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Lack of dental care and filthy food habits these days lead to various dental conditions.

tooth decay is the main reason for a toothache, medically termed as "dentalgia", which is most
common. A toothache can arise due to a variety of reasons such as an abscessed tooth, a filling
damage, cavity, gum infection, etc. which lead to an unhealthy tooth.

Lack of minerals in a person's diet leads to corrosion of the enamel and causes inflammation and
ache. Pain leads to hot and cold sensitivity, swelling up of the gum, fever and sometimes a bad

If the pain persists, we strongly recommend you consult a dentist. However, if the pain is minute and
temporary, here are some quick tips and remedies to help cure the toothache and provide instant


Apple Cider Vinegar

Because of Apple Vinegar's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics, it is an excellent
remedy for curing minor toothache. It brings the pH level of the mouth back to normal and detoxifies
the infected tooth, thence fighting the decay.
For best results, dip a cotton swab in the diluted solution and keep on the infected tooth for 10
minutes, repeat thrice a day.

Saline Water
The salt content in the saline dilution helps release the excess fluid from the gum tissue. It's anti-
inflammatory and analgesic properties suppress the swelling and the pain, thereby combatting the
bacteria causing the infection.
Add 1 tsp salt in warm water and stir well. Once mixed, rinse your mouth thoroughly with it and
repeat until relief is seen.

Ice Pack
One of the easiest and most important methods to get rid of a toothache is applying an ice pack to
the affected area. The ice helps repair the swollen tissue.
Wrap around the ice, a piece of cloth and hold it against the affected tooth for some time. It numbs
the area and lessens the pain.

Vanilla Extract
It has a sweet taste, calming effect and therefore is considered one of the most important remedies
to cure a toothache.
All that needs to be done is to dip a cotton swab in the extract and place it on the tooth until change
is observed.

Baking Soda
Add baking soda to some lukewarm water. Stir. Rinse your mouth with the solution thoroughly.
This helps balance the pH level of the mouth and relieves pain.

Tea Bag
Tea has tannic acid and various antioxidants which prevent bleeding and heal wounds.
Dip a tea bag in warm water, squeeze and hold it against the affected tooth until the pain lessens.

Garlic's antibiotic nature is excellent for reducing pain.
Mixing crushed garlic and salt, apply the paste directly to the affected tooth and let it sit.

Onion eliminates the bacteria present in the mouth and helps regulate toothache.
For fast results, chew onion for a few minutes to get instant relief.

Lemon Juice
The juices antiviral properties fight infections efficiently, it also removes toxins from the affected
tooth and gums.
Rub the affected area with a mix solution of lemon juice and salt to see results.

Peel and slice a cucumber and place one piece over the affected tender area (preferably refrigerated
cucumber) it helps reduce pain really soon.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Gargle with 3-5% hydrogen peroxide solution to obtain relief from toothache and spit it out.
Repeat several times to see results.

Vinegar and Brown Paper

Soak a piece of brown paper in vinegar and sprinkle over it some black pepper.
Hold this against your cheek, near the affected tooth and the warmth should help ease the pain.

This ancient technique reduces pain within seconds as it promotes the release the endorphins.
For this, gently press and massage the affected region with the part of your hand where the index
finger and the base of the thumb meet for two minutes to feel the change.

Most of the mouthwashes in the market are high in alcohol content. RInsing your mouth with a
mouthwash with high concentration of alcohol is excellent to cure your toothache.

Black Pepper
“Piperine” present in pepper triggers the transient receptors in our mouth and provides instant relief
from toothache.
Crush salt and pepper together. Add to them water such that a paste like consistency is obtained.
Apply the paste to the tooth and gums.

Cayenne Pepper
Mix Cayenne Pepper with Apple Vinegar and add a small amount of ginger powder to it.
Make a paste and apply directly to the bad tooth.
Avocado is a great antioxidant which help release the pain from the tooth.
Make a powder out of roasted avocado seeds and apply directly to the infected tooth with a swab for

The seeds of asafoetida have active ingredients which destroy the harmful bacteria leading to
toothache. Make fine powder out of Asafoetida seeds and add lemon juice to it. Warm the paste and
apply to the tooth for instant relief.

One of the most important uses of turmeric is curing and providing instant relief to your tooth, due to
its antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
Add water to turmeric powder to turn it into a paste like consistency and spreading it over the
infected tooth.

Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of cloves effectively reduce and kill bacteria
causing a toothache. Ground a few clove pods and add to the powder, a spoonful of olive oil or
water. Apply this mixture against the infected part and hold it until the pain lessens.

Try chewing fresh ginger to allow its antibacterial properties to act and reduce pain.


Clove Oil
Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant Clove oil is excellent for curing toothache.
See results by dabbing a cotton swab in the clove oil and holding it against the problem tooth.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil combats toothache, infection and swelling leading to it very efficiently due to its
antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Just drench a cotton ball in the oil and hold it against the tender area.

Plantain leaves
Due to plantains detoxifying nature, it removes impurities and bacteria from the tooth and gum and
thus reduces pain in the tooth. You may chew or make a paste and apply over the infected area for
best results.

Guava Leaves
Chew some guava leaves for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties to act and let the juice
work through the affected area.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint have anesthetic properties and menthol which helps reduce the inflammation and
toothache. All that needs to be done is to soak a cotton ball in peppermint oil and apply it to the
infected region.

Astringent characteristics of Bayberry makes it and exceptional home remedy to cure toothache. It is
also rich in Vitamin C which makes is excellent for strengthening gums. Apply a paste of bayberry
bark mixed with water and vinegar and apply to the problematic tooth.

Wheatgrass Juice
Wheat Grass, due to its antibacterial nature helps combat tooth decay and relieves toothache.

Essential Oils
Oils such as Myrrh oil, Eucalyptus oil and Frankincense, Rosemary and Melaleuca oils work
amazingly to cure tooth and gum problems. Make toothpaste or a mouthwash out of theses to get
best results.

Oregano Oil
Pour olive oil or lukewarm water and to it, add oregano oil. Drench a cotton ball in the mixture and
apply to the affected area. The inflammatory properties help cure the aching tooth.

Myrrh kills bacteria and soothes pain in the tooth. Boil myrrh in water and let cool. Rinse your mouth
with this solution 5-6 times daily.

● Consult a dentist if the pain is intolerable
● Gargle with saline solution
● Gently brush your teeth
● Use floss daily
● Use numbing gel
● Apply ice pack

● Don't let a painful tooth persist
● Avoid sweets and extremely hot/cold drinks.
● Having unnecessary antibiotics.
● Taking doses more than what is recommended.

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