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Details of lnterest calculated on Difference in billed & CERC Approved trued up charges

Financial Year 20tt-12

Principal Refund Detail Sheet as per Final CERG Approved Truing up charges ( POCOCO Portion)
Financial Y ear:- 20'11 -12


2l8l l5

Principal Refund Detail Sheet as per Final CERC Approved Truing up charges ( POCOCO Portion)
Financial Year:- 201 1 -12

I NRTS'I&II 3573372 2723585 849687 3576441 t726024 t50417 3576943 1726406 350537 1577904 t127L39 150765
2 ,OWERLINK 189694 144588 45106 186525 142249 u376 186124 r.41867 74257 185163 141134 14029

1 iinsrauli STPS 218501C 16654S' 5195sI 2119454 1615491 50397: 2119464 1615491 5039?: 206758! 157594q 491536
2 tihand -l STPS 120123i 920113 2E705r, I t69l2l 891 t?( 21799-, I69t23 891 l2( 27199-t I t43l8z E?D54 2?l8l{
3 tihand Jl STP5 120'121 9201'11 281054 n69121 891 l2t 27799i | 691 23 891 l2( 2't-tgi I t43l8r t7ll54 27l8lC
4 )adri NCTPS 105078t 80092! 249854 I 0l 706! 7',I522'1 24tE4 0 I 706{ 775221 !41 84: 99528{ 7586t9 216661

5 )adri Stase-ll NCTPS I 18767',i m526r 824S r l50t l( 87661t 2'lt47t 50llr 8?663t 2134'tt I t2469( 857262 26?.r!.{
6 JnchaharJ TPS 640122 4879t I 522 l( 6r't92( 470994 1469f1 61792( 470q)t 14693: 60703 I 462t${ I441{I
1 Jnchahar-ll TPS 640t21 48791, 15221( 6t792< 47VU)4 t4697i 6t192( 47099t 14693i 60?01 l 46269( I {-1-}4 I

Jnchahar-lll TPs 4t478t ll 140: 103t8: 4l8l! 3I 887' 9941', 4 I 8354 3 lttTi 9941', r 1.. 3 t47?5
9 \NtA GPP 61946i 4A74t t520? 6l1zAa 47050t t4678 l 6t'lzas 47050t 146781 6064 I 462215 t44l9r
10 quraiya GPP 8?80?! 66924: 208?91 84920t 64',12'la 20t92< 84920 I 64't?7: 201926 83l99r 63415( t97t3!
11 )adri GPP 1040795 7933 I 24'1481 100735( 767824 23953: I O07l5f 't6782/ 21953i 9E58ll 75l4lt 2344 I
72 lairasiul HPS 40545 30m4 964t( 18984t 29'I t4( 92691 1398.1r 291 l4< 92698 lE5l75 29358i 9t 58t
13 ialal HPS 904t22 6E9l 3i 2149t: 874518 ffi51i 70194t E74i I t ffi51, 201946 85662C 65291t 20369(
14 fanakpur HPs t2l 56: 245t0( 76461 308105 23499: 73llc l08l0: 214v): 7331( 105862 fl3 tl 72t|t
15 :hamera-1 HPS '15745: s',t734: l80t t( 11196" 55791:l I 7405C 7l r 961 55791? 114054 7l't9€. 54'124t 70?tr
16 Jri HPS 698?8t 51262! 16615t 614946 5 1445 I 6049 614944 5 14455 l(fi49 662496 50496: 5r5l I
77 :hamera-ll HPS 52218t 3 475 1241tr- 501885 38407( I 19815 50388: 18407C I t9815 4 103 l78l3t ?i
18 )hauliganga HPS 50323 lEl57: I 1966( .184878 3695E' I I 5296 4E487t 369582 I I 5296 4176t5 36404t I5d{
19 )ulhasti HPS 6IO7EE 165551 14523t 589416 44926. I 401 53 58941( 44926 140 I 5l 579299 44155i 1'174i
20 Sewa-ll HPS 346145 26.l'321 82461 312824 25368{ 7914t 31282t 2J368r 79t4( )2971 2513t I 7830(
27 Nathpa-Jhakri HPs I696l2l I 2928 I 403101 1644294 l25t30r 390985 t644291 l?53301 390985 16051t5 1223651 33l7]l
22 Tehri HPS t207232 92017 28705i I 169123 891 12( 211y)1 I 16912: E9l 126 27791 I l4l lEl 81 t35t 27l8lt
23 NAPS 65 7i 50281i I 56860 636931 485481 I5 1452 61693 485481 I 51452 625519 47678 I i4tl3s
74 RAPs.B 65 1',) 50281 i I 56E6C 616933 48548t 15t452 6l69ll 485481 I 5t452 6255 l9 47$At l4E7ll
25 RAPS.C 65 11 50281 I 56E60 636911 485481 15t452 636911 4854E1 t51452 625519 47676t t4871fl
26 AD HP5 4l7l Et 3I 798t 9920C 40124E 30583r 954 l( 401248 305ElE 9541C 196268 10m41 'ir::(
27 IGSTPS 7 I E34,4 5475f4 I 70E l0 693953 52894. 16501( 69395: 528941 I 6501C I l43l8r E7B5l ] T::
Koteshwer HPS 4250t I 323951 l 0l 06c 40885 3 I l63l 97211 {0E85 I I 1633 972 l6 403661 1076'l 9198{
29 KW HPS 96278t '133454 228914 I 169123 89t l2( 27'7991 1 169123 891 126 21-1991 i l4lt8.{ 87llJ! :7 tst{
30 Malana-ll HPs 3 13817 239t9i 7462( I l:t8 l; 239191 7462t 1tL22i
31 SCL Bewar 361134 27yt 8591! 361 314 2754t5 85919 35't443 21244\

1 UT Chodicarh 123515 12281 I 100704 12706 t457t 9E135 1t2706 14571 )8135 t0.{848 toE58? 1{{
DTL 3698183 28rE8r8 379365 t678393 8A1134 E74659 1678t93 |lo3734 174659 I37?010 1574014 3l:,196
FT!?NL 197305 t!69936 127169 7t361 I 1359499 424112 l7E36l I l:159499 241 t2 I 94(983 t479.150 t6 1533
HPSEB 1,10213 5 r06873r 3314o4 387405 1057501 129902 1387405 1057503 129902 I 156510 lo3t970 ]23560
PDD,Jammu I 514718 I 154544 1@174 l50t66l I lrl4593 357070 150t663 I l.l459l 157070 1505733 I 147695 158018
PSTCL 2344009 1186644 557365 t329125 t775451 5$a14 2329325 l7?54J1 i51874 2267553 l'l]llbj 5l9tE6
RRVPNL t92385E 1466398 457460 t9t2t42 1457467 454675 t9t2t42 t 451 461 154615 I E9040 I l.:t r, r4q5ci
T'PPCL {898788 l7ll940 I t64t48 1901693 )116t54 I 165539 r90t 691 tTl6t54 165519 t7't3u1 t63S55l I ll509l
Northem enral r t2t86/. 245130 76514 I 0690 zl6El3 71417 3 I 0690 216813 t1a7'l 12t652 ttm55 t71597
t0 UPCL )02473 r878E0 214593 )02501 5t7901 xt4ffi t02503 ,t7901 zl4600 t8t819 512t11 ?o96a2
!1 PG Rihad H\rDC 230195 175458 5411't ! 195 l8 167320 52t98 2t95t8 167320 t2t98 I tr)499 t67l{.b 52193
L2 PG Dadri I{VDC 230222 154'r9 54743 19546 t6'1341 52205 219546 t6't34t t2205 219525 l6?126 5? I99
Total a?O3S3:! 3585:ta6 111t4$7 a70:ta:82 3sts:ttlts lltt/491? 4TGtGIB 35!5:l'115 l'ltt4ltlt 'i7113E332 35at3ar0 l17atEtz2

rLo#'h, d{.
Principal Refund Detail Sheet as per Final CERC Approved Truing up charges ( POCOCO portion)
Financial Year:- 2011 -12

Powergrid NRTS-I&ll ,577998 7727277 350787 1577998 2727277 350787 1s80299 272896s 351334 t583970 273r763
2 POWERLINI( 185069 141063 14006 185069 141063 14005 182768 139309 3459 79097 136511 12586

7 Singrauli STPs 2067585 ts75949 491636 205257( 1554503 488067 204259A 1556976 485718 2U2694 1556976 485718
Rihand -l STPS ll43l84 871354 27r33C I t3567( 865632 270044 I I3073t 86t868 26887C I 13073t 861868 2688'1t
3 Rihand -ll STPS ll43l84 8'11154 I I 3567(
27 183C 865632 2',loM4 I I 3071t 86t868 26887C I ll07lr 861868 26887C
4 Dadri NCTPS 99528( 7586t9 23666t 98897: 7538 I 2 235t61 984826 75065 234171, 98482( 750651 234t75
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS I 12469( 85'.t262 26'1434 I I 1733t 85 I 654 265681 I I t2199 84'796( 26453. I I I249S 84796( 264533
6 Jnchaharl TPS 60703 I $2694 144341 60387t 460286 143592 60 I 804 45870: 14109! 60 I 80! .15870: 143099
7 Jnchahar-ll TPS 60703 | 46269A t44341 60387t 46028( 143592 60t 804 45870: 14109! 601 804 458701 14109!
8 Jnchahar-lll TPS 412907 3t4',125 981 82 4l I33 I 31352: 97808 4t0291 312731 97561 4to294 312734 9156t
9 Anta GPP 60641 2 4622tt t44194 603264 45981 t434r'.6 601 193 45824( 14295. 60t 193 45824( t4295:
10 Auraiya GPP 83 1994 6341 6( 197834 82701 6103& 19664t 821738 62786', t9587 I 821718 62786i 195871
Dadri GPP 985833 75l4lt 23441 9't9603 74661( 23293. 975505 74354 23 t95r 975505 14354 l95t
72 Bairasiul HPS 38517: 29158i 9158t 18182.4 2925s', 9t26i l8?915 9t05(
29187(, l829ls 29t875 9t05(
13 Salal HPS 85662( 65293( 20369( 85r439 6.1898 I 20245t 848032 64638r 20t 64I 8480,32 6463S4 20t64t
74 Ianakpur HPS 305861 23313. 7272(. 3051 54 23259t 1256{ 104689 1245( 104689 232239 7245(
Chamera-1 HPS 't 1796( 547241 t707lt 7t l90i 5441 169754 7 I 1239 5421 I t t69l2l 1 I t239 5421 lt 169121
16 Uri HPS 66249( 504965 I 50221t
I 5753 658892 156674 656522 5004 | | 561 l( 656522 500412 l56t l(
77 Chamera-ll HPs 4961O: 37El3t |796: 49385 I 376421 I I ?43( 49237( 375292 II 707t 49237C 375292 I 1707r
18 Dhauliganga HPS 47761 36404( I I 3i69 415513 362444 3069 41413( 36t39(
I t 1274a 414t3( 36ll9C fi274(
19 Dulhasti HPS 579294 441552 137747 57637 I 43932( 137051 57444( 437852 t16594 57444< 437852 1t6594
20 iewa-ll HPS 3297 I I 25rll 7840C 328810 25062 78r85 12821 I 250t73 78045 1282 l 25017 7804
21 Nathpa-Jhakri HPS 160538 1223651 381734 I 59.1123 1215061 37905( 58671 (
I 1209422 377294 158671( 1209422 377294
22 fehri HPs il43 t84 871354 27183C I 135676 865632 270044 I t307lt 861 868 26887C l l307lt 86186t 26881t
23 NAPS 625514 476',tat I 48738 6222t6 474261 147952 620043 4't2607 14747C 62004. 47260', 1474:](
24 RAPS -8 62551t 47678 I48718 622216 41424 t4'7952 620M3 4'12601 t41436 62004. 47260'. 14743(
25 tAPS-C 625515 .17673 I 48738 62221( 474264 t41952 620043 472607 t4'1436 62004. 47260', 14741(
26 {D HPS 396268 1$204' 9422t 39482( 300943 9188: 391878 300221 9365? l9187t 30022 9365
27 GSTPS Il43t84 El135t 27 183( I 13567( 865632 2'lOO4t I I 30738 86t 868 268870 I Il07lt 86t86t
28 (oteshwer HPS 403661 to167l 9598r 40216i 306534 95621 49217t 375292 I I 7078 49231( 3't529t I I 7078
29 (W HPS ll43l84 871352 27183( I 13567( 865632 270041 I I30738 861868 26887A I I3073 86t E6t 26E87C
30 Valana-ll HPS 3il123 7400t 3tM't2 23664-, 't382: 309978 23627 I 't1'to', 10997t 2167',n 73'l01
31 icl Bewar 3574r'.3 2',1244\ 8499t 49385 I 376/.21 ll'143( 49217C 17529i I I 707r 49217( 77529' I I 7078

