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...and at the back of my head I'm thinking back to the times when I used to have "normal" sex...

the fuck is wrong with Hollywood, haha. Her ass drives me crazy, I wanna fuck her ass, ask her if she
has lube, she does, I ask her where, she says she's not gonna be fucked up her ass and won't tell me
where the lube is. Hahaha, so funny people from outside would just hear me yelling "WHERE THE
FUCK IS THE LUBE?!" Followed by "I WON'T BE FUCKED IN THE ASS!" It's hilarious.
This little story happened back in May 2014, my third month of assisting Tyler. At this point I'm living
in LA. Most of my every day life consists of working out, meditating, tons of video editing and filming
for Tyler. My brain is soaked in knowledge about leadership, business, game, relationships. I'm being
reborn every single morning.
I kept these stories as pure and unedited as possible. - just like I wrote them back then. About some of
it my opinions differ now, some of it I would do differently now but I kept it to depict my inner change
Additional comments that I added now are kept in brackets [...]

I Turned a Lesbian Around - She Needs Cock Now

The Most Fucked-Up Crazy Chick I've Ever Fucked
A Barnboy in LA IV

Wohooo, what a weekend, what a work flow, what an amazing feeling!

I'm back at the gym. Hardcore. The last trip to Orlando (see new video: was truly difficult for my healthy nutrition and work
out flow. But ever since we're back in LA I pump it so regularly that the constant pain of success has
nested in my muscles like a parasite. A beautiful parasite, haha.
But ok, let's talk about game, shall we. It's going to be quite the crazy weekend, but until then K-Juice
and me just keep editing for two days straight, it's a fucking marathon but we get shit done. Thursday,
Friday, Saturday (believe it or not) actually allow us to go out and pimp it.

