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A helicopter was flying over the sea.

The pilots were looking for a man who was in the sea. It was
difficult to find him and they searched for a long time. Finally, they saw the man and they threw a
ladder down for him. But when the man climbed up the ladder, a shark suddenly appeared out of the
water. The shark began to attack the man. Somebody in a boat took this photo when the shark
attacked the man. In the end, the helicopter rescued the man.

Loch Ness is a big lake in Scotland, which has very dark and deep water. On April 19th 1934, a
British doctor, Colonel Robert Wilson, was driving his car around the lake. He was looking at the
lake when suddenly he saw something big in the water. He stopped his car and looked at the thing
that was moving in the water. It looked like the head of an animal. He took his camera from his car
and took a photo. The photo became famous and experts said that it was a kind of sea monster.
People called the monster ‘Nessie’.

The sailor, George Mendonsa was watching a movie with the 'most
beautiful girl he had ever seen' Rita Petry, when the movie stopped.
Japan had surrendered and the war ended. As they ran out of the
theatre, George saw the first nurse, grabbed her, dipped her and gave
her a kiss. The nurse was Greta Zimmer. Rita was standing there a
few steps behind him. Rita and George were married for more than
60 years after this.

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