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The Arrs in Ps.vchotherapg, Vol. 8 pp. 245-254, Ankho International Inc., 1981. Printed in the U.S.A.


A Turning Point in Movement Therapy

Body Movement: Coping with the Environment

Irmgard Bartenieff with Dori Lewis

(New York: Gordon & Breach, 1980, 304 pp, $42.50)

Decisive progress in any area of therapy reaches not only beyond the dance as an artistic
seems to occur when the special techniques for activity but even beyond the realm of the arts.
curing a physical or mental deficiency are seen in Dance is inseparably related to movement quite
a much broader context of human functioning. in general. Movement as a basic activity of life
Therapy originates as a bag of practices, derived already contains all the elements of functioning
from episodic observations and based on hunches. and expression that distinguish its precious
Such practices start out as separate remedies, flower, the dance. In consequence, dance ther-
unrelated by governing principles, unsystematic apy is coming to be conceived as a feature of
and unexplained. movement therapy. Neither in theory nor in
Mental illness becomes understandable when practice is there much to be gained by trying to
it is seen as a special disorder of general, “normal” find the boundary at which mere movement be-
functioning. Correspondingly, psychotherapy be- comes dance.
comes effective when its methods are derived This development in movement therapy is
from the psychological principles that govern be- dramatized and supplied with a systematic foun-
havior in general. Anxiety, for example, can dation by the publication of a standard work:
hardly be dealt with as long as it is perceived Body Movement: Coping with the Environment,
as nothing but a symptom of illness rather than a written by Irmgard Bartenieff with Dori Lewis.
common human response to certain types of Bartenieff, now in her eightieth year, was trained
experience. as a dancer and has never lost contact with dance
Similarly, art therapy acquires its necessary as a modem art. Thoroughly trained at the same
psychological basis when it is understood as a time in the anatomy and physiology of the human
branch of art activity in general. It presupposes body, she approached her life’s work in therapy
much knowledge of what needs are fulfilled by with principles that had decisively infhienced the
the making and receiving of art, what functions practice of the dance but not yet been recognized
of mind and body are employed, and what ways in clinical work. The decisive impulse on which
of looking at the world of experience are entailed she built her own approach came from her early
in art. To a particularly striking extent, this contact with her teacher, Rudolf Laban.
broadening of outlook is required for dance ther- The extraordinary range and depth of Laban’s
apy because in this case the necessary context achievements derived from a few basic insights.
copyrightC 1981 Ankholntemational Inc.

Although a choreographer by profession, he innervation of the arm, especially the act of de-
came to see bodily movement quite in general as cision, was all but absorbed by the dynamics of
an indivisible entity. When the advent of Nazism the task. Part function was incorporated in the
in Germany interrupted his career as a prime unified, goal-directed activity as a whole.
mover of the modem dance in that country, he Once the mind had been enlisted in relieving
became engaged in England during the war in the weaknesses of the body, it was logical to
what we call time and motion studies in industry. profit also from the converse of the relationship
This task helped to develop his conception of by making the body help in the rehabilitation of
movement as a goal-directed activity, which re- the mind. This was the beginning of movement
quires the integrated functioning of body and therapy as an aid to clinical psychology and psy-
mind. The economic conception of the worker as chiatry. Movement therapy started inevitably as
the means to the end of industrial production was an intuitive and somewhat haphazard means of
supplemented by the idea of work as the means using recreational games, music, and dance to
to building well developed human beings. The enliven the mood of hospital settings. But to give
application to therapy suggested itself naturally. a more systematic basis to the new discipline, it
Physical therapy had limited itself traditionally was necessary, first of all, to provide an analysis
to the strengthening of particular muscle groups, of movement and to identify its underlying di-
When Bartenieff received her training under mensions. Here Bartenieff was able to make use
George Deaver at New York University, the of the theories of Laban. who had based his sys-
older approach was being replaced with princi- tem on the triad of body, space, and what came
ples that she found to be in keeping with what she to be known as “effort.”
had learned from Laban. For an effective physi- The body with its anatomical structure and its
cal therapy it was necessary, first, to treat any physiological functioning is the instrument of
local weakness in the context of the body’s total movement. All movement must be derived har-
functioning. The goal was that of enabling the moniously from the particular conditions pro-
patient to fulfill tasks which challenged the whole vided by the body. For the purpose of movement
body, not just a particular limb or segment. Sec- analysis, Bartenieff describes the lower unit of
ond, there was no such thing as retraining the the body, from the hips down, as the initiator of
body as a mere physical instrument. Rehabilita- the center of weight, which essentially serves
tion required the cooperation of the patient’s locomotor activity and postural changes, and the
mind, which had to be directed toward the goal to upper unit as being at the service of exploring,
be attained by the total organism. manipulating, gesturing activities. The upper unit
I might mention here that this approach corre- “initiates and extends reach-space, communi-
sponded also to the principles of gestalt psychol- cates through spatial gesture, body touch, grasp,
ogy. In an address I gave at the Laban Centennial enveloping, dispersing, intertwining.”
Celebration in New York in 1979, I had occasion All these activities occur in space, specifically
to refer to an experiment I witnessed as a student in the limited area that surrounds the body and is
in the 1920s at the University of Berlin. One of called the kinesphere. Defined by the principal
my teachers, the psychologist Kurt Lewin, was directions of movement, the kinesphere has the
working with encephalitic children. These chil- shape of a cube as long as the directions are ele-
dren had difficulties with initiating and control- mentary, but must be described as an icosahe-
ling motor behavior. To make an arm reach and dron, that is, as a polyhedron of twenty faces,
move in a prescribed direction was a problem for when the repertory of movement becomes more
them. Lewin constructed a revolving drum that complex. In its most generalized form, of course,
rotated slowly behind an opening in a screen. A movement is comprehended by a sphere sur-
number of hooks were attached to the drum, and rounding the body in all directions.
the children were asked to slip a small metal ring The most important aspect of movement anal-
on each hook when it appeared in the opening. ysis refers to the dynamic qualities of the move-
This they did remarkably well-apparently be- ments executed by the body. Movement is not
cause the experimental setup shifted their atten- identical with mere locomotion, that is, with a
tion from the arm to the target. The voluntary mere change of place, but is activated by centers

