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How Newton Built on Galileo's Ideas

Michael Fowler

Physics Dept., U. Va.

Index of Lectures and Overview of the Course

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We are now ready to move on to Newton's Laws of Motion, which for the first time presented a
completely coherent analysis of motion, making clear that the motion in the heavens could be
understood in the same terms as motion of ordinary objects here on earth.

Acceleration Again

The crucial Second Law, as we shall see below, links the acceleration of a body with the force acting on
the body. To understand what it says, it is necessary to be completely clear what is meant by
acceleration, so let us briefly review.

Speed is just how fast something's moving, so is fully specified by a positive number and suitable units,
such as 55 mph or 10 meters per second.

Velocity, on the other hand, means to a scientist more than speed---it also includes a specification of the
direction of the motion, so 55 mph to the northwest is a velocity. Usually wind velocities are given in a
weather forecast, since the direction of the wind affects future temperature changes in a direct way.
The standard way of representing a velocity in physics is with an arrow pointing in the appropriate
direction, its length representing the speed in suitable units. These arrows are called "vectors".

(WARNING: Notice, though, that for a moving object such as a projectile, both its position at a given time
(compared with where it started) and its velocity at that time can be represented by vectors, so you
must be clear what your arrow represents!)
Acceleration: as we have stated, acceleration is defined as rate of change of velocity.

It is not defined as rate of change of speed. A body can have nonzero acceleration while moving at
constant speed!

An Accelerating Body that isn't Changing Speed

Consider Newton's cannon on an imaginary high mountain above the atmosphere, that shoots a ball so
fast it circles the earth at a steady speed. Of course, its velocity is changing constantly, because velocity
includes direction.

Let us look at how its velocity changes over a period of one second. (Actually, in the diagram below we
exaggerate how far it would move in one second, the distance would in fact be one-five thousandth of
the distance around the circle, impossible to draw.)

Here we show the cannonball (greatly exaggerated in size!) at two points in its orbit, and the velocity
vectors at those points. On the right, we show the two velocity vectors again, but we put their ends
together so that we can see the difference between them, which is the small dashed vector.

In other words, the small dashed vector is the velocity that has to be added to the first velocity to get
the second velocity---it is the change in velocity on going around that bit of the orbit.

Now, if we think of the two points in the orbit as corresponding to positions of the cannonball one
second apart, the small dashed vector will represent the change in velocity in one second---and that is--
by definition--the acceleration. The acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and that is how much
the velocity changes in one second (for motions that change reasonably smoothly over the one-second
period, which is certainly the case here. To find the rate of change of velocity of a fly's wing at some
instant, we obviously would have to measure its velocity change over some shorter interval, maybe a
thousandth of a second).

So we see that, with our definition of acceleration as the rate of change of velocity, which is a vector, a
body moving at a steady speed around a circle is accelerating towards the center all the time, although it
never gets any closer to it. If this thought makes you uncomfortable, it is because you are still thinking
that acceleration must mean a change of speed, and just changing direction doesn't count.

Finding the Acceleration in Circular Motion

It is possible to find an explicit expression for the magnitude of the acceleration towards the center
(sometimes called the centripetal acceleration) for a body moving on a circular path at speed v. Look
again at the diagram above showing two values of the velocity of the cannonball one second apart. As is
explained above, the magnitude a of the acceleration is the length of the small dashed vector on the
right, where the other two sides of this long narrow triangle have lengths equal to the speed v of the
cannonball. We'll call this the "vav" triangle, because those are the lengths of its sides. What about the
angle between the two long sides? That is just the angle the velocity vector turns through in one second
as the cannonball moves around its orbit. Now look over at the circle diagram on the left showing the
cannonball's path. Label the cannonball's position at the beginning of the second A, and at the end of
the second B, so the length AB is how far the cannonball travels in one second, that is, v. (It's true that
the part of the path AB is slightly curved, but we can safely ignore that very tiny effect.) Call the center
of the circle C. Draw the triangle ACB. (The reader should sketch the figure and actually draw these
triangles!)The two long sides AC and BC have lengths equal to the radius of the circular orbit. We could
call this long thin triangle an "rvr" triangle, since those are the lengths of its sides.

The important point to realize now is that the "vav" triangle and the "rvr" triangle are similar, because
since the velocity vector is always perpendicular to the radius line from the center of the circle to the
point where the cannonball is in orbit, the angle the velocity vector rotates by in one second is the same
as the angle the radius line turns through in one second. Therefore, the two triangles are similar, and
their corresponding sides are in the same ratios, that is, a/v = v/r. It follows immediately that the
magnitude of the acceleration a for an object moving at steady speed v in a circle of radius r is v²/r
directed towards the center of the circle.