Thursday - Stealing Girls from Aggressive Guys, Polish Models, MILFs

It's time for hitting up Lure - my favorite club here in Hollywood. We shoot some infield footage and
I'm hitting the zone pretty easily - Welcome back, Max. Gosh, how much I love game...
I run around, enjoying myself, I notice a pretty girl with a Cleopatra-style haircut sitting all alone, she's
hella in shape and I like her. I extend my arm to cheers with my drink, I make her stand up and she
does seem quite friendly, despite her really good looks. That's somehow suspicious... it goes way too
well... it starts dawning in my head... she's probably an escort. Fucking USA, why can't prostitution just
be legal here? In Austria, prostitution is totally legal, which results in NO fucking hookers running
around in clubs. People just go visit them in brothels or wherever, but they're not fucking roaming the
clubs tricking guys haha... I need to screen her to be sure.
"Are you working right now?" She hesitates: "Uhm... I have a job, yes..." Sounds like a prostitute to
me, haha, but I'm not judging and I'm totally cool with just small talking with her: "That's cool, some of
my friends are escorts..." Her facial expressions change: "What? Oh my god, you're so stupid! I'm not
an escort!!!" Haha, holy shit, well that was a fairly stupid mistake, but I see it as a challenge to turn it
around: "Haha, oh well, you are so pretty I thought you must be an escort, haha." I change the topic, sit
down with her and keep chatting. Her friends are in the other room at their table, I make her qualify,
find out she's 36 (!), neg her because of her age, sexualize, make out with her... "Oh my god, I've never
kissed a girl that old!" She loves it and we chat along, I number close her for later that evening and we
part ways.
I open a 3 set Swedish girls "Kan dur slickar din fitta?" ("Can you lick your pussy?" - big shout out to
my homeboy Chris - who taught me these rather confusing words :D) selfamusement, yank in more
girls from Iran, vibe, having a good time. I bounce, approach more.
Hand of god a really good looking cutie who is hanging out with her friend in a corner. I get physical
immediately, she's all giggly and we're having a blast, suddenly she says "Have you recognized us? Is
that why you approached me?" Turns out she does porn haha. I looked her up, hot as fuck... We keep
chatting, 3 chodes try to hit on her hot friend, they all get blown out, while I'm just chilling with them
on some couch, talking about video games like Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot. I number close
her to fuck her later that evening, let's see where this is going. Who she is? For the sake of her privacy I
won't tell her name, but you find her on =)
I run into one of the Swedish girls again, she's way taller than me, as blonde as one can be, long hair,
pretty face. She's talking to some dude, I just yank her away from him, keep chatting as if I've never
been gone, aaaand here's how you steal girls from guys:
Note: Always assume higher value than him. In your mind you're giving her the opportunity to have
even more fun, to be in an even better mood, to experience even more adventures. Be physical, just
take her hand and drag her away, the guy will be perplexed and will immediately assume you know her
(better than him). The girl will almost always be compliant, since she gets all aroused when two guys
"compete" over her. Now here comes the key: If the guy is a chode with no game - ignore him, total
focus on the girl, strong eye contact, don't flinch, not even for half a second. If the guy is actually cool -
just acknowledge him for a short moment, shake his hand, introduce yourself and then back to the girl
with strong eye contact. - WATCH OUT: All this only works if the guy is just some rando who
approached her - it DOES NOT work if the guy is in her social circle, a good friend, or her boyfriend.
How do you find out who he is? Read the signs, see her body language, have situational awareness!
In my case I do just that: I notice he's just some rando, yank her away, talk to her, engage her heavily,
strong eye contact, super good mood, he's now standing behind us trying to talk to her, but whatever
comes out of my mouth is just so much more interesting to her. He now tries to talk to me but in my
head it's just a distant buzzing sound. So funny. I make out with her and he's gone. She's all just like
"You just stole me from that guy! How did you do that?" Haha, good times. I eject, roam around the
club, have more fun with people, run into some RSD Inner Circle dudes, dance to the awesome music,
talk to some MILF, she somehow bets me that I won't be able to pick up girls by just making goat
sounds. I bounce off, yank two girls away from their guy by just yelling "Baaaahh!", whenever they ask
me "where are we going?" I just answer them with more goat sounds, so hilarious, I'm so in the zone,
nothing can stop me.
They introduce themselves to the MILF, we vibe more, have fun, I yank in more girls, immediate
physicality, some dude comes over, tries to push me away, I ignore him, some super tall dude seems to
know the two new girls, tries to get me away from them too, I again, ignore the shit out of him, more
vibing with the girls, they love me, dude becomes more and more aggressive, his voice becomes louder
and louder until he starts screaming into my ears: "Look up to me, LOOK AT ME!" I keep ignoring
him, laughing around with the girls. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?!" I don't know, I don't
give a shit, haha. He now has his huge hand around my neck, trying to get my attention, so pathetic
when taller, stronger guys have to play that card. I just keep ignoring him, yank in random people, hug
one of the girls, whisper into her ear: "You have quite aggressive friends, haha, do you like how I
handle the situation?" She nods, I make out with her, both dudes disappear, wtf. I numberclose her.
More fun and interesting conversations with Koreans and Swedish people, it's turning 1:45am and
they're kicking people out - shit, it's time to hit up the number closes! They're all home already, for
fucks sake, I was too late... damn it. I approach everything, almost get fought by some guys, no more
girls, only dudes, Chris and me decide to call it a night.
We're outside Lure, on the street, two very tall blonde chicks, are hanging out taking pictures of each
other. We start chatting with them, one of them is a model, super lean, very pretty face, so much taller
than me, haha. We decide to get some food, hang out in one of the nearby 24-hour restaurants, it's time
to pull, we get in the cab, Chris bounces home, I'm in their cab, Model is down for afterparty but her
friend wants to kick me out, even though we had a great connection and laughed a lot. I make out with
the model in the backseat of the cab, then really have to bounce out, well, at least I got a free ride home