7 jT Chadigah 376032 1866t 8 B94l I 3'15579 286272 39307 371294 287580 89'1 \4 31 5626 286309 393t7
DTL 1272023 2493991 778032 3272021 ',.491991 778032 120247 I 2440918 761493 3270838 2493089 7't7749
3 HVPN'L t82t435 388329 131 106 82t 05r 1388036 13t015
I r 8651 54 t421652 u3502 1447832 t408449 139383
IIPSEB 1504561 tA6ao2 351759 504182 I 146513 357669 53698? l7l5l7
I I ,654'10 s23t I 60946 ,62t72
PDD,Jarnmu I 645060 I 253893 19l 167 1644t27 1253182 ]90945 t6'19a25 t280391 399414 t664454 t2686't5 ,95779
PSTCL 2082002 I 586923 1950't9 208 I 509 I 586561 194948 2t38756 1630196 508560 2196959 1674559 )22400
7 RR\?I\IL zoo4914 528202 176142 2008846 l53l 177 171669 zt29t36 l622a6l i06273 2109037 t607514 501493
UPPCL 784895 3647 128 1131767 1784021 3646462 I t37559 t912138 t767438 I I 75300 t893037 129556 I 163481
Nonhem central r t21652 550055 t1 t59',1 121652 550055 t7 I 591 10919 236988 t3931 309949 36249 11700
10 UPCL )01 567 591763 2l 5804 )07 I 80 b9t468 t57 12 )36848 714082 t22166 )29293 /08323 |20970
11 PG Rrhand HVDC 19499 167306 t2193 I 9499 161306 52t93 19520 t67322 52t98 l2 ;2196
195 167316
2 IPG Dadn H\aDC 2t9525 t67126 i2t99 t9525 167326 52)99 1954't 167143 52204 I 9539 t6'133't ;2202
Principal Refund Detail Sheet as per Final CERC Approved Truing up charges ( POCOGO Poriionf
Financial Y eac- 2011 -12

Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

Financial Year 2011-12
1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3r -03-r6
2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt. I 1.03.201 1 02-05-l I
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation 2011-12 20t2-13 20t3-14 2014-15 2015-16
(w) (x) (y) (z) (t)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 11.23% l3.ts% 13.36% 13.33o/o 13j0%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in Fy 274 365 355 365 356
(F'inanecial year 201l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
5 Interest Computation
a) Inter
ter State Transmis
ransmlsslon (ISTS
Difference in billed I nterest
SI.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITI, 849372 524463
2 POWF]RI,INK NRRPI,ITI- 4542t 28046
4 Adani Power Limited NRRAPITL 0 0
5 Aravali Power Company Private Limiter NRRARITL 0 0
6 Parbati koldam Transmission ComDany \RRPKITL 0 0
rorAl (A) 894793 552509
b) Generating Stations and Sellers

Name of the Generating Station/ Difference in billed Interest

Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges
Seller lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 549343 339204
2 Rihand -I STPS NRRRIIGN 303350 187310
3 Rihand -II S'|PS NRRRI2GN 303350 l 873 l0
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 263992 I 63008
5 Dadri Stage-lI NCTPS NRRDA2GN 298431 t84273
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 160675 992 2
7 Unchahar-II TPS NRRUN2GN 160675 992 2
I Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 1090 I 6 673 4
9 Anta GPP VRRAN I GN 1605t I 991 I
0 Auraiya CPP NRRAUIGN 220540 136177
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 261477 l6l45s
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 101637 62758
3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 227094 140224
4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 80530 49725
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 190194 117439
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 175434 108326
7 Chamera-Il HPS NRRCM2GN l3ll56 80985
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN 126236 77947
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 153295 94655
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 86877 53644
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS \RRN.I IGN 426347 263257
22 Tehri HPS \IRRTEIGN 303350 187310
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 65595 102250
21 RAPS.B NRRMBGN 65595 102250
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 65595 102250
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 04589 6458r
27 IGSTPS NRRIGICN 80355 111364

,tO$ ofi*
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.l I) & trued up charges lP.Rw.Dw/ 366 +
Seller P*1Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTICN 0 0
30 Malana-ll llPS NRRN{A2GN 0 0
3l SCL Bewar NRRBW IGN 0 0
TOTAL (B) 5575239 J,r,r255l
c) Distribution Licensees and the
Difference in billed lnterest
Name ofthe Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.l D & trued up charges lP*Rw.Dw/ 366 +
/ Buyer (P) Pt(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I UT Chandigarh NRRCTIIDS 96293 59458
2 DTL NRRDLIDS 857931 5297 48
3 HVPNL NRRHRIDS 400847 247 5t2
I HPSEB NRRHP IDS 3',73454 230597
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJK IDS 401285 217'782
6 PSl'CL NRRPLJIDS 513734 3172t6
RRVPN I, NRRRJ I DS 488593 301692
ti T]PPCI- NRRTJPIDS 1168903 721764
9 Nonhem central railway NRRRI-I BY 79452 49059
l0 UPCI- NRRUAIDS 219299 13541I
ll PG Rihand HVDC NRRPCRBY 57535 35526
t: PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 5754t 35530
TOTAL (C ) 41t 4861 2911295
Grand Total (A+B+C) II l8{899 690635s

Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date:27-Apr-16

Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For lnterest Calculation 3l-03-16

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.l 1.03.201 I 0l-06-l l
20lt-12 2012-t3 2013-14 2014-15 2015-t6
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) (v) (z) ()
4 Rate oflnterest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 fi.23yo 13.t50/. 13.36Yo 13.33% 13.50%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No ofdays for intarest calculation (D) in FY 244 365 365 36s 366
(Finanecial year 201 l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
5 Interest Computation
a) lnter State Transmission
Transmis S

Difference in billed lnterest

Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.l D & trued up charges IPrRl *Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Powergrid NRISJ&ll NRRPG I]'L 849826 51692t
1 Adani Power Limited NRRAPITL 0 0
5 Aravali Power Company Private Limite< NRRARI L 0 0
6 Parbati koldarn Transmission Company NRRPK ITL 0 0
TOTAL (A) 894192 544272
b) Stations and Sellers
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of thc Generating Station/
Sl. No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lPrRw*DW 366 +
(P) Pr(Rr+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I SingauliSTPS NRRSI I GN 544922 331458
2 Rihand I STPS NRRRIIGN 300423 182737
3 Rihand JI STPS NRRRI2GN 300423 182737
4 DadTiNCTPS NRRDA I (iN 26t304 r58943
5 Dadri StaseJI NCTPS NRRDA2GN 295533 179763
6 UnchaharJ TPS NRRUNIGN t58614 96480
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRtTN2GN I 5 8614 96480
8 Unchalar-lll TPS NRRI-'N:](;N 1072'70 65249
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN r 58450 96380
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 2l8l l5 t32672
lt Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 258804 t 57 422
t2 Bairasiul LIPS NRRBSIGN 99934 60'7 8',7

l3 Salal llPS NRRSLIGN 224629 t36634

t4 Tanakpur HPS NRR'IPIGN 78956 48026
t5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCM IGN 187954 I14326
t6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 173284 r05403
l7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 12927 5 78634
l8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDCIGN 124385 75659
l9 Dulhasti l'lPS NRRDUIGN I51280 92019
20 Sewa-ll I IPS NRRSWIGN 85265 5t864
21 Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 4226',73 257098
22 Tehri Hl'S NRRI'EIGN 300423 t82'737
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 163504 99454
21 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 163504 99454
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN t63504 99454
26 AD I IPS NRRADICN 102868 6257 |

Af'onft "t'
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Generating Statior/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lPlRwlD!Y/366 +
(P) Pr(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rl)l/100
27 ICSTPS NRRIGIGN t'781'74 \0837',7
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKI'IGN 80375 48889
30 Malnnr-ll llPS NRRMA2GN 0 0
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 0 0
TOTAL (B) 5592.t59 3401707
c) Distribution Licensees and throush the
Difference in hilled Interest
Name of the Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.l D & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 365 +
/ Buyer (P) Pr(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I UT Chandigarh NRRCHIDS 9484,1 57 690
2 D II, NRRDLIDS 854295 519639
3 HVPNL NRRHRIDS 398722 242529
.l }IPSEB NRRHPIDS 371106 225'131
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 399365 242920
6 PSTCL NRRPT] IDS 5l1340 31 l03l
1 RRVPNL NRRRJIDS 186979 296213
8 UPPCL NRRI iPl I)S tt7044t 7)1940
9 Northem central railwav NRRRLIBY '77898 47383
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 220468 t34t03
ll PG Rihand HVDC NRRPGRBY 5610t 34124
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 56107 34128
TOTAL (C ) 4691666 285743 r
Grand Total (A+B+C) I 184917 6803,110

,*r-,,fr 'fix
Annexure-l Ci

Namc of RLDC NRLDC Date:27-Apt-16

Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3 t-03- l6

2 Date of Bill lssued as per CERC order dr.l 1.03.201 I 0l-07-r l
2011-12 2012-t3 2013-t4 2014-t 5
3 F.Y. for lnterest calculation 2015-16
(w) (x) (y) (z) (t)
4 Rate oflnterest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 t t .23Yo \3.t 5vo 13.36v. 13.33v. r3.50%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No ofdays for interest calculation (D) in FY 214 36s 365 365 366
(Finanecial year 201 1-12 was leap year (366 Days)
6 lnterest Computation
a) Inter State
tate Transmission
Transmiss S t; l5
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.lD & trued up charges lPrRwrDw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rtll/100
Powergrid NRTSI&ll NRRPGITL 849826 509098
TOTAL (A) 894192 536035
b) Stations and Sellers
Difference ia billed Interest
Name ofthe Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges
Seller lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSI IGN 536246 321244
) Rihand -l S'fPS NRR.RIIGN 295403 176965
Rihand -ll S'I-PS NRRRI2CN 295403 116965
.1 DadriNCI PS NRRDAICN 256868 153880
5 Dadri Stage-ll NC'I'PS NRRDA2GN 290587 174080
6 UnchaharJ TPS NRRUNIGN 155715 93283
1 UnchaiarJl TPS NRRUN2CN 155715 93283
IJ Unchalarlll TPS NRRT]N3GN 105 137 62984
9 Anla GPP NRRANIGN 155553 93 t86
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 2t4326 128395
Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 254407 152406
t2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 9',7912 58655
I3 Salal IiPS NRRSI,IGN 220742 132238
1,1 ]'anakpur HPS NITRI'PICN 77247 46276
I5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 184616 I10596
t6 tlri HPS NRRURIGN t70165 10t939
t7 ChameraJl HPS NRRCM2GN t268t 4 7 5969
I8 Dhauliganga tlPS NRRDGIGN t21996 73083
l9 DulhastiHPS NRRDUIGN r48489 8 895,1
20 SewaJl HPS NRRSWICN 83461 49998
2l Nalhpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJICN 415825 249105
22 Tehri IJPS NRRl'I.] ICN 295403 l7 696s
23 NAPS NRRNAICN 160531 96t68
RAPS -B NRRRABGN 160531 96168
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 160531 96168
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 100802 60387
)7 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN l7 4982 10,1825
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTICN '78615 47 tt3
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN lt47'71 68755

ffiNfr ,.fia
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lP*RlliD$/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100

30 MalanaJI HPS NRRMA2CN 0 0

3l SCI- Bewar NRRBWICN 0 0
TOTAL (B) 5608823 3360033
c) Distribution Licensees and the
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Distribution Liccnsee
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges IPiRw*Dw/366 +
/ Buyer (P) Pr(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)Y100
I JT Chandieath NRRCHIDS 100704 60328
2 DTL NRRDI- IDS 879365 526794
l IIVPNL NRRHRIDS 427369 256020
,l IIPSI]B NRRHPIDS 333404 1997 30
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 3601'74 215166
6 PSTCL NRRPUIDS 55',736s 333 896
RRVPNL NRRRJIDS 457460 27404',7
IJ UPPCL NRRI.]PIDS r r64848 697E16
9 Northern central railway NRRRI,I BY 76534 45849
l0 UPCL NRRUA I DS 214593 r 28s54

PG Rihand HVDC NRRPGRBY 54737 32'791

PC Dadri NRRPGDBY 547 43 32794
TOTAL (C ) {68I 296 2804385
Grand Total (A+B+C) I I l8{91 I 6700,153

ffofr efru


Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC Date:27-Apr-16
Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3l-03-16

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.l 1.03.201 I 0l-08-t I
20lt-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-r6
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) (y) (r) (t)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 11.23o/o 13.l5Yo 13.36yo 13.33% 13.50Yo
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY L83 365 365 36s 366
(Finanecial year 201 1-l 2 was leap year (366 Days)
6 Interest Computation
a) Inter State Transmission
Transmiss ISTS)
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I Powerqrid NRTS-l&II NRRPGITL 849826 50 t 015
TOTAL (A) 894792 527525
b) Generating Stations and Selle rS
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/t00
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 529149 3l 1960
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRI IGN 291854 72063
J Rihand -II STPS NRRRI2GN 291854 72063
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 253887 49679
5 Dadri StageJI NCTPS NRRDA2GN 287108 69265
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRLTNIGN 54224 90923
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 54224 90923
8 Unchahar-lll ]'PS NRRUN3CN 04392 61544
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 54065 90829
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 2tt972 124968
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 251462 148249
2 Bairasiul HPS \IRRBS ICN 97273 57347
3 Salal HPS \IRRSLIGN 218293 128695
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 769t4 45345
5 Chamera-l HPS \IRRCMIGN 82700 t077 I I
6 Uri HPS ).IRRT]RIGN 68462 99317
7 Chamera-ll HPS \IRRCM2GN 25749 74135
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN 21003 7 t337
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 47 105 86726
20 Sewa-II HPS NRRSWIGN 83036 489s4
2l Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 410502 242011
22 Iehri HPS NRR'TEIGN 291854 172063
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 58970 93721
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 58970 93721
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 58970 93721
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 00121 59026
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 73208 t02tt5
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 78290 46156