This result is true for all circular motions, even those where the moving body goes round a large part of
the circle in one second. To establish it in a case like that, recall that the acceleration is the rate of
change of velocity, and we would have to pick a smaller time interval than one second, so that the body
didn't move far around the circle in the time chosen. If, for example, we looked at two velocity vectors
one-hundredth of a second apart, and they were pretty close, then the acceleration would be given by
the difference vector between them multiplied by one-hundred, since acceleration is defined as what
the velocity change in one second would be if it continued to change at that rate. (In the circular motion
situation, the acceleration is of course changing all the time. To see why it is sometimes necessary to
pick small time intervals, consider what would happen if the body goes around the circle completely in
one second. Then, if you pick two times one second apart, you would conclude the velocity isn't
changing at all, so there is no acceleration.)

An Accelerating Body that isn't Moving

We've stated before that a ball thrown vertically upwards has constant downward acceleration of 10
meters per second in each second, even when it's at the very top and isn't moving at all. The key point
here is that acceleration is rate of change of velocity. You can't tell what the rate of change of something
is unless you know its value at more than one time. For example, speed on a straight road is rate of
change of distance from some given point. You can't get a speeding ticket just for being at a particular
point at a certain time---the cop has to prove that a short time later you were at a point well removed
from the first point, say, three meters away after one-tenth of a second. That would establish that your
speed was thirty meters per second, which is illegal in a 55 m.p.h. zone. In just the same way that speed
is rate of change of position, acceleration is rate of change of velocity. Thus to find acceleration, you
need to know velocity at two different times. The ball thrown vertically upwards does have zero velocity
at the top of its path, but that is only at a single instant of time. One second later it is dropping at ten
meters per second. One millionth of a second after it reached the top, it is falling at one hundred-
thousandth of a meter per second. Both of these facts correspond to a downward acceleration, or rate
of change of velocity, of 10 meters per second in each second. It would only have zero acceleration if it
stayed at rest at the top for some finite period of time, so that you could say that its velocity remained
the same--zero--for, say, a thousandth of a second, and during that period the rate of change of velocity,
the acceleration, would then of course be zero. Part of the problem is that the speed is very small near
the top, and also that our eyes tend to lock on to a moving object to see it better, so there is the illusion
that it comes to rest and stays there, even if not for long.

Galileo's Analysis of Motion: Two Kinds

Galileo's analysis of projectile motion was based on two concepts:

1. Naturally accelerated motion, describing the vertical component of motion, in which the body picks
up speed at a uniform rate.

2. Natural horizontal motion, which is motion at a steady speed in a straight line, and happens to a ball
rolling across a smooth table, for example, when frictional forces from surface or air can be ignored.

Newton Puts Them Together

Newton's major breakthrough was to show that these two different kinds of motion can be thought of
as different aspects of the same thing. He did this by introducing the idea of motion being affected by a
force, then expressing this idea in a quantitative way. Galileo, of course, had been well aware that
motion is affected by external forces. Indeed, his definition of natural horizontal motion explicitly states
that it applies to the situation where such forces can be neglected. He knew that friction would
ultimately slow the ball down, and--very important--a force pushing it from behind would cause it to
accelerate. What he didn't say, though, and Newton did, was that just as a force would cause
acceleration in horizontal motion, the natural acceleration actually observed in vertical motion must be
the result of a vertical force on the body, without which the natural vertical motion would also be at a
constant speed, just like natural horizontal motion. This vertical force is of course just the force of

Force is the Key

Therefore the point Newton is making is that the essential difference between Galileo's natural steady
speed horizontal motion and the natural accelerated vertical motion is that vertically, there is always the
force of gravity acting, and without that--for example far into space--the natural motion (that is, with no
forces acting) in any direction would be at a steady speed in a straight line.

Newton's First Law: no Force, no Change in Motion

To put it in his own words (although actually he wrote it in Latin, this is from an 1803 translation):

Law 1

Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to
change that state by forces impressed thereon.

He immediately adds, tying this in precisely with Galileo's work:

Projectiles persevere in their motions, so far as they are not retarded by the resistance of the air, or
impelled downwards by the force of gravity.
Notice that here "persevere in their motions" must mean in steady speed straight line motions, because
he is adding the gravitational acceleration on to this.

This is sometimes called "The Law of Inertia": in the absence of an external force, a body in motion will
continue to move at constant speed and direction, that is, at constant velocity.

So any acceleration, or change in speed (or direction of motion), of a body signals that it is being acted
on by some force.

Newton's Second Law: Acceleration of a Body is Proportional to Force

Newton's next assertion, based on much experiment and observation, is that, for a given body, the
acceleration produced is proportional to the strength of the external force, so doubling the external
force will cause the body to pick up speed twice as fast.

Law 2

The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction
of the right line in which that force is impressed.

What About Same Force, Different Bodies?

