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Unit 4 of Pimsleur Japanese 1

Unit 4 of Pimsleur Japanese 1 Notes:

Introduction to asking for directions.


A: sumimasen, anata wa nihon-jin desu ka.

    Excuse me, are you Japanese?

B: hai, watashi wa nihon-jin desu.

    Yes, I am Japanese.

    anata wa. 
    And you?

A: watashi wa amerika-jin desu.

    I am American.

   demo nihongo ga yoku wakarimasu ne.

   But you understand Japanese well, don't you?

B: ee, sukoshi. demo, mada jouzu ja arimasen.

    Yes a little. But, I'm not skilled yet.

A: iie, jouzu desu.

    No, you are skilled

B: arigatou gozaimasu.
   Thank you.


konnichiwa - Good afternoon!

ja mata - Goodbye / See you!

ohayou gozaimasu - Good morning!

ii otenki desu ne - It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

yana otenki desu ne - It's bad weather, isn't it?

sou desu ne
arigatou gozaimasu - Thank you! (politely)

domo arigatou gozaimasu - Thank you very much!

watashi wa amerika-jin desu - I am American.

demo nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu - But I understand a little Japanese.

anata wa - And you?

iie, mada jouzu ja arimasen - No, I am not very good yet.

eigo ka wakarimasu ka - Do you understand English?

nihongo ga wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese.

yoku wakarimasu - You understand well.

yoku wakarimasen - I don't understand well.

New Vocabulary:

hanashimasu - To speak

sukoshi hanashimasu - I speak a little.

jouzu ni hanashimasu - You speak well.

jouzu ni - Well or skillfully when referring to speak

jouzu ni hanashimasu ne - You speak well, don't you?

eki - station

Ueno eki - Ueno station

Shinjuku eki - Shinjuku station

doko - Where

desu - is / are

doko desu ka - Where is?

Ueno eki wa doko desu ka - Where is Ueno station?

sumimasen, Ueno eki wa doko desu ka - Excuse me, where is Ueno station?

koko - here

koko desu - It's here.

koen - park

Ueno koen - Ueno park

Ueno koen wa doko desu ka - Where is Ueno park?

Ueno koen wa - And Ueno park?

Shinjuku eki wa doko desu ka - Where is Shinjuku station?

sumimasen, Shinjuku eki wa doko desu ka - Excuse me, where is Shinjuku station?

koko desu ka - Is it here?

hai, koko desu - Yes, it's here.

iie, koko ja arimasen - No, it's not here.

asoko - there / over there

asoko desu - It's over there.

asoko ja arimasen - It's not over there.

Ueno eki wa koko desu - Ueno station is here.

Shinjuku eki wa koko ja arimasen - Shinjuku station is not here.

Japanese Conversation:

A: konnichiwa.
B: konnichiwa.
A: ii otenki desu ne.
B: so desu ne.
A: aa, nihongo ga wakarimase ne.
B: sukoshi. hai, sukoshi. demo mada jouzu ja arimasen.

A: iie, jouzu desu. anata wa amerika-jin desu ka.

B: hai, watashiwa amerika-jin desu. anata wa.

A: watashi wa nihon-jin desu.

A: sumimasen, Ueno eki wa doko desu ka.

    Excuse me, where is Ueno station?

B: koko desu.
    It's here.

A: Ueno koen wa.

    And Ueno park?

B: asoko desu.
    It's over there.

    Ueno eki wa asoko ja arimasen. 

    Ueno station is not over there.
    Ueno koen wa asoko desu.
    Ueno park is over there.

    demo Ueno eki wa koko desu.

    But, Ueno station is here.

A: doko ka ii restoran o shitte imasu ka.

B: sumimasen, wakarimasen.
    Sorry, I don't understand.

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