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~r. ~\ />A e .sen ce~ . µnd e! ~ne ' '

á'-· _\ ,.:,-? t
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.r:•:~~; J 1~ ltl _lfyo u dqn 't prig ritlt ~ yo~ .go~ ,,
5trated, · - .. ··are uslng our t,rp~ efflc,~n tly.. ,: •f.·
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;y doé
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mMQ 0 0 ~1s t~·priodtize y6u,r tirn~
.' '.. .'Jr-
1ake ªibl ·busy all,day,,b~t at,the.~nd of the ,· , ,·:, /;_.. ~¡ ·, . '•
:;l ~}:\, \~;·
.- -~\, t~,C!'A goo d woy to:s t~rt, you r d_a y 1~ t
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.: :\;, . (O\._<il M~ny Tof .us rave da_ys YJhen we11ot ?~ h 1
don , · · ·." _• · . . ·,: 1,. -~-. { ._°').~
/ .' ~-: · day we fee' !lke ~we got alm ost.
paragtaph ll} E?Cercise A. . :-'. ,;.- .' :-.,~ .
l ¡. . · ce for the , '.j ~
· · d, stra.ti~g. /t's better .'to 9~0 t; • .. : :. ··¡ - ••.,.,,e
, ·• .,.,_•. ,

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:_ .. . r , J..
5 · _ . . . _ .,,,.,, . •·. · "~
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rl, plan mng you r tlm~ . , ~ :, ' "-' .,
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. ' .
time ef,~ctíve/y, we f'/
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rgoals,norderan Pª
d I nnin g our
·• . '.:" ,: ~ .<.:-
~ ~ -ti). fnco hc(µ slon goy ;.>l ;
dars . . , cially ¡f you waste a lot of time . . . .! :· .._ !,;
'.' -:'! 1 . ~ _. · ar9_likely to havo -111º~ ª prod ~cti ve
· · _ · . •.): . .
~ ~?'
' '..
•· ·~ •·.':- l
;P'.(' in oondusion,

. ' ., .-
king hard can be frus
ng, esp e
r . • ', 1


¡ .

·· '
2 VOCABULARY: business



Match the ph ras es wit h the rules.
have som eth ing don e
ª you d O som
¡ ·
get som ethi ng don e ething you need to do WATOl OUT!
b) another person does it far you
el bot h a) and b) @ Whe re can I get fixed my lapt op?
B Wr ite sen ten ces wi th get and
the wo rds in par ent hes es:·' :"' !~ ~~
0 -- - - - --
1 My computer's really slow, 1need to _6 ~~ ~$ .)! ~~ ~! d(
(. , \.~ . 1
, 1 ¡\
Hf'' 4 • r _,,, , ('t ¡
___n:"'u , repa ·)
2 1
1want to ~C:.U'i\-¡._r m~- 81-tl".. ( _13 (my hair ,r .
I color) at the hair salen.
Where can I go to fi-e..L l)'ly-.S!-i•l s_\u.,J-
d (my shirts ¡ wash)?
4 Where's a goo d place to 6-:l w--¡ '\f..i.'1'::._
~ - (my nails ¡ do)?
s I wen t to the gar age to Ji,L fl)_t\4utr
x,,_l\t\ __ (my car¡ repair).
6 Where can 16(l fü'/ -~\_ _[_\D.A~ncc) (my
suit / clean)?
C Co mp lete the sen ten ces wi th hau
e and the cor rec t for m of the ver bs in
the box .
clean cut fix install paint repair

1 A: Ou r hou s~ nee ds a new co~t of pain

B: Yes, let's _bfAl._~
it ~\ tk ) this summer.
4 A:
Your hair's get ting long!
Yes, 1want to -~~~ {_ it ~
rv \
2 A: Is you r bicy cle bro ken ? - tomorrow.
s A: There's sorne coffee on your new jack
B: Yes, 1nee d to _h_C,ú~- it lr.p<,i!.Lt today. et!
8: Oh, no! 1'11 have to _1-.X,,_
,r:_ it ___ckcL /~t"
J A: Did you buy a new washing machine
? 6 A: Look, the heels \of my shoes ar~ brok
B: Yes, we' re goi ng to -~ ' t - it _!i_ en! , \
c:.,\~(.J You'd bet ter _ \~~- them .l{ ()_faú
c. ~ / rN--c \
this wee ken d.
righ t away.
D Wh at can yo u get done or hav
e done in eac h of the se pla ces ? Wr ite
as you can thi nk as ma ny sen ten ces
• 1
N e w Lo~ ~a1mi Oil cha ng e
• co lo r
En gin e tun e-u p
• tri m Repairs