Ah^8 &x
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lP*Rw.iDw/ 366 I
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
29 KW IIPS NRRKWIGN 173208 l02l l5
l0 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 0 0
3l SCL Bcrval NRRBWIGN 0 0
TOTAL (B) 5608819 3306682
c) Distribution Licensees and throush the
Difference in billed Interest
Name ofthe Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Rcgd.lD & lrued up charges lPtRwrDld/ 366 +
/ Buyer (P) P*(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I LJT Chandigarh NRRCTII DS 100'104 59370
1 DTI" NRRDI- IDS E79365 5 t8430
l IIVPNI- NRR}IR IDS 427369 251955
4 IIPSEI] NItRHPIl)S 333404 196558
5 PDD.J6lrmu NRRJKIDS 360 t't 4 212341
6 PST'CI, NRRPUlDS 55736s 32 E595
7 RRVPNI- NRRRJ I T)S 157460 269696
It UPPCL NRRUPIDS I t64848 686'136
9 Northern central railway NRRRI-IBY '7
6534 45121
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 2t4593 126513
II PG Rihand HVDC NRRPGRBY 54',73',7 32270
t2 tIVDC
54',7 32274
TOTAL (C ) .1681296 2759859
Crerd Total (A+B+C) I I18,1907 659,r066

#ofr ao-

Annexure-I Ci

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date:27-Apr-16

Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3l-03-16

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.l L03.201 0l-09-l I
20ll-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 20r5-16
F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) (v) (z) (t)
Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 ll.23Yo 13.l5Yo 13.36y:o 13.33Yo 13.50o/o
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 752 365 365 36s 366
(Finanecial year 201 l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
lnterest Computation
a) Inter State Transmission S tJ t a

Difference in billed Interest

Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
I NRTS-I&II NRRPGITL 849687 492851
2 ]OWERLINK NRRPLITL 45106 26163
TOTAL (A) 894793 519014
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
Seller (P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Sinerauli STPS NRRSIIGN 5I9558 301364
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRzuIGN 2870s9 66505
3 Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN 287059 66505
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 249859 44928
5 Dadri Stase-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 282409 63808
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRTJNIGN 52210 88288
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRTIN2CN 52210 88288
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRLTN3GN 03385 59967
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 52054 88197
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 208791 t2tt07
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 247483 I 435 50
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 96410 55921
3 Salal IIPS NRRSLIGN 214985 124700
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 76462 44351
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 801 l0 10447t
6 Uri HPS NRRURlGN 661s9 96379
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 24309 72104
8 Dhaulieanea HPS NRRDGIGN 19660 69407
9 Dulhasti HPS \RRDUIGN 45234 84241
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 82461 47831
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 403308 233934
22 Tehri HPS \RRTEIGN 287059 I 66505

23 NAPS NRRNAIGN r s6860 90985

24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN l 56860 90985
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN l s6860 90985
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 99200 57540
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 170810 99076
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 101060 s8619
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 228934 132',790

Akt9 cnfi v
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lPrRwrDrv/ 366 +
(P) Pr(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
30 Malana-ll IIPS NRRMA2GN 0 0
ll SCL Bewar NRRBW ICN 0 0
32 Budhil .llPS NRRBDIGN 0 0
3l Rihand -lll STPS NRITRI3GN 0 0
34 ChamersJII. HEP NRRCM3ON 0 0
35 DadriSolar NRRDS IGN 0 0
31 PARBATI -3(NHPC) NRRPI]3(iN 0 0
3ll Rompur HEP NRRRS ICN 0 0
-19 Unch6har Solor NRRUSIGN 0 0
TOTAL (B) 560l il8 325333r
c) Distribution Licensees and throueh the
Differencc in billed Itrierert
Nsme of the Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Rcgd.lD & trued up charges lPrRw*Dw/366 +
/ Buyer (P) Pr(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I U'f Chandigarh NRRCHIDS 100704 58412
2 DTI, NRRDLIDS 8',79365 510065
3 IIVPNL NRRHRIDS 427 369 24'7890
I HPSEB NRRHPIDS 333404 t93387
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 360t74 20891 5
( PSl'CI- NRRPUIDS 557365 323293
1 RRVPNL NRRRJIDS 457460 265344
8 UPPCI- NRRUP IDS I t64848 675656
9 Northcrn cenhal railway NRRRI- I BY '76534 44393
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 2t 4593 124472
ll PG Rihond HVDC NRRPGRI]Y s4731 3t750
t2 l'G Dadri tIVDC NRRPCDI]Y 547 43 317 53
'ro'IAL (C ) 46E1296 2715330
Grsnd 'I otal (A+B+C) rI t8490? 64't7675

#a-# ofi*

Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date:27-Apr-16

Financial Year 20tt-12
I Snd Date For Interest Calculation 3l-03-16
2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.l 1.03.201 I 03-10-l I
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(w) (x) 0) (z) (r)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 2g.O3.2}ll point-6 11.23% 13.150 13.36% 13.33% 13j0%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in Fy 120 365 365 36s
(Finanecial year 201I 366
-l 2 was leap year (366 Days)
6 Interest Computation
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+tlz+Rt)l/l 00
I Porvcrgrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 850417 484925
rorAL (A) 894793 510229
b) 9enerating Stations
nsaand Selle rs
Name of the Generating Station/ Difference in billed Interest
SI.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges
Seller [P*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 503973 287375
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIIGN 277997 58519
3 Rihand -II S]'PS NRRRI2CN 277997 58519
4 DadTiNCTPS NRRDAIGN 241842 37903
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 273478 5s943
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 146932 83'184
7 Llnchahar-ll fPS NRRUN2GN 146932 83784
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 99477 56724
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 146781 83697
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 201926 I 15142
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 239532 I 36586
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 92698 52858
J Salal HPS NRRSLlGN 207946 I 18575
4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN l0
733 4l 803
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN t74050 99247
6 UTiHPS NRIi.URIGN 160491 91515
7 Chamera-II HPS NRRCM2GN I 19815 6832t
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN 115296 65744
t9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 140153 79918
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 79140 45127
2l Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 39098s 222947
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 277997 158519
23 NAPS NRRNAIC}N 151452 8636 I
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 151452 8636 r
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 151452 8636 r
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 95410 54405
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 1650r0 94092

tro& frar
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
28 Kotcshuer IIPS NRRKTI GN 97218 55436
29 KW HPS NRRKWICN 27',799',7 158519
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 74620 42550
3l SCL Bervar NRRBW IGN 85919 48993
TOTAL (B) s639278 321s628
c) Distribution Licensees and throush the
Difference in billed IIlterest
Name of the Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*R**Dw/ 366 +
/ Buyer (P) P*(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I UT Chandigarh NRRCIIIDS 98135 55959
2 DTI, \It R I)I II)S 814659 498148
3 IIVPNI, NRRIIRIDS 424112 24183',7
.l HPSEB NRRHPIDS 329902 t88l t7
5 l'DD.Jammu NRRJKl DS 3 570'70 203608
6 PSTCL NRRPU I DS 553874 3 15830
1 RRVPNL NRRRJ IDS 454675 25926s
ti UPPCL NRRUPIDS r r 65539 6646 t3
Nonhern central rail\\a) NRRRI,I BY 42t26
t0 UPCL NRRUA I DS 2 t4600 t22369
PG Rihand IIVDC NRRPCRBY 52198 29'164
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 52205 29',768
TOTAL (C ) 4650846 2652004
Grand Total (A+B+C) l I 184917 6377861

,ffofr c"frr
Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC Date:27-Apr-\6
Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3r -03-l 6

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.l1.03.201I 0r-l l-l I
2011-12 2012-t3 2013-14 2014-ls 20t5-16
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) (v) (z) (r)
4 Rate of lnterest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 I1.23o/o 13.t5% 1336% t3.33% 13.50%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 91 365 36s 365 356
(Finanecial year 201 I - I 2 was leap year (366 Days)
6 lnterest Computation
a) lnter State
Inter l'ransmission System (ISTS)
tate Transmisr
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I Powergrid NRTS-l&lI NRRPCITL 850537 47742s
TOrAr (A) 894794 502267
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Regd.ID & trued up charges [P*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN s03973 28289t
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIIGN 277997 56046
3 Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN 277997 s6046
4 DadTiNCTPS NRRDAIGN 241842 35751
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 273478 53509
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 146932 82476
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRLIN2GN 146932 82476
8 Unchahar-lll 'fPS NRRLIN3GN 99477 ss839
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 146781 82391
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 201926 I 13345
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 239532 134454
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 92698 52033
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 207946 116725
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 73310 4t 150
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 74050 97698
6 UTiHPS NRRURIGN 60491 90087
7 Chamera-Il HPS NRRCM2GN 19815 67255
8 Dhauliganga FIPS NRRDGIGN 1s296 647 t8
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 40r53 7867 I
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 79140 44423
2l Nathpa-Jhakri HPS ),IRRNJIGN 39098s 219468
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 277997 156046
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 151452 85013
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 151452 85013
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN t51452 85013
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 95410 53s56
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 165010 92624
ffiF @t DT
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the GeneratiDg Station/
SI.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lPrRw*Dw/ 366 +
Seller (P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 9',72t8 5457 \
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 27',l991 t56046
l0 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 74620 4t886
3l SCL Bervar NRRBWIGN 85919 48228
TOTAL (B) 5639278 3165448
c) Distribution Licensees and thr the
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lPrRw{Dw/ 366 +
/ Buyer (P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rr)l/100
I Ll'l Chandigarh NRRCIIIDS 98135 5 5085

2 DTL NRRDI,IDS 814659 490965

3 HVPNL NRRHR IDS 424112 238063
I HPSEB NRRHP IDS 329902 t 85l8r
) PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 3570',7 0 20043 r

6 PSTCL NRRPI] IDS 553874 31090t

,| 454675 255219
8 UPPCT- NRRUPIDS I 165539 654242
9 Northern central railway NRRRLIBY 73E',l7 41469
l0 UPCL NRRT]AIDS 214600 120460
tl PG Rihand HVDC NRRPCRBY 52 t98 29300
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 52205 29304
TOTAL (C ) ,1650646 2610620
Grand Total (A+B+C) IIt 8d9l8 6278335

&,*fr c'fiot

Annexure-l Ci

Name ofRLDC NRLDC Date:27-Apr-16

Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3r-03-r6

2 Date of Bill lssued as per CERC order dt. I I .03.20 I I 01-12-t I
20n-12 20t2-13 2013-t4 2014-15 2015-16
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) (y) (z) (t)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 ll.23Yo 13.l5Yo 13.360/o t3.33% 13.50%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 61 365 365 36s 366
(Finanecial year 201 l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
6 Interest Computation
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/l 00
I Powersrid NRTS-I&II NRRPGITL 850765 469722
TOTAL (A) 894794 494031
b) Generating
nera Stations and
a Selle rS
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*RwiDw/ 366 +
Seller (P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 491636 271440
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIIGN 271830 50082
3 Rihand -lI STPS NRRRI2GN 271830 50082
4 Dadri NCTPS \IRRDAIGN 23666t 30664
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 267434 47655
6 UnchaharJ TPS \IRRTJNIGN 144341 79693
7 UnchaharJl TPS NRRUN2GN 144341 79693
8 Unchahar-Ill TPS NRRUN3GN 98182 s4208
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 144194 79612
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN t97834 109227
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 234415 129424
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 91588 50567
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 203690 tt246l
4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 72729 40155
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 707 19 94257
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 57531 86975
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 17965 65130
8 Dhaulieanea HPS \IRRDGIGN 13s69 62703
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 37747 760s2
20 Sewa-ll FIPS \RRSWIGN 78400 43286
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS \IRRNJIGN 381734 2t0762
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 271830 I 50082
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN I 4873 8 82t21
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 14873 8 8212t
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 148738 8212t
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 94226 52024
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 27 1830 I 50082
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 95984 52994
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 271830 I 50082

Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Cenerating Station/
Sl.No. Rcgd.l D & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 7 4004 40859
3t SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 81994 46927
TOTAL (B) 5639282 Jl t3541
c) Distribution Licensees and throush the
Difference in billed Interest
Nsme of the Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lPrRwrDw/ 366 +
/ Buyer (P) P1(Rr+Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I UT Chandiearh NRR('H] I)S 96266 53150
l)t l. NRRDI-IDS 802996 443347
-3 I'IVPNL NRRIIIT I DS 461533 254820
4 IIPSI]B N RRI IP I I)S 322560 17809t
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 35 803 8 1976'19
PSTCL NRRPT] I DS 539r86 297 694
1 RRVPNL NRRRJ ] DS 4,19505 248179
I UPPCL NRRUPlDS I 135091 626703
t) Northem central railway NRRRT,IBY 17159',7 94'7 42
t0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 209682 115769
ll PG Rihand HVDC NRRPGRBY 52193 288 t7
PC Dadri NRRPCDBY 52],99 28820
TOTAL (C ) 4650846 25678t1
Gre nd 'l'otrl (A+B+C) | 1184922 61753E3

