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Cultural dish




 300 ground beef

 400 gram Italian vegetable mix
 1 courgette/ zucchini (Optional)
 4 tomatoes (Optional)
 400 ml milk
 150 gram grated cheese
 Oil
 Grand I’Italia Lasagna Traditzionali
(Lasagna sheets)
 Honig Mix lasagna sauce tradizionale

How to cook?
1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.

2. Heat 4 tablespoon oil in a frying pan and fry the ground beef loosely. Then add the
Italian vegetable mix and fry it.

3. Mix “Honig Mix lasagna sauce tradizionale”

sachet of sauce with the 400 ml milk and 250
ml of water. Stir till the sauce color is orange in
the picture of step 4.

4. Slowly add the stirred sauce into the frying

5. Take a baking dish and spread some oil on the bottom
of the baking dish. Next, put the lasagna sheets on the
bottom, add the sauce. Slowly layer it and repeat it till
the baking dish is full. (You can add grated cheese into
the lasagna, and/or courgette slices into the lasagna.
To finish the dish, sprinkle a little bit of grated cheese
and some tomato slices on top, then put it in the oven.
The lasagna will turn golden brown in 35 to 40

Boiling lasagna sheet is an extra step that we would all love to avoid. No boil lasagna sheet, in
our opinion, have an unpleasant texture and often turn out soggy. Here is a tip to skip the boil
and make perfect pasta every time: All you have to do is place regular lasagna sheets in a
container, like a 9 x 13 pan, and pour hot water over them. Let them soak for 30 minutes and
they’ll be tender enough to use in the recipe. Don’t worry, they will finish cooking in the oven.

It didn’t really look perfect, but it
tasted delicious! I really like the
tomatoes, they tasted very sweet.
The overall lasagna tasted good, it
was fun to make it!

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