• cu t Tire che cks

• hig hli gh ts
· .. '.-~~-:VOCABULA~Y:~~desg~~!~g prod_ucts and services
1 A Match the adjectiv es 1-6 with their oppos1t es a-f.
1 helpful C al uninform ed

1/. 2
high quality
well informed <l._
professio nal \e--
e b)
poorly made
unhelpfu l
1 ,,

s well made \.o ~ -JI

e) peor quality
6 polite ~ fJ unprofes sional

B e 1 O Listen to the conversations. Write two

adjectiv es from Exercis e A that best fit the service
or produc t mentio ned.
~ - ).
Conversa tion 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Convérsa tion 2: _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __
Convers ation 3: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r
fli) . '
i A Choose the correct option.
1 1really love this online music site. lt's socexcited /~
2 1don't understand how to order these tickets online. l'm
~ / confusin g .
3 Tho'ses tores are all the same. They're really bored //6oring .)
4 1don't have any energy at all. l'm complet el~ ~/
exhausti ng.
s There's a new ve etarian restaurant. They have a really
~ -rested li !ntere~ menu.
6 l've had a really früs'?ate d / rustrat,n g clay-1 couldn't get
anything done. --::_;1/

B .Choose the best form of the adjectives in the box to complete

the paragr aph.

amazed / amazing annoyed / annoying confused / confo
excited / excit1ng exhausted / exhausting surprised / su

1was so (1l - t- ~
~ .. , \ ~ \ b
' , '\..._q _ a out gettmg. my new
computer. 1opened the box and started setting it up, b1

. ,J.'J¼
;"~11 1couldn'~understand the instruction manual-it was so
(2) ---Úh'\-\<¿~ . } - - After two hours, 1still couldn't 9'
working-1 was totally (3) ~ ;,- _bc,1.t<'.l~ ! - - So I calle1
,,, ,-~ & l.·:

support and spent a long time waiting for a technician·

·~. \ .. ~~
--~ ~- .'- ,o,~,
. ·
.· . ,.,,
rt+:< . -·,~. \••-: '~.
~ very (4l __!¿\V\'<' ü 'f t C-~ - · When the technician final\)
the phone, he explained everything really simply and 1

~ .... , -7r-
~ ..... ' ' ~u . ..
·' .
- .!"· - ~
. . .
was (5) _$:;tp.J.1SLl_ at how easy it was. And no'

, _~~
. . ..
·-, --. < ·_ /
.· computer is working perfectly-it's twice as fast as my
. '

. . ¡ ·~-·. and it's really (6) _f1_ 't,•.r·r, L3--!

~e complete the conversati ons
adjective formed from the word~th
{tire) ',
in p
the correct
arentheses .
A: Are you feeling - \ \\, \ .
to the city? --.l.! - after your trip
B: Yes, actually. 1always find h .
~ \ " , 'i ~ - - s opping with my sister really

2 (interest)
A: This new art website look5 -~-'\"\ \ c; , ~-vJI
'-- \ , I\: \~
Have you seen it? -
B: ~o, but my sister's _i_'\'~~') \ ~ .
111 tell her~ about it. - ...C_ in art.
3 (annoy)
A: This store is so -l\-.'{~d\ ., .
a long line. G~-Lt\J..)_ · There's always
B: 1always get _(¿\_l\_~ , \
(depress) · l ~ when I go shopping.

A: What's th~ matter? Are you feeling _0~ r-[_je, S.?ltó_ ?

B: No, but I JUSt watched a really c. -<} p ,e ~ ~ -,\'\t~ movie.

A I?] 11 Listen and completé the conversations.

1 A: This phone is broken. Should I get it fixed, or just buy a new one?
B: Oh, 1don't know. _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
2 A:. 1bought this tablet here last week, but l'm not happy wi~h it.
J A:. ·' 1had my ca.r fixed.
_ _ _ _ __;;___ __ _ _ _ ! We can drive to the beach.
4 A: That salesperson wasn't very helpful.
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? What happened?
s A: The service at this garage was excellent. l'm going to leave a big tip.
B: Thank you. - - - - - - -- - - -- -
B Listen again. Choose the appropriate emotion or attitude
for each speaker. ·
1 Man: happy ! dissatísfíed I ~ ithout an opinion
Woman: unhelpful / ang"ry I happy
2 Man: sympathetic_ / happy I angry . .
Woman: happy / sympathetic / without an opm1on
3 · Man: satis fied / dissatisfied I angry
Woma!'l: sympathetic I happy I unhelpfu/. .
• Man: happy ¡ dissatisfied / without an º P'. n,on
Woman: / dissatisfied / sympathet,c
5 Woman: satisfied / dissatisfied / angry .
~ · Man: unhelpful I ang,Y I happy
:.~¡ Scanned with
r ..,VV> c ,....,.,...,,..,.... ..
1 -

A Read this ent1y fro1n an onh·ne d'1scus sion forum. What type of
II I bus ine ss doe s it describe?

