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1. LANGUAGE - Spanish was an official language of the country until immediately after rhe people power
revolution. Some filioino dialects is spanish language that until now is used. Some example are: Eskwela,
Kabayo, Gwapo, Pamilya and etc.

LAST NAME - Last name is influence of spanish. All families choose a last name from a liat of spanish
last name to be organized system and easy to track people. And until now some last name is still used.
Some exampke are: Cruz, Garcia, Ramos, Vasquez and etc.

FOOD - Spanish introduced the spoons, forks, plates and cups to the philipines that until now is still
used. Some filipino food is a spanish cuisine like Adobo, Dulce de Letche, champorado and etc.

2. CATHOLICISM - Spanish brought Catholicism in the philippines. It was part of the spanish conquest all
the natives to christ through their catholic tradition. Until now Catholic church is very powerful in the
philippines and until now filipino still celebrate and participate in many catholic holidays. Because of the
Spanish conquest, there is a strong tradition of Christianity among the Filipino people.

SEMANA SANTA OR HOLY WEEK -Holy Week also known as Easter is one of the most important annual
devotions of Christians. We celebrate the Holy Week to remember the sacrifice, suffering, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Until know we celebrate the Holy Week and it is a official holiday in the

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