Another rather obvious point he doesn't bother to make is that for a given force, such as, for example,
the hardest you can push, applied to two different objects, say a wooden ball and a lead ball of the same
size, with the lead ball weighing seven times as much as the wooden ball, then the lead ball will only pick
up speed at one-seventh the rate the wooden one will.

Falling Bodies One More Time: What is Mass?

Now let us consider the significance of this law for falling bodies. Neglecting air resistance, bodies of all
masses accelerate downwards at the same rate. This was Galileo's discovery.
Let us put this well established fact together with Newton's Second Law: the acceleration is proportional
to the external force, but inversely proportional to the mass of the body the force acts on.

Consider two falling bodies, one having twice the mass of the other. Since their acceleration is the same,
the body having twice the mass must be experiencing a gravitational force which is twice as strong. Of
course, we are well aware of this, all it's saying is that two bricks weigh twice as much as one brick. Any
weight measuring device, such as a bathroom scales, is just measuring the force of gravity. However, this
proportionality of mass and weight is not a completely trivial point. Masses can be measured against
each other without using gravity at all, for example far into space, by comparing their relative
accelerations when subject to a standard force, a push. If one object accelerates at half the rate of
another when subject to our standard push, we conclude it has twice the mass. Thinking of the mass in
this way as a measure of resistance to having velocity changed by an outside force, Newton called it
inertia. (Note that this is a bit different from everyday speech, where we think of inertia as being
displayed by something that stays at rest. For Newton, steady motion in a straight line is the same as
being at rest. That seems perhaps counterintuitive, but that's because in ordinary life, steady motion in a
straight line usually causes some frictional or resistive forces to come into play).

Mass and Weight

To return to the concept of mass, it is really just a measure of the amount of stuff. For a uniform
material, such as water, or a uniform solid, the mass is the volume multiplied by the density--the density
being defined as the mass of a unit of volume, so water, for example, has a density of one gram per
cubic centimeter, or sixty-two pounds per cubic foot.

Hence, from Galileo's discovery of the uniform acceleration of all falling bodies, we conclude that the
weight of a body, which is the gravitational attraction it feels towards the earth, is directly proportional
to its mass, the amount of stuff it's made of.

The Unit of Force

All the statements above about force, mass and acceleration are statements about proportionality. We
have said that for a body being accelerated by a force acting on it the acceleration is proportional to the
(total) external force acting on the body, and, for a given force, inversely proportional to the mass of the
If we denote the force, mass and acceleration by F, m and a respectively (bearing in mind that really F
and a are vectors pointing in the same direction) we could write this:

F is proportional to ma

To make any progress in applying Newton's Laws in a real situation, we need to choose some unit for
measuring forces. We have already chosen units for mass (the kilogram) and acceleration (meters per
second per second). The most natural way to define our unit of force is:

The unit of force is that force which causes a unit mass (one kilogram) to accelerate with unit
acceleration (one meter per second per second).

This unit of force is named, appropriately, the newton.

If we now agree to measure forces in newtons, the statement of proportionality above can be written as
a simple equation:

F = ma

which is the usual statement of Newton's Second Law.

If a mass is now observed to accelerate, it is a trivial matter to find the total force acting on it. The force
will be in the direction of the acceleration, and its magnitude will be the product of the mass and
acceleration, measured in newtons. For example, a 3 kilogram falling body, accelerating downwards at
10 meters per second per second, is being acted on by a force ma equal to 30 newtons, which is, of
course, its weight.

Newton's Third Law: Action and Reaction

Having established that a force--the action of another body--was necessary to cause a body to change its
state of motion, Newton made one further crucial observation: such forces always arise as a mutual
interaction of two bodies, and the other body also feels the force, but in the opposite direction.
Law 3

To every action there is always opposed an equal and opposite reaction: or the mutual actions of two
bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.

Newton goes on:

Whatever draws or presses another is as much drawn or pressed by that other. If you press a stone with
your finger, the finger is also pressed by the stone. If a horse draws a stone tied to a rope, the horse (if I
may so say) will be equally drawn back towards the stone: for the distended rope, by the same
endeavour to relax or unbend itself, will draw the horse as much towards the stone, as it does the stone
towards the horse, and will obstruct the progress of the one as much as it advances that of the other. If
a body impinge upon another, and by its force change the motion of the other, that body also (because
of the equality of the mutual pressure) will undergo an equal change, in its own motion, towards the
contrary part. The changes made by these actions are equal, not in the velocities but in the motions of
bodies; that is to say, if the bodies are not hindered by any other impediments. For, because the
motions are equally changed, the changes of the velocities made towards contrary parts are reciprocally
proportional to the bodies. This law takes place also in attractions.

