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7 The message of some Neolithic astronomical symbols from Vinča civilization 121

ornament (on the right side: two big fish, a big fish which had been hooked, and on
the left side: a picture of stars in the sky, a house standing on posts (in a marsh) and
a small ship with men pulling oars).

Fig. 3 – a. The Spondylus shell from Mostonga; b. Similar star patterns to engraved symbols on
Spondylus shell from Mostonga.

At the beginning of the year 2018, archaeologist Lazarovici, during his research
on ancient symbols and signs, asked the author to investigate some symbols engraved
inside of a Spondylus shell from Serbia (about 5500 BC) in relation with the sky
chart. Comparing the star map with these signs and symbols, Szücs-Csillik realized
that the symbols and signs correspond to some Neolithic constellations (Szücs-Csillik
et al., 2018, 2019). This means those groups of stars, which were discovered on
Neolithic findings.
The Perseus Family (Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Perseus – Andromeda – Pegasus,
Auriga) can be observed near the thick band located on the shell as a few consecu-
tive points. Under the thick band, we identified points as stars from constellations
Perseus, Andromeda (maybe with Andromeda galaxy), and Pegasus; on the thick
line could be seen the pattern of the Cassiopeia constellation; above the thick line
between the blurred points, we found the Cepheus constellation (Fig. 3). Let it be
noted that Cassiopeia is a throne – a special place, Auriga represent a chariot and
its driver, Cygnus is a fountain at the crossroads, Pegasus and Andromeda are the
troughs according to Romanian mytho-astronomy (Maxim & Szücs-Csillik, 2010).
The Auriga constellation from the Perseus family can be recognized as a spot above
the left hole. The star Capella is near to the galactic anti-centre, near Capella is a
very bright region on the Milky Way, and around Deneb is another bright region.

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