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Hamlet - WOliam Shakespeare 29 WM-

The hey-day in the blood is tame33, it's humble34, QUEEN: Alas, how is't
And waits upon the judgement35; and what judgement with you,

60 95
Would step from this to this? That you do bend
(...) QUEEN: O Hamlet, speak no your eye on
more! vacancy58,
Thou turn'st my eyes into my very soul; And with the
And there I see such black and grained spots36 incorporal air do
As will not leave their tinct37. hold discourse59?
65 Whereon do you
HAMLET: Nay, but to live look?
In the rank sweat38 of an enseamed39 bed,
33.bey-day ... tame: your
Stew'd40 in corruption, honeying41 and making love
sexual drive should have
Over the nasty sty42 - diminished
QUEEN: O, speak to me no more; 34. humble: unimportant
35. waits
70 the
These words, like daggers43, enter in my ears;
No more, sweet Hamlet! HAMLET: A puts
murderer and a villain! rationa
A slave that is not twentieth part the tithe44 though
Of your precedent lord; a vice45 of kings; t first
75 spots:
A cutpurse46 of the empire and the rule ingrai
That from a shelf the precious diadem stole, marks
And put it in his pocket! QUEEN:
NO more!
[Enter trie GHOST in his mght vow? ]
HAMLET: A king of shreds and patches47 -

Save me, and hover48 o'er me with your wings,
You heavenly guards! What would your gracious figure49? QUEEN:
Alas, he's mad! HAMLET: DO you not come your tardy50 son to chide51,
that, laps'd in time and passion52, lets go by53

The important acting of your dread54 command?
Oh say! GHOST: DO not forget: this
Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose55.
But, look, amazement56 on thy mother sits.
3 7. leave their tinct: lose their
colour, fade 38. rank
sweat: smelly

Oh, step between her and her fighting soul -
Conceit57 in weakest bodies strongest works -
Speak to her, Hamlet.
HAMLET: How is it with you, lady?
46. cutpurse: thief
47. shreds and patches:
badly dressed
48. hover stay in the air
49. would your gracious
figure: what is your
50. tardy: hesitating
51. chide: reprimand
52. laps'd in time and
passion: guilty of
letting time pass and
the passion of revenge
54. dread: terrifying
5S but to whet...
purpose: only to spur
you into action
56. amazement: great
39. enseamed: lurid surprise
40. Stew'd: immersed 57. Conceit: imagination
41. honeying: sweet talking 58.bend... vacancy7:
42. nasty sty: disgusting pig's den look into an empty space
43. daggers: knives 59. hold discourse: talk
44. tithe: tax of ten percent given to support the local church
45. vice: clown (in Morality plays 'vice' impersonated human vices and wore the
multicoloured clothes that would later become typical of clowns)

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