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Open Access Editorial

Magnesium for the prevention and

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
treatment of cardiovascular disease
James J DiNicolantonio,1 Jing Liu,2 James H O’Keefe1

To cite: DiNicolantonio JJ, Liu J, Introduction indicator for total body magnesium content
O’Keefe JH. Magnesium for the Magnesium is an essential mineral found in compared with serum magnesium levels with
prevention and treatment of
cardiovascular disease. Open
the body. It is naturally present in many foods the most accurate test being blood mononu-
Heart 2018;5:e000775. and is also available as a dietary supplement.1 clear cell magnesium.8 Intracellular mono-
doi:10.1136/ It serves as a cofactor in more than 300 enzy- nuclear magnesium content also correlates
openhrt-2018-000775 matic reactions, such as those responsible for better with cardiac magnesium status.9–12
regulating blood pressure, glycaemic control Magnesium plays diverse roles in the patho-
Accepted 1 May 2018 and lipid peroxidation. It is therefore also genesis of cardiovascular diseases on the
critical to the cardiovascular system.1 The biochemical and cellular levels. First, magne-
adult body contains approximately 24 g of sium activates adenosine triphosphatase
magnesium, with 50% to 60% present in (ATPase), which is essential for cell membrane
bones with the rest being contained in soft functioning and is also the energy source of
tissues. Serum magnesium represents less the Na+–K+ pump.13 In rat models, magne-
than 1% of total body magnesium.2 In indus- sium deficiency has been shown to decrease
trialised western countries, a low intake of the activity of the Na+–K+ pump, leading to
magnesium often predisposes to a high prev- an increase in intracellular sodium, which
alence of magnesium deficiency increasing alters the membrane potential.14 In studying
the risk of cardiovascular events and cardio- the sodium kinetic and membrane poten-
vascular death.3 This article aims to review of tial in the aorta of magnesium-deficient rats,
effect of magnesium deficiency on the cardi- Madden et al also showed that magnesium
ovascular system. deficiency caused the membrane potential
to be less polarised as a result of intracel-
Biochemical interactions of magnesium in lular sodium accumulation, suggesting
cardiovascular diseases Na+–K+pump inhibition.15 This change in
In recent studies of hospitalised patients, membrane potential has been hypothe-
42% were shown to be hypomagnesaemic.4 sised as a potential mechanism for causing
However, physicians request magnesium arrhythmias. Magnesium is also known to be
testing in only 7% of these patients.4 In a a cofactor important for the functioning of
study conducted among patients in the inten- the enzymes in cardiac mitochondria. Addi-
sive cardiac care unit, 53% of patients had tionally, magnesium has been demonstrated
mononuclear cell magnesium content below to modulate the potassium-proton exchange.
the lowest normal control.5 Cation selectivity in sodium and potassium
Clinically, serum magnesium is usually exchange for protons is highly dependent on
measured despite the fact that less than 1% magnesium. Thus, magnesium also protects
of magnesium exists extracellularly; hence, against potassium loss. Intracellular magne-
serum magnesium does not always accurately sium deficiency may also cause an increase
reflect total body magnesium stores. In fact, in intracellular sodium and calcium, which
Department of Preventive serum magnesium levels may be normal predisposes to arterial vasospasm, increased
Cardiology, Saint Lukes Mid despite depletion of total body magnesium catecholamine release, increased fatty acids
America Heart Institute, Kansas
content.5 In experimental settings, total and lipids, as well as intravascular hypercoag-
City, Missouri, USA
Department of Internal body magnesium stores can be estimated by ulability.13 16
Medicine, Baylor College of measuring retention of an oral or intrave- Furthermore, magnesium deficiency has
Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA nous magnesium load; however, measure- been shown to play a role in inflammation
ment is cumbersome and requires a 24-hour in the rat model. Weglicki et al showed that
Correspondence to
Dr James J DiNicolantonio; ​
urine collection.6 7 In many instances, intra- during progression of magnesium deficiency,
jjdinicol@​gmail.​com cellular levels of magnesium serve as a better there is an increase in the serum levels of

DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775   1

Open Heart

inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1, interluein-6 and found no difference in cardiovascular disease morbidity

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
tumour necrosis factor after 3 weeks of magnesium-defi- and mortality in hard-water versus soft-water regions.23–27
ciency diet.17 Magnesium deficiency also leads to an exag-
gerated response to immune stress and oxidative stress
through activation of neuroendocrinological pathways. Hypertension
This inflammatory response predisposes to proathero- Hypertension is a complex, multifactorial, heterogeneous
genic changes in lipoprotein metabolism, endothelial disorder for which the exact aetiology has yet to be eluci-
dysfunction, thrombosis and hypertension, contributing dated. Clinical and experimental trials have suggested that
to the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome as well as magnesium may play a role in the pathogenesis of hyper-
cardiovascular diseases.3 tension by affecting arterial smooth muscle contraction.
Magnesium is found mainly at the inner surface of cell
membranes. Therefore, it plays a role in cell membrane
Epidemiology permeability for sodium and calcium.28 Magnesium acti-
Despite the importance of magnesium for the proper vates the Na+–K+–ATPase pump, which plays a major role
functioning of the cardiovascular system, surveys and in regulating sodium and potassium transport by moving
studies have shown that dietary magnesium intake is potassium into the cells and sodium out of the cells.
often inadequate in the USA, which is consistent with the Alterations in vascular membrane magnesium can also
pattern observed in North European countries. Several result in leaky arterial and arteriolar membranes, thus
factors were thought to be contributory, including the contributing to the intracellular reduction of potassium
loss of magnesium during food processing, low magne- and the gain of calcium and sodium. Increased intracel-
sium content of vegetarian diets, metabolic effects lular calcium can then lead to hypertension, vasospasm,
exerted by pregnancy, osteoporosis medication therapy, as well as potentiation of vasoconstrictor agents.29
alcoholism, stress, as well as the differing magnesium A number of observational and experimental studies
content in water.18 Human dietary requirement for have supported the role of magnesium depletion in the
essential minerals such as magnesium is not precisely pathogenesis of hypertension. Hypertension has been
known. Based on earlier balance studies, recommended shown to develop in magnesium-deficient rats.30 In
dietary magnesium intakes were 300 to 354 mg/day for humans, a similar effect of magnesium deficiency was
American women and 420 to 483 mg/day for Amer- observed. A study by Shibutani et al studying a group
ican men.19 However, other studies have indicated that of 380 Japanese junior high school students found that
around 180 mg of magnesium per day may be enough to higher systolic blood pressure was associated with positive
maintain positive magnesium balance.8 Actual intakes in family history of hypertension as well as lower serum and
American women and men are approximately 228 mg/ erythrocyte magnesium levels, suggesting that magne-
day and 331 mg/day, respectively.19 sium deficiency may at least be partially responsible for a
Interestingly, there may be an association between rise in blood pressure in the students with positive family
cardiovascular disease and drinking water hardness due history of hypertension, and that a genetic predisposi-
to its differing magnesium content. A study by Catling et tion of hypertension maybe closely related to magnesium
al systematically reviewed observational epidemiological deficiency.31
studies investigating the association between levels of Multiple studies have analysed the effect of magnesium
drinking water hardness and cardiovascular disease. Of supplementation on blood pressure. The effect of water
the seven studies included that examined drinking water with added magnesium and natural mineral water on
magnesium and risk of death from cardiovascular disease, blood pressure have been studied by dividing a group of
a pooled OR of 0.75 (95% CI 0.68 to 0.82) showed a statis- 70 subjects with borderline hypertension into consuming
tically significant inverse correlation between magnesium water low in minerals, magnesium-enriched water and
and cardiovascular mortality.20 Additionally, changes natural mineral water for 4 weeks. Among persons with
in water hardness and a change to soft water tended to initial low excretion of magnesium (suggesting magne-
predispose to increased death rates from cardiovascular sium deficiency), the subjects consuming the two waters
diseases including heart attacks and strokes.21 Autopsies containing magnesium after 4 weeks had a signifi-
of patients in soft-water areas who died from non-cardiac cant decrease in blood pressure.32 In a meta-analysis
causes were found to have lower levels of magnesium in conducted by Zhang et al including randomised double-
cardiac tissues, more coronary atheroma and evidence of blind placebo control trials, magnesium supplementation
myocardial ischaemia compared with residents living in at a median dose of 368 mg/day for a median duration of
hard water areas.21 22 However, the results of these studies 3 months was found to significantly reduce systolic blood
may be confounded by the presence of many other trace pressure (SBP) by 2.00 mm Hg (95% CI 0.43 to 3.58) and
elements found in hard water, such as calcium, which have diastolic BP (DBP) by 1.78 mm Hg (95% CI 0.73 to 2.82).
also been found to have beneficial effects in preventing Additionally, these reductions were accompanied by
cardiovascular diseases. The magnesium content also 0.05 mmol/L (95% CI 0.03 to 0.07) elevation of serum
differed among the hard waters in the studies, repre- magnesium compared with placebo.33 Similarly, Kass et al
senting another confounding factor. Other studies have also found that magnesium supplementation leads to a