J\·t~ hit on a gn~a t idea to mak e mon ey fro~

h_o me: e-pu blish ing! !'ve bee
thin king abou t it for a fcw weeks, and I th1~
k it "'."ould be easy to do anct i~
,,·ou ldn\ take a lot of mon cy or man y spec i~l
skill s ..
Fir~t of all, it's casy to ,~,rite a book . I don' t hke to
wnt e m~self, but I have f .
wlw studied litcr<1tt11 e 111 colle gc, so,! coul ~ have th
em wnt e my books. Thenends
I wou ld publ ish the ir hook s, <1nd we d shai e th
e mon ey. Ano ther advant ~
th:1t 1 don' t net2d to buy any sµec ial equi pme nt.
I alre ady have a cornp age 1s
l1i-1l H;¡)et'd inte rnct acce ss at hom e. If I Ju
· st bl'15h b
e- ooks, I don' t neUter
[ ll',•~..J
h ave som eone µrin t thc1:1, and I don ,,t have
to get ª.
b00k e
d anct
store to sell
wou ld j u st sel! them onhn e. 1 gues s Id need
a ';ebs ite. May be I could get rn 1

1 siste r to desi gn one. She' s ve1y geek y. Oh, and

Maybe Speed-E Publ ishin g. Get it? Spee dy! Beca
pa rt is, the targ et mar ket is so big- ever ybo
Id also need a com pany na Y
use I'd be fast. Finally, the ~e.
dy read s books! And beca use eSl
read a lot of book s, I wou ldn ,t have to worr y b t ..
choo ses som eone else 's book first, they coul
a ou compet1t1 on. Even if arpeop!d
d still read min e next . ea er
1 Wha t does eve1 ybod y thin k?
Eliz abet h l., San Fran cisco

1 s .

B Read the ent:ry in Exercise A again

and underline the words Elizabeth
use s to pre sen t and seq uen ce her argument.

C Look at this list of thin gs to consider. Che

ck the five mo st important
thin ~s tha t you think Elizabeth sho uld conside
0 business plan
D, num ber of staff
time nee ded to write a boo k
whe ther her friends can write well
ca com peti tion
[?] software cost s
D proofreading and edit ing
D cust ome rs
t1J advertising costs
D boo k cove rs

-·o ...-,; •.
_;o . ~~- - :-· ,

·. ~~.., .( ' ! t

1·, ' :~ i.!IT~

Elizabeth,. h' 15· agood ~
t 1s tJiin9S io
but / think there are ,,eed
cons,'de r.. rr:1·rst of ali, yOIJ
business plan. L ~
Have you thO kco,¡e(S·, a UV"·
O ve r t o You wi/1 design the ~ t r-,J
Something you_mi~~
E II Use your notes from Exercises C and D to write a response difficult is worldn9
friends. ~, 1
to Eliz abe th. Point out the disa dva nta ges Another thing to{of ~~
. The n say wh eth er
~ Jfr1q.}'J l_w ~ oul d give:-~p her idea or do it any
how you wi/1 pa~, e~
Wha t about 50
D0 \/\I N l~IME
A unscra mble these words that d escn.b e produ cts
and seI'Vl·ces .




"'--........ . ......>-.,,...,.......~.........
1 OPTE LI p o lt\ r
2 ELLW DEAM ....u '-- \ \ 'r '. e 't ~
3 DURE \7 -~ (. -::
e GHHI YO TLAIU h. \ ~ 'n t{ :.. _t \ l \ '/

s SS 0 _9 R L E A I P F N p\ ó { e: s s ;_ b f'I c-1 \
6 ROPO AL I UQ YT 4; . t.· ·~ ... ·{ " t t I J •' f
1 DUM INN FEOR ()1\ 1 f l t c , l"")C ~

B Now write all the letters from the circles here.

Then unscr amble the letters to answe r this question.

a: What is a useful q uality for a sa lesperson l o have?
A: Being - - -- --


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