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(e) (f) negatif, sebahagian besar nyalaan

2 kelihatan bergerak ke arah plat

Electricity + –
+ – negatif.
+ – The heat energy of the flame ionises the

Medan Elektrik dan Pengaliran Cas + –
2.1 + – air molecules to become positive and
Electric Field and Charge Flow + – –
+ – negative charges. The positive charges

+ –
+ – are attracted to the negative plate and
Cas dan arus elektrik + – the negative charges are attracted to the

+ –
Charge and electric current + – positive plate. This causes the flame to

     disperse in two directions. As the positive
1. menghasilkan, mengumpulkan charges are heavier than the negative
produce, store Kesan medan elektrik charges, a larger portion of the flame is
2. terangkat, cas-cas yang sama, menolak, The effect of an electric field seen moving towards the negative plate.
ke arah atas
lift up, same charges, repel, upwards 1. (a) Plat X bercas positif. Sebelum itu 1
3. bumi, terpesong, cas-cas mengalir, bola tidak bercas. Bola itu diaruh
aliran arus dengan cas negatif pada bahagian 1. (a) + + + + + + +
earth, deflected, charges flow, current flow menghadap plat X dan cas positif
pada sebelah lagi. Hasilnya, bola
Arus elektrik tertarik ke plat X.
Electric current Plate X is charged positive. Initially the – – – – – – –
ball is uncharged. The ball is induced
1. elektron, cas, 1 C s / electrons, charges,
–1 with a negative charge on the side
1 C s–1 facing plate X and a positive charge on (b)
the other away. As a result the ball is
Contoh 1 attracted towards plate X. +
Q = 12 C (b) Apabila bola menyentuh plat X,
sejumlah cas positif diberikan.
Contoh 2 – – – – –
Dengan membawa jenis cas yang
n = 6.25 × 1018
sama, bola itu ditolak dan bergerak
ke arah plat Y.
Medan elektrik When the ball touches plate X, a net
Electric field
positive charge is given to it. Carrying the +
+ –

same kind of charge as plate X, the ball
1. daya elektrik is repelled and moves towards plate Y.
an electric force (c) Apabila bola polistirena yang
2. garis daya elektrik, cas positif bercas positif menyentuh plat Y,
lines of electric force, positive charge elektron (cas negatif) mengalir (d)
3. rapat, kuat, longgar, lemah / closely untuk meneutralkan cas positif.
spaced, strong, widely spaced, weak Aliran elektron menyebabkan
4. (a) (b) penunjuk mikroammeter terpesong – –
menandakan aliran arus.
When the polystyrene ball which is
charged positive touches plate Y, the
– electrons (negative charges) flow to
+ 2. Q = 0.01 C
neutralise the positive charges. The flow
of electrons causes the pointer of the 3. (a) t = 1.0 × 10–3 s
microammeter to deflect, showing that (b) n = 6.25 × 109
current flows.
  (d) n = 1.5 × 1019 Hubungan antara Arus Elektrik dan
2.2 Beza Keupayaan
(c) 2. (a) Nyalaan itu terpisah ke dua arah. Relationship between Electric Current and
Bahagian nyalaan ke arah plat Potential Difference
negatif lebih besar daripada yang Beza keupayaan
positif. Potential difference
+ + The flame dispersed in two separate
directions. The portion of the flame 1. kerja yang dilakukan, cas, titik, volt (V), J
towards the negative plate is larger than C–1 / work done, charge, point, volt (V), J C–1
the portion of the flame towards the
positive plate.
2. 1 joule
(b) Tenaga haba nyalaan mengion Contoh 3
(d) molekul udara untuk menjadi cas V = 3.0 × 1010 V
positif dan negatif. Cas positif
tertarik ke plat negatif dan cas Contoh 4
negatif tertarik ke plat positif. Hal Tenaga elektrik berubah kepada haba,
+ – Electrical energy changed to heat,
ini menyebabkan nyalaan terpisah
kepada dua arah. Oleh kerana cas E = VQ = 240 × 20
positif lebih berat daripada cas = 4800 J

