aj )
j=m+1 j=n+1

In order to present the relation between both fun tions, by means of (1),
it is easy to noti e that:
(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)
Γ (a, z) = H 2,1
3,2 z , (24)
(0, 1), (a, 1)

Thus, by setting αj = ζ j = ηj = Γj = Πj = Λj = ρj = 0, γ j = Bj , Θj =
β j = π j = σ j = 1, and taking into a ount (24) the rst produtory present
in the numerator of (23) is re overed. The other produtories are easily ob-
tained by similar pro edures, ultimately showing that the Generalized Upper
In omplete Fox H fun tion is a spe ial ase of the Ib fun tion.
As in the ases of both I and Y fun tion, the Generalized Upper In om-
plete H fun tion has found useful appli ations in the modelling of wireless
ommuni ation systems. In [9℄ the PDF and CDF of the produ t of shifted
exponential random variables has been obtained in terms of the Generalized
Upper In omplete H fun tion. By applying su h results, it has been possible
to model the outage apa ity of a multi arrier transmission system through a
slow Rayleigh fading hannel.

6 Further generalization of Ib fun tion

A generalization of the Ib fun tion, the Iˆ fun tion, an be dened as follows:
On the Dist. of the Produ t and the Sum of Gen. Shifted Gamma RVs 431

 
{(am,1 , âm,1 , Am,1 ), ..., (am,pm , âm,pm , Am,pm ), (mm , nm , pm , q m )}
ˆˆ  {(bm,1 , b̂m,1 , B m,1 ), ..., (bm,qm , b̂m,qm, B m,qm )} 
I m z
 

{ γ m , Γm , πm , Πm , ρm , σ m }
{ αm , β m , Λm , Θm , ζ m , η m }
= Υ (s) z −s ds, (25)
2πi L

in whi h Υ(s) is the Mellin transform of the new fun tion and an be expli itly
given as:

Υ(s) = m j=1 (αj s + β j )
Λj s+Θj ζ j s+η j
" #!ρj s+σj
π +Π s (a + â s, A ), ..., (a + â , A )
m ,n
H pjj,qj j γ j + Γj s
j j
j,1 j,1 j,1 j,pj j,pj j,pj
(bj,1 + b̂j,1 s, B j,1), ..., (bj,q + b̂j,q s, B j,q )
j j j

where, as dis ussed in Se tion 3, Aj,k and B j,k are assumed to be positive
real quantities, the aj,k , âj,k , bj,k , b̂j,k , Πj , π j , Γj , γ j , ρj , σ j , αj , β j , Λj , Θj ,
ζ j , η j , j = 1, ..., m are real numbers. The ontour L runs from c − i∞ to
c + i∞, where c is a real number, and exists in a ordan e to Mellin inversion
theorem, taking into a ount all the singularities. The parameters mj , nj , pj
and q j , j = 1, ..., m, are positive integers following H fun tion's denition.
It is important to noti e that the bra es sign used in the denition of the Iˆ
fun tion denotes a ve tor whose omponents are to be written as the generi
ase shown.

7 Con lusions

In spite of the growth in the use of shifted random variables, analyti al fun -
tions and methods are unable to give losed-form representations for sums and
produ ts of this type of random variables.
In the present paper, in order to approa h this issue, a new Ib fun tion, is
dened. This new fun tion generalizes the H fun tion by hanging the gamma
fun tions present in its ontour integral denition by H fun tions themselves.
This way, not only the H fun tion but also the I, Y and Generalized Upper
In omplete Fox H fun tions are shown to be spe ial ases of the Ib fun tion.
The new fun tion has been su essfully applied to obtain the distributions
of the sum and the produ t of generalized shifted gamma random variables,
showing its value both in theoreti al and pra ti al ba kgrounds.
432 Puhspa N. Rathie, Arjun K. Rathie and Luan C. de S. M. Ozelim

Referen es

[1℄ I.S. Ansari, F. Yilmaz, and M.S. Alouni. On the sum of squared η − µ
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