Friday - Brazilian Dogs, Cougar Hand Job in Back Alley

K-Juice and me hit the Roosevelt, it's pretty dead at first and I'm STIFLED AS FUCK! But I just accept
it, take action and a couple sets later I'm in the Zone again - welcome back. I bum into some Brazilian
chick - long hair, super tight body, shorter than me. I throw all the Portuguese at her I know: "Chupar
minha pilha!" (Suck my battery haha) and "Cachorro" (little doggy), we vibe, I pick her up, throw her
around, make her my new wife, make out, some dude intervenes telling us we should get a motel room
haha, wtf. I number close (same strategy as Thursday), bounce off to more sets. [That set actually also
ended up in the Orlando video lol – it's at the end:]
I stagger outside, when I notice a super tight girl with long hair and an amazing body. I could tell she's
older, I approach her, pull her half a block down, smalltalk, self amusement, she's a true cougar:
Divorced a rich guy, is here for her daughters Bar Mitzvah, jewelry, plastic surgery, haha, glorious. I
want to insta-pull her to the HQ720 [the place I staid in back in my LA assistant times], which would
only be one more block, but she refuses adamantly, as her whole family is waiting for her inside the
Roosevelt. Well then, I need to think... how can I make her stay... and then I play the card. The Horny
Card ;)
Note: This is how you seduce a cougar/milf/older chick, it's all field tested and it works almost every
time - order is variable:
1. Acknowledge the fact that you're younger and that she is older. Don't bullshit anybody, say things as
they are.
2. Ask her when she's had her last make out / sex / intimacy / etc. - most of the time they haven't
been intimate for quite a long time - girls in their 30s and 40s tend to focus more on family and
career instead of fucking around, so it is POSSIBLE that they really need the D.
3. Be aware of the fact that older women tend to be SUPER okay with their sexuality. They know
what they want, they care far less about being judged.
4. Rationalize for her that hooking up with a younger guy is good for her, very good for her.
(see below)
Complementary: Neg her because she's old. Gotta love Julien's line from his back-then Hot Seat: "I like
you. You're old, but I like you." hehehe... Also usable: "You could be my mom", "Maybe that's what
people thought BACK IN YOUR DAYS" etc.
So here's how I did it: We're standing outside in front of the Roosevelt, I hold her hand, pull her close,
hug her and start whispering into her ears, strong physicality and hard leading - I gotta show dominance
and put her into an aroused state with my manliness. Why? She might think you're lacking those
features due to your "youngness". "Just imagine how good I would make you feel... my young body
touching yours... so fresh and tight... my muscles... no fat... all in perfection... so young and
beautiful..." I have to laugh at myself, it's just too funny, but I hear how her breathing gets heavier, my
hands touch her whole body, I pull her really close now... "have you ever squirted? I can make you
squirt so hard..." her eyes get really big now, I
bite her neck, her knees start to shake... I got her now, I could tell...
I touch her face and make out with her... crazy... never made out with a girl that old haha. Kissing is no
different from a good kisser 20 years younger, lol.
I want her to come with me to the HQ720, same argument, her whole family is waiting for her. Okay,
fuck it, the back alley it is. "Okay, let's go into that dark alley, haha, we can make out there... just like
in old times, when you were still young..." so funny, we both laugh, I take her across the street into
some dark back alley. Behind a truck, I let her come close, more make out, she's really horny now.
Hm... what to do next? I pull out my dick, her hand on my dick and she jerks me off. This shit is crazy,
haha. She has to put her champagne glass down first, I pull up her skirt, nice legs (!), and start fingering
her.... awesome feeling, crazy situation. She doesn't want to give me a blow job, but that's fine, I cum,
almost ruin her dress, we both laugh... but then... all of a sudden... a security guard appears, oh oh...
He walks around the corner, looks at us, I'm like "oh shit, I'm so ending up in trouble for this" he keeps
walking, passes by us, looks again, sees how I'm trying to stuff my half-boner back into my pants, all
the cum everywhere. He smiles: "Haha, don't worry guys, I got your back..." Coolest guy ever. I bring
Cougar back to her family, rest of the night is fun but no more closes.

