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1- Define Commerce, Profession, Business and Trade

2- Write the qualities of a good Businessman
3- Describe the Basic Consideration to Start a New Business.
4- Define the Term E-Commerce and E-Business.
5- Define Sole proprietorship and write the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship
6- Why Sole Proprietorship is more common in Pakistan.
7- Define Partnership write the kinds of Partners
8- Write the advantages and disadvantages of Partnership
9- Explain the Deed of Partnership
10- How Partnership Dissolved
11- Write the Procedure of Formation a Company.
12- Define Joint Stock Company and Write the Types of Joint Stock Company
13- Explain the Procedure of Incorporation of Joint Stock Company
14- Explain the Contents of Prospectus and Clauses of Memorandum of Association.
15- Distinguished Between Public Limited and Private Limited Company.
16- Define Marketing and Describe its functions
17- Explain the Kinds of Media Advertising
18- What are kinds of co-operative Society and Write the Advantages and Disadvantages of Co-
Operative Society
19- Write the services of a wholesaler for Producer and Retailer.
20- Explain the Services of Wholesaler and Retailer
21- State the Channels of Distribution.
22- Explain the Difference between Advertising and Publicity
23- Define Transportation and write the Means of Transportation
24- Define warehouse and write the kinds of warehouse.
25- Explain Chamber of Commerce with its Functions.
26- Define Insurance and write the Types of Insurance.
27- Write a short note on Following
1- Property and Accidental Insurance
2- Life Insurance
28- Write the Sources of Short and Long term finance.
29- Define Musharka and Mubarba.
30- Explain the Procedure of Import and Exports
31- Enlist the Documents used in Imports and Exports.
32- Define Business Letter write the Essential Parts of Business Letter and explain it with the Help of
a Sketch.
33- Enlist the labour devices and explain any three of them.
34- Write a job Application to Askari Bank Limited for the Post of Computer Operator which was
published on Jang Newspaper Feb 25, 2020.
35- Write a letter to MCB Bank Limited to a certain order for Supplying Electronics items Assume
Necessary Particulars and Details.
ECONOMICS                                     FOR I. COM (PART 1)
RECOMMENDED BOOK:                 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS        I. COM. (PART 1) 2010-11
AUTHOR:                                              AHSAN KHAN                           
1 Discuss the Definition of Adam Smith in Detail with its Characteristics and 01
2 Make comparison between Marshall and Robbins definitions of economics? 06
3 What are economic laws? Describe the features of economic laws. 17
4 What is the importance of studying economics? 24
5 Explain the Law of Demand with its Assumptions. Also Illustrate it by Schedule 34
and Graph?
6 Explain the Concept of Elasticity of Demand. How the Elasticity of Demand is 39
7 What are the Various Types of Elasticity of Demand? 43
8 Define the Law of Supply and Explain it with the help of Table and Graph? 55
9 Differentiate between the Extension & Rise in Supply and Contraction & Fall in 56
10 69
Explain the equilibrium of demand and supply with the help of schedule and
11 diagram? 76
Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility with the help of schedule and
12 diagram? 78
Explain the law of equi-marginal utility. What are its limitations and practical
13 importance? 86
Explain and Illustrate the Cost Curves of the firm in the Short Run and Long
14 Run? 98
Explain the law of diminishing (marginal) return with the help of schedule and
15 diagram? 104
16 Explain the laws of cost with the help of schedule and diagram? 112
Define perfect competition. Explain equilibrium of the firm in the short run and
17 long run. 118
Define monopoly. How price and output is determined under monopoly in the
18 128
short run and long run.
19 148
Explain the marginal productivity theory with its criticism?
20 Define National Income and Discuss the Various Concepts of National 150
21 Income? 170
22 What are the Methods of Measuring/Accounting National Income? 173
23 What is inflation? Discuss its causes and measures. 176
24 What is deflation? Explain its causes and measures to control. 184
25 Critically examine quantity theory of money? 186
26 Define trade cycle or business cycle. Also explain the phases of trade cycle? 195
27 Define economic or business cycle? Explain its various theories. 210
28 What is the role of foreign trade in economic development of Pakistan? 212
29 Describe the various canons OR principles of taxation? 218
30 What is tax? Discuss various types of taxation? 220
What is the difference between Zakat and Tax?
Explain the meaning of Zakat and usher. Also discuss the impact of Zakat on
the economy?
2019  ‫فرسٹ ائیر معاشیات [اکنومکس] آرٹس گروپ‬


MICRO – ECONOMICS                   (30)


Q-2: Answer any SIX part questions. Each question carry equal marks.

(i) Write the Importance of Study of Economics. OR Briefly discuss the

characteristics of Monopoly.
(ii) Define Price Elasticity of demand. OR Write the characteristics of
(iii) Write the functions of Entrepreneur. OR What is meant by Mobility?
Describe the different kinds of Mobility of Labour. OR Distinguish between
large scale and small scale production.
(iv) Define Capital. What are the functions of Capital? OR State Malthusian
Theory of Population.
(v) State the Law of Supply and draw a Supply Curve. OR Explain Fixed
and Variable Costs with Examples.
(vi) State relationship between Average Cost and Marginal
Cost. OR Explain the meaning of Capital Formation.
(vii) What is meant by Production? Name the factors of
Production. OR What are the aims of the Firm?
(viii) What are the advantages of large scale Production? OR Name the
Laws of Returns and Laws of Cost. OR State the law of demand and
construct a demand schedule.
(ix) How is the Equilibrium Price determined? OR Define the
characteristics of Perfect Competition.
(x) Differentiate between Change in demand and Change in Quantity
demanded. OR Discuss the important points of the definition of economics
as presented by Prof. Marshall.  

PAKISTAN ECONOMICS                   (20)

Q-3: Answer any FOUR part questions. Each question carry equal marks.

(i) List the main economic problems of Pakistan. OR State the problems of

industries in Pakistan.
(ii) State the reasons of Poverty in Pakistan. OR Discuss the mineral
resources of Pakistan.
(iii) Review the Energy Crisis in Pakistan. OR Discuss the importance of
Roads in Pakistan.
(iv) Discuss the salient features of Population of Pakistan. OR State the
Problems of Agricultural Marketing in Pakistan.
(v) Discuss the mechanization of agriculture in Pakistan.
(vi) What are the main Energy / Power resources of Pakistan? OR Mention
the sources of Agricultural Credit.  



MICRO – ECONOMICS                   (20)


Q-4: Answer any TWO part questions. Each question carry equal marks.

(i) What is meant by Efficiency of Labour? Explain the factors on which

efficiency of Labour depends.
(ii) Explain the Scale of Production. What are the advantages of large scale
of Production? OR What is meant by Division of Labour? Write its kinds
and advantages. 
(iii) Define Elasticity of Demand and explain its kinds with the help
of Schedule and Diagram.
(iv) Define the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility or Marginal Returns
and explain it with the help of Schedule and Diagram. OR Compare Prof.
Marshall’s and Prof. Robbins definition of Economics. Which is better and

PAKISTAN ECONOMICS                   (10)


Q-5: Answer any ONE part questions. Each question carry equal marks.

(i) Explain the causes of industrial backwardness of Pakistan. Suggest

remedial measures. OR Discuss the basic economic problems of Pakistan
and suggest measures to solve these Problems.

(ii) Explain the Importance of Cottage Industries in the economic

development of Pakistan and assess their Problems. OR Explain the
importance of Small Scale Industries in the Economic Development of
Pakistan and assess their Problems. OR Mention the factors responsible for
low yield Per Hectare in Pakistan? Suggest measures to improve the

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