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In some poorest country in the world, education is a privilege.

Some people cannot afford to go

in school, to have an education, because of their social status. Education is important because it
can be your power to influence others. Education will be your key to success in the future as it
opens opportunities. Also, education will open your mind to social issues that is happening.
In todays modern generation where social media is everywhere, anyone can be easily influenced,
whether good or bad. Through proper education, it could be a power to properly influence
anyone. You can influence them by educating them of the things you have learned.
Education will help you to reach the success because a lot of opportunities will open. Some jobs
require deep knowledge that can acquire through education. If you are educated you can easily
be hired for the job you are dreaming for.
Lastly, as a good citizen of your country you must be aware of different social issues. Through
education, it will help you to think critically, to have a fair judgement and to stand for what you
believe is right.
Education must be everyone’s right not others privilege. You can use different online platforms
to educate yourself. Education now is just one click.

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