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English Assigment

Name : Sania Chotimah

Class : XI SCIENCE 3
Attendee’s number : 33
September 25, 2019

My lovely grandma,

I’m so glad to receive your early Christmas gift. I can’t imagine I get it in October!
Thank you so much. Please also tell grandpa that I’m saying thanks. I let you wait for my
response in purpose. I was making some accessories using the beads you bought me.

I attached some pictures of the accessories I made. Do you want some? By the way, I
plan to sell these accessories. I’m sure many people will be interested to buy them. However,
my problem is I don’t know where to buy the unique beads in Solo.

Do you have any idea, grandma? I desperately need help for this. Oh, and about my
study, please don’t worry about it. I’m going to study hard to get the best result.My mom and
dad said that you and grandpa must enjoy yourselves there.

They said they miss you all a lot. I miss you too. Oh, we also have already prepared
gift for your 75th wedding anniversary. We are going to go Hamburg! I know you will like it.
See you in January next year!

Tons of love,


1. Analyse the personal letter :

 Generic Structure :
 Date : “September 25, 2019”
 Salutation : “My lovely grandma”
 Introduction :

“I’m so glad to receive your early Christmas gift. I can’t imagine I get
it in October! Thank you so much. Please also tell grandpa that I’m saying
thanks. I let you wait for my response in purpose. I was making some
accessories using the beads you bought me.”

 Body :

“I attached some pictures of the accessories I made. Do you want

some? By the way, I plan to sell these accessories. I’m sure many people
will be interested to buy them. However, my problem is I don’t know
where to buy the unique beads in Solo.

Do you have any idea, grandma? I desperately need help for this. Oh,
and about my study, please don’t worry about it. I’m going to study hard to
get the best result.My mom and dad said that you and grandpa must enjoy
yourselves there.”
 Closure :

“They said they miss you all a lot. I miss you too. Oh, we also have
already prepared gift for your 75thwedding anniversary. We are going to go
Hamburg! I know you will like it. See you in January next year!”

 Complimentary Close : “Tons of love”

 Signature : “Adeline”
2. Language Feature :
Use the correct tense and grammar. Also, use the simple tense (present or past
simple tense)
The language style is very personal (first person and second person mostly
Contractions may be used.
3. Difficult words of the letter :
 Desperately :
Antonyms : seriously, hopelessly, perilously, .
Synonyms : slightly, easily.
 Bead :
Antonyms : ball, pellet, pill, bubble.
Synonyms : unroll, flatten, spread.
4. Make a dialog using cause and effect relationship. (Bold the connector)
Jimin : “What’s on the TV?”

Alexis : “Just the news about a celebrity arrested for using drugs.”

Jimin : “I was wondering why many celebrities use drugs.”

Alexis : “Perhaps it’s due to their tight schedules? A tight schedule can cause
physically and mentally tiredness.”

Jimin : “That makes sense. I read somewhere that drugs can temporary mask pain.
Therefore, they consume drugs to escape from their sufferings.”

Alexis : “That could be right. Unfortunately, drugs are addictive. Drugs addiction can
lead to several health damages such as abdominal pain, liver failure, strokes, and brain

Jimin : “That’s horrible.”

Alexis : “That’s why drugs are illegal in our country.”

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