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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Facultad de Humanidades
Departamento de Arte

Lcda. Ingrid Silva.

Nombre: _Nelson Gilberto Chamalé Vicente_____ No. Carné: ____201508333___

1. I be an actor. She does the food.
She had an actress.
13. I drink the soda.
2. I begin the school. She drinks the tea.
He begins the movie.
14. I drive my car.
3. I break my tree. He drives the motocycle.
He breaks the paper.
15. I eat the watermelon.
4. I blind my homework. She eats the lunch.
She blinds the food.
16. I fall in the house.
5. I build my house. She falls in the apartment.
He builds the car.
17. I find my bag.
6. I buy my shoes. He finds the keys.
She buys the clothes.
18. I fit my clothes.
7. I catch you hearth. She fits the pants.
She catches the pothograpy
19. I fly in my mind.
8. I choose my food. She flies in the house.
He chooses the bread.
20. I feel my hearth.
9. I come to my house. She feels the hug.
She comes to the supermarket.
21. I forget the letter.
10. I cost the fruts. She forgets the e-mail.
She costs the shoes.
22. I get my phone.
11. I cut the meat. He gets the computer.
She cuts the pineapple.
23. I give the gift.
12. I do my homework. She gives the fruit.
She quits the ring.
24. I go to the park.
She goes the cinema. 40. I read to Gabriel García Marquez.
She reads the news paper.
25. I grow my plants.
She grows the flowers. 41. I ride my bicycle.
He rides the bicycle.
26. I have an apple.
She dad a rose. 42. I run in the street.
She runs in the house.
27. I heard the voice.
She heard the voice. 43. I soy the homework.
Says the news.
28. I hit the wall.
She hits the car. 44. I see the news paper.
She saw the dance.
29. I hurt my dog.
He hurts the cat. 45. I sell my tv.
He sells the food.
30. I keep the calm.
She keeps the distance. 46. I send my e-mail.
She send my letter.
31. I know my family.
He knows the homework. 47. I sing the song.
She sings the song.
32. I leave to camp.
She leaves to garden. 48. I sit in my car.
She sits in the sofa.
33. I lose my exam.
He loses the keys. 49. I sleep in my bed.
He sleeps in the night.
34. I make the lunch.
She makes the cleaning. 50. I speak with the boss.
She speaks with the friends.
35. I mean my hope.
She means the signal. 51. I spend my money.
He spends the time.
36. I meet with my friends.
He meets with the dogs. 52. I stand in my house.
She stands in my hearth.
37. I pay the food.
She paies the clothes. 53. I steal my car.
He steals the motocycle.
38. I put my table.
He puts the house. 54. I swim in the pool.
She swims in the beach.
39. I quit my car.
55. I take my pencil. 60. I understand the homework.
He takes the course. She understands the exam.

56. I teach my homework. 61. I wake up at 6:00 a.m.

She teaches the students. He wakes up at 8:00 a.m.

57. I tell histories. 62. I wear elegant clothes.

She tell jokes. She wears pants.

58. I think in my mother. 63. I win the exam.

He thinks in the brother. He wins the race.

59. I throw the ball. 64. I write letters for my boss.

He throws the hair. She writes letter for the mother.

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