ffi,orfl an
Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3l-03-16

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt. I I .03.201 I 02-01-12
20t l-12 20t2-13 2013-t4 2014-15 2015- l(r
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) (y) (z) (r)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 I t.23v, 13.l5o/o 13.36% 13.33% 13.50%
(Amendment of Regulation I 7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 29 365 365 365 366
(Finanecial year 201 l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
5 Interest Computation
a) lnter
Inter State Transmission
Transmiss (ISTS
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+Rt)y100
I Powergrid NRTS-l&II NRRPCITL 850787 46 r 380
TOTAr (A) 894793 485244
b) Stations and Sellers
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges [P*Rw*Dw/ 366 +
(P) P*(Rx+Ry+Rz+R0l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 491636 266613
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIICN 271830 147413
J Rihand JI STPS \IRRRI2GN 271830 t474t3
4 Dadri NCTPS \IRRDAIGN 236661 t2834t
5 Dadri StaseJI NCTPS {RRDA2GN 267434 145029
6 Unchahar-l TPS \IRRUNIGN 144341 78276
7 Unchahar-ll TPS \IRRUN2GN 144341 78276
8 Unchahar-llI TPS \IRRUN3GN 98182 53244
9 Anta GPP \RRANIGN 144194 78196
0 Auraiya GPP VRRAUIGN 197834 107285
I Dadri GPP \RRDDIGN 234415 127 123
2 Bairasiul HPS \RRBS IGN 91 588 49668
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 203690 I t0461
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 72729 39441
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 707 t9 9258 I
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 57531 85429
't Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 17965 63972
8 Dhaulisansa HPS NRRDCIGN 1 3569 6l 588
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 37747 74700
20 SewaJI HPS NRRSWIGN 78400 42516
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJICN 381734 2070t4
22 fehri HPS NRRTEICN 27 1830 1474t3
23 \APS NRRNAIGN 148738 80660
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN I 4873 8 80660
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN l 4873 8 80660
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 94226 51099
21 GSTPS NRRIGIGN 271830 t47 413
28 Koteshwer FIPS NRRKTIGN 95984 s20s2
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 271830 147413
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 74004 40132
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 84994 46092
TOTAL (B) 5639282 3058173

akcd &w
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Cenerating Strtior/
Sl.No. Rcgd.lD & trued up charges lP'RwrDw/366 +
(P) Pr(Rx+Ry+tlz+Rt)l/100
c) Distribution Licensees and the
Difference in billed lnterest
Name ofthe Distribution Licensee
SI.No. Regd.l D & trued up charges lP*Rw*Dw/ J66 +
/ Buyer
(P) P'(Ri+Ry+Rz+R0Yl00
I UT Chandig{rh NRRCI.I IDS 894t4 48489
D-II- NRRDLIDS '178012 42t925
3 I]VPNI- NRR}IRIDS 433106 234873
'I HPSEI] NRR}IPIDS 3577 59 1940t2
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJK] DS 39||6't 2t2129
PSTCL NRRPU IDS 495019 268480
RRVPNL NRRR.IIDS 4',767 42 25 853 6
li t]PPCI- NRRUPIDS t3't't67 6t7009
Nonhem central roilway l? 159? 93057
l0 UPCL NRRUA]DS 215804 7030
II PG Rihand IIVDC NRRPGITBY 52193 283 04
l2 PC Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 52199 28307
TOTAL (C ) 46508S9 252215t
Grrnd Total (A+B+C) I I18,193,1 6065568

ffo,f i'o

Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC Date:27-Apr-16
Financial Year 20tl-t2

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3l-03-16

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.l 1.03.201 I 0t-02-12
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-t5
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation 2015-16
(w) (x) (y) (z) (t)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 I1.23o/o 13.1s% 13.36% 13.33Yo 13.50Yo
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 0 364 365 36s 366
(Finanecial year20l l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
6 Interest Computation
a) Inter State Transmission
lsslon System (ISTS)
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rx*Dx,/ 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 850787 453503
TOTAL (A) 894793 476960
b) Stations and Sellers
Difference in billed I n te rest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rx*Dx/ 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 488067 260159
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIICN 270044 143944
J Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN 270044 t43944
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 235161 125350
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 265684 14t620
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 143592 76540
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRLIN2GN 143592 76540
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRLIN3GN 97808 52136
9 Anta GPP NRRANlGN 143446 76462
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 196649 104822
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 232933 124t63
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 91267 48649
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 202458 107918
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 72560 38677
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 69754 90486
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN s6674 83513
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN t7430 62s95
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN I3069 60270
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUlGN 37051 73054
20 Serva-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 78185 41676
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS \RRNJIGN 379056 2020s2
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 270044 143944
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 147952 78864
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 147952 78864
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 147952 78864
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 93883 50043
27 IGSTPS NRzuGIGN 270044 143944

Difference in billed lrlterest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rr*Dx./ 365 +
Seller (P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
Koteshwer llPS NRRKTICN 95628 5097 4

KW HPS NRRKW]GN 270044 143944

l() Molzura.ll llPS NRRMA2CN 73825 39352
.lr SCL Bcwar NRRI}WIGN I l?430 62595
TOTAL (B) 5639278 J005958
c) Distribution Licensees and the
Difference in billed Interest
Nam. of the Dlstribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up chsrges lP*Rr*Dr/365 +
/ Buyer (P) Pi(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I UT Chandigarh NRRCIIIDS 893 07 4',7 604
7',7 414',722
.l IIVPNL NRRIIR I DS 43301s 230E14
1 HPSEB NRRHPIDS 15'7669 190652
PDD.Jammu NRRJKI DS 390945 208389
PSTCL NRRPI.] IDS 494948 263821
7 RRVPNL NRRRJ I DS 4',t'7 669 25461'1
8 UPPCI- NRRUPIDS I t37559 606364
9 Nonhem central railway NRRI{L II]Y t'11597 91468
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 215712 I149E3
ll PC Rihsnd HVDC NRRPGRBY 52193 27821
t2 PO Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 52199 27824
TO',TAL (C ) {rr50tl,l5 24790lt5
Grsnd Tottrl (A+B+C) I l lE{916 59(r2003

Annexure-I Ci

Name of RLDC NRLDC Darc:27-Apr-16

Financial Year 20ll-12

1 E,nd Date For Interest Calculation 3t-03-t6

2 Date of Bill lssued as perCERC orderdt. I1.03.201I 0l-03-12
20t.1-t2 2012-t3 2013-11 2014-15 2015-16
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) 0) (z) (t)
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 tt.23% 13.l5Yo 13.36Yo 13.330/o l3.50Yo
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 0 33s 365 365 366
(Finanecial year 201 l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
6 Interest Computation
a) Inter
nter State ransmlsslon (rsTS
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*Rx*Dx/ 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Powergrid NRTS-l&II NRRPGITL 85 1334 444900
TOTAL (A) 894793 46761t
b) Generating Stations and
a Sellers
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges IP*Rx*Dr:/ 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 4857 I 8 253832
2 Rihand J STPS NRRRIIGN 268870 I 40509
J Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN 268870 l 40509
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 234175 122378
5 Dadri Stage-II NCTPS NRRDA2GN 264533 138243
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 143099 74782
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN t43099 74782
8 Unchahar-Ill TPS NRRUN3GN 97561 50985
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 142953 74706
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN I 9587 I 102361
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 231958 t2t2t9
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 91056 47585
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 201648 I 05380
4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 72450 37862
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 69121 8838 I
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 561l0 81582
7 Chamera-Il HPS NRRCM2GN 17078 6t 184
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN 12740 58917
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 36s94 71383
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 78045 40786
2l Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 377294 197 t7 |
22 Iehri HPS NRRTEIGN 268870 I 40509
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 147436 77049
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 147436 77049
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 147436 77049
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 936s7 48944
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 268870 1 40509

28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 117078 61184

29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 268870 I 40509

Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Cenerating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lP*Rr*Dr/ 165 +
Seller (P) P*(R]+Rz+Rt)l/10{)
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2CN 7 370'7 385 r9
3l SCL Bewar NRRBW I (;N 117078 61184
TOTAL (B) s639281 2917042
c) Distribution Licensees and the
Difference in billed hterest
Name of the Distribution Licensee
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges IP*Rx*D/ 365 +
/ Buyer (Pl P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I UT Chandigarh NRRCH I DS 89714 46884
2 DTL NRRDI,IDS 7 61493 397950
HVPNL NR RI IR ] I)S 443502 231770
,t HPSEB NRRI IP I I)S 365470 190992
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 399434 2087 41
6 PSTCL NRRPU I DS 508560 265769
RRVPNL NRRRJ IDS 5062',73 26457 4
8 UPPCL NRRUPIDS 1175300 614202
9 Northem central railway NRRRLIBY '73931 38636
t0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 222766 t\6416
lt I'G Rihand IMC NR RP(iRBY 52i98 27278
t2 HvDC
PG Dadri NRRPCDBY 52204 27281
TOTAL (C ) 4650845 2130493
Crand Total (A+B+C) II l8{9t 9 58,15r46

Annexure-l Ci

Name of RLDC Date:27-Apr-16
Financial Year 20tt-12

1 End Date For Interest Calculation 3t-03-16

2 Date of Bill Issued as per CERC order dt.11.03.201I 02-04-12
20tt-12 2012-13 2013-14 20t4-15 2015-16
3 F.Y. for Interest calculation
(w) (x) 0) (z) (0
4 Rate of Interest calculation ('R)
(As per cerc Regulation dated 28.03.201I point-6 1l.23yo 13.l5o/o 13.36% 13.33% t3.s0%
(Amendment of Regulation l7))
5 No of days for interest calculation (D) in FY 0 303 365 36s 355
(Finanecial year 201 l-12 was leap year (366 Days)
6 Interest Computation
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
Difference in billed Interest
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID & trued up charges lPiRx*Dx/ 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Powererid NRTS-I&ll NRRPGITL 852207 43553 I
TOTAr (A) 894793 457295
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
Difference in billed Interest
Name of the Generating Station/
Sl.No. Regd.ID & trued up charges lP*Rx*Dx/ 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
I Sinerauli STPS NRRSIlGN 4857 I 8 248233
2 Rihard -l STPS NRRRIIGN 268870 374t0
3 Rihand -II S'tPS NRRRI2GN 268870 37410
4 Dadri NCTPS \RRDAIGN 234175 t9678
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 264533 35193
6 Unchahar-I TPS NRRTJNIGN 143099 73133
7 Unchahar-Il TPS NRRT]N2GN 143099 73133
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRLIN3GN 9756r 49860
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 1429s3 73058
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAIJIGN 1 9587 I 100102
I Dadri GPI'] NRRDDIGN 2319s8 I I 8545
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 91056 46535
3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 201648 I 03055
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 72450 37027
5 hamera-l HPS NRRCMICN t69t2l 8643 I
6 Uri HPS NRRURICN 1561 l0 79782
7 Chamera-Il HPS NRRCM2G\ t17078 59834
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN I 127 40 57617
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 136594 69808
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 78045 39886
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 377294 19282t
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 268870 137410
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 147436 75349
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGI\ 147436 75349
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 147436 75349
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 93657 47865
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 268870 137410
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 117078 59834
29 KW HPS \RRKWIGh 268870 1374t0

trqrfi &x
Difference in billcd Interest
Name of the Generriing Station/
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lP*Rx*Dr 365 +
(P) P*(Ry+Rz+Rt)l/100
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN '73707 3'.1669
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN t17078 5 9834
TOTAL (B) 5639281 2882030
c) Distribution Licensees and the
Difference in billed lnterest
Name of the Distribution Licensec
Sl.No. Regd.lD & trued up charges lP*RrtDx/ 365 +
/ Buyer (P) P*(Rv+Rz+Rt)l/100
I l1'l Chandigarh NRRCH IDS 893t7 45647
2 DTL NRRDLIDS 777'149 397 479
3 HVPNL NRRHRIDS 439383 224552
4 }IPSEB NRRHPIDS 362172 185093
5 PDD.Jammu NRRJKIDS 3957',79 202268
(t PSTCL NRRPUIDS s22400 2669'79
1 RRVPNL NRRRJIDS 501493 2s6295
ll UPPCL NRRUPIDS u63481 594612
9 Northem central railway NRRRI- I BY 73100 31665
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 2209'.70 I t2930
ll PG Rihand HVDC NRRPGRBY 52t96 2667 5
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 52202 26679
TOTAL (C ) 4650842 237687 4
Grand Total (A+B+C) II l8,l9l6 5716199

*rfr 9r
Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Datc: 27-Apr-16

llll-l l'inancial 20ll'12
BILL FOR THE MONTH Ot-: April All Fig in Rs.

Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billcd & trucd up
the tr'.Y. as per up charges in the
cha rgcs
CERC Approval F.Y. by CERC (Princine l)
I Annual fees and charges s64460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

(as per Regulation 20 ofFee & Charges ofRLDC)

a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344 l 92 800 t07375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) [ 20% of (l ) ] I 12892000 86048200 26843 800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC) :

(as 22(i) of Fee & of RLDC

Monthly Monthly
l\Ionthly amount
Apportioned Approved Trued Differencc in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per
annual charges up charges by billed & trued up
CERC Approval (-T',R(- chlpes
I lnter state transmission licensees to% of 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
1 Generating stations and Sellers 45Vo of 21a) I 6933800 12907230 4026570
J Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45%o of 2(a\ I 6933800 t2907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 39

Billed pcr
";I *',ffiy
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 241222 "l;;;;.;
I 83864
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
(as i) of Fee & of DC
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.lD Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per
up charges by billed & trued up
CERC Approval (-NRC charges
I Powerrrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 27,788.23 3572048 2722676 849372
2 POWERLINK NRRPLITL 1,486.00 l9l0l 8 145597 45421
TOTAL 29274.23 3763066 2868273 891793
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
as of
Monthly Monthly
Installed / Monthly amount
Name of the Generating Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regrl.ID Contracted Billed as per
Station/ Seller up charges by billed & trued up
Capecity(MW) CERC Approvel (-ttRa chlroes
I Singrauli STPS NRRSI I GN 2000.00 23t0272 1760929 549343
2 Rihand -l STI'S NRRRIIGN I 000.00 2757 4 972397 3031 5(

J Rihmd -ll STPS NRRRI2GN I 000.00 27574 972397 30335C

4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 1022 84623t 263992
5 Dadri Stase-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980 00 25s05 956626 29843 I
6 Unchahu-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 675723 s I 5048 160675
7 Unchahar-U TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 67s723 5I 5048 160675
8 Unchahr-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 458472 349456 10901(
9 Anta CPP NRRANIGN 419.33 6750fC 5l4sl9 16051 I
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 92748: 706945 220540
ll Dadri CPP NRRDDIGN 829.78 I 09965( 838173 261477
t2 Bairasrul HPS NRRBSIGN I 80.00 427437 325800 101637
13 Salal HPS NRRSLICN 690.00 955045 727951 227094
t4 fmakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 338674 2s8144 80530
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 799866 609672 190194
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480 00 737794 562364 75434
7 Chanera-ll HPS NRRCI\,I2GN 300.00 55 I 580 420424 3t156
8 Dhauliemea HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 530889 404653 26236
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 644687 491392 5329
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN t20.00 365365 278488 86877
2t Nathpa-Jhakri I Il'S NRRNJIGN I 500.00 1793010 t366663 426347
22 Telui HPS NRRTEIGN 1000.00 1275747 s7239'7 3033s0
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 696413 5308 I 8 65595
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440.00 696413 sl08 I 8 65595
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 440.00 696413 5308 I 8 65595
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN I 92.00 43985 I 33s262 04589

27 ICSTPS NRRIGIGN s00.00 75 848 5 578 I 3C 8035

28 (oteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 0.00 0

29 <W HPS NRRKWIGN 0.00 0

,rA.od cfr
Monthly Monthly
Inslalled / Monthly amount
Nime of the Generstlng Approved Trued Difference in
Sl,No. Regd.ID Contrected Billcd as per
Station/ Seller up chnrges by billed & trued up
Cnprcity(MW) CERC Approvnl
CERC chl roac
30 Malana.ll HPS NRRMA2GN 0.00 0 0 0
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 0.00 0 0
ro't'At- 16t68.67 23446798 l 787 I 559 ss75239
c) Distributron Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
ii) of Fee of
Monthly Monthly
Allocoted / Monthly nmount
N{mc of the Distribution Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per
Licensec / Buyer up charges by billed & trued up
Capacity(MW) Cf,RC Approvel
CfRC chrrqes
I UT Chandigarh ,IRRCH I DS t76.22 404961 308668 96293
2 DTL NRRDLIDS 3623.55 1608044 27 50t t3 85793 I
3 HVPNL \RRHRIDS 1554.70 1685772 1284925 400847
4 JPSEB \RRHPI DS t430.7 t I 570568 !l97ll 373454
5 ?DD.Jammu NRRJKIDS I 556.68 16876t2 128632 40t28:
6 ?STCL NRRPUIDS 2065.65 2160519 1646785 513734
7 TRVPNL NRRRJIDS 195t.85 2054786 1566193 488593
8 JPPCL NRRUPIDS 503 1.07 491 5841 3746938 l I 68903
9 \lorlhem central railway NRRRLIBY 100.00 334 I 38 254686 79452
t0 UPCL NRRUA I DS 732.97 s22266 702967 219299
ll 'G fuhand HVDC NRRPGRBY 0.80 241966 I E443 I 57535
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 0.83 2419e3 184452 57541
I 8225.03 I 982E.t66 15t t.1599 4714E67
Grand Totrl 47038330 3585343t I I tE4899

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trucd
billed & trued
the F.Y. as per up chrrges in the
up charges
Cf,,RC Approval F.Y. by CERC (Princinal)
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 l 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

(as per Regulation 20 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)

a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344192800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) [ 20o/o of (l) | I I 2892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC)
(as on i) of Fee & of RLDC)
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Difference in
Sl.No. \ame of the User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
Cf,RC Approval by CERC
I lnter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2( 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Generating statrons and Sellers 45o/o of 2(a I 6933 800 12907230 4026570
3 Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45o/o of 2( I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 40

b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 235192 179267
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
i) of Fee & of RLDC)
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Namc of the ISTS Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
CERC Approval by Cf,RC
un cherqes
I Powersrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 2 8,084.09 35739s9 2724133 849826
2 POWERLINK NRRPLITL I.486.00 18910? t44t4t 44966
TOTAL 29570.09 3763066 286827 I 894792
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
as ation ii) of Fee & ofR
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. Rcgd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
un charces
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 2291678 1746756 544922
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIICN I 000.00 t263435 963012 300423
J Rihand JI STPS NRRRI2GN 1000.00 126343s 9630t2 30042
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAICN 840 00 10989t6 837612 261304
5 Dadri Stase-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980 00 t242870 947337 295533
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 667054 s08440 586t4
7 Jnchahar-ll TPS NRRIJN2GN 420.00 6670s4 508440 s8614
8 Jnchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 45ll23 343 853 0727(
9 {nta GPP NRRANICN 419.33 666365 5079 I 5 5845C
0 {uaiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 917287 699t72 2l8l ls
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.78 I 08 8407 829603 258804
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN I 80.00 420275 320341 95934
Salal HPS NRRSLI GN 690.00 944680 720051 224629
4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 3320s2 253096 78956
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 790443 602489 87954
l6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480 00 728748 s55464 73284
tl ChamerajI HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 54366s 4 I 4390 29275
l8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 523 I 00 3987 r5 24385
l9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 636207 484927 51280
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN I 20.00 35858 I 273316 85265
2t \athpa-Jhaki HPS NRRIUJIGN I 500.00 1777557 l 354884 422673
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 1000.00 1263435 963012 300423
23 NAPS NRRNAICN 440.00 687619 524t t5 I 63s04
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440.00 687619 s24t t5 I 63504
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 440 00 6876t9 s24t l5 I 63504
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN I 92.00 432614 329746 I 02868
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 500.00 749313 57 I 139 178t74
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN I 00.00 338016 257641 80375

ffioof Cv
In3rnlled / Monthly amount lVlonthly Approved
Nrme of the Generetlng Difference in
Sl,No. Regd.ID Contrncteal Bllled rs per Trued up chnrger
Strtlon/ Seller bllled & trued
Cnpscity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
rrn chl roar
30 Mnlana-ll HPS NRRMA2CN 0.00 0
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWICN 0.00 0 0
IO't',lL 16468.67 23sl 9l 6? 1792(t708 5592459
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
of Fee & of
Allocsted / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Distrlbution Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contrlcted Billed es per Trued up cherges
Licensee / Buyer billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by Cf,,RC
rn chrroes
I UT Chandigarh NRRCHIDS 177.13 39887C 304026 94844
) DTL NRRDLIDS 3633.41 35927 52 77384s7 854295
HVPNL NRRHRIDS 1560.08 167683C 278108 398722
4 HPSEB NRRHPI DS 1434.40 l 560693 I 89587 37t 106
5 PDD,Jarnrnu NRRJKI DS 1563.00 I 679533 2E0 I 6E 399365
6 PSTCL NRRPU I DS 2072 6',1 215045( 6391 l0 511340
7 RRVPNI- NRRRJIDS t96t.74 2048000 56102 486979
I UPPCL NRRUPIDS 5072. I 9 4922304 175 I E63 I 170441
9 Nonhem central railway NRRR[,IBY 100 00 327600 249702 77t9t
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 748.E4 927 t7 I 7067t0 220463
ll PO Rihand HVDC NIIRPGRtsY 0.80 235931 I 79E30 561 0l
l: PG Dndri HVDC NRRPCDBY 0.83 23 595 E I 7985 I 56107
TOTAI, r 832S.03 19756099 I 505E4J3 1697666
Grsnd Totll 4703E332 3tE534 I S l ilt^191 7

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Findncial Year 20ll-12

Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued up
billcd & trued
the F.Y. as per charges in the l-.Y.
up charges
CERC Approval by CERC (Prin c ine l)
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :
(as per Regulation 20 ofFee & Charges ofRLDC)
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344 I 92800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) [ 20% of (l ) ] I 12892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC)
(as of Fee & of
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
Cf,RC Approval by CERC
uD charqes
I lnter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2(a' 3763067 2868273 894793
a Generatins stations and Sellers 45o/o of 2(a)
r 6933800 12907230 4026s70
l Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45o/o of 2(a) l 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 4l
MonthryMoc ";*y$,,flH-*
Billed per
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 229455 ";";;;;.;
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
22(i) of Fee & of LDC
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC

I Powererid NRTS-l&U {RRPGITL 28.084.09 3573959 2724t33 849826

2 POWERLINK NRRPLITL 1.486.00 189107 t44t4l 44966
TOTAL 29570.O9 3763066 2868274 894792
b) Cenerating Stations and Sellers
as i) of Fee & of RLDC
Instelled / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. llegd. Il) Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
Station/ Seller by Cf,RC
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval rrn chlroes
I Sinerauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 2255191 1718945 53624(
2 tihand -l STPS NRRRI I GN I 000.00 t242323 946920 295403
3 lihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN I 000.00 t242323 946920 29s403
4 )adri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 r 080264 823396 256868
5 )adri Stase-ll NCTPS NRRD42CN 980.00 t222066 931479 290587
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 654860 49914s 155715

7 Unclrahar-tl TPS NRRUN2CN 420.00 654860 499t45 155715

8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 442157 33702C 105137

9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 419.33 654181 49862 8 I 55553

l0 Auraiya CPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 901 35 I 687025 214326

Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.'18 r069913 8 I 5506 254407
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBS I GN 180.00 4t 177 I 3I 3859 97912
Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 928334 707 592 220742
Tmakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 324867 247620 77247
Chmera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 776404 59 I 788 84616

Uri HPS NRRURICN 480.00 7 | s632 545467 70t65

7 Chmera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 5333 l 406502 26814
8 Dhaulicansa HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 5I 3058 39 I 062 21s96
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 624474 475985 4848
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN I 20.00 3s0999 267538 8346 I

2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN I 500.00 t7 487 51 1332932 415825

22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 1000.00 1242323 946920 255403
NRRNAIGN 440.00 67511 5 I 4586 6053
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440.00 6751 t7 5I 4586 6053
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 440.00 675t 17 5 14586 6053

26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 192.00 423926 323124 00802

27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 500.00 735 889 s60907 74982
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 100.00 330742 252097 78645
29 KW HPS NRRKWICN 250.00 482672 367901 tt477l

#r--9 'frs
In.lrlled / Monthly
Nrmc of the G€n.rrrlnt Monthly rmount llonlhly Approved
Sl.No, Regd.Il) Conlrrded Blllcd r! pcr 'I ru8d in
Strtlon/ Sell.r rp chirger
blllcd & tro.d
C.p.clty(MW) CERC Approvrl by CERC
l0 Mrl.ns.llHPS NRR]UA2ON 000 0 0
-1 SCl. n.*ir NRRBWION 000 0
16118.61 23S8n00r 179791& 560ES2l
c) Distribution Lic€nseer and Buyers (firou8h the SLDC) of lhe Di3rribution

Lic.nsec / Buvcr


Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
Diffcrence in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued up
billed & trued
the F.Y. as per charges in the F.Y.
up charges
CERC Approval by CERC
/Prin c inc l)
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024t000 I 342 l 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

& Charges of RLDC)

(as per Regulation 20 of Fee
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of ( I ) ] 45 I 568000 344 r 92800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) 120% of (l)l I 12892000 86048200 26843 800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC)
(as i)ofFee& ol RLDC)
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Differcnce in
Sl.No. Name of thc User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
I Inter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Generaling stations and Sellers 45o/o of 2(a) I 6913800 12907230 4026570
j Distribution Licensees and Buvers 45o/o of 2(a) I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 ol Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user tbr MOC : 4l
Monthly Approved
Monrhlv Moc
Trued uP MOC
' use.
nittea mr
charq$ p€r user
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 229455 174895
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
i) ofFee & Of RLDC
Monthly xmount Monthly Approved
SI.No. Name of the ISTS Difference in
Regd.ID Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
un charpes
I ?owergnd NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 28,084.09 3573959 2724133 84982(
2 ,OWERLINK NRRPLITL I,486.00 189107 t44t4t 44966
TOTAI, 29570.09 3763066 2464274 894792
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
AS ii) ofFee & ofR
Installed / Monthly
Name of the Generating
Monlhly amount Monthly Approved
Sl.No. Regd.ID Difference in
Station/ Seller
Contracted Billed es per Trued up charges
Capacity(MW) CERC Approvnl
billed & trued
ttn chcroes
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 222s345 1696196 529149
a Rihmd -l STPS NRRRIIGN 1000.00 227400 935546 29 I 854
J Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN 1000.00 22740C 935546 29t854
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 067729 8 I 3842 253 887
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980 00 20744 920333 287r08
6 Unchahil-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 648592 494368 I 54224
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 648592 494368 I 54224
8 Unchahr-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 439024 334632 104392
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 419.33 647924 493859 I 54065
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 891452 67948C 2t 1972
lt Dadri GPP NRRDDICN 829.78 I 057530 806068 251462
t2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 180.00 409085 3ll8l2 97273
l3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690 00 9 I 8037 699744 2.t8293
14 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 323462 246548 76914
l5 lhamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 768346 585646 82700
l6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480 00 708469 540007 68462
t7 lhamerall HPS NRRCN,,I2GN 300.00 52 883 403090 25749
l8 )hauliganga tlPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 508 8 80 387877 21003
l9 )ulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 6 I 8654 47 I 549 47 105
20 SewaJt HPS NRRSWIGN 120.00 349209 266173 83036
2t Nathpa-Jhakri IIPS NRRNJIGN I 500 00 1726373 l3l587t 4 I 0502
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN t 000.00 1227400 935546 29t854
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 66855 I s09s8 I I 58970
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 440.00 668551 50958 I I 58970
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 410 00 66855 I 50958 I I 58970
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN I 92.00 42t06t 32094C I 0012 I
27 IGSTPS NRRIGI GN 500.00 728428 55522( 173208
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 100.00 329250 250960 78290
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 500.00 728428 555220 t73208

