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The WCT Calisthenics Templates

Welcome to The WCT Calisthenics Templates: How To Exercise

At Home (If You Hate The Gym & Don’t Know Where To Start)
After going through this template, you’ll learn the basics of how to start exercising at
home, using just your bodyweight.

You see, it all starts with knowing how to exercise as efficiently as possible. That’s
why this template will show you which exercises you should do and how to do them
in order to get the best results possible (in the least amount of time).

Let’s dive right in...

1. You Need To Carve Out 20-30 Minutes A Day For Your Fitness

The number one thing that you must to do to incorporate exercise into your life is to
block out 20-30 minutes a day that you’ll devote to exercising.

This should be non-negotiable.

Look, I know that your life is extremely busy. But be honest with yourself.

Are there 30 minutes a day that you spend doing unproductive things?

Instead of watching The Walking Dead or scrolling through the highlight reels of
Instagram, decide right now, which 30 minutes you are going to dedicate to
improving your body and your fitness.

30 minutes is such a tiny commitment. If you do the math, 30 minutes is only 2% out
of your 24-hour day.

Just 2%!

And believe it or not, that 2% is more than enough time for you to see amazing
results… provided you’re using the best exercises.

Which are…
The WCT Calisthenics Template

2: The Best Calisthenic Exercises

If you only have 30 minutes to workout – you should only use the best exercises.

Thankfully, almost every calisthenics exercise is a power exercise.

Power exercises
• Use a large range of motion,
• train multiple muscle groups at once, and
• develop the 6 basic functional human movement patterns

The 6 basic human movement patterns are

- The Horizontal Push
- The Vertical Push
- The Horizontal Pull
- The Vertical Pull
- The Knee Dominant Pattern (AKA the squat)
- The Hip Hinge Pattern

Any exercise that doesn’t train one of these 6 patterns should not be prioritized in
your workout.

Remember, we are going after quality workouts here.

At least 80% of your workout should be composed of these 6 exercises.

Now let’s go how to structure your templates.

The WCT Calisthenics Template

3. You Must Create A Balanced Training Program

Last but not least, you need to create a balanced training program using these 6 basic
movement patterns. You do this by performing an equal amount of pushing and
pulling exercises in both the upper and lower body.

Let’s break down each movement one by one.

- The Horizontal and Vertical Push train the pressing muscles of the upper
body: These include the chest, shoulders, and tricep muscles.

-The Horizontal and Vertical Pulls trains the pulling muscles of the upper
body: These include the biceps, the lats, the rhomboids, and the middle
trapezius muscles.

- The Knee Dominant Pattern trains the muscles that cause hip flexion and
knee extension: These include the quadriceps, the hip flexors, and the
adductors muscles.

- Lastly, The Hip Hinge Pattern trains the muscles on the posterior side of your
lower body that cause hip extension: These include the glutes, the hamstring
muscles and even the low back.

Do your best to train the

- Horizontal Pull and Horizontal Push in a 1:1 ratio

- Vertical Pull and Vertical Push in a 1:1 ratio and the
- Hip Hinge and Knee Dominant Exercises in a 1:1 ratio

So if you did 3 sets of 10 reps of a horizontal push, you must do 3 sets of 10 reps of a
horizontal pull as well etc.

Note: It doesn't even have to be in the same workout – Just make sure that you
balance out your exercises on a per week basis.

The final point is – you should aim to train each of the 6 basic movement patterns at
least 1-2 times a week.

So without further ado, here are your calisthenics templates

Alex & Brittany

The WCT 3/Day Week Push/Pull/Legs Template (Calisthenics)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Push Day Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Horizontal Push
Vertical Push
Isolation Exercise

Pull Day Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Horitzontal Pull
Vertical Pull
Isolation Exercise

Leg Day Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Core/Ab Exercise

*Note: This template can also be done 6 days a week - simply repeating all three workouts back to back

The Horizontal Push The Horizontal Pull The Vertical Push The Vertical Pull Rep Ranges
Push-Up Inverted Row Knees Bent Pike Push-Up Pull-up Negatives Endurance
Close Grip Push-Up Inverted Row Knees Straight Incline Pike Push-Up Pull-Up 2-3 sets
Lever/Archer Push-Up Inverted Row Feet Elevated 1/2 Handstand Push-Up Close Grip Pull-Up 12-20 reps per set
Psuedo Planche Push-Up Archer Inverted Rows Handstand Push-Up Wide Grip Pull-Up
Dip Variations One Arm Inverted Rows Parallette Handstand Push-Up Towel Assisted Pull-Up Hypertrophy
3 sets
The Squat The Hip- Hinge Core/ Ab Exercises Isolation Exercises 7-12 reps per set
Box Squat Glute Bridge Planks Bodyweight Bicep Curl
Full Squat Elevated Glute Bridge Side Planks Bodyweight Tricep Extension Strength
Close Stance Squat Single Leg Glute Bridge Ab Wheel Rollouts Prone Cobra 3-5 sets
1 Leg Box Squat Romanian Deadlits Leg Raises Bodyweight Reverse Delt Fly 6 reps or less
Lunge Variations Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts Reverse Crunch
The WCT 4/Day Week Upper/Lower Template (Recommended)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Upper Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Horizontal Push
Horizontal Pull
Vertical Push

Lower Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Core/ Ab Exercise

Upper Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Vertical Push
Vertical Pull
Horizontal Push

Lower Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps Variation Sets Reps
Core/Ab Exercise

The Horizontal Push The Horizontal Pull The Vertical Push The Vertical Pull Rep Ranges
Push-Up Inverted Row Knees Bent Pike Push-Up Pull-up Negatives Endurance
Close Grip Push-Up Inverted Row Knees Straight Incline Pike Push-Up Pull-Up 2-3 sets
Lever/Archer Push-Up Inverted Row Feet Elevated 1/2 Handstand Push-Up Close Grip Pull-Up 12-20 reps per set
Psuedo Planche Push-Up Archer Inverted Rows Handstand Push-Up Wide Grip Pull-Up
Dip Variations One Arm Inverted Rows Parallette Handstand Push-Up Towel Assisted Pull-Up Hypertrophy
3 sets
The Squat The Hip- Hinge Core/ Ab Exercises Isolation Exercises 7-12 reps per set
Box Squat Glute Bridge Planks Bodyweight Bicep Curl
Full Squat Elevated Glute Bridge Side Planks Bodyweight Tricep Extension Strength
Close Stance Squat Single Leg Glute Bridge Ab Wheel Rollouts Prone Cobra 3-5 sets
1 Leg Box Squat Romanian Deadlits Leg Raises Bodyweight Reverse Delt Fly 6 or less reps
Lunge Variations Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts Reverse Crunch *(If Time Permits)
The WCT Calisthenics Templates

Do You Want Help Filling Out The 4

Day Template?
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- Which exercises I recommend that you start with

- How many sets you should do for each exercise

- How many repetitions you should do for each exercise

- How long you should rest between sets, and

- How and when to increase the difficulty of each exercise in....

The WCT Home Workout Program For

Busy People

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