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Uso de “quantifiers ANY- EVERY- SOME - NO



Quantifiers - Some / Any
Quantifiers are words that show how much there is of something.
Some is used to show an indefinite quantity, the exact number is not important. It is used in affirmative
statements, for example:
- I have some books. - She wants some apples.
Some is also in questions, but only when you think the answer wil be "Yes". For example:
- Would you like some french fries? ( I expect the anwer is "Yes")
Any is used in negative and interrogative statements. For example:
- I don't have any money. - Is there any time to go to the hospital?

Every means all. It is usually used in positive sentences, but can also be used in negative. Let’s look as
some examples:

Did you win every game?

I won every game!
I did very well in my tennis match, but I did not win every point.
You didn’t win every point, did you? That’s almost impossible!

No and none means not any, they are the only negative word we need to include in our sentence. This
difference between no and none is that none is a pronoun, so it can replace a noun and/or be the subject
in a sentence. .

Question: How did your games go? Reply: None of them went well.
None of my friends play tennis.
I have no friends that play tennis.
Question: Are there any rackets on sale? Reply: No, there are none on sale.

Inglés II Mg. Nancy León P.

.Do you have any
coffee? No, I don't, but I have some
tea. . Do you want some?

Yes, please.

I. Practice time! Fill in the blank with the correct word. Choose between
every, some, any, and no/none. Answers are found below.

1. To be a good player, you have to practice every week.

2. Do you have any friends you can practice tennis with?
3. My friends play ping-pong, but I do not have none paddles, so I can’t play.
4. I saw some people playing ping-pong at the park yesterday.
5. I enjoy playing any type of sport.
6. There are some courts available.
7. None court is being used.
8. None of the ping-pong tables are open right now.
9. Would you like some time on the court?
10. There are not any paddles left, so you have to wait until the next game.

II: Complete the dialogue with: some / any

Principio del formulario
Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
Peter: Yes, we are.
Mary: Do you have any Russian salad today?
Waiter: No, we don't have any. I'm sorry. We have some Greek salad left
though. Would you like any?
Mary: Oh, OK. I'll try some
Peter: Yes, I will try the Greek salad too. Can I have some of the Italian seafood
that are on the menu. Would you like any too, Mary?
Mary: Oh, no not for me. I never eat none seafood. It makes me sick!
Waiter: What about the main course? We have every very nice steak today.
Peter: Well, I don't eat none red meat so I will have the quiche. Is there
Any meat in that?
Waiter: No, there isn't none meat in the quiche. And for you madam?
Mary: I would like the steak please.
Inglés II Mg. Nancy León P.
Waiter: Would you like any wine with your meal?
Peter: Let's get some strong red wine. What do you think?
Mary: OK, a bottle of red wine.
Waiter: Fine. Thank you very much.

III. Make ten sentences using any – every – some – no.

1. Y have to write some sentences in english.

2. You spilled some milk.
3. Do you have any apples?
4. I don’ t hhave any mony.
5. I don’t know any of his friends.
6. I need to buy some notebook.
7. She bathes every morning.
8. I have no books.
9. I haven’t got any sugar.
10. There is no water in the bottle.

I saw some of
them on TV.

Did you see any

Yeah, I saw every
game at the

Inglés II Mg. Nancy León P.

Luis Bozzo Rotondo
LUIS MIGUEL BOZZO RORONDO (nacido, el 27 de diciembre de 1961 en Lima , Perú) es un ingeniero peruano. Es
conocido por el diseño estructural de obras de gran envergadura y por sus numerosas investigaciones en la
ingeniería estructural.

En 1985; se graduó con honores como bachiller de ingeniería civil, en la universidad nacional de ingeniería
(PERU). En 1987 obtuvo el grado de ingeniero civil con la tesis análisis de losas planas empleando un elemento
finito isoperimétrico mixto de 3 a 8 nudos. En 1988 obtiene una maestría en ingeniería civil en la UNIVERSIDAD
DE CALIFORNIA EN BERKELEY y posteriormente en la misma universidad un doctorado, presentando una tesis
titulada Qualitative reasoning about structural behavior for conceptual design.

A realizado investigaciones sobre diseño y comportamiento estructural ; independiente y con entidades

europeas, norteamericanas y peruanas, actualmente realiza trabajos de ingeniería estructural y sismo resistente
en la parte de diseño e investigación en España, México, Perú, Bulgaria, berian, Francia, Bolivia y chile.


Desde el año 2000 en adelante a desarrollado el disipado SLB o “shear link bozzo” empleado en proyectos en
Sudamérica y México. El sistema consta de una conexión “almenada” o “ tipo peine “ especial que evita la
transferencia de fuerza axial en el dispositivo lo cual permite instalar paneles o muros de concreto denominado
“ muros desacoplados “ de forma libre en planta y en altura. Al tratarse de muros solos fuerzas cortante en un
extremo se diseñan de forma independiente o desacoplada del resto de empleados de forma máxima del
dispositivo y obteniendo una solución elegante y diáfana en arquitectura modernas rigidizando y dando
ductilidad en las zonas donde se requería.

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