All this maybe sounds kind of obvious. Anyone who's had a dog on a leash, especially a big dog, is well
aware that tension in a rope pulls both ways. If you push against a wall, the wall is pushing you back. If
that's difficult to visualize, imagine what would happen if the wall suddenly evaporated. Newton's
insight here, his realization that every acting force has a reacting force, and that acceleration of a body
only occurs when an external force acts on it, was one of the big forward steps in our understanding of
how the Universe works.

Newton's Second Law in Everyday Life

The Second Law states that if a body is accelerating, there must be an external force acting on it. It's not
always obvious what this external force is even in the most trivial everyday occurrences. Suppose you're
standing still, then begin to walk. What was the external force that caused you to accelerate? Think
about that for a while. Here's a clue: it's very hard to start walking if you're wearing smooth-bottomed
shoes and standing on smooth ice. You tend to skid around in the same place. If you understand that,
you also know what external force operates when a car accelerates.
The reason the external force causing the acceleration may not be immediately evident is that it may
not be what's doing the work. Consider the following scenario: you are standing on level ground, on
rollerskates, facing a wall with your palms pressed against it. You push against the wall, and roll away
backwards. You accelerated. Clearly, you did the work that caused the acceleration. But from Newton's
second law, your acceleration was, in fact, caused by the reactive external force of the wall pushing your
hands, and hence the rest of you. That is to say, the force causing the acceleration may not be
generated directly by what--or who--is doing the work! In this example, it's generated indirectly, as a
reaction force to that of the hands pushing on the wall. But if the wall were on wheels, and it
accelerated away when you pushed (having taken off your roller skates) the force causing the
acceleration of the wall would be generated directly by the agent doing the work, you.

Now imagine two people on roller skates, standing close facing each other, palms raised and pushing the
other person away. According to Newton's discussion above following his Third Law, the two bodies
involved will undergo equal changes of motion, but to contrary parts, that is, in opposite directions. That
sounds reasonable. They obviously both move off backwards. Notice, however, that Newton makes a
special point of the fact that these equal (but opposite) "motions" do not imply equal (but opposite)
velocities--this becomes obvious when you imagine the experiment with a 100 pound person and a 200
pound person. Newton tells us that in that situation the heavier person will roll backwards at half the
speed--notice he says the velocities are "reciprocally proportional to the bodies".

Roller skates actually provide a pretty good example of the necessity of generating an external force if
you want to accelerate. If you keep the skates pointing strictly forwards, and only the wheels are in
contact with the ground, it's difficult to get going. The way you start is to turn the skates some, so that
there is some sideways push on the wheels. Since the wheels can't turn sideways, you are thus able to
push against the ground, and therefore it is pushing you--you've managed to generate the necessary
external force to accelerate you. Note that if the wheels were to be replaced by ball bearings somehow,
you wouldn't get anywhere, unless you provided some other way for the ground to push you, such as a
ski pole, or maybe twisting your foot so that some fixed part of the skate contacted the ground.


We have now reached the last sentence in Newton's discussion of his Third Law: "This law also takes
place in attractions". This of course is central to Newton's (and our) view of the Universe. If the Earth is
attracting the Moon gravitationally with a certain force holding it in its orbit, then the Moon is attracting
the Earth with an equal force. So why isn't the Earth going around the Moon? The answer is that the
masses are so different. The Earth's mass is more than one hundred times that of the Moon.
Consequently, the Earth's acceleration, "falling" towards the Moon, is very small. What actually happens
is that they both circle around a balance point between them, which in fact lies within the Earth. This
motion of the Earth is easily detectable with instruments, but tiny compared with the daily rotation. Of
course, it also follows from the above considerations that since the Earth is attracting you downwards
with a force equal to your weight, you are attracting the Earth upwards--towards you--with a force of
exactly the same strength.

The Law of Gravity

Let us now put together what we know about the gravitational force:

1. The gravitational force on a body (its weight, at the Earth's surface) is proportional to its mass.

2. If a body A attracts a body B with a gravitational force of a given strength, then B attracts A with a
force of equal strength in the opposite direction.

3. The gravitational attraction between two bodies decreases with distance, being proportional to the
inverse square of the distance between them. That is, if the distance is doubled, the gravitational
attraction falls to a quarter of what it was.

One interesting point here -- think about how the earth is gravitational attracting you. Actually, all the
different parts of the earth are attracting you! Mount Everest is pulling you one way, the Antarctic ice
mass a different way, and the earth's core is pulling you downwards. Newton managed to prove, after
thinking about it for years, that if the earth is a sphere (which is a very good approximation) then all
these different attractions add up to what you would feel if all the earth's mass were concentrated in
one point at the center. So, when we're talking about the gravitational attraction between you and the
earth, and we talk about the distance of separation, we mean the distance between you and the center
of the earth, which is just less than four thousand miles (6300 kilometers).

Let's denote the gravitational attractive force between two bodies A and B (as mentioned in item 2
above) by F. The forces on the two bodies are really equal and opposite vectors, each pointing to the
other body, so our letter F means the length of these vectors, the strength of the force of attraction.

