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1.Surgical management of failed back syndrome after Lumbar

2.Discuss various tendon transfer procedures on Total claw hand.
3.Recent advances in management of Osteosarcoma Lower end
Femur in Adolescent boy.
4.Discuss the various modalities of Segmental fractures of long
5.Discuss the surgical management of Fixed Equinus Deformity Foot.
6.VAC Therapy
7.Discuss different treatment modalities in Comminuted
Supracondylar and intercondylar femur fractures.
8.Discuss in detail on different cementing techniques.
9.Navigation surgery in orthopedics.
10.Recent advances in spinal instrumentation in scoliosis correction.
11.Different biopsy techniques in orthopedics.
12.Methods of preparation of PRP and its uses in orthopedics.
13.Describe various clinical methods to assess Glenohumeral
14.Management of Gustilo-Anderson Type IIIB fracture Femur and its
recent advances.
15.Role of templating in THR. Outline the stages of templating in
Protrusio Acetabuli with Illustrations.
16.Histology of Growth plate. Factors causing growth disturbance,
guided growth modulation.
17.GANGA Score in Compound fracture evaluation.
18.ETC(Early Total Care)in polytrauma and it’s indications.Mention
ATLC guidelines in Polytrauma management.
19.Mention in detail about Pelvic osteotomies in Acetabular
20.Pathoanatomy and PIRANI scoring in CTEV.
21.Define drug resistant TB.How to investigate and manage a case of
a drug resistant TB.
22.How will you investigate and manage a case of painful stiff knee
after TKR.
23.Treatment of borderline patient of Polytrauma. Mention
Hypotensive resusication.
24.What is CAMPANACCI disease. Clinical features and management
of deformities of campanacci disease of long bones of lowerlimb.
25.Draw a cross section of spinal cord in dorsal region. Stages of Pott
spine paraplegia and management.
26.Gap Balancing Technique. Biomechanical principles of TKR.
28.Clinical features of Crouch gait and it’s management.
29.Clinical features, radiology and pathology of DISH.
30.Reperfusion surgery.
31.Side swipe injury of elbow and it’s management.
32.Role of PCL in Knee arthroplasty.Benefits of PCL reataining Varus
33.Robotics in orthopedic surgery.
34.Role of ultrasound in musculoskeletal disorders.
36.Recent advances in the management of rheumatoid arthritis.
37.Motor trash-
38.Role of ligamentotaxis in Acute trauma.Mention about TBW
39.Limb salvage in malignant bone tumours with special emphasis on
osteoclastoma lower end femur.
40.Problems encountered in surgical managment of Fragility
41.Role of Biofim in implant infection and it’s management.
43.Bearing surfaces in THR and their advantages and disadvantages.
44.Anterolateral decompression of D5-D6 space.
45.Oncogenic osteomalacia.
47.What is myoelectric prosthesis. Detail it’s components,application
and advantages.
48.Non Arthroplasty surgical methods of AVN femoral head.
49.Damage control orthopedics.
50.Gene therapy in orthopedics.
51.PET scan in orthopedic practice.
52.What is sandwitch technique.Describe the technique in the
management of GCT.
53.Distraction osteogenesis.
54.Biomaterials in orthopedics.
55.Stem cell therapy in orthopedic practice.
56.Anatomy and blood supply of proximal end of femur and it’s
importance in Safe surgical dislocation of hip.

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