A?os(^ dor
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
rrn cheroec
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 0.00 0
3l SCLBewr NRRBWIGN 0.00 0
TOTAL 16968.67 235E8003 17979184 5608E I 9
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
iii) ofFee & OfRLDC
Allocrted / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Nrme of the Distribution Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Licensee / Buyer billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
un cherqes
I JT Chandigarh NRRCHIDS 210.00 423515 32281 I I 00704
2 )TL IRRDLIDS 37 53.7 t 3698 I 83 2818818 879365
3 gVPNL \RRHRIDS t696.66 t797305 369936 427369
4 HPSEB \RRHPIDS 1269.02 1402135 06873 333404
5 PDD,Jamu \RRJKIDS I 390.86 l5l47l8 I 54544 360174
6 PSTCL ,IRRPUIDS 2288.28 2344009 786644 557365
7 RRVPNL .IRRRJtDS r833 61 I 923858 466358 457460
8 UPPCL !]RRUPIDS 5052.95 489878 8 3733940 I I 64848
9 \onhem central railway \IRRRLIBY 100.00 32't864 245330 76534
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 728.31 902473 687880 214593
II PG Rihmd HVDC NRRPGRBY 0.80 23019: I75458 54737
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPCDBY 0.83 23022) t7 5479 54743
TOTAL I E32s.03 I 9687265 I 5005969 468 I 296
Grand'I'otal 47038134 35853.127 I I 184907

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financiat Year 20ll-12

Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billed & trued
the F.Y, as per up charges in the
up charges
CERC Approval F.Y. by Cf,,RC
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :
(as per Regulation 20 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344 I 92800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) t 2Oo/o of (l) ) I 12892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC)
(as lon of Fee & ol'
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
Cf,RC Approval by CERC
uo charses
I Inter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2(a 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Generating stations and Sellers 45%o of 2(a I 6933800 t2907230 4026570
3 Drstribution Licensees and Buyers 45Yo of 2(a I 6933800 t2907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 4l
Mlnthly Approvcd
Monthlv Moc 'l rued uP Moc
' user
Billcd ner
charq€s pcr user
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 229455 174895
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
(as ol Fee & of DC
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Difference in
Sl.No. Namc of the ISTS Regd.lD Lcngth (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up chargcs
billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
rrn chq roes
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 27992.57 3573372 2723685 849687
2 POWERLINK !RRPLITL 1,486.00 I 89694 I 4458 8 45106
TOTAL 29478.57 376J066 286E27' 894793
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
22(ii) ofFee & ofRLDC)
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Genereting Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(Mw) CERC Approval by CERC
un charqes
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000 00 2185010 16654s2 5 I 9558
2 Uhand -l STPS NRRRIIGN I 000.00 20723 920173 2870s9
J Uhmd -ll STPS NRRRI2GN I 000 00 20723 920173 287059
4 )adri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840 00 05078 8 800929 249859
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRD42GN 980.00 18767 905268 282409
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 640t22 487912 5221C
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2CN 420.00 640122 4879t2 s22t(
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 434788 33 I 403 033 85
9 ANIA GPP NRRANIGN 419.33 639467 4874t3 52054
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 878074 669283 208791
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829 78 l 040795 793312 247483
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN I 80.00 405455 309045 96410
3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 904t22 689 I 3i 214985
4 fanal<pur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 321562 245 r 0( 76462
5 Shmera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 757455 s7734: I 801 l0
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480.00 69878 8 532629 166159
7 lhamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 522788 398479 124309
8 Dhaulismsa HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 503233 383573 I I 9660
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 6 I 0788 465554 t4s234
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 120.00 346789 264328 82461
2t \athpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN I 500 00 t696t2t 1292813 403308
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN I 000.00 1207232 920173 287059
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 659671 502817 I 56860
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 440.00 65967'l 502817 I 56860
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 440.00 659671 5028t7 I s6860
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 192.00 417188 3I 7988 9920t
27 IGSTPS NRRICIGN 500.00 7 18344 s47534 l708lc
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 200.00 4250 I I 323951 l0l06c
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 750.00 962788 733854 228934

#oS 6or
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating (lontracted Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC

30 Malma-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 0.00 0 0 0

3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 0.00 0 0
TOTAL 17318.67 23s88002 17979184 56088 I 8
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
iii) of Fee & of
Allocated / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Distribution Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.lI) Contrected Billed es per Trued up charges
Licensee / Buyer billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
un cherqes
I UT Chmdigarh NRRCHIDS 210.00 423sts 32281 I I 00704
) DTL NRRDLI DS 37 53.71 1698 I 83 28t8818 879165
3 HVPNL NRRHRI DS I 696.66 1797305 369936 427369
4 HPSEB NRRHPI DS t269.02 1402135 06873 333404
5 PDD.Jammu IRRIKI DS I 390.86 l5l47l8 ts4544 360174
6 PSTCL IRRPUIDS 2288.28 2344009 786644 557365
7 RRVPNL !RRRJI DS I 833.61 I 923858 466398 457460
8 UPPCL !RRUPI DS 5052.95 4898 788 3733940 I 164848
9 Northem central railway IRRRLI BY 100.00 32t864 245330 76534
l0 UPCL IRRUAIDS 728 3l 902473 687880 2t4593
ll PG tuhmd HVDC !RRPGRBY 0.80 230 I 95 I75458 54737
t2 PG Dadri HVDC IRRPGDBY 0.83 230222 t7 5479 54743
TOTAL t8325.03 19687265 I 5005969 4681296
Grand Total 47038333 15853426 I I 184907

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
BILL FOR THE MONTH OF: September All Fig in Rs.
Diffcrrnce irr
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billcd & trued
the F.Y. as per up charges in the
up charges
CERC Approval F.Y. by CERC
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

& Charges of RLDC)

(as per Regulation 20 of Fee
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344192800 t0737 5200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) [ 20ol, of (l) ] I I 2892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC)
(as i) ofFee & of RLDC.1
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Apportioned Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per
nnnual charges up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approval
CERC rrn chl rses
I nter state transmission licensees l0%" of 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Senerating stations and Sellers 45%o of 2(a I 6933800 12907230 4026570
J Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45o/o of 2(a I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC . 43
Monthly Approved
Monthtv Moc
gitteo per uae. Trued uP MOC
cnarges per user
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable 2t8783 166760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
(as 22(i) of Fee & of RLDC)
Nlonthly Monthly
Monthly emount
Sl.No. Name of thc lsTs Approved Trued Difference in
Regd.lD Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per
up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approval
CERC rrn nhqroes
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPCITL 28.477.34 3576441 2726024 8504 I 7
2 POWERLINK NRRPLITL r.486.00 I 86625 t42249 443?6
TOTAL 29963.34 3763066 2868273 894193
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
as ation 221ii) of Fee & ofR
lnstelled /
Monthly Monthly
Name of the Generating Monthly amount
Sl.No. Regd.lD Approved Trued Difference in
Contracted Billed as per
Station/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval
CERC un chctues
I Silgrauli S1'PS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 zfi9464 t6t s49l 503973
2 tuhmd -l STPS NRRRIIGN I 000 00 tt69t23 891 126 277991
J Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2CN 1000.00 |69123 891126 277997
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 l0l 7069 775227 241842
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980.00 I l50l l6 876638 273478
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 617926 470994 146932
7 Jnchalrar{l TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 617926 470994 146932
8 Jnchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 8354
4 I 3 I 8877 99477
9 dmta GPP NRRANIGN 4t9.33 617289 470508 14678t
0 {uraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663,36 849201 647275 201926
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.78 I 007356 767824 239532
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 180 00 3 8984.1 297 t46 92698
3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 8745 I 8 666572 207946
4 Tanakpur IIPS NRRTP I GN 94.20 308305 234995 733t0
5 Charnera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 73t967 5579 17 74050
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480.00 674946 5I 4455 6049
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 503 885 384070 t98 l5
8 Dhauli,ransa HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 484878 369s82 't
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 5894 I 449263 40153
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 120.00 332824 253684 79140
2l .lathpa-Jhakn HPS NRRNJIGN I 500.00 1644293 I 253308 390985
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN I 000 00 tt69t23 891 126 77997
z) NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 636933 48548 I 51452
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440.00 636933 48548 I 51452
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 440.00 636933 48548 I 5t452
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 192.00 401248 305 83 8 9541{
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 500.00 693953 528943 l650lc
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 200.00 40885 I 31t633 97218
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 1000 00 I 169t23 891 I 26 27799')

fifrwd aft,r
Monthly Monlhly
lnlolled / Monthly rmount
Nrme ofrhG GGnGrrllnS Approvcd Tru.d DIffer€nce in
Sl.:(o. Regd.II) Contrrcted Billld r! p€r
S.rrion/ Scller up chrry€s by biucd & lrucd
Copocity(MW) CERC Approvrl
l0 NRRMA2CN 100 00 ll38t7 23919',7 74620
ll SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN I50.00 361134 27 54t5 85919
t oT,\1, t7Eta,67 231r6t)11 1E07679J 5639278
(lhroush the
Licensees and Buyers (!hrough
of Fee &
Monihly Monthly
Nim€ of the Distribution Approved Trucd Differ€nce in
Sl.No. Rrgd.ll) Conlr{cted Billed lls per
Licersce / Bry€r uP chrrgcs bJ billed & trued
CiDrcity(MW) CER( Appro\ r l CERC
I UTCMndigarh NRRCH IDS 2 .00 412706 3 t457 t 98t35
't 3678193 2803734 874659
l t'IVPNL ]!RRHR]DS 1702 63 17836 l3 59:199 424112
4 IIPSEB NRRHPIDS l:7151 1387405 1057503 )29902
5 PDO.Jammu NRRJKIDS 1395.85 l50t 66l I 144593 357070
PSTCI- NRRPUIDS 2296.40 2329325 171545t 553874
1 RRVPNL NRRRI I DS r84:48 l9l2l42 t457467 154675
8 UPPCL NRRUPIDS 5095.30 4901691 37t6154 I165J39
Nonh€m c.ntrsl ruls.y NRRRLIBY 100 00 I10690 236813 73877
0 UPCL NRRUAIDS '743.9J 902503 687901 214600
PG Rihlnd HVDC NRRPGRBY 080 219518 t6't320 52198
t2 PG Dsdri HVDC NRRPODBY 083 219546 161341 52205
TOTAI, l8{25.03 19559195 I'l90nl.l9 .16s08,r6

Grr.d Totnl {70JEll2 .l5tt53. S 18.r91?

.n-fl rt{
Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Iiinancial Year
BILL FOR THE MONTH OF: October All Fig in Rs.
Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billed & trued
the F,Y, as per up charges in the
up charges
CERC Approval F.Y. by CERC (Princine l)
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :
& Charges of RLDC)
(as per Regulation 20 of Fee
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344192800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) [ 20% of ( I ) ] I I 2892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC) :
(as Re itofFee& of RLDC)
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Difference in
Sl.No. Name ofthe User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
rrn charqes
1 Inter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Generating stations and Sellers 45o/o of 2(a) I 6933 800 12907230 4026570
J Distributron Licensees and Buvers 45%o of 2(a) I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 43

Hi::lx"ffi ';:J:y,i',ffi8'
- cnarqes per user
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 218783 166760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
as ation i) of Fee & of
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Difference in
SI.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
rrn chnroes
1 Powerqrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 28,5 5 8.03 3576943 272640(, 85053 7
2 POWERLINK NRRPI-I TI, I,486.00 186124 14186? 44257
TOTAL 30044.03 3763067 2868273 894794
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
as ii) ofFee & of
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
uD charges
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000 00 2119464 l6l549l 503973
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIIGN I 000.00 16912 891 126 277997
J Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN I 000.00 t6912 891 126 277997
4 Dadri NCTPS N-RRDAIGN 840.00 017069 775227 241842
5 Dadri Sta,re-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980.00 l50l I 6 876638 273478
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 6 7926 470994 146932
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 6 7926 470994 146532
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 4 83 54 318877 99477
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 419.33 6 7289 470508 1467 8t
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 849201 647275 201926
ll Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.78 I 0073 56 767824 239532
12 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN 180.00 389844 297 146 92698
l3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 8745 I 8 666572 20794C
t4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 308305 234995 7331C
l5 lhamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 731967 557917 7405C
l6 ilri HPS NRRURIGN 480.00 674946 5t4455 6049
l7 lhamerall HPS NRRCM2ON 300.00 503 885 3 84070 981
l8 )haulisansa HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 484878 369582 529C
l9 )ulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 5894 I 6 449263 401 53
20 iewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 120.00 332824 2s3684 7914(
21 \athpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN I 500.00 1644293 I 253308 390985
22 fehri HPS NRRTElGN 1000.00 lt69t23 89lL26 277991
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 636933 48548 I I st452
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440.00 636933 48548 I tst452
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 440.00 636933 48548 I t5t4s2
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN I 92.00 401248 30583 8 95410
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 500.00 693953 528943 l6s0l0
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 200.00 40885 I 311633 97218
29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN 1000.00 | 169123 891126 277997

aFoS &x
Instrlled / Monthly rmount Monthly Approved
Nrme of the Genemtlng Difference ln
Sl.No. Regd.II) Contr0cted Billed as per Trued up charyes
Statlon/ Seller blllcd & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approvnl by CERC
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN I 00.00 313817 239197 74620
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWICN I 50.00 36t334 2754t5 8591S
TOTAl, 17818.67 23716071 1E076793 563927E
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
ofFee & oF
Allocated / Monthly {mount Monthly Approved
Nnme of the Distribution Differencc in
Sl.No, Regtl.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Licensee / Buyer billed & trued
Cspncity(MW) CERC Approvnl by CERC
nn ehoroac
I UT Chandigarh NRRCHIDS 2l1.00 412706 11 457 I 98135
2 D1'L NRRDLIDS 1764.27 3678393 2803734 874659
3 HVPNL n*RRHRIDS 1702.63 17836r I 359499 42411
1 HPSEB NRRHPI DS 1271.53 1387405 057503 329902
5 PDD.Jarnmu NRRJKI DS I 395.85 1501663 1445C 357070
6 PSTCT, NRRPUIDS 2296.40 232532s 77 545 553874
1 RRVPNL NRRR"IIDS r842.48 l9tzt42 4s746 431615
UPPCL NRRUPI DS 5095 30 490 I 693 3736154 I I 65539
9 Nonhem central railwav NRITRLIBY 100.00 0690
3 I 236E I 3 7381?
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 743.93 qo25a3 687903 2I4600
11 PG Rihand I{VDC NRRPCRBY 0. E0 2r9518 t67320 52198
t2 PC Dndri HVDC NRRPGDBY 083 219546 167341 52205
TOTAI- 18425.03 1 9559 I 95 I 490E349 4650tt46
Grend Totol ,17038333 3585J4t 5 l r t84918