Now, item 1 tells us that the gravitational attraction between the earth and a mass m is proportional to
m. This is an immediate consequence of the experimental fact that falling bodies accelerate at the same
rate, usually written g (approximately 10 meters per second per second), and the definition of force
from Newton's Second Law above. Thus we have

F is proportional to mass m

for the earth's gravitational attraction on a body (often written weight W = mg), and Newton generalized
this finding to assert that this proportionality to mass would be true for any gravitational attraction on
the body.

From the symmetry of the force (item 2 above) and the proportionality to the mass (item 1), it follows
that the gravitational force between two bodies must be proportional to both masses. So, if we double
both masses, say, the gravitational attraction between them increases by a factor of four. We see that if
the force is proportional to both masses, let's call them M and m, it is actually proportional to the
product Mm of the masses. From item 3 above, the force is also proportional to 1/r², where r is the
distance between the bodies, so for the gravitational attractive force between two bodies

F is proportional to Mm/r²

This must mean that by measuring the gravitational force on something, we should be able to figure out
the mass of the Earth! But there's a catch--all we know is that the force is proportional to the Earth's
mass. From that we could find, for instance, the ratio of the mass of the Earth to the mass of Jupiter, by
comparing how fast the Moon is "falling" around the Earth to how fast Jupiter's moons are falling
around Jupiter. For that matter, we could find the ratio of the Earth's mass to the Sun's mass by seeing
how fast the planets swing around the Sun. Still, knowing all these ratios doesn't tell us the Earth's mass
in tons. It does tell us that if we find that out, we can then find the masses of the other planets, at least
those that have moons, and the mass of the Sun.

Weighing the Earth

So how do we measure the mass of the Earth? The only way is to compare the Earth's gravitational
attraction with that of something we already know the mass of. We don't know the masses of any of the
heavenly bodies. What this really means is that we have to take a known mass, such as a lead ball, and
measure how strongly it attracts a smaller lead ball, say, and compare that force with the earth's
attraction for the smaller lead ball. This is very difficult to accomplish because the forces are so small,
but it was done successfully in 1798, just over a century after Newton's work, by Cavendish.
In other words, Cavendish took two lead weights M and m, a few kilograms each, and actually detected
the tiny gravitational attraction between them (of order of magnitude millionths of a newton)! This was
a sufficiently tough experiment that even now, two hundred years later, it's not easy to give a lecture
demonstration of the effect.

Making this measurement amounts to finding the constant of proportionality in the statement about F
above, so that we can sharpen it up from a statement about proportionality to an actual useable

F = GMm/r²

where the constant G is what Cavendish measured, and found to be 6.67 x 10-11 in the appropriate
units, where the masses are in kilograms, the distance in meters and the force in newtons. (Notice here
that we can't get rid of the constant of proportionality G, as we did in the equation F = ma, Newton's
Second Law, above. We succeeded there by defining the unit of force appropriately. In the present case,
we have already defined our units of mass, distance and force, so we have no further room to

From Newton's theory of universal gravitational attraction, the same constant G determines the
gravitational attraction between any two masses in the universe. This means we can now find the mass
of the earth. We just consider a one kilogram mass at the earth's surface. We know it feels a force of
approximately 10 newtons, and is a distance of about 6300 km, or 6,300,000 meters, from the center of
the earth. So we know every term in the above equation except the mass of the earth, and therefore
can find it. This is left as an exercise.

Copyright Michael Fowler © 1996

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Galileo and Inertia

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Inertia is the tendency of matter to resist changes in its velocity.

Inertia is a property of matter. It is that property of matter which opposes changes in velocity.

Simply stated, a common object will not change its velocity spontaneously.

If something is moving along at a constant speed in a straight line, it will continue to move along at the
same constant speed in the same straight line. It will not, all on its own, speed up, slow down, or change
direction. Something else must push on the object to speed it up, slow it down, or change its direction.

Also, if something is standing still, it will, if left to itself, continue to stand still. Something else must push
on an object to get it moving. Actually, an object standing still is just a special case of an object keeping
its velocity constant. Its velocity is constantly 0 m/s.

Objects do not spontaneously change their velocities.

Center your thoughts:

An object will not change its velocity on its own.

Pushes, or pulls, from the outside are necessary to change an object's velocity.

Pushes, or pulls, are not necessary to keep a stationary object still.

Once at rest, an object will stay at rest all on its own.

Pushes, or pulls, are not necessary to keep an object moving.

An object will keep moving all on its own.

Usually, Galileo gets the credit.

Again, the property of matter that is responsible for this nature is called inertia. Galileo is traditionally
credited with being the first scientist to formalize this concept. People before him often had it turned
around. Many believed that a push was necessary to keep something moving. It certainly seems that
way at first thought. If you push a chair across a room, it seems that your push is necessary to sustain
the velocity of the chair. If you stop pushing, the chair stops moving.

