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E MUST INCREASE AND I MUST DECREASE.” we should start all our prayers the same way...
This little saying of St. John the Baptist by first going to Our Lady with a few Hail
captures his whole spirituality. And we Mary’s or a Hail Holy Queen. This really puts
know that St. John was very successful at prayer, the devil to flight. He hates this WOMAN, this
spending years in the desert alone with God. new Eve destined to crush his head. He still has
Prayer gave him the power to know God. a headache from their first encounter. This also
Having conversed long with Our Lord in prayer, puts us in the presence of Christ, Who is present
he easily recognized the Savior when He came. in the Ark.

Prayer gave him the power to love God and to STANDS FOR EUCHARIST… St. John united
serve God. He spent hours and hours in the Himself to Our Lord—the new Manna—the
waters of the Jordan, hearing confessions and Bread of Life dwelling in the womb of the
helping people find the Christ. He spoke out Virgin Mother. St. Ambrose taught: “Besides the
boldly against the errors, abuses and evils of his loving service that Mary rendered to her cousin,
time, even to the very there was another reason for
shedding of his blood. His her staying that long: the
spirituality, then, is something advantage which her visit
worth knowing and imitating. afforded to the great Prophet.
Since the underlying For, if her very greeting
principle of St. John’s whole brought such blessings at the
life was: “He must increase beginning of her visit—the
and I must decrease,” he infant leaping for joy in the
realized that the more Christ womb and his mother being
lives in us the better we filled with the Holy Spirit—we
become. St. Augustine said of can readily surmise how much
St. John: “He saw where his more benefit must have
salvation lay. He understood accrued from Mary's continued
that he was a lamp, and his presence for so long a time. It
fear was that it might be meant that the Prophet was
blown out by the wind of being anointed and trained like
pride.” St. Therese of Lisieux a good athlete in his mother’s
certainly thought the same womb; for his strength was
when she wrote: “Jesus, your being built up for an
arms are the elevator which lift uncompromising struggle.”
me to heaven! To achieve this, Like St. John we should unite
I must not grow; just the ourselves to the Bread of Life
opposite, I must remain small. in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is preferable to
I must become smaller and smaller.” In order to make our prayers in front of the Tabernacle
grasp St. John’s spirituality, let’s shorten his whenever possible. In any case, make a spiritual
saying, “He must increase and I must decrease,” communion... saying something like, “My Lord
to LESS ME. Here is how to live LESS ME. and my God, I love you with all my heart, and I

STANDS FOR OUR LADY... St. John’s spiritual want to be united with you. Would you come
life began when Our Lady came to visit her and dwell in me as you do at Communion time.”
cousin Elizabeth and spoke a word of The Catechism of the Council of Trent taught
greeting. The Ark of the Covenant had come to that those who make such spiritual communions
his home and he danced before her. At the word receive many of the same fruits as they receive
of greeting from Blessed MARY, St. John leaped when making sacramental communions. Pope
in the womb of his mother Elizabeth. “For Paul VI taught that such spiritual communions
behold, when the voice of your greeting came to dispose us all the more for our sacramental
my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy” communions. Notice that St. John the Baptist
(Luke 1:44). He recognized the presence of Jesus did make a spiritual communion when he met
in Blessed Mary by the power of God’s grace. So, with Our Lord at the Jordan, exclaiming: “Behold
the Lamb of God.” He knew that somehow we and their relevance to his life and the coming of
must eat of this Lamb of God who was the Christ. Like St. John we should meditate on
prefigured in the Passover lambs of old. what we read. Those who prayerfully approach

STANDS FOR HOLY SPIRIT… When Moses the Holy Bible will get inspirations. When this
approached the Ark of the Covenant of old, happens, STOP and discuss the inspiration with
God came down in a cloud and filled him our Lord. Ask Him what it means in the context
with knowledge, strength, grace, and peace. it is written... how it affected the people at the
When the Ark approached St. John and his time... and finally how it applies to our life. We
mother Elizabeth, they were filled with the Holy should resolve to change our life to fit the
Spirit and His gifts. “Elizabeth was filled with inspiration and meditation accordingly. In this
the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud way, we are working with Christ to make the
cry, ‘Blessed are you among women’” (Luke Word real to ourselves… we are fulfilling the
1:41-42). When John baptized Our Lord in the Scriptures themselves by putting on the Lord
Jordan, he saw the Holy Spirit descend from Jesus Christ. Remember that we are seeking with
heaven in the form of a dove. We should, St. John to decrease so that Christ may increase.

therefore, pray to the Holy Spirit to grant us STANDS FOR EXAMINE… St. John helped
many graces to make our meditation well and to others examine their conscience because
protect us from evil thoughts, errors, and they came out to him in the Jordan,
distractions. The traditional prayer is “Come “confessing their sins” (Mk. 1:5). Perhaps, he
Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle even had the gift of seeing their sins like St.
in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit and Padre Pio or St. Jean Vianney. That would
they shall be created. Let us pray. O God, Who by the certainly explain why “there went out to him all
light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the the people of Jerusalem” (Mk. 1:5) even though
faithful, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise St. John had worked no miracles. One cannot
and ever to rejoice in His consolations. We ask this give to others what one does not have. St. John
through Christ Our Lord. Amen.” Here is one certainly knew, then, how to make an
written by a blessed Carmelite nun: “Holy Spirit, examination of conscience. Before making an
inspire me. Love of God, consume me. Along the true examination, however, we need to have made a
road, lead me. Mary, my mother, look upon me. With resolution. This we do after making our
Jesus, bless me. From all evil, from all illusion, From meditation. Recall that our goal is to decrease
all danger, preserve me.” while Christ increases. We make resolutions to

aid us in this effort. Be sure to make resolutions
SILENCE AND SECLUSION... After being that are reasonable and concrete. Do not make
exposed to the Living Word of God, St. John broad ranging and general resolutions like, “I
the Baptist spent much time in the silence and will be charitable today.” No, this will never do.
seclusion of the desert. There he would take up As humans, we must be specific if it is going to
the written word of God too… in order to re- be meaningful. Say rather, “I will not talk about
invigorate his mind. It is obvious from his so and so today” or “I will say something nice to
preaching that he knew the Scriptures well. Like so and so today” or “I will not complain about
St. John we too should come into contact with the my health today.” (If anyone asks how we are
Living Word of God by prayerfully reading doing, in order to avoid telling a little lie or
God’s love letters—the Holy Scriptures. They saying something trite, we could say something
speak many things to those who listen… in like, “I am doing better than I deserve” even
silence and seclusion. Yet, one can also read when feeling terrible and we will be telling the
from an approved holy book such as The truth.) After making our meditation and forming
Imitation of Christ, Introduction to the Devout Life our resolution, we thank the Lord for calling us
by St. Francis DeSales, or some life of a Saint. As to spend this time with Him. Then we keep our
St. Philip Neri often said the best books are those resolution close to our heart, asking ourselves at
written by authors whose first name begins with least twice during the day how we are doing.
“S”… St. Bernard, St. Teresa, St. Therese… Then we say we are sorry for our failures and
renew our resolution to do better as the day

STANDS FOR MEDITATION. While in progresses.
the womb, St. John most likely meditated
on the Living Word in his presence. If this spirituality is followed it will make
While in the desert, he spent much time the Christian Life present and real. Practice LESS
meditating upon what he read in the Scriptures ME so that He might increase and you decrease.

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