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An analytic study of exponential-type potentials

Mira-Cristiana ANISIU, Iharka SZÜCS-CSILLIK,

Introduction Laplace, Seeliger and Neumann modifications

The exponential law appears nowadays in lots Seeliger (1895) agreed that Newton’s law is sustained by the astronomical observations in our plan-
of models of the real world, and it has accom- etary system, but he doubted that it still holds for "immeasurably great distances". He computed
panied the human knowledge for a very long the gravitational effects of the masses of the universe at a point and concluded that irresolvable
time. Curtis (1978) presents the early his- contradictions appeared, unless an attenuation factor was added in the expression of the Newton’s
tory of this law, starting with the ancient for- inverse square law. Seeliger proposed the addition of the factor exp(−λr), for λ a positive parameter,
mulations by means of geometric progressions, to obtain the gravitational force between two bodies of mass m and m0 at distance r
recorded on Sumerian cuneiform tablets from
around 2000 BC, and the Egyptian Rhind pa- 0 exp(−λr)
F = Gmm , (1)
pyrus from around 1550 BC. r2
In his Almagest from 138 AD, Ptolemy cat-
where G is the gravitational constant. The factor exp(−λr) was chosen as a possible one, similar to
aloged the brightness of visible stars according
that from Bouguer’s law of absorption of the light, and Seeliger admitted that further conditions on
to six classes, the first magnitude including 15
the cosmological problem may lead to better modifications. The expression (1) for the gravitational
of the brightest stars in the sky, and the sixth
force was mentioned by Laplace (1825), but Seeliger was the first who sustained firmly that Newton’s
magnitude containing the faintest visible to the
law needed to be modified.
naked eye. The other stars were distributed into
Neumann (1896) proposed other modification of the Newton’s law, starting from problems in elec-
the intervening four magnitudes. Later on, in
trostatics. He considered the potential
1830, Sir John Herschel noted that a first mag-
nitude star is in fact about 100 times brighter A exp(−λr)
than one of sixth magnitude. It became obvious ϕ=− , (2)
that the magnitude scale was in fact a geometric
progression, with the average ratio between 2.4 with λ a positive small parameter. In this case, the gravitational force between two bodies of mass
and 2.5. Various phenomena, as Newton’s law m and m0 at distance r becomes
of cooling of heated objects (1701), Bouguer’s
01 + λr
law of absorption of the light through translu- F = Gmm 2
exp(−λr). (3)
cent materials (1729), reconsidered by Lambert
(1760), Malthus theory of population increasing We mention that a potential of the form (2) was proposed by van der Waals (a Nobel Prize recipient)
(1798) are examples of exponential processes. in 1893 to represent intermolecular forces. Yukawa (1935) proposed a potential of the same form to
Afterwards, exponentials were used, in com- describe the interaction between the elementary particles in the nucleus (see Anisiu (2015)).
bination with some other functions, to model
more complex and more realistic phenomena, as
the Verhulst model for the growth of a biolog- Exponential-type potentials
ical population (1838), the damped oscillations We study exponentially corrected potentials and their relation with the Newtonian potential. We
in electrical circuits studied by Lord Kelvin - denote the potential corresponding to Neumann by Vλ , and to Seeliger’s force as Uλ :
William Thompson (1853). Z r
The idea of modifying the original 1/r Newto- exp(−λr) exp(−λu)
Vλ (r) = , λ > 0, Uλ (r) = − 2
du. (4)
nian potential starts with Newton himself. In his r u
Principia he has already proposed a potential
Potentials of the form Vλ are used in astrophysics as corrections for the Newtonian potential to
of the form A/r + B/r2 and studied the relative
explain recently observed phenomena that occur at various scales, from solar system to cosmological
orbit in this case too. Potentials of this type
distances, which have not yet found an explanation in terms of conventional physics. Further, we
have been physically justified later by Maneff
study the exponentially corrected potential, which we expect to preserve the shape of the Newtonian
(1924). There exist also other kind of correc-
potential (where λ, a are positive parameters):
tions, as in fractional potentials (Abd El-Salam
et al. (2014), Anisiu and Szücs-Csillik (2016)), 1 exp(−λr) 1 a
logarithmic (Ragos et al. (2013)), or polyno- Wλ (r) = + a , Zλ (r) = + , (5)
r r r exp (λr)
mial (Anisiu (2007)). Exponential-type poten-
tials appeared as examples in the programmed
motion related to the inverse problem of Dynam-
ics (Anisiu and Bozis (2000)).

The main properties of the Newtonian po-
tential are preserved by the corrected potentials
considered here. It is worth noting that we have
at our disposal some parameters which can be Figures 1. Vλ , for λ = 1, 2, 3; 2. Uλ , λ = 1, 2, 3; 3. Wλ , for a = 1 and λ = 1, 2, 3; 4. Zλ ,
used to adjust the potential when we have fur- for a = 1 and λ = 1, 2, 3. The black curve represents the Newtonian potential and the blue, red and
ther information on the motion. The figures il- green ones correspond to λ = 1, 2, 3.
lustrate the possible situations which have been
proved analytically. We notice that Neumann’s
and Seeliger’s potentials graphs are situated un- Selected references
der the graph of the Newtonian one, while the [1] Abd El-Salam, F. A. et al.: Astrophys. Space Sci. 350, 507-515 (2014)
graphs of Wλ and Zλ are situated above. [2] Anisiu, M.-C.: AIP Conference Proceedings 895. 308-312 (2007)
Zangeneh et. al. (2019) considered Neu- [3] Anisiu, M.-C.: Did. Math. 33, 1-9 (2015)
[4] Anisiu, M.-C., Bozis, G.: Inverse Problems 16 , 19-32 (2000)
mann’s potential and Wλ , and the correspond-
[5] Anisiu, M.-C., Szücs-Csillik, I.: Astrophys. Space Sci. 361: 382 (2016)
ing Friedmann equations, in order to cover the
[6] Curtis, L.J.: American Journal of Physics 46 (9), 896-906 (1978)
results of the general relativity in the Newtonian [7] Maneff, G.: Comptes Rendus 178, 2159-2161 (1924)
framework. They aimed to study the cosmolog- [8] Neumann, C.: BG Teubner (1896)
ical consequences of these potentials. It would [9] Ragos, O., Haranas, I., Gkigkitzis, I.: Astrophys Space Sci. 345, 67-72 (2013)
be interesting to consider this topic for the po- [10] Seeliger, H. von: Astron Nachr. 137, 129-136 (1895)
tential Zλ . [11] Zangeneh, M. K., Moradpour, H., Sadeghnezhad, N.: Modern Physics Letters A, 1950168 (2019).

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