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Japanese English

Watashi wa nihonggo ka skoshi wakarimas I know a little bit of Japanese

Skoshi a little
ee otenki des neh it's a great weather
so des neh yes, it is
wakarimas Understand
jozu ja arimasenm not skilled
jozu des you are very good/skilled
jozu des neh? you are good/skilled, aren't you?
Arigato gozaimas thank you
Nihonggo ka jozu des neh? you’re skilled in Japanese, aren’t you?
Eiggo ka jozu des neh? you’re skilled in English, aren’t you?
Ja mata see you
Sumimasenm eigo ka wakarimas ka? Excuse me, do you understand English
ee-yeh, yoku wakarimasen No, I don’t understand well
Hai, skoshi yes, a little
Watashiwa jozu ja arimasenm I’m not skilled
Ohayo gozaimas good morning
Ee otengki des neh? The weather is good today, right?
Nihonggo wakarimas I understand Japanese
Nihonggo ka skoshi wakarimas I understand Japanese English
Demo But
Mada Yet
Mada jozu ja arimasemn not skilled yet
Demo mada Jozu ja arimasemn But, I’m not skilled yet
Yoku Well
Yoku wakarimas understand well
Yoku wakarimasen I don’t understand well
YAna - Bad (weather) (literal: unpleasant;
distasteful; disagreeable)
Yana otengki des neh? it’s bad weather, isn’t it?
Ja mata see you/goodbye
Domo very much
Domo arigatou gozaimas Thank you very much/indeed
konNIchiwah good afternoon
Nihon Japan
Watashiwa Nihonjin des I am Japanese
Watashiwa nihonjin ja arimasen I am not Japanese
Watashiwa americajin ja arimasen I am not American
Anatawa nihonjin des ka? Are you Japanese?
Iyeh, watashiwa nihonjin ja arimasen No, I am not Japanese
Anatawa? and you?
But, I understand Demo, wakarimas
But, I understand Japanese Demo, nihonggo ka wakarimas
Eh yes (informal)
Hanashimas speak
Jozu ni hanashimas you speak well
Jozu ni Well or skillfully (speak)
JOzu des you’re skilled
Jozu ja arimasen I’m not very good
Yana otengki des neh It’s bad weather
Hanashimas Speak
Iyeh, jozu ja mada arimasen No, I’m not skilled yet.
Wakarimas I understand
Yoku wakarimas I understand well
Mada jozu ja arimasen I’m not skilled yet.
Yoku wakaramisen I don’t understand well
Jozu ni hanashimas You speak well
Jozu ni hanashimas neh? You speak well, don’t you?
Watashiwa nihon jinja arimasen I’m not Japanese
Uwe noh Major train station in Japan
Eh-ki Station

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