Saturday: Turning Lesbian Around - She Needs Dick Now

Get more work done, video editing, equipment handling, forum posts, meditation, sauna, work out,
eating healthy - it all takes some time but the advantages are priceless.
Night comes, K-Juice and me decide to hit the Roosevelt again. I'm even more stifled than the last two
days - horrible, haha. It's dead - why? That Bar Mitzvah from Cougar has taken place there all day and
half night. It's a private event and even the bars upstairs are all private and you won't get in unless
you're on some guest list... some guest list... some guest list... as KJuice and me try to walk in as usual,
some angry looking woman holds me and asks me what guest list I'm on... I immediately wanna turn
around but I'm in too much of a fun mood already, so I just go for: "Uhm... Tyler Durden..." She looks
at her list... "Ah yeah, Tyler, welcome." I turn around, K-Juice behind me. "This is my friend, he's with
me tonight." - "Okay sure, he can come too." Lol, what the fuck was that? Inside we befriend some
dudes and chat with some girls. It's boring and we bounce - to the streets of Hollywood.
We're fucking around on the streets, push each others' states more and more. Kevin has amazing verbal
game and it's incredible fun to hang out with him - I crack up laughing every 10 seconds, so much fun
with this guy. We barhop a little, but Hollywood Blvd gets "ghetto" pretty fast, the farther you walk.
We enter some bar - barely any chicks, we clearly missed the good part about a Saturday night - didn't
plan ahead, didn't choose a good club, this is where it brought us...
We decide to make the best out of it, just more self amusement, talking to everybody; guys, fat girls,
old people, we vibe awesomely (again, big props to K-Juice, couldn't think of a more chill and fun guy
to rock the streets), a super pretty girl approaches us (she works here) and
wants us to buy shots from her. "No thanks, we're only here to hit on girls." - Pure self amusement, she
laughs, we laugh, we end up vibing, she forgets her work, rather hangs out with Kevin and me, I pull
out my phone and show her the texts I keep getting by my Needy Canadian Girl who I fingered on the
W rooftop in some whirlpool couple weeks ago. She had to go back to Vancouver and keeps texting me
how much she's in love with me... she's 38years-old, where do all the Milfs come from all of a sudden?
Anyways, her texts are so needy, it's almost creepy, but on the other hand also funny as fuck – and
kinda cute.
We joke some more and she leaves us. Damn, that funny shit feels good aaaaand I'm back In The Zone
- Welcome back ;) I befriend a fat girl and her boyfriend, both super cool and funny as fuck, I yank in
some dude and decide to get him some pussy tonight, I wing him for 5 minutes and show him some
basics, he can't believe it works and we have more fun. K-Juice and me decide to leave, too many gang
members here - yep, actually. But there they are... a 3set of actually cute girls, no hookers, no gang
members, it's all good.

The Approach
They're sitting together, I decide to rock in. My head is completely empty and I say the first shit that
comes into my mind: "My name is Leonidas! THIS IS SPARTA!!" So self-amused I don't even see
their reaction, side hug the girl who is the closest to me, Kevin jumps in, they ask him who he is, he
says he's the narrator, "but didn't you die?!" one of the girls ask. I just stay in my awesome Spartan
frame: "No, the Gods had mercy on him!" I keep fucking around for a couple more minutes, but then
switch to "normal guy mode" introducing myself, chit chatting. I could tell the girl next to me is
definitely the most attracted, she doesn't have dark hair like the other 2, nice eyes, very young looking
face and an attitude that makes Courtney Love look like a school girl. The more I talk to her the more I
notice how fucking crazy she is. She just digs the bull shit that comes out of my mouth far too much.
Whenever I get back to normal rapport mode she immediately tries to get back to talking about orgies,
gay sex and hardcore brutal sex, fair enough...
Note: T'all comes down to calibration again. Notice where the girl is at with her emotions, notice what
makes her response the most. She might be digging the crazy stuff at first, but if you overkill it she
might think you're weird, if you're too much in fluff "normal" talk she might get bored, because the
conversation is too generic. BE AWARE WERE SHE IS AT and give her what she wants ;) Probably
will make a video about it soon. [lol I did a couple weeks later:
We vibe perfectly, K-Juice is the perfect wingman and I make sure I engage the whole group aka the
other two girls enough.
Note: The girl is the group, the group is the girl. Engage the others as well, but don't be too physical
with them. Be sure the group knows what's up - otherwise you come across as the guy who's just hitting
on everything.