2 DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775


small but clinically significant reduction in both DBP and supplementation.40 Cardiomyopathy and magnesium

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
SBP (SBP of 3 to 4 mm Hg and DBP of 2 to 3 mm Hg).34 deficiency are commonly observed in patients with heavy
These studies suggest that magnesium supplementation alcohol consumption.41 Additionally, people who live in
may be beneficial for lowering blood pressure in certain low magnesium equatorial areas, and those consuming a
patient populations. magnesium-deficient diet, have developed spontaneous
The effect of magnesium supplementation on patients endomyocardial fibrosis of undetermined aetiology.41–43
taking diuretics has been studied in several trials. Hattori
et al looked at 20 patients with essential hypertension
receiving long-term thiazide diuretic treatment and 21 Congestive heart failure
age-matched untreated patients. The diuretic group Magnesium deficiency is commonly found in patients
received magnesium supplementation for 4 weeks. There with congestive heart failure due to various mecha-
were significant decreases in intra-erythrocyte sodium nisms. Patients with congestive heart failure may have an
content and mean blood pressure, as well as increases in increased urinary excretion of magnesium, secondary to
red cell magnesium content in the diuretic group who decreased tubular absorption of magnesium as a result
received magnesium supplementation. The effect of of increased extracellular volume and the effects of
magnesium on blood pressure reduction was more evident secondary hyperaldosteronism found in heart failure.
in the nine patients who were unresponsive to diuretic Medications, such as diuretics and digoxin, can also
therapy.35 In a meta-analysis involving 135 hyperten- worsen the problem and decrease tubular reabsorption
sive subjects on antihypertensive medications, Rosanoff of magnesium. Hyperactive renin–angiotensin system
and Plesset found that oral magnesium supplementation may further elevate aldosterone levels in the body,
decreases both systolic (mean change of −18.7 mm Hg further exacerbating a state of magnesium deficiency.
(95% CI −14.95 to −22.45)) and diastolic blood pressures Additionally, norepinephrine in a state of heart failure
(−10.9 mm Hg (95% CI −8.73 to −13.1)).36 has been shown to reduce magnesium through increased
fatty acids.44–52 Adding to the vicious cycle, magnesium
deficiency may worsen hyperaldosteronism, which may
Cardiomyopathy lead to fluid retention.
Magnesium deficiency has been implicated in the cause In patients with heart failure, hypomagnesaemia also
of cardiomyopathy in both animal models and studies predisposes to hypokalaemia, therefore increasing the
involving humans. In animal models, hamsters fed a chance of developing ventricular arrhythmias and haemo-
magnesium-deficient diet developed a cardiomyopathy dynamic derangements. Finally, magnesium depletion