of energy which determine its particular meaning tenieff characterizes effort under four headings:
and effect. It can be the active manifestation of space, weight, time, and flow. Spatial orientation
a source of energy inherent in the body or it influences effort, for example, by the difference
can yield passively to an outer force. It can have of expression between an upwara move versus a
any degree of strength, consistency, focusing. downward move or between a direct aiming at a
The psychotherapeutic and diagnostic virtues of goal as against “an encompassing reference” to
movement derive principally from the percep- it. “To crack an egg, the attitude toward space
tion of the directed tensions that are produced by must be Direct, as opposed to the Indirect atti-
innervation and the exertion of muscles and ten- tude of folding beaten egg white into a dessert.”
dons. The weight factor of effort describes the dif-
Bartenieff s version of the Laban analysis has ference between the heavy investment in a smash
become known as the Effort/Shape system. “Ef- of the fist as against the light touch needed for
fort” does not strike me as the best term available delicate handling. The time factor refers to the
to describe the dynamic qualities of movement. expressive aspects of duration, for example, the
In common usage, effort is the sudden mobiliza- suddenness of grabbing or withdrawing as
tion of a strong amount of energy and therefore against leisurely lingering. Finally, the free flow
nearly the opposite of the kind of behavior of streaming, swinging, or whirling is distin-
favored by Bartenieff for a sensible therapy. It guished from restraint, control, or blockage of
would also seem that the term effort is made to movement.
stand for a number of components that deserve Naturally, in any actual performance these
to be distinguished conceptually. four aspects of expressive movement combine in
The dynamics of movement is, first, a visual various ratios. While the purpose of systematic
quality perceived by an observer, such as a ther- analysis requires that the components be kept
apist watching a client or an audience watching a apart and described separately, Bartenieff insists
dance. It distinguishes, for example, a limp, throughout her presentation that only a totally
poorly directed reach of the arm from a vigor- integrated performance of the whole organism
ously determined one. The dynamics of move- makes for successful and wholesome movement.
ment is, second, the physiological activity, which Such integrated movement requires, first of all,
manifests itself indirectly in visual appearance that the body be organized around a center with-
and somewhat more directly in the kinesthetic in itself-a center established by a constant, flex-
experience of the therapist who monitors a ible search for balance, not by rigid restraint.
client’s performance by touching his body. Kin- Upright posture, for example, should not be ob-
esthetic perception is also available to the mover tained by stiffening and bracing. Instead, “the
himself, who senses and controls what his body whole body slightly sways while ‘standing still’ in
is doing. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a figure-of-eight distribution of weight (center,
dynamics carries expression, that is, it stands for forward, right side, backward, center, forward,
the mental attitudes corresponding to the vari- left side, backward, center) in continuous subtle
eties of physical dynamics. For example, ex- fluctuation between stability and mobility to
pression is what makes a determined gesture maintain balance.”
convey the sense of courage and distinguishes it When the norm position of the living body is a
from helpless fumbling. Expression comprises all state of constant, subtle readjustment, it adapts
the psychological connotations perceived by itself more easily to a restructuring, required
movers and observers and therefore constitutes when some functions are impaired by paralysis
the base for analogies between mental and bodily or injury. I remember studies carried out many
behavior, that is, the base of movement therapy years ago, I believe by the psychologist David
and aesthetics.* Katz, in which the almost immediate rearrange-
These various components of dynamics and ment of the body’s total functioning was de-
expression are implied by the term “effort.” Bar- scribed in animals deprived of one or several of
*Amheim, R. To~cwrd a Psychology ofArr. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966. Pp. 51 ff.
Arnheim, R. Art und Visual Percepfion (New Version). Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974. Chapters 9
and 10.

