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Código: F-AC-04

Versión: 01
ENGLISH TEACHER : Sandra S. Leal Sanjuán

NAME: Isabela maría zarate jaimes DATE: May 28, 2020 CODE: 43 GRADE: 7-02

1. Complete the sentences about yourself :

a) The last time that I felt happy was today when I calmly answered the statistical
evaluation and I think it went well.

b) I was concerned when i was sending all my Works in a hurry.

c) I feel happy because I won the game.

d) I`m tired because we had a hard physical education class.

e) Do exercise really motivates me.

2.Circle the Word or phrase that doen`t belong in the same category.

1. A. Happy B. delighted C. sad

2. A. Tired B. energetic C. active

3. A. respectful B. polite C. rude

4. A. motivated B. disappointed C. angry

5. A.teamwork B. honesty C. cooperation

3. Choose the correct option and write on the line:

1. I am really_Tired_because the game was long and hard.

2. Hard work, determination and motivation are the keys to succes

3. Which is not a Good value? aggresiveness

4. We are _bored_ because it is raining and we have nothing to do.

5. When playing a sport in a team, respect is important.

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