with foci of myocardial necrosis, calcification and modest may worsen cardiac contractility, increase vasoconstric-
mononuclear and giant cell infiltration. Additionally, tion and deplete cardiac energy stores.53 Magnesium defi-
hamsters given nifedipine had a dose-dependent reduc- ciency has even been shown to worsen clinical outcomes
tion in lesion abundance and diameter, while hamsters in patients with congestive heart failure. Micronutrient
given digoxin produced a dose-dependent increase in deficiency is found to be independently predictive of
lesion abundance and diameter. These results support poor health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and shorten
the hypothesis that the lesions are secondary to calcium cardiac event-free survival in patients with heart failure.54
overload following an increase in myocardial sodium Storm and Zimmerman reported a case of cardiogenic
due to inhibition of the Na+–K+–ATPase and secondary shock developing after cardiopulmonary bypass that was
sodium, calcium exchange in a magnesium-deficient initially unresponsive to therapeutic intervention, which
state.37 In a different study involving Syrian male hamsters resolved promptly after magnesium administration.55
fed either a magnesium-deficient diet or identical diet Gottlieb et al found that patients with normal versus low
supplemented with 100 mmol/kg of MgCl, animals were magnesium levels had 2-year survival rates of 61% and
found more vulnerable to ischaemia-induced damage 42%, respectively. It was hypothesised that hypomagne-
to the heart when magnesium deficient at the time the saemia lead to deaths due to ventricular arrhythmias.56
animals were sacrificed.38 The release and effects of Because electrolyte abnormalities are a frequent and
catecholamines have been shown to intensify during potentially hazardous complication in patients with heart
cellular magnesium depletion. The detrimental effect failure, magnesium likely improves outcomes in patients
of catecholamine excess and magnesium deficiency with congestive heart failure by preventing ventric-
has been found to be synergistic in the myocardium. In ular arrhythmias. Bashir et al investigated the effect of
rabbits, magnesium supplementation has been found to oral magnesium supplementation in a randomised,
reduce the ultrastructural features of myocardial damage double-blind, cross-over trial involving 21 patients with
induced by epinephrine injection without an effect on stable congestive heart failure secondary to coronary
changes in intracellular distribution of calcium induced artery disease and who were receiving long-term loop
by epinephrine.39 diuretics. Oral magnesium supplementation was found
In humans, studies also support the role of magnesium to lower mean arterial pressure, systolic vascular resis-
in cardiomyopathy. Patients with hypoparathyroidism can tance and the frequency of isolated ventricular prema-
manifest cardiomyopathy, which responds to magnesium ture complexes, couplets and non-sustained ventricular

DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 3

Open Heart

tachyarrhythmia.57 However, more studies are needed to common among patients with symptomatic atrial fibrilla-

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
establish whether routine supplementation of magne- tion,72 and replacement of magnesium deficiency may be
sium in patients with heart failure is warranted. In fact, beneficial in patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation
Ralston et al showed that the prevalence of hypomag- who are receiving digoxin therapy. Similarly, a study by
nesaemia in ambulatory patients with dilated cardiomy- Lewis et al suggested that treatment with magnesium may
opathy is relatively low (9%); however, magnesium is be associated with a decreased prevalence of ventricular
99% intracellular and hence there is a poor correlation ectopy in some patients receiving digoxin with chronic
between serum, mononuclear cells, skeletal muscles cells atrial fibrillation and mild–moderate hypomagne-
and cardiac muscle cell magnesium levels.58 saemia.73
However, not all studies find a clinically significant
association between hypomagnesaemia and improved
Cardiac arrhythmia
outcomes in atrial fibrillation. Eray et al assessed the
The importance of magnesium supplementation in
effect of magnesium supplementation on lowering the
preventing arrhythmias in patients with congestive heart
rate in patients with atrial fibrillation with rapid ventric-
failure has long been established. Magnesium deficiency
ular response and evaluated the effect of this therapy in
can lead to QT interval prolongation, ST-segment depres-
magnesium-deficient and non-deficient patients. The
sion and low amplitude T waves.59–61 Magnesium also
decrease in the ventricular rate was statistically signif-
influences the movement of other ions such as potassium,
icant at 15, 30 and 60 min after magnesium therapy;
sodium and calcium across the cell membranes. The
however, there was no difference in the response to
association between magnesium and potassium is prob-
magnesium between magnesium-deficient and non-defi-
ably best demonstrated in that magnesium deficiency is
cient patients. The authors concluded that magnesium
often accompanied by potassium deficiency. In patients
supplementation had a statistically significant but clini-
with congestive heart failure, both magnesium and potas-
cally limited effect on ventricular rate and its effect did
sium are depleted with thiazide diuretics, particularly in
not differ between patients with and without magnesium
patients requiring high doses of thiazide diuretics.62–65
It has been shown that the level of potassium in muscle
In addition to atrial fibrillation, the effect of hypomag-
will not normalise unless magnesium is replaced, even
nesaemia has also been studied in other forms of supra-
though serum potassium rises with repletion.62 66 67 The
ventricular dysrhythmias. Cohen et al studied two groups
ominous role of magnesium depletion in predisposing
of patients with multifocal atrial tachycardia treated
to arrhythmias in patients with congestive heart failure is
with intramuscular and continuous intravenous magne-
perhaps best demonstrated in a recent prospective study
sium and found that both routes of administration were
showing that among the 66% of patients with cardiac
successful in reverting patients back to sinus rhythm.
arrest who had magnesium abnormalities, none were
However, the intramuscular regimen attains higher
successfully resuscitated.68
and more sustained serum concentrations.75 In a sepa-
rate study, seven patients with congestive heart failure
Supraventricular tachycardia receiving long-term diuretics as well as digoxin experi-
A large percentage of patients with supraventricular enced idional tachycardia. Intravenous administration of
arrhythmias have an intracellular magnesium deficiency magnesium followed by intramuscular magnesium reple-
despite having normal serum magnesium concentra- tion was noted to abolish the arrhythmias. Interestingly,
tions, and this may explain the rationale for magnesium’s decreased lymphocyte magnesium and potassium content
benefits as an atrial antiarrhythmic agent.69 Magnesium but normal serum magnesium levels were found in five
enhances atrial antiarrhythmic efficacy when used as patients, again suggesting that normal serum magnesium
monotherapy.69 Maurat et al found that in vitro, changes does not preclude total body magnesium deficiency, and
in atrial action potential can be induced experimentally a decreased cellular magnesium level predisposes to digi-
by a fall in extracellular potassium or by digoxin overdose. talis-induced arrhythmias.76
Increasing magnesium concentration in the medium can
correct these changes in atrial action potential. Magne-
sium does not seem to act on the Na+–K+–ATPase activity Ventricular arrhythmia
but rather exert its effect through moderating the calcium Magnesium therapy has also been shown to be effec-
inflow into the cell, which is favoured by hypomagne- tive in patients with ventricular tachycardia. Magnesium
saemia.70 In the Framingham Heart Study, individuals in supplementation may be a viable therapeutic option
the lowest quartile of serum magnesium were 50% more when other antiarrhythmic agents fail to suppress
likely to develop atrial fibrillation compared with those in ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation.77
the upper quartiles. Results were similar after the exclu- In animal models, magnesium-deficient dogs showed
sion of individuals on diuretics. As a result, low serum increased pressor sensitivity to epinephrine as deter-
magnesium is moderately associated with development mined by the dose of epinephrine required to cause a
of atrial fibrillation in individuals without cardiovascular maximum pressor response. Magnesium-deficient dogs
disease.71 To make matters worse, hypomagnesaemia is also had a significantly lower threshold for triggering

4 DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775


ventricular premature beats. Administration of magne- of the myocardium by affecting the sodium and calcium