Galileo, though, believed that when the push on the chair is taken away, the chair should continue to
move along without any assistance. And, as it turns out, it will, if the chair is entirely left alone. By 'left
alone' we mean that nothing pushes or pulls on the chair.

But the chair is not left alone. There is a force of friction between the chair and the floor. Friction
continues to apply a push to the chair after you take your hand away from it. It is this friction that
prevents the chair from continuing its motion. The friction quickly brings the chair to a halt. Without
friction, the chair would just keep moving.

So, if you get something moving, and then leave it alone, it will continue to move without any more
pushes from you. Again, by leaving it alone we mean that no pushes or pulls are placed upon it.
As high as the ball rolls on the left, it rolls on the right.

Galileo figured this out by thinking of a ball rolling down an incline and and then up an identical incline.
He imagined this motion:

We must think of a very smooth ball and very smooth inclines. So smooth, in fact, that we do not have
to worry about friction slowing down the ball. Also, do not worry about the ball bouncing about when it
abruptly changes direction at the bottom of each incline. Imagine this transaction to be gradual, much
like a marble rolling in a large bowl.

Galileo noticed that the ball could be started at a certain height on the left incline. It rolls over to the
right incline and rolls up that incline to the same height from which it was released on the left. Of
course, for a real situation, the ball would not make it to the other height exactly due to friction, so
Galileo could not have really seen this. But here Galileo and we are reasoning from experience and
proceeding through a thought experiment where we imagine what things would be like without outside
influences, say from friction.

The ball might roll farther, but just as high.

Then he reasoned what would happen if the right incline was not so steep. That motion looks like this:

The ball again rises to the same height from which it was released. Now, however, the ball must roll a
greater distance up the right incline before coming to a stop for an instant at the top of its journey.
Therefore, it takes more time for the ball to roll up the right incline than down the left, and the ball has
rolled a greater distance on the right incline than on the left..
Be sure to notice that it travels farther on the left incline.

The ball might roll much farther, but just as high.

Then Galileo demonstrated that the ball would roll for an even longer time on the right incline before
coming to a stop if that incline was made even less steep. That motion would look like this:

The less the slope on the right, the farther the ball rolls.

The ball will roll forever without the left hill.

Now, Galileo asks a simple question - How long would the ball roll before coming to a stop if you made
the right incline flat, that is, if you took away the right incline? He realized it would roll for an infinite
amount of time; the ball would not stop rolling. It would continue moving along with an unchanging
velocity as long as nothing else effected it. That is, as long as it experienced no other pushes or pulls. The
motion without the right incline would look like this:

The ball will, all on its own, continue in its state of motion, moving at a constant speed in a straight line.
This property of matter is called inertia.
If you want to change its velocity, you will have to push on it, and it will push back. It will resist with an
equal and opposite force. That is what is meant by 'Inertia is that tendency of matter to resist changes in
its velocity'.

Objects will not change their velocities unless they are forced to by forces.

That is how Galileo came up with the concept of inertia. Inertia is that property of matter that opposes
changes in motion. Or, one might say, inertia is that property of matter that keeps the velocity constant.
If an object is in motion, it will continue moving without help from the outside. The velocity of an object
will not change unless you push or pull on the object. A push or a pull is called a force.

Forces create changes in velocity as time passes.

When we say that the velocity of an object does not change we mean that its speed does not change
and the direction in which it is moving does not change. It continues with unchanging speed in a straight

Note that an object standing still maintains a constant velocity. It's velocity is zero. An object with zero
constant velocity will continue to have zero constant velocity if you do not apply forces to it. Objects
standing still will continue to stand still. They will not start to move on their own unless they receive a
push or pull from something.

Isaac Newton's first law of motion captures the concept of inertia.

Throughout this discussion we have used the words push and pull. The term for a push or a pull is force.
Therefore, you can only change the velocity of an object if you place a force on the object. This is Sir
Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's first law of motion. It is basically the same as Galileo's
explanation of inertia.

Zero net force works the same as 'left alone'.

Throughout this discussion we have used the term 'left alone' to mean that no forces (no pushes or
pulls) are placed on the object. Actually, several forces can act on an object, but if they cancel each
other, then the effect is the same as if no forces at all were applied. For example a push to the right
could be canceled by an equally strong push to the left. In this case the object has two forces on it, but
it moves as if it had zero force on it. This summing of forces is called calculating the net force. Here's a
link to section on net force.

Towards a new world Model

From Galileo to Newton: Physics Emerges

Newton's Many Accomplishments


1. By the time Isaac Newton entered college, the scientific revolution of the 17th century was well

2. Men like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Descartes had all helped develop a new view of nature.

3. When Newton went to Cambridge, everyone was still studying the old nature.

4. Newton studied it too—but in his notebook he had written: "Amicus Plato; amicus Aristoteles; magus
amica veritas." "Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my best friend is truth."

1. Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day, 1642, the same year Galileo died.

2. He did much of his greatest work during a two year period from 1665 to 1667 when he was at the
village of Woolsworth to escape the Great Plague which was ravishing London.

3. His life was troubled by angry conflicts and bitter feuds with colleagues and friends.

4. Twice these feuds led to breakdowns; other times they led to bursts of brilliant new achievements.

5. He died in 1727, at the age of 85. Years later it was discovered that much of his erratic behavior may
have been caused by mercury poisoning. Recent samples of his hair showed he had forty times the level
of mercury considered normal.


1. Newton discovered the origin of color.

2. He discovered the nature of gravity.

3. He invented calculus.

4. He invented the first reflecting telescope.

5. He wrote and published the book Mathematica Principia, which provided a detailed explanation of
the laws of gravity and motion, particularly as they applied to astronomy.
6. He was knighted as Sir Isaac Newton and became president of the Royal Society, a post he held until
his death.


1. He was one of the most creative geniuses the world has ever seen and to many people the greatest
scientist who ever lived.

2. While Galileo's discoveries brought humankind to the brink of a new age, Newton took it the rest of
the way.

3. He unified the work of Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler into one scientific theory that has stood the
test of time.

4. Principia Mathematica is still considered by many to be the greatest scientific book ever written. It is
the fundamental work for all of modern science.

5. Newton was the integrator, the unifier, the organizer, of all the scientific knowledge available at the
time. He established a solid platform on which all modern science could be built.

Galileo's laws of Motion:

Aside from his numerous inventions, Galileo also laid down the first accurate laws of motion for masses.
Galileo measured that all bodies accelerate at the same rate regardless of their size or mass.

Key among his investigations are:

developed the concept of motion in terms of velocity (speed and direction) through the use of inclined

developed the idea of force, as a cause for motion.

determined that the natural state of an object is rest or uniform motion, i.e. objects always have a
velocity, sometimes that velocity has a magnitude of zero = rest.
objects resist change in motion, which is called inertia.

Kepler's laws of Planetary Motion:

Kepler developed, using Tycho Brahe's observations , the first kinematic description of orbits, Newton
will develop a dynamic description that involves the underlying influence (gravity)

1st law (law of elliptic orbits): Each planet moves in an elliptical orbit with the Sun at one focus.

Ellipses that are highly flattened have high eccentricity. Ellipses that are close to a circle have low

2nd law (law of equal areas): a line connection the Sun and a planet (called the radius vector) sweeps
out equal areas in equal times

Objects travel fastest at the low point of their orbit, and travel slowest at the high point of their orbit.

3rd law (law of harmonics): The square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to its mean distance
from the Sun cubed.

The 3rd law is used to develop a ``yardstick'' for the Solar System, expressing the distance to all the
planets relative to Earth's orbit by just knowing their period (timing how long it takes for them to go
around the Sun).

Although successful, Kepler's laws remained a set of empirical rules without a dynamical basis. The link
between these laws and the physical world would be established about 50 years later by Isaac Newton


Newton's Explanation of Kepler's Laws

Newton expanded on the work of Galileo to better define the relationship between energy and motion.
In particular, he developed the following concepts:
change in velocity = acceleration caused by force

inertia = resistance to change in velocity and is proportional to the mass of the object

momentum = quantity of motion energy and is equal to mass times velocity

law of conservation of momentum = total momentum (mass x velocity) of an interaction is conserved is

the same before and after

Example: Cars and Trucks on Ice!

A corollary to Newton's ideas was the so called Clockwork Universe model. A concept that states that
the total momentum of the Universe is conserved, interactions redistribute the momentum, but the
total never changes. In this model, God only starts the clock (initial cause), then it runs by itself for the
rest of time.

Newton's laws of motion:

1st law: a body remains at rest or moves in a straight line of constant velocity as long as no external
forces acts on it

2nd law: a body acted on by a force will accelerate such that force equals mass times acceleration

3rd law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Well fine, if gravity is an attractive force, then how come the moon doesn't come crashing into the
earth, or the earth into the sun. What causes an orbit to be stable?

An orbit is the balance between inertial and gravitational forces. That is, the earth is continually falling
toward the sun, but inertia also wants the earth to keep moving in a straight line. When these two
forces are in balance a stable orbit results:
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation:

Galileo was the first to notice that objects are ``pulled'' towards the center of the Earth, but Newton
showed that this same force (gravity) was responsible for the orbits of the planets in the Solar System.

Objects in the Universe attract each other with a force that varies directly as the product of their masses
and inversely as the square of their distances

But how can you show this from first principles?