More Stealing The Girls Away From Dudes

We bounce off, want more fun, also I don't like my girl enough to fuck her, she's very hot, but she's too
weird. We're outside, joke around with strangers, suddenly I notice the three set being hit on by some
dudes.... I now see "my girl's" body and her long hair. She does have
such a cute face but her hair is amazing, her body is super slim, her legs and ass are just perfect... it
would just be too funny if I just yanked my girl out... - I do, I tell her we should hang out later tonight
and number close her. We make out for saying good bye.
K-Juice and me bounce off. And here comes his good wingmanship again, telling me that we should
most probably bounce back in half an hour before the bar closes, so we can pull them. Interesting, I
didn't even think about that, as I was just having too much fun and, granted, was feeling TOO free from
Note: A good wingman is as usual priceless. Said it before, emphasizing it again. A good wingman is
able to awaken your killer instinct when you're fucking around too much or make you feel more free
from outcome when you're seeking results too much.
So again, big props to Kevin. We head to the Roosevelt, approach some more, joke around, we do get
back to the bar just about when it's closing. Damn it, the girls are not there anymore.
I text CrazyChick, she doesn't text back... well, whatever, we just keep rambling around random shit,
all of a sudden Kevin sees them. We get back in, I cover CrazyChick's eyes from behind, she loves me,
it's time to pull.

The Pull
We're out on the street with the girls, I'm entirely free from outcome, the night is awesome. If we pull,
cool, if not, cool. The girls are discussing about going to a Hookah bar, we agree (as if we were invited,
haha), come with them, Hookah bar is packed. Good thing I had already seeded the pull with my girl,
just minutes earlier. Here's how you do it:
Note - How To Seed A Pull: # Screening precedes the whole process, of course. Does she have a
boyfriend? Do the girls live together? WHERE do they live? Yadayadayada. # Gauge how compliant
your girl is. # Befriend the other girls and show the group that you're not dangerous, but a cool, chill,
fun guy who brings value by coming with them.
In my case, I didn't have to screen my girl, that bitch is crazy and the way we've been role playing just
makes a boyfriend impossible. We basically joked around about her being my mom, however, she still
loves my dick and needs to fuck me, we're a pure incest party, I say shit like "I'm gonna give you the
dick, mom, I will fuck you up so badly, your whole life will be ruined...Our sex will be so rough and
brutal..." She loves the brutal idea and almost scares me with her fantasies... haha wtf.
CrazyChick and the two other girls live together. They live close-by and very close to our place (the
HQ720). We won't pull them to our place - I never pull groups into the HQ, too much expensive
equipment. Is she compliant? Hell yeah, the whole time we're physical as fuck, talking about the sex
we're gonna have. I just tell her we should afterparty at their place and she's fine with that. Kevin and
me have been engaging all 3 girls so far and they like us.
We start walking towards their apartment, K-Juice and me vibing well with them, having fun and just
being in the moment.

She's Actually A Lesbian

I get to know that she is ACTUALLY a lesbian, haha, wtf. She actually barely ever hooked up with
guys, has had legit girlfriends etc. nice. The girls wanna go to a strip club, well, that makes sense now,
I guess. Kevin and me are of course also down and we start heading towards the closest one.
Note: Inexperienced guys would have probably gotten nervous around that time, thinking "damn, I just
wanna pull, I don't want to go anywhere else! Fuck this..." Really, really important when it comes to
pulling: Lead hard, but go with the flow, be free from outcome and don't seek to close right away. Trust
in your capabilities and sex worthiness.
CrazyChick's physicality gets way out of hand. She's quite aggressive, grabs my balls and squeezes
them, tries to choke me and shit, seriously this is crazy... I feel like I'm the only motherfucker crazy
enough himself to deal with this bitch, haha.
It's too late for the strip club (3am) and the girls are sad. I notice it's time to lead again so I tell the
whole group we should go and just hang out at their place. Not waiting for any reaction but just
smoothly taking my girl by the hand and off we go. I let the two girls and K-Juice lead and stay behind
with my girl, I pull her in and make out with her again. Just to keep her horny, so far I've just played it
push pull, but now she may get some physicality again.