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Hubungan antara arus dengan beza yang berlainan, I = 0.4 A, (c) R = 50 Ω

keupayaan 0.6 A, 0.8 A, dan 1.0 A. 2. lQ = 8 cm
Relationship between current and potential Bacaan voltmeter V yang
difference sepadan dicatatkan.
The experiment is repeated by Litar Sesiri dan Litar Selari
1. (a) Beza keupayaan merentasi adjusting the rheostat to fix the 2.3 Series and Parallel Circuits
konduktor bergantung kepada arus current at I = 0.4 A, 0.6 A, 0.8 A,
yang melalui konduktor. and 1.0 A. The corresponding 2. satu lintasan, litar sesiri
The potential difference across the values for potential difference are one path, series circuit
conductor depends on the current that recorded. 3. tiga cabang, litar selari
passes through the conductor. three branches, parallel circuit
(d) Arus / Current Voltan / Volt
(b) Apabila arus yang melalui konduktor I/A V/V 5. satu lintasan / one path
meningkat, beza keupayaan 6. lintasan berterusan, satu cabang
merentasinya juga meningkat. 0.2 continuous path, a branch
When the current that passes through a 0.4 8. (a)
metal conductor increases, the potential 0.6
difference across it increases. 0.8
(c) (i) Untuk menyiasat hubungan 1.0
antara arus dan beza
keupayaan untuk konduktor (e) bertambah, bertambah
increases, increases Litar sesiri / Series circuit
To investigate the relationship Hukum Ohm (b)
between current and potential Ohm’s Law
difference for a metal conductor.
Pemboleh ubah yang 2. bertambah, bertambah / increases,
dimanipulasikan: Arus, I increases
Manipulated variable: Current, I 3. beza keupayaan, berkadar langsung,
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: arus, suhu malar / potential difference, Litar selari / Parallel circuit
Beza keupayaan, V directly proportional, current, constant
Responding variable: Potential
difference, V 4. berkadar langsung, ditetapkan
Pemboleh ubah yang
directly proportional, kept constant
dimalarkan: Panjang dan jenis 5. (a) pendek, diapitkan dengan ketat
wayar logam short, tightly fixed
Fixed variable: Length and type of (b) Ralat sifar, disemak, dilaraskan
metal wire zero error, checked, adjusted Litar selari / Parallel circuit
Tiga sel kering 1.5 V, (c) tegak di atas imejnya, ralat paralaks
pemegang bateri, ammeter (0 – (d)
vertically above its image, parallax error
1 A), voltmeter (0 – 5 V), 20 cm (d) dimatikan, suhu, ditetapkan
dawai konstantan (s.w.g. 34), turned off, temperature, kept constant
reostat (0 – 15 Ω), suis dan Perintang
wayar penyambung. Resistance
Three 1.5 V dry cells, battery holder, Litar sesiri / Series circuit
ammeter (0 – 1 A), voltmeter 1. beza keupayaan, V, arus, I
(0 – 5 V), 20 cm constantan wire
potential difference, V, current, I Membandingkan arus dan beza
(s.w.g. 34), rheostat (0 – 15 Ω),
switch and connecting wires. Contoh 5 keupayaan bagi litar sesiri dan litar
(v) • Satu litar disambungkan R = 18 Ω selari
To compare the current and potential
seperti yang ditunjukkan Contoh 6 difference of series circuits and parallel
dalam rajah di atas. V = 2.0 V circuits
A circuit is set up as shown in the
figure. Superkonduktor Arus dalam litar sesiri
• Suis dihidupkan dan Superconductor Current in series circuit
reostat dilaraskan sehingga 1. satu lintasan, hilang, litar, arus, titik
mendapat satu bacaan arus 1. rintangan elektrik, kehilangan kuasa one path, lost, circuit, current, points
I = 0.2 A pada ammeter. electrical resistance, power loss
Beza keupayaan, V, 2. sangat rendah / very low Beza keupayaan dalam litar sesiri
merentasi dawai konstantan Potential difference in series circuit
3. rintangan sifar, superkonduktiviti
dicatat dari bacaan voltmeter. zero resistance, superconductivity 1. turun / drop
The circuit is switched on and 5. rintangannya, sifar / resistance, zero 2. dikongsi / shared
the rheostat is adjusted until the 6. suhu genting / critical temperature 3. beza keupayaan, komponen-komponen
ammeter gives a reading, 7. tanpa kehilangan tenaga yang berasingan
I = 0.2 A. The potential difference
without loss of energy potential differences, separate components
V across the constantan wire is
recorded from voltmeter. Arus dalam litar selari
• Eksperimen diulangi dengan 2 Current in parallel circuit
melaraskan reostat supaya 1. (a) V = IR = 15 V 1. lebih daripada satu / more than one
mendapat nilai-nilai arus (b) I = 0.2 A 2. berpecah, dua lintasan / split, two paths