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billed & trued
the F.Y. as per up charges in the
up charges
CIJRC Approval l'.Y. by CERC
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

(as per Regulation 20 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)

a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344192800 t0737s200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) [20% of (l) ] I 12892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC) :

(as lon of Fee & of

Nlonthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
Cl)RC Approval by CERC
uD charses
I Inter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Generating stations and Sellers 45oi, of 2(a\ I 6933800 12907230 4026s70
J Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45o/o of 2(a) I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 43

user ";:j:yir,ffi:r*
Billed per
.;;;;.; r;;
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 218783 166760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
as per R€ IOn ol fee & of RLDC
Monthly amounl Monthly Approved
Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
I Powerend NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 28.7 t4.03 3577904 2727 t39 850765
2 POWERLINK NRRPLITL I.486.00 185163 l4l 134 44029
TOTAI, 10200.03 3763061 2868273 894794
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
(as ii) ofFee & of RLDC)
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by Cf,RC

I Sinsrauli STPS NRRSIlCN 2000 00 2067585 I 57 5949 49t636

2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIIGN I 000.00 I 143184 87 t354 27 1830
3 Rihand -ll STPS NRRR12GN 1000.00 ll43l84 87 1354 27 t830
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 995284 7586 I 9 236661
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980.00 1t24696 857262 267434
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 60703 I 462694 14434t
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 60703 I 462694 144341
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 412907 314725 98182
9 Anta GPP NRRA\IIGN 4 I 9.33 606412 4622t8 t44194
0 Auraiva GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 83 I 994 634 I 60 r 97834
I Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.'.t8 985 833 751418 23441 5
t2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBS IGN 180.00 385 I 75 293s87 91588
) Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 85662C 652934 203690
4 Tanakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 305 862 233133 72729
5 Chmera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 7t796C 547241 707 t9
6 Uri HPS NRR(JRIGN 480.00 662496 504965 5753
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 496 I 03 378 I 38 7965
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDG GN 280.00 4776t5 364046 3569
9 Dullrastr HPS NRRDU GN 390.00 579299 44t s52 3774
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSW GN 120.00 3297n 2s13il 78400
2l Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRN GN I 500.00 I 605385 1223651 381734
22 Tehri HPS NRRTE GN 1000.00 I 143184 87 I 354 71830
23 NAPS NRRNA CN 440.00 62551 47678t 4873 8
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 440.00 62551 476781 4873 8
25 RAPS-C NRRRACGN 440.00 62551 47678t 4873 8
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN I 92.00 396268 302042 94226
27 IGSTPS NRRIG IGN r 000 00 ll43l84 87 I 354 27 1830
28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 200.00 403663 307679 95984
29 KW HPS NRRKWICN 1000.00 ll43l84 87 I 354 27 1830

,#-"o9 'fix
Inrttlled / Monthly rmount Monthly Approved
Nsme of the Generrtlng Dlfference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contrncted Billed rs per Trued up chnrger
Stetlon/ Seller billed & trued
Caprcity(MW) CERC Approvrl by CERC
un chnrcer
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 100,00 3t t223 237219 74004
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWICN I 50.00 357443 272449 84994
TOTAL I E3l E,67 237t6069 18076781 5639282
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
ii) ofFee & Charees of
Allocated / Monthly rmount Monthly Approved
Nrme of the Distrlbutior Difference in
Sl.No. Regd,lD Contrrcted Billed ns per Trued up cherges
Licensee / Buyer billed & trued
Capacity(MW) Cf,RC Approval by Cf,RC
I UT Chandiqarh \]RRCH I DS 207 94 40484 I 3085 82 96266
2 DTL )IRRDLIDS 3529.60 3770rc, 25740t4 E02996
l HVPNL \IRRHRI DS 1924.7 | 940983 47945A 46 I 533
4 HPSEB !{RRHP IDS 1271 .53 3 5653C 033970 322560
5 PDD.Jamrnu \IRRJK I DS 143 8.28 50573) 147695 15803E
6 PSTCL \iRRPI]IDS 2289.68 2267553 728361 539 I E6
7 RRVPNI. NRRRJIDS 1868,t8 I E9040 I 440896 449505
I UPPCL \RRUPI DS 5090.46 4773643 363 8552 I I 35091
9 )lorrhern central railway \RRRLI BY 562.00 7216s2 550055 171597
l0 UPCL \IRRUAI DS 74t.00 881 E l9 672t37 2096E2
ll PG tuhand HVDC \RRPORBY 0.E0 219499 I 67306 52193
t2 PG Dadri HVDC \RRPGDtsY 0.83 219525 161326 52t99
TOTAL 18925.03 l9s59l 96 149083s0 4650E46
Grsnd Totnl 47038332 J58534t 0 I I 184922

Annexure-I cp

NameofRLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
BILL FOR THE MONTH OF: DecembeT All Fig in Rs.
Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trucd
billed & trued
the F.)'. as per up charges in the
up charges
OERC Approval F.Y. by CERC (Princinel)
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 r 000 I 342 I e000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

& Charges ofRLDC)

(as per Regulation 20 ofFee
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344t92800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) t 20% of (l) | I 12892000 86048200 26843 800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC)
(as ton of-Fee & o
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Apporlioned Approved Trued Differcnce in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per
annual charges up charges by billed & trued
Cf,RC Approvnl
CERC uu ch{rges
I lnter state transmission licensees l0o/o of 2( 1763067 2868273 894793
2Generating stations and Sellers 45% of2( I 6933800 t2907210 4026570
J Distribution Licensees and Buvers 45o/o of 2( I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 43
Minthly Approvcd
Monthlv Moc
Trued uP MoC
Billed mr user
' cherges per uscr
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 2lg7l3 166760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
i) of Fee & ofR
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Name of the ISTS Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.l I) Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per
up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approval
CERC up charges
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 28,729.35 3577998 27272n 850787
2 POWERI-INK NRRPLITL 1,486.00 I 85069 141063 44006
TOTAL 302 I 5.35 3763061 2868274 894793
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
as ation 22(ii) of Fee & Of RL

Monthly Monthly
Installed / Monthly amount
Name of the Generating Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Rcgd.lD Contracted Billed as per
Station/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Capacity(MW) Cf,RC Approval
CERC up chrrges
I Sinsauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 2067585 t575949 491636
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIICN 1000.00 I 143184 87 I 354 27 I 830
J Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN 1000.00 ll43l84 87 I 354 271 830
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 99s280 758619 23666t
5 Dadn Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980.00 I t24696 857262 267434
6 Unchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 60703 I 46269C 144341
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2CN 420.00 60703 I 46269( 144341
8 Jnchahar-lll -fPS NRRUN3CN 210.00 412907 314725 98182
9 Anta GPP NRRANIGN 419.33 606412 462218 't 44194
0 A.uraiya CPP NRRAUICN 663.36 83 I 994 634 I 6C 197834
I )adri OPP NRRDDIGN 829.'78 985833 751418 23441s
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN t80.00 385 I 75 293587 9l 588
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 85662C 652934 203690
4 Tanakpu HPS NRRTPICN 94.20 305 862 233 I 33 72729
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 717960 s4724t 707 t9
6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480.00 662496 504965 5753
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 496103 378 I 38 7965
8 Dhauligmsa HPS NRRDGIGn- 280.00 477615 364046 3569
9 Dtrlhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 579299 44t 5s2 774
20 SewaJI IIPS NRRSWIGN t20.00 3297 I I 25 l3l I 7840C
)l Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN 500.00 605385 t2236st
I I 38t734
22 Iehri HPS NRRTEIGN I 000.00 ll43l84 87 t3s4 27 I 830
23 NAPS NRRNAICN 440 00 625s19 476781 I 4873 8
24 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440 00 625519 47678t I 4873 8
25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 440.00 6255t9 47678t I 48738
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN t92.00 396268 302042 94226
77 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN I 000.00 I t43t 84 87 | 3s4 27 1830

Atcs &t
Monthly Monthly
Installed / Monthly amount
Name of the Generating Approved Trued Difference in
Sl,No. Regd.lD Contracted Billed as per
Station/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval
CERC up charges

28 Koteshwer HPS NRRKT I GN 200.00 403663 307679 95984

29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN I 000.00 ll43l84 871354 271830
30 Malma-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 100.00 3t 1223 237219 74004
3t SCL Bewr NRRBWIGN I 50.00 357443 272449 84994
TOTAL l83l 8.67 237 I 6069 18076787 5639282
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
as iii) ofFee & of
Monthly Monthly
Allocated / Monthly amount
Name of the Distribution Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per
Licensee / Buyer up charges by billed & trued
Capacity(MW) Cf,RC Approval
CERC up charges

I UT Chandigarh NRRCHIDS l7 5.7 4 376032 2866 I 8 894t4

2 DTL NRRDLIDS 3412.27 3272023 2493991 778032
3 HVPNL NRRHRIDS 1821435 3 88329 433 I 06
4 HPSEB NRRHPIDS 1436 97 I 50456 I I 46802 357759
5 PDD.Jmmu NRRIKIDS I 593.99 I 645060 253893 191 t67
6 ,STCL NRRPU I DS 2082.3t 2082002 586923 495079
7 TRVPNL NRRR'IDS 1996.19 2004944 528202 476742
8 JPPCL NRRUPI DS 5 103.04 4784895 3647 t28 | 137767
I \onhem central railway NRRRLI BY 562.00 721652 550055 t71597
l0 JPCL NRRUAIDS 769.78 907 567 691763 21s804
ll ?G tuhand HVDC NRRPGRBY 0.80 219499 I 67306 52193
t2 lG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 0.83 2t9525 167326 52199
TOTAL I 8925.03 I 9559 l 95 I 4908336 {650859
Grand Total 4703831 I 3s8s3397 I I 18.1934

#o"9 'fru

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued up
billed & trued
the F.Y. as per charges in the F.Y,
up charges
CERC Approval by CERC
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 41024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

(as per Regulation 20 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)

a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344t92800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) 120%of (l)) I I 28e2000 86048200 26843 800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC) :
(as i) of Fee & sof LDC
Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Apportioned Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per Trued up charges
annual charges billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
rrn chlrops
I Inter state transmission licensees l0o/o ol 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Senerating stations and Sellers 45Yo of 2(a) I 6933800 12907230 4026570
J Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45Yo of 2(a) l 6933800 12e07230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 43
Monthly Approvcd
Monthl' Moc 'I rocd uP Moc
' user
Billcd ner
chrrgcs pcr uscr
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 218783 166760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
ron of Fee & of
Monthly amount lllonthly Approvcd
Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.lD Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per Trued up charges
billed & trued
CERC Approval by CERC
rrn nhlrscr
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITI- 28,729.35 3577998 27272n 850787
2 POWERLINK n'RRPL ITL 1,486.00 I 85069 141063 44006
TOTAL 302 I 5.35 3763067 286827 4 894793
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
AS ii) of Fee & of RLDC
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Caprcity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 2052s70 I 564503 488067
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRI I GN I 000.00 I t35676 865632 270044
3 Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN I 000.00 | 135676 865632 270044
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 98 8971 7 538t2 23516t
5 Dadri Staae-U NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980.00 I I 17338 85 I 654 265684
6 Jnchahar-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 603 878 460286 143592
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 603878 460286 143592
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 4l l33l t't3523 97808
9 ANtA CPP NRRANIGN 419.33 603264 4598 I 8 14344C
0 Auraiya CPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 8270t3 630364 t96649
Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.78 979603 746670 232933
2 Barrasiul HPS NRRBS IGN 18000 3 83 824 292557 91267
J Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 85 1439 64898 I 2024s8
4 Ianakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 305 I 54 232s94 72560
5 Chamera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 7I 3905 s44t5l 169754
6 Un HPS NRRURICN 480.00 6s8892 5022 I I 56674
l7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 4938s I 376421 t7430
8 Dhaulisansa HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 475513 362444 I 3069
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 57637 | 43932C 3705 I
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSW I GN I 20.00 3288 l 0 250625 78185
2t Nathpa-Jhaki HPS NRRNJIGN I 500 00 t594t23 t2t 5061 3 79056
22 Iehri HPS NRRTEIGN 1000.00 I 135676 865632 270044
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 622216 474264 147952
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 440.00 622216 474264 147952
2s RAPS.C NRRRACGN 440.00 622216 474264 147952
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN I 92.00 394826 300943 93883
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 1000.00 1135676 86s632 270044
28 (oteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 200.00 402162 306534 95628
29 <W HPS NRRKWIGN I 000.00 1135676 86s632 270044

fiLoS 'fiN
Installed / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Generating Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Station/ Seller billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC
rrn charoes
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 100.00 310472 236641 73E2s
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 300.00 49385 I 376421 |743C
TOTAL 1E468.67 23716069 I 807679 I 5639278
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
iii) of Fee of RLDC
Allocated / Monthly amount Monthly Approved
Name of the Distribution Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per Trued up charges
Licensee / Buyer billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval by CERC