Their Place - Everything Is Dying

We enter their place, get to know that they live WITH THEIR FUCKING AUNT! Gawd damn it,
wasn't prepared for that, haha. But aunt is known to be cool and only 23 herself, so whatever, she's
asleep also, so all good. They have a dog too, a huge pit bull, but cute as fuck, gotta love dogs... We
hang out in the living room and again I'm glad to have someone as experienced as Kevin with me. The
mood is all chill and casual, neither of us gets nervous or wants to fuck them right away (the reason
why I mention this is the fact that I've had bad experiences with bad wings just recently - fucked up a
pull for 3 of us at once, haha).
We zap through some channels on TV, first time in months I'm actually watching TV again (only
exception was my night off when we arrived in Orlando, 2 weeks ago). We somehow end up watching
"Requiem For A Dream". WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT MOVIE? This fucking shit is
crazy, haha, and the disgusting story about 3 drug addicts, their horrible ways of dying and the sad
melancholy that underlies the whole scenery just kills the mood entirely. I could feel that no-one is in
party mood any more, I need to get out of the living room and get my girl to come with me...
somehow... in a way that no-one would judge.
I hang out in the kitchen, maybe CrazyChick would get up herself and be isolated, but nah, what the
fuck am I expecting, girls never do ANYTHING to get pulled themselves, you always have to do all
the work yourself, so... fine.
I get back to the living room, chill more on the couch with everyone. I sit next to CrazyChick, we
somehow talk about porn. "Let's watch some now!" we both say. We get out her phone she tells me
how she's obsessed with gay porn and that we should watch some, well, how about no, haha. She
actually watches some and just talks about how hot it is... wow, what a fuckedup chick. She goes to the
bathroom and HERE'S my chance to pull her easily.
I just get up and go into her room which is right next to the bathroom. When she comes out I just call
her name, let her come into the room, hang out with her, make out, make her horny and start escalating.
Works super well, haha. Granted, I might have just been able to pull her off the couch in front of
everyone, but I just played it safe this time. We're alone in her room, she stops the make out, rushes to
the door, closes and locks it, nice.

The Escalation - This is where it's turning really crazy

We're making out, she's all over me. She turns her TV on blue screen so we have dim light. She gets
very aggressive and very dominant.
Okay, so this is where it's turning really crazy. Now, I'm a guy who works out 4-7 times a week and I
honestly have to tell you, that fucking bitch was strong! She pushes me against the wall, tries to choke
me, I push her away, yank her on the bed, woosh a foot tries to hit my nose, I can dodge it in the last
second. I pin her on the bed, trying to not be hit, a moan escapes her mouth, she really loves it rough.
Again, her hands go towards my neck, I try to defend myself, she now goes really crazy, wants to make
out with me, I deny it to her. She gets really aggressive, has an evil smile on her face, I give her the
make out, she moans, I pin her to the bed more, she told me that she never wears underwear, wants me
to pull down her pants... let's see... I pull down her pants, her perfectly shaved pussy awaits me right
there. I start fingering her. She tries to hit me again, while trying to get more make outs, I'm thinking of
just leaving, but she wants me to stay, she gives me a fucking head butt. Straight. To. The. Nose.
Arrrghhh, she really hit it perfectly. I feel blood rushing through the blood vessels in my nose, let's pray
it won't start bleeding, let's pray I can actually maintain a boner. She manages to actually push me
down and gets on top of me, fuck, what if I die now, haha.
I force my brain back in sex mode. Tell her to take off my pants. "Hahaaa, the boy wants a blow job?!
You're never gonna get it!" I don't give a shit and laugh about it. Suddenly I remember what she said,
just an hour earlier: "I'll fucking bite your dick off and spit it out, there's nothing you can do about it..."
I feel how my lips are pulsating from her bites, maybe I should've kept my pants on.
She rips my pants off, climbs on me, kisses my belly, grabs my cock... and sucks it. She really blows
with lots of lots of passion... fair enough, t'is quite a good blow job. Nice. I've had enough, grab her by
the hair and pull her off my cock, push her on her back again. She pushes her hand against my face,
"Ey, do you have a condom?" I surely do.
Note: Now, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with that chick and I'm not exactly sure what it is that
makes me not give a shit. I think it's just the mindset of "everything for the reference experience".