their limbs.7 Similarly, Bartenieff has the example structiveness in a young woman who in a dance
of a four-year-old polio patient whom she gave therapy session ended every phrase of her
exercises that made him “struggle for balance” movements with an abrupt cutting-off of the
to re-establish verticality. This, she says, was in flow. In another instance she analyzed the motor
contrast to the traditional focusing on local mus- patterns of two presidential candidates in a tele-
cular activity “without spatial reference.” vision debate, indicating the difference of atti-
In the well integrated body, movement is acti- tude in the incumbent and the challenger.
vated by a number of centers, which are hierar- Bartenieff s book abounds in revealing analy-
chically organized in such a way that the ses of bits of everyday behavior observed in
impulses from secondary centers subordinate railway stations or during professional activities.
themselves to the main direction given by the They remind me of similarly incisive, although
dominant center. The location of the dominant purely intuitive, analyses in the writings of Honore
center can vary. Thus, in the Japanese kabuki Balzac, who was especially interested in the ex-
dancers the center of the weight is in the pelvic pression of people’s gait. I remember an episode
area, which conveys a sense of earthbound in which a husband suspecting his wife of infidel-
grounding whereas the Western ballet dancer ity watches from a window the “particulier.” ie,
centers his weight in his chest and thereby ob- the unattached male, leaving the house, in order
tains the quality of “heaven-reaching, off-the- to guess from the expression of the suitor’s walk-
ground.” ing whether or not he has had success with the
Only in the simplest cases, eg, when a boxer lady. Balzac could not rely, as Bartenieff does in
gives his thrust a maximum intensity by marshal- her book, on an ample assortment of delightful
ling the energies of his total body in support of it, snapshots, taken mostly by Bonnie Freer and
are the subcenters of activation mere executives Morris H. Jaffe and showing people of all ages,
of the dominant movement. More often, gestures walks of life, and different cultures in eloquent
and counteractions complicate and enrich the demonstrations of spontaneous body language.
performance. Nevertheless, this must not lead to Bartenieff s analyses of visual and verbally
fragmentation. Every good dancer demonstrates described examples prove how decisively her
the harmonious unification of the various mo- sensitivity to the character and meaning of
tives contributed by the limbs as though they movement has been refined by the categories of
were the members of a chamber music group. “Labananalysis.” Her descriptions are worded
This unity of the effort is a necessary condition in the terminology created for the purpose, which
for physically and mentally successful behavior. requires the user of the book to learn its special
Bartenieff refers here, for example, to a study language but is indispensable once the informal
of the motor behavior of business executives descriptions of everyday observations are re-
carried out by Warren Lamb, a colleague of the placed with the systematic approach of the pro-
late Rudolf Laban. Lamb showed that an isolated fessional. Thus, although enlivened on every
gesture, not supported by the rest of the page by the humanity of its author, Bartenieff s
speaker’s body. may reveal a lack of true en- book is intended mainly for readers who study
gagement and is likely not to create the desired movement in earnest. To them she offers a trea-
effect in onlookers and listeners. (Instructive tise whose completeness and expertise will not
photographs illustrating Lamb’s principles are be surpassed in many years to come.
published with an analysis of his “action pro-
files” in a recent book by Ramsden.* The ex-
pressive aspects of motor dynamics are amply
documented by Bartenieff. She reports, for ex- Rudolf Amheim, Ph.D.
ample, how she came to suspect suicidal de- Professor Emeritus of the Psychology of Art
Harvard University
*Katz, David. Grsrrrlr P~~cl~o/og~ New York. Ronald Press, and Visiting Professor
1950. Chapter 3: The Plasticity of Motor Processes.
*Ramsden, Pamela. Top 7rcrm Plannirzp: A Study of the
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
f’ower of I~ldil~idutrl Moti~wrion in Mantrp~menr. London: University of Michigan
Cassell, 1973. Ann Arbor, Michigan

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