Well only an R-2 force law can reproduce Kepler's Third Law:

Step 1

Step 2

and for something really cool

All masses, regardless of size, attract other masses with gravity. You don't notice the force from nearby
objects because their mass is so small compared to the mass of the Earth. Consider the following

Newton's development of the underlying cause of planetary motion, gravity, completed the solar system
model begun by the Babylonians and early Greeks. The mathematical formulation of Newton's dynamic
model of the solar system became the science of celestial mechanics, the greatest of the deterministic
Although Newtonian mechanics was the grand achievement of the 1700's, it was by no means the final
answer. For example, the equations of orbits could be solved for two bodies, but could not be solved for
three or more bodies. The three body problem puzzled astronomers for years until it was learned that
some mathematical problems suffer from deterministic chaos, where dynamical systems have
apparently random or unpredictable behavior.

Synposis of the Principia

Universality and the Scale of the Universe

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1 - Newton's First Law of Motion

Inertia and Mass

Newton's First Law

Inertia and Mass

State of Motion

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Newton's first law of motion states that "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in
motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."
Objects tend to "keep on doing what they're doing." In fact, it is the natural tendency of objects to resist
changes in their state of motion. This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is described as

Inertia: the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion.

Newton's conception of inertia stood in direct opposition to more popular conceptions about motion.
The dominant thought prior to Newton's day was that it was the natural tendency of objects to come to
a rest position. Moving objects, so it was believed, would eventually stop moving; a force was necessary
to keep an object moving. But if left to itself, a moving object would eventually come to rest and an
object at rest would stay at rest; thus, the idea that dominated people's thinking for nearly 2000 years
prior to Newton was that it was the natural tendency of all objects to assume a rest position.
Galileo and the Concept of Inertia

Galileo, a premier scientist in the seventeenth century, developed the concept of inertia. Galileo
reasoned that moving objects eventually stop because of a force called friction. In experiments using a
pair of inclined planes facing each other, Galileo observed that a ball would roll down one plane and up
the opposite plane to approximately the same height. If smoother planes were used, the ball would roll
up the opposite plane even closer to the original height. Galileo reasoned that any difference between
initial and final heights was due to the presence of friction. Galileo postulated that if friction could be
entirely eliminated, then the ball would reach exactly the same height.

Galileo further observed that regardless of the angle at which the planes were oriented, the final height
was almost always equal to the initial height. If the slope of the opposite incline were reduced, then the
ball would roll a further distance in order to reach that original height.

Galileo's reasoning continued - if the opposite incline were elevated at nearly a 0-degree angle, then the
ball would roll almost forever in an effort to reach the original height. And if the opposing incline was
not even inclined at all (that is, if it were oriented along the horizontal), then ... an object in motion
would continue in motion... .
Forces Don't Keep Objects Moving

Isaac Newton built on Galileo's thoughts about motion. Newton's first law of motion declares that a
force is not needed to keep an object in motion. Slide a book across a table and watch it slide to a rest
position. The book in motion on the table top does not come to a rest position because of the absence
of a force; rather it is the presence of a force - that force being the force of friction - that brings the book
to a rest position. In the absence of a force of friction, the book would continue in motion with the same
speed and direction - forever! (Or at least to the end of the table top.) A force is not required to keep a
moving book in motion. In actuality, it is a force that brings the book to rest.

Mass as a Measure of the Amount of Inertia

All objects resist changes in their state of motion. All objects have this tendency - they have inertia. But
do some objects have more of a tendency to resist changes than others? Absolutely yes! The tendency
of an object to resist changes in its state of motion varies with mass. Mass is that quantity that is solely
dependent upon the inertia of an object. The more inertia that an object has, the more mass that it has.
A more massive object has a greater tendency to resist changes in its state of motion.

Suppose that there are two seemingly identical bricks at rest on the physics lecture table. Yet one brick
consists of mortar and the other brick consists of Styrofoam. Without lifting the bricks, how could you
tell which brick was the Styrofoam brick? You could give the bricks an identical push in an effort to
change their state of motion. The brick that offers the least resistance is the brick with the least inertia -
and therefore the brick with the least mass (i.e., the Styrofoam brick).

A common physics demonstration relies on this principle that the more massive the object, the more
that object resist changes in its state of motion. The demonstration goes as follows: several massive
books are placed upon a teacher's head. A wooden board is placed on top of the books and a hammer is
used to drive a nail into the board. Due to the large mass of the books, the force of the hammer is
sufficiently resisted (inertia). This is demonstrated by the fact that the teacher does not feel the hammer
blow. (Of course, this story may explain many of the observations that you previously have made
concerning your "weird physics teacher.") A common variation of this demonstration involves breaking a
brick over the teacher's hand using the swift blow of a hammer. The massive bricks resist the force and
the hand is not hurt. (CAUTION: do not try these demonstrations at home.)

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