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Responder en forma larga las siguientes preguntas, por ejemplo:

Do you always eat breakfast?

Yes, I always eat breakfast.

1. Do you always eat breakfast?

Yes, I normally eat breakfast every day

2. Is Mary always so angry?

No, she is rarely angry

3. Do you water your plants frequently?

No, I sometimes water the plants.

4. Why does the baby scream so frequently?

Because the baby is sometimes angry.

5. Does John usually walk the dog at night?

Yes, john normally walks the dog at night

6. Does this restaurant usually sell fish?

No, this restaurant occasionally sells fish.

7. How often do you ride a bicycle?

I ride my bike once a week.

8. How often does the train arrive?

The train arrives three times a week

9. Is it often raining in this part of the country?

Yes, in this part of the country it is raining frequently.

10. Where do you go for vacation sometimes?

I generally go on vacation to Caparrapi

11. Does the bus go to the museum sometimes?

No, the bus rarely goes to the museum

12. Why do people sometimes feel sad?

Because, sometimes people have problems.

13. Do you eat candy occasionally?

Yes, I eat sweets sometimes

14. Is Peter occasionally dishonest?

No, Peter is hardly ever dishonest.

15. Is it true that the train seldom stops here?

Yes, the train hardly ever stops here.

16. Why do the two children rarely play together?

Because, the two children are always studying.

17. Are you sure you never want to ride a roller coaster?

Yes, I never want to ride a roller coaster.

18. Do you normally wake up early?

Yes, I often wake up early.

19. Does your family traditionally stay up late?

No, my family rarely stays up late.

20. What do you regularly eat for lunch?

I generally eat chicken rice at lunch.


Suponga que usted trabaja en la construcción del puente nuevo de la Amistad, que es

una ayudante de obra, un ingeniero o un conductor, escriba la rutina diaria para alguno

de ellos, aplicando adverbios de frecuencia.

I usually wake up at 6:00 a.m., then I go to brush and take a shower at 7:00 a.m., I

always have breakfast before leaving. Normally I go in the car, I always arrive at

8:00 to work, I usually have lunch at 12:00. Then I go to work until 5:00 p.m. I often

go out very tired so I rarely play with my son. My wife sometimes buys dinner.

Finally, I go to bathe at 7:00 p.m. and I rarely go to bed late.


Ayudado de los adverbios de frecuencia, escriba en inglés una o dos frases para cada

imagen del siguiente texto, y coloque un título en inglés, también desarrolle la sopa de

Zulma and her daily routine

1. Zulma's clock always rings at 6:00 a.m.

2. She always sleeps until 7:00 a.m.
3. Zulma generally gets up at 8:00 a.m.
4. Zulma usually takes a shower at 9:00 a.m.
5. Zulma frequently bathes her hair.
6. She normally dries herself with her blue towel.
7. She often combed her hair after showering.
8. Zulma almost always wears perfume.
9. She occasionally does her makeup.
10. She sometimes wears a sweater to go to work.
11. Zulma usually takes a taxi to go to work.
12. Zulma sometimes takes a break at 3:00 p.m.
13. She rarely leaves her work at 7:00 p.m.
14. She always has dinner at 7:30 p.m.
15. She sometimes watches TV.
16. Zulma never goes to bed after 10:00 p.m.

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