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Beza keupayaan dalam litar selari 2. sesiri, selari, kombinasi / series, parallel, (c) litar tertutup, arus / closed circuit, current
Potential difference in parallel circuit combination (e) sama, volt (V) / same, volts (V)
1. dua titik / two points 3. dihidupkan, sejuk, filamen pemanas, (f) lebih kecil, d.g.e. (E), dilesapkan, sel,
2. sama, berkongsi / same, share dihidupkan, panas / on, cold, heating tenaga, 1 C cas / smaller, e.m.f. (E),
4. sama / the same filament, on, hot dissipated, cell, energy, 1 C of charge
4. perintang R, keadaan perlahan,
Membandingkan mentol yang dihidupkan / resistor R, slow mode, on Rintangan dalam, r
disambung secara sesiri dan selari 5. dihidupkan, arus, voltan, bertambah Internal resistance, r
To compare bulbs connected in series and on, current, voltage, increases
parallel circuits (a) sedikit rintangan, beza keupayaan

(a) sama / same

3 some resistance, potential difference
(b) rintangan, cas, elektrolit, bateri
(b) berbeza, beza keupayaan / different, 1. (a) 20 Ω resistance, charge, electrolyte, battery
potential difference (b) 4Ω (c) Kerja, kehilangan, beza keupayaan
(c) putus, dikeluarkan, sifar, sifar / break off, (c) 1.25 Ω Work, drop, potential difference
removed, zero, zero (d) 20 Ω
(d) malap, lebih kecil / dimly, smaller (e) 14.7 Ω Eksperimen 2.1
(e) hasil tambah / sum (f) 25 Ω Perbincangan / Discussion:
(f) sama / same 2. p = 10 V/ V
(g) putus litar, masih sama / will break off, still 3. (a) 6.7 Ω
the same E
(b) 1.2 A, 0.6 A
(h) lebih cerah, lebih besar / brighter, larger (c) 3V E–V

Rintangan berkesan dalam litar sesiri

The effective resistance in series circuit Daya Gerak Elektrik (d.g.e.) dan V
2.4 Rintangan Dalam
1. (a) sama / the same Electromotive Force (e.m.f.) and Internal 0 I
(b) bergantung secara langsung
1. mengekstrapolasikan graf
depends directly 1. tenaga elektrik, haba dan cahaya
extrapolating the graph
(c) jumlah beza keupayaan, dibekal electrical energy, heat and light
2. daya gerak elektrik / electromotive force
oleh sumber / the total potential 2. tenaga kimia, tenaga elektrik
difference, supplied by the source chemical energy, electrical energy Kesimpulan / Conclusion :
3. Kerja dilakukan, daya gerak elektrik kecerunan graf / gradient of the graph
Rintangan berkesan untuk litar selari Work is done, electromotive force
The effective resistance in parallel circuit 4. Kerja dilakukan, coulomb cas, litar Perhatian / Notes :
lengkap / Work is done, coulomb of charge, 1. rintangan berkesan, berkadar langsung,
1. (a) sama / same complete circuit rintangan berkesan, beza keupayaan /
(b) berkadar songsang / inversely effective resistance, is directly proportional,
effective resistance, potential difference
proportional Menganalisis daya gerak elektrik
(c) arus, selari / currents, parallel (d.g.e.) dan beza keupayaan 2. pengaliran arus, litar pintas, Rintangan
Analysing between electromotive force rendah, arus yang besar / current flow,
Contoh 7 (e.m.f.) and potential difference short circuit, Low resistance, large current
(a) R = R1 + R2­ + R3 = 10 Ω
(b) I = 2.0 A 2. Hubungan antara daya gerak elektrik,
V E dan rintangan dalam, r suatu sel
(c) V1 = 2 V,  V2 = 6 V,  V3 = 12 V
The relationship between the electromotive
Contoh 8 force, E and internal resistance, r of a cell
(a) Dalam litar selari, beza keupayaan
merentasi setiap perintang dan bateri A 2. berintangan tinggi, d.g.e. bateri / high
resistance, e.m.f. of the battery
adalah sama, 20 V.
In parallel circuit, the potential difference 3. beza keupayaan, V / potential difference, V
across each resistor and battery is the same, 4. kurang, beza keupayaan, arus, I / less,
20 V 3. (a) Tidak / No potential difference, current, I
2 (b) Kerana voltmeter disambung terus
(b) R = Ω kepada bateri.
Because the voltmeter is connected Menganalisis graf V melawan I
(c) I = 30 A Analysing V against I graph
directly across the battery.
(d) I1 = 20 A,  I2 = 6.7 A,  I3 = 3.3 A
(c) Daya gerak elektrik.
Electromotive force.
(a) diekstrapolasikan, I = 0 dan V = E, daya
Aplikasi prinsip arus, beza keupayaan gerak elektrik / extrapolated, I = 0 and V =
dan rintangan dalam litar sesiri dan E , the electromotive force
litar selari Membezakan daya gerak elektrik
(b) garis lurus, V = –Ir + E [from E – V = Ir]
Application of principles of current, (d.g.e.) dan beza keupayaan
straight line
potential difference and resistance in series To distinguish between electromotive force
(e.m.f.) and potential difference (c) kecerunan / gradient
and parallel circuit
(d) negatif, lebih kecil, ‘volt yang hilang’
(a) litar terbuka, tiada arus / open circuit, no negative, lesser, ‘lost volts’
1. litar selari, sesiri, selari / parallel circuits,
series, parallel current

