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Key of Responsibility turn over speech

I may say that this majestic evening will be greatly rated for being one of the volumes of the most
prestigious blockbuster film- Our lives. In a few days we seniors will ascend to more difficult tapings and
pictorials because we will encounter a greater production more actors to be met and more roles to be
performed. And of course, one thing is for sure we are always the writer of our own story.

As we move on, with our lives , you must learn and remember the things that have helped us to finish
this stage. You must learn how to be responsible. RESPONSIBILTY is one KEY in order for you to succeed.
Something that we did might not have worked out well, but we trust that after we leave this institution
you may learn from our mistakes. Expect the worst but always strive for the best…

And I am proud that we never lose hope when failures and disappointments come to our way. We
already did our part being the seniors we defended what we love and fought what we believe in, being
one of the class president of the senior class it is my privilege to pass on the key of responsibility to you
juniors. Juniors, in a few more days your job will be to continue our unfinished tasks as we sail in our
respective ships to discover new oceans and adventures,…

Good evening and God bless us all….

Book of knowledge turn over speech

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, distinguish guest faculty and staff, to our beloved directress.

As we would be leaving the doorway of MOTHER OF DIVINE GRACE ACADEMY we would also be bringing
with us the experiences of both triumphs and plights that we have scribbled in the history of this
institution. These fragments of our high school memories will never fail to bring smiles on our faces, as
we would reminisce the days of our struggles, our victories and our defeats, the times that we faltered,
immediately followed by our stronger, more determined spring backs- the entire journey that we had
jubilantly travelled along the academic arena of our secondary education.

Now as we are about to chart our new journey in the more serious grounds of college, we challenge the
juniors to take on this responsibility with the same fervor and spirit that allowed us, the seniors to push
through. This is a great challenge that we pose on you- that you may be brave and smart in facing the
adversities and task that you will encounter ahead.

May you be model in ethics of good disposition towards the ypunger learners. May you set yourselves as
worthy keepers of this book of knowledge and carry on with the legacies that the quality products of
MOTHER OF DIVINE GRACE ACADEMY are the learners who does not just learn purely in academics but
also from the teaching and experiences they meet along the way. Just always remember the Phrase
” Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.

May God bless us all…..

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