The Sex
I put on the condom, she lies there in front of me, breathing heavily. Of course she wants her knees
being pushed into my rips first, before I penetrate her... well I guess I got used to it know. I penetrate
her super-wet pussy. She feels so good. We fuck in missionary, she tries to choke me more. She starts
telling me how incredibly good it feels, how much she loves my cock, how fucking horny she was for
me all the time.
It does feel great. At some point I turn her around and fuck her doggy, thrusting my dick into her,
hardcore sex. We're both pretty loud, and at the back of my head I'm thinking back to the times when I
used to have "normal" sex... what the fuck is wrong with Hollywood, haha. Her ass drives me crazy, I
wanna fuck her ass, ask her if she has lube, she does, I ask her where, she says she's not gonna be
fucked up her ass and won't tell me where the lube is. Hahaha, so funny people from outside would just
hear me yelling "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE LUBE?!" Followed by "I WON'T BE FUCKED IN
THE ASS!" It's hilarious.
Back to missionary again, I fuck slower now, abandon the notion of hardcore dominance, and for some
reason she does too. She's letting out her inner girl. We now proceed to have really passionate and slow
sex, we touch each others' bodies softly, hold hands and she tells me once more how much she loves
it... but in a much more girlier manner... fascinating.
I pull it out, give her some g-spot action, she tells me to put it back in, we keep fucking. At one point
she starts contracting her pussy and I tell her to stop. She keeps doing it, I keep telling her to stop.
"Stop it girl, you're driving me crazy and making me cum." CrazyChick: "Then cum for me, cum for
me, now!" THIS is one of the hottest things a girl can do for me and I secretly always wish they say it.
They barely ever do. She does and I love it. We keep fucking for a moment until I reach my ultimate
climax, she screams into my ears and I cum super loudly haha. For a moment I'm lost in a state of pure
presence, I feel my body surrounded by energy, lights flash in my eyes, it's amazing.
We're laughing, breathing, kissing, joking around. I like this girl. We lie next to each other. I get up and
wanna throw the condom away, she doesn't have a waste so I ask if I can throw it out the window, she's
okay with it. Fucking American windows that open sideways (?) - I break her window and some screen
just pops out and falls down on the street, oh well, might as well throw the condom after it.
She is really nice now and wants to sleep, I tell her I'll go home and give her a kiss good bye.
I gather my shit, get somehow dressed and walk back into the living room. Kevin's the man, just
chillin', the girls are just staring at me with big eyes. I join them and start talking about the difference
between tab and bottled water...
Final Note:
# The more you go out, the more you train how to be indifferent and be in the moment, THE EASIER
# Once you feel that you're truly enough, you can escalate so much faster
# Once you feel that you're truly enough, you can be so much crazier and awesome things start to
magically happen, haha
# Everything for the reference experience
# In every woman, no matter how crazy, fucked-up, and dominant she may seem, lies a cute, insecure,
little girl
# Slow down when it comes to pulling, if you're at ease with yourself and enjoy every single second of
the night, sex is almost inevitable. If you rush, however, and want it too badly, you're done. Enjoy the
girl, enjoy the path both of you are on.
SUPER INTERESTING, here's a few words by Kevin on the night, here comes the really crazy shit -
I'm standing ringside and just got tagged in. Get in ready for a guest post from K-Juice AKA Action.
Annnyways ya this was a fun night. I've been gaming with Max a bit and he's the fucking man at self
amusement. A really creative mind, something I can tell he put the work in to cultivate. This night he
definitely unleashed that creativity, just saying the most RANDOM shit. When you're with a wing that
brings this much energy to the table it's easy to wing as I can be witty myself. This night was definitely
OUR party where ever we were, to the point it just put people in full spectator mode just completely in
awe by how much fun we were having. It sucked these girls right in. I always feel that if you listen to
the girls they give you all the info you need. "OMG he's so funny!" she whispered as Max was helping
that random dude getting girls. "You can have some fries" she said. We're in.
Time was our ally. Front Door rule. Concepts drained in my head spending months straight with Alex.
As we pulled them I let Max work his girl while I worked the 2 others. I had very strong rapport with
both so it was easy, I had a bit more sexual vibe from one of them who told me "..I feel bad for your
friend (Max) because she's a lesbian", well then. Back at the place as Max was banging his girl the 2
other girls could overhear their supposed lesbian friend screaming as she was getting fucked. Their
jaws were open. "omg they're fucking!....I guess she's Bi. She usually never fucks guys!". In my head
I'm thinking "Of course they're's Max". Another day, another dollar.

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