I UT Chmdigarh NRRCHIDS 175.23 37 5579 286272 89307

2 )TL NRRDLIDS 34t2.27 3272023 2493991 778032
3 IVPNL NRRHR I DS I 790.68 1821051 3 8803€ 4330 I 5
4 {PSEB NRRHPIDS I 436.5s 1504182 t4651 357669
5 lDD,Jamu NRRJKIDS 1592.95 1644127 253182 390945
6 ?STCL NRRPUIDS 208t.76 208 I 509 5 8656 494948
7 TRVPNL NRRRJIDS 2000.56 2008 846 531177 477669
8 JPPCL NRRUP I DS 5 102.06 4784021 3646462 I 137 559
9 ',lonhem central railway NRRRLIBY 562.00 72t652 550055 17t597
l0 JPCL NRRUAIDS 769.35 907 I 8C 691468 2157 t2
lt ?G Rihand HVDC \RRPGRBY 0.80 219499 I 67306 52193
t2 PG Dadri HVDC \IRRPGDBY 083 219525 t67326 52199
TOTAL 18925.03 I 9559 I 9{ 14908349 46s084s
Grand Total 47038330 35853414 I I 184916

Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
BILL FOR THE MONTH OF; February All Fig in Rs.
Diffcrr:nce in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billed & trued
the F,Y, as per up chrrges In the
up charges
CERC Approval F.Y. by CERC
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 43024 I 000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

& Charges ofRLDC)

(as per Regulation 20 ofFee
a) System Operation Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l ) ] 45 I 568000 344192800 107375200
b) Market Operatron Charges (MOC) I 20o/o of (l) | I 12892000 86048200 26843800
3 Systern Operation Charges (SOC) :
(as ron 22(r) ot Fee & of
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Apportioned Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the []scr Billed as per
annual charges up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approval
I Inter state transmission licensees l0o/o of2(a\ 3763067 2868273 894793
2 Generatins stations and Sellers 45o/o of 2(a) I 6933800 12907230 4026570
J Distribution Licensees and Buyers 45o/o of 2(a I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 43
MonthryMoC ";IH*r,[.J:r.
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable : 218783 166760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
(as 22(i) of Fee & Charges of RL

Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Regd.ID l,ength (Ckt.Km) Billed as per
up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approvel
CERC up charges
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 29.109.77 35 80299 2728965 85 I 334
2 ?OWERI-INK NRRPLITL I,486.00 182768 I 39309 41459
TOTAL 30595.77 3763067 2868274 89.1793
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
(as lon ii) ofFee & s of R

Monthly Monthly
Installed / Monthly amount
Name of the Generating Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per
Station/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval
CERC up charges
I Sinerauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000 00 2042694 1556976 48571
2 Rihand -l STPS NRRRIIGN I 000 00 I I 30738 86 I 868 268 87C
3 Rihand -ll STPS NRRRI2GN I 000.00 I I 30738 86 I 868 26887C
4 Dadri NCTPS NRRDAIGN 840.00 984826 75065 I 234t75
5 Dadri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980 00 I I 12499 847966 264s33
6 Unchahr-l TPS NRRUNIGN 420 00 60 I 804 458705 I 41099
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 60 I 804 458705 I 43099
8 Unchahar-lll TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 410294 312733 97561
9 Anta GPP NRRANTGN 419.33 601 193 458240 142953
0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 823738 627867 I 9587 I
Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829.78 975505 743s47 231958
2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBS I GN 180.00 3 8293 5 291879 91056
3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690.00 848032 646384 20 I 648
4 Tmakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 304689 232239 72450
5 Chmera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 7I 1239 5421 l8 6912
6 Uri HPS NRRURICN 480 00 656522 500412 56110
7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 49237C 375292 7078
8 Dhauliganga HPS NRRDGIGN 280.00 474t3C 36 I 390 2740
9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 574446 437852 36594
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWIGN 120.00 328218 250171 78045
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN I 500.00 158671 1209422 377294
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN 1000.00 I I 30738 86 I 868 268870
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 620043 472607 t 47 436

z4 RAPS -B NRRRABGN 440.00 620043 472607 147436

25 RAPS.C NRRRACGN 440 00 620043 472607 14743(
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 192.00 393878 300221 93657
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN 1000.00 I I 30738 86 I 868 268870

Monthly Monthly
Installed / lUonthly smount
Nrme of the Generrting Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed es per
Strtion/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Cnpacity(Mw) CERC Approval
CERC up charges

28 (oteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 300.00 49237C 37 s292 I I 7078

29 KW HPS NRRKWIGN I 000.00 I I 30738 861 868 268 87C
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2CN 100.00 309978 236271 73707
3l SCL Bewar NRRBWICN 300.00 45237C 375292 I I 7078
TOTAt, 18568.67 2t716069 I 8076788 s639281
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
iii) ofFee & of
Monthly Monthly
Allocated / Monthly tlmount
Name of the Dlstributlon Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contmcted Billed es per
Licensee / Buyer up cherges by billed & trued
Ciprcity(MW) CERC Approval
CERC up chsrges

I UT Chandigarh NRRCH I DS 172.04 377294 2 87580 89714

1 DTL NRRDLI DS 3238 38 320247 I 24409?8 76t493
3 HVPNL NRRHRIDS 1 786.9 1 I865154 42165 443502
4 HPSEB n'RRHPIDS 1430.73 r 53698i l7l5l 36s47C
5 PDD,Jammu NRRIKIDS I 585.76 I 67982i 28039 399434
6 PSTCL NRRPUIDS 2083.86 21387 5C 630 I 96 50856C
7 RRVPNL NRRRJIDS 2073.42 2t29136 622863 506273
8 UPPCL NRRUPI DS 5127.t9 4942738 3767438 I I 7530C
I Nonhem central railway NRRRLIBY 100.00 310919 23698 8 73931
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 779.36 936 848 7 14082 22776(
ll PG Rihand HVDC NRRPCRBY 0.80 219520 167322 52198
t2 PG Dadri HVDC NRRPGDBY 0.83 219547 167343 52204
TOTAL 18379.28 I 9ss9 I 95 I 490E350 ,1650E,15

Grand Total 4703833 l 3s8s34t 2 I I 184919


Annexure-I cp

Name of RLDC NRLDC Date: 27-Apr-16

BILL Financial Year 20ll-12
Difference in
Amount Billed in Approved Trued
billed & trued
the F.Y. as per up charges in the
up charges
CERC Approval F.Y. by CERC
/Princinc l)
I Annual fees and charges 564460000 430241000 I 342 I 9000
2 Apportionment ofannual charges :

& Charges of RLDC)

(as per Regulation 20 of Fee
a) System Operatron Charges (SOC) [ 80% of(l) ] 45 I 568000 344 I 92800 107375200
b) Market Operation Charges (MOC) t 20% of ( I ) I I I 2892000 86048200 26843800
3 System Operation Charges (SOC) :
(as of Fee & of RLDC)
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Apportioned Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Name of the User Billed as per
annual charges up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approval
CERC rrn chlrocr
I Inter state transmission licensees l0%o of 2(a) 3763067 2868273 894793
2 3enerating stations and Sellers 45% of2(a\ I 6933800 12907230 4026570
j Distribution Licensees and Buvers 45o/o of 2(a\ I 6933800 12907230 4026570
4 Market Operation Charges (MOC) (as per Regulation 23 of Fee & Charges of RLDC)
a) Total No. of user for MOC : 43
Monthly Approved
Monthlv Moc
gilted De. rr.. Trued uP Moc
' chargcs pcr user
b) Market Operation Charges payable by each user applicable 218783 t66760
5 Billing of RLDC Fee & Charges
a) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
AS 22(i) of Fee & ofRLDC)
Monthly Monthly
Monthly amount
Sl.No. Name of the ISTS Approved Trued Difference in
Regd.ID Length (Ckt.Km) Billed as per
up charges by billed & trued
CERC Approval
CIRC rrn nhqropc
I Powergrid NRTS-l&ll NRRPGITL 29.736.85 358397C 2731763 852201
2 POWERLINK NRRPLITL 1.486.00 179091 13651 I 42586
TOTAL 31222.a5 3763061 2868274 894793
b) Generating Stations and Sellers
(as 221ii) of Fee & of
Monthly Monthly
Installed / Monthly amount
Neme of the Generating Approved Trued Difference in
Sl.No. Regd.ID Contracted Billed as per
Station/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Capacity(MW) CERC Approval
CERC un cherqes
I Singrauli STPS NRRSIIGN 2000.00 2042694 I 556976 48571
2 Uhand -l STPS NRRRIIGN I 000.00 I 130738 86 I 868 268870
3 Uhand -ll STPS NRRRI2CN 1000.00 I 130738 86 I 868 268870
4 )adri NCTPS NRRDATCN 840.00 984826 75065 I 23417 5
5 )adri Stage-ll NCTPS NRRDA2GN 980.00 I I 12499 847966 264533
6 UnchaharJ TPS NRRUNIGN 420.00 60 I 804 458705 t43099
7 Unchahar-ll TPS NRRUN2GN 420.00 60 I 804 458705 t43099
8 Unchahar-Ul TPS NRRUN3GN 210.00 410294 312733 97561
I ANIA GPP NRRANIGN 4 t 9.33 601 193 4s824C 142953
l0 Auraiya GPP NRRAUIGN 663.36 823738 62786') I 9587 I
II Dadri GPP NRRDDIGN 829'18 975505 743s4',1 231958
t2 Bairasiul HPS NRRBSIGN I 80.00 3 82935 291879 91056
l3 Salal HPS NRRSLIGN 690 00 848032 646384 201648
14 lmakpur HPS NRRTPIGN 94.20 304689 232239 72450
l5 Chmera-l HPS NRRCMIGN 540.00 7n239 5421 18 l69t2t
t6 Uri HPS NRRURIGN 480.00 656522 5004 I 2 l56llc
l7 Chamera-ll HPS NRRCM2GN 300.00 492370 37 5292 I 17078
l8 Dhaulisan,ra HPS NRRDGIGN 280 00 47413C 36 I 390 I 1274C
l9 Dulhasti HPS NRRDUIGN 390.00 57444C 437852 I 36594
20 Sewa-ll HPS NRRSWICN 120.00 32821 250173 78045
2t Nathpa-Jhakri HPS NRRNJIGN I 500.00 I 5867r 1209422 377294
22 Tehri HPS NRRTEIGN I 000 00 I I 30738 86 I 868 268870
23 NAPS NRRNAIGN 440.00 620043 472607 147436
24 RAPS.B NRRRABGN 440 00 620043 472607 147436
25 RAPS-C NRRRACCN 440 00 620043 472607 t47436
26 AD HPS NRRADIGN 192.00 393878 30022t 93657
27 IGSTPS NRRIGIGN I 000.00 I I 30738 86 l 868 268870
28 (oteshwer HPS NRRKTIGN 300 00 492370 375292 I 17078
29 <W HPS NRRKWIGN I 000.00 I 130738 86 I 868 268870

Monthly Monthly
Instrlled / Monthly rmount
Nnme of the Generating Approved Trued Differenre in
Sl.No. Regd.II) Contracted Bllled as per
Stetion/ Seller up charges by billed & trued
Caprcity(NtW) CERC Approvel anPa
30 Malana-ll HPS NRRMA2GN 100.00 309978 23627t 7370'1

3l SCL Bewar NRRBWIGN 300.00 49237C 37 5292 I I 7078

IOTAL 18568.67 237 16069 I 8076788 5619281
c) Distribution Licensees and Buyers (through the SLDC)
(as ion of Fee & of
Monthly Monthly
Allocnted / Monthly amount
Nnmo of the Dlstrlbution Approved Trued Difference in
Sl,No. Regd.lD Contrncted Billed as per
Llcenree / Buyer up chsrges by hllled & trued
Cepecity(MW) CERC Approval (.XR(. trn chnrcet
I UT Chandisarlt NRRCH DS t72.04 37s626 2E6309 89317
2 DTL NRRDL DS 3347. E0 127083 E 2493089 777749
3 HVPNL NRRHR DS l7E6.9l 1847832 408449 439383
+ HPSEB NRRHP DS 1430.73 l523tt I 60946 362t72
5 PDD,Jamlnu NRRIKIDS 585 76
I 1664454 268675 39s779
6 PSTCL NRRPUIDS 2169 E6 2t96ss9 674559 522400
7 RRVPNT- NRRRJIDS 2073.42 2 I 09037 607544 50 I 493
I TiPPCL NRRUP I DS st27.19 4E9303 7 3729556 I l634El
9 Nonhem central rrilway NRRRLIBY 100 00 309949 236249 73700
l0 UPCL NRRUAIDS 779.36 s29293 70E323 220970
lt )G fuhand HVDC NRRPCRBY 0.80 219512 167316 52196
t2 lG Dadri IJVDC NRRPGDBY 0.83 2t9539 167337 52202
TOTAL I Es74,70 I 9559 I 94 l {908352 4650E42
Grand Totnl 47038330 358534 I 4 II lE49t6



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