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Contoh 9 2. joule sesaat (J s–1), watt Kecekapan penggunaan tenaga

R = 2.0 Ω  V  = 10 V
joule per second (J s–1), watt elektrik
3. tenaga elektrik dibebaskan, saat Efficient use of electrical energy
Contoh 10 electrical energy released, second
d.g.e/e.m.f = 3.0 V, r = 1.8 Ω 4. kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW), 1 000 or 1. bil elektrik, kecekapan penggunaan
103, 1 000 000 or 106 elektriknya / electricity bill, electrical
kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW) operating efficiency
4 Contoh 11
3. (a) kadar tenaga / energy rating
(b) saiz, ciri-ciri / sizes, features
1. (a) V = 2.8 V E = 8640 J
(c) kawalan masa atau fungsi mati-
(b) R = 7.0 Ω
Contoh 12 kuasa automatik
2. (a) V = 11.4 V
R = 28.8 Ω timer or automatic power-off function
(b) R = 22.8 Ω
I = 8.3 A (d) Mencuci / Clean
(e) rendah / lower
Contoh 13
Kuasa dan Tenaga Elektrik (a) P10 Ω : P25 Ω = 5 : 2
2.5 Electrical Energy and Power
Kepentingan penyelenggaran untuk
(b) P = 20.2 W memastikan kecekapan peralatan
1. haba, cahaya, tenaga mekanik, tenaga elektrik
elektromagnet, peralatan elektrik Kadar kuasa dan penggunaan tenaga The importance of maintenance in ensuring

heat, light, mechanical energy, pelbagai peralatan elektrik efficiency of electrical appliances
electromagnetic energy, electrical devices Power rating and energy consumption of
some electrical appliances 1. penapis udara / air filter
Hubungan antara tenaga (E ), voltan 2. sinaran matahari / sunlight
(V ), arus (l ) dan masa (t ) (a) tenaga elektrik, 1 saat, bekalan 240 V 3. udara masuk, keluar / air inlets, outlets
Relationship between energy (E), voltage electrical energy, 1 second, 240 V supply 4. fros, motor / frost, motor
(V), current (I) and time (t) (b) (i) kuasa / the power 5. penutup pintu / door seal
(ii) masa yang digunakan / the usage time 6. Cuci / Clean
1. coulomb cas (Q), dua titik (c) meter kilowatt-jam / kilowatt-hour meter
coulomb of charge (Q), two points (d) kilowatt-jam atau kWj / kilowatt-hour or
(e) tenaga, 1 jam, 1 kilowatt, 3.6 × 10 J 6 V 2
Hubungan antara kuasa (P), voltan (V) 1. (a) E= t
energy, 1 hour, 1 kilowatt R
dan arus (l)
Relationship between power (P), voltage (V)
(b) E = I  Rt

Contoh 14 V 2
and current (I) (c) P = VI   P = I 2R  P =
RM11.55 R
2. (a) I = 3 A , R = 4 Ω
1. dilesapkan, dipindahkan (b) I = 1.5 A
released, transferred

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