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
sium in these dogs restored the pressor sensitivity level flow into the cells.83 A fourth potential mechanism is
and abolished premature ventricular beats.78 In humans, via the effect of hypomagnesaemia on vascular tone. In
a significant increase in cellular potassium content and in vitro experiments, extracellular magnesium ions have
likewise a significant decrease in frequency of ventricular been found to exert a profound beneficial influence on
ectopic beats were noted after magnesium infusions.63 the contractility and reactivities of the arteries, arterioles
Magnesium may be exerting its antiarrhythmic effects and veins from a number of regional vasculatures and in
by preventing prolonged QTc. Krasner et al studied 24 several mammalian species, including humans. Hypomag-
patients scheduled electively for mitral valve replacement nesaemia has also been observed to increase the contrac-
and found that all patients who developed arrhythmias tile activity of a variety of neurohumoral substances and
postoperatively had not been pretreated with oral magne- to potentiate vasospasm, likely by controlling the entry
sium and had abnormal QTc intervals both before and and distribution of calcium ions into the cells. Coronary
after operation.79 vasospasm has thus been suggested as a possible mecha-
The role of intravenous magnesium supplementation nism of sudden cardiac death.84 Other experiments have
has also been studied in patients with acute myocardial taken isolated coronary arteries from dogs and exposed
infarction who received thrombolytic therapy. Ventric- them to different concentrations of magnesium in the
ular arrhythmias were less in the experimental group medium. High concentrations of magnesium were found
supplemented with magnesium, suggesting that magne- to decrease the basal tension of the coronary arteries,
sium supplementation may be a safe and effective adju- whereas sudden withdrawal of magnesium increased the
vant to thrombolytic therapy in reducing the short-term contractile function of both small and large coronary
mortality and ventricular arrhythmias after acute myocar- arteries.85 Similarly, Altura also found that lowering the
dial infarction.80 Magnesium depletion has long been magnesium contents around perfused arterioles can lead
associated with severe ventricular arrhythmias such as to spontaneous vasoconstriction as well as increased arte-
torsades de pointes. Papaceit et al reported a case of a riolar resistance, tissue ischaemia and reduced venous
patient with chronic magnesium depletion who devel- outflow. Lastly, the concentration of circulating vasocon-
oped torsades de pointes and had good response to strictor hormones, such as angiotensin, serotonin and
magnesium supplementation.81 However, magnesium acetylcholine, are increased when extracellular magne-
supplementation has not been shown to reduce implant- sium is lower than normal.86 It is possible that hypomag-
able cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) firing rates. The nesaemia produces progressive vasoconstriction and
trial, however, was underpowered. More prospective, vasospasm, which then leads to ischaemia, giving rise to
large, randomised controlled trials are needed to further sudden cardiac death overtime.
elucidate the effect of magnesium supplementation on Ways to supplement magnesium as a possible method
ventricular arrhythmias in ICD patients. to reduce sudden cardiac death include changing dietary
habits to include magnesium-rich foods, adding magne-
sium to community water supplies, fortifying foods with
Sudden cardiac death magnesium as well as oral supplementation.82 More
A link between magnesium deficiency and sudden prospective, large-scale studies are needed to study the
cardiac death has been suggested by a number of studies effect of magnesium supplementation as a means of
published over the past few decades. Data from epide- primary prevention for sudden cardiac death.
miological, autopsy, clinical and animal studies suggest
that sudden cardiac death is more common in areas
where community water supplies are low in magnesium Atherosclerosis
content. Additionally, myocardial magnesium content is Magnesium deficiency has been shown to play a role
found to be low in patients who died of sudden cardiac in lipoprotein metabolism and may be contributing to
death. Sudden cardiac death secondary to magnesium atherosclerosis as a cardiovascular risk factor. Endothe-
deficiency may be secondary to cardiac arrhythmias and lial cells cultured in low magnesium have been found
coronary artery vasospasm. Finally, repletion of magne- to activate nuclear factor-kappa beta, which may in turn
sium has been found to reduce the risk of arrhythmias trigger the downstream cytokine network. Low magne-
and death after an acute myocardial infarction.82 sium levels in culture also increases the endothelial cell
Magnesium likely predisposes to sudden cardiac death secretion of RANTES (regulated on activation, normal
through several mechanisms. First, magnesium deficiency T cell expressed and secreted), interleukin 8 and plate-
sensitises the myocardium to toxic effects of various drugs let-derived growth factor-BB. All play an important
as well as to hypoxia. Therefore, magnesium supplementa- role in atherogenesis. Additionally, endothelial cells
tion may have significant cardioprotective effects. Second, when exposed to low magnesium increase the secre-
magnesium activates the Na–K–ATPase, which may be tion of matrix metalloprotease-2 and matrix metallo-
inhibited by non-glucose fuels such as lactate and free protease-9 and their inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metal-
fatty acid in the setting of ischaemia. Third, deficiency in loproteinases (TIMP-2). All of these pathways lead to
magnesium may also lead to chronic electrical instability endothelial dysfunction by promoting the expression

DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 5

Open Heart

of inflammatory cytokines in a state of magnesium defi- to norepinephrine.85 Experiments of intact dogs93 and

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ciency.87 isolated coronary arteries of pigs also showed similar
In rats fed a short-term magnesium-deficient diet, there results.94 Low magnesium levels have been associated with
is a reduction in the serum magnesium level, sphingomy- variant angina in humans, and measurement of erythro-
elin level, phosphatidylcholine, high-density lipoprotein cyte magnesium content is useful to determine how easily
(HDL) cholesterol and the phosphatidylcholine:choles- vasospasm may occur.95 Guo et al also evaluated the intra-
terol ratio, concomitant with decreases in tissue levels of cellular and extracellular magnesium status in 12 women
glutathione, leakage of cardiac creatine kinase (CK) and with variant angina and found that the 24-hour magne-
lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), as well as activation of nitric sium retention rate and intracellular concentrations
oxide synthetase (e-NOS and n-NOS) in all chambers of of magnesium in erythrocytes correlated well with the
the heart. In addition, the changes in these parameters are activity of variant angina.96 Teragawa et al demonstrated
dose dependent on the degree of magnesium deficiency, that magnesium infusion can produce non-site-specific
and they can lead to oxidative stress. Reductions in gluta- basal coronary dilatation and suppresses acetylcholine-in-
thione content as well as activation of e-NOS and n-NOS duced coronary spasm in patients with vasospastic angina.
in various chambers of the heart have been hypothesised Magnesium infusion was also effective in reducing the
to produce early cardiac damage characterised by leakage severity of chest pain and ST-segment deviations during
of CK and LDH. Additionally, rats exposed to low dietary coronary spasm. After the magnesium infusion, the
magnesium had de novo synthesis of ceramide, which was per cent change in the diameter of the spastic segments
attenuated by inhibition of sphingomyelinase and serine improved from −62.8±2.6% to −43.7±4.7% during coro-
palmitoyl CoA transferase. Hence, the activation of the nary spasm.97 These studies suggest that magnesium may
sphingomyelin–ceramide pathway in a state of magne- be beneficial for symptom control in patients with variant
sium deficiency may also play a role in the pathogenesis angina.
of atherosclerosis.88 Low magnesium concentrations may
also reversibly inhibit endothelial proliferation and alter
endothelial migration via significant downregulation of Oxidative stress and myocardial injury
CDC25B and an upregulation of interleukin-1 (IL-1), Evidence suggests that magnesium deficiency plays a role
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and plasminogen acti- in myocardial infarction via increased oxidative stress.
vator inhibitor-1 after magnesium deficiency leading to a Magnesium deficiency has been associated with the
pro-atherosclerotic state.89 production of reactive oxygen species, cytokines, as well
In one study, the effects of thiamine, magnesium and as vascular compromise in vivo.98 Magnesium deficiency
sulfate salts on the growth, thiamine levels and serum has also been shown to produce myocardial lesions
lipid level were tested in rats. Deficiency of both magne- in different animal models. In rats fed a diet deficient
sium and sulfate salts in thiamine-supplemented groups in magnesium, there is a significant lowering of super-
decreased body weight gain and liver thiamine content, oxide dismutase and catalase in the rat heart, leading to
but elevated serum triglycerides.90 Animals given cyclo- depressed antioxidant defence in the heart and increased
phosphamide or methotrexate also had greater cardiac myocardial susceptibility to oxidative injury.99 Hans
damage while on a low magnesium diet via its effect on et al also demonstrated that magnesium deficiency is
blood lipid levels and atherogenesis.91 In humans, long- associated with increased oxidative stress through reduc-
term magnesium deficiency has been found to lower tions in plasma antioxidants and increased lipid peroxi-
serum magnesium levels and increase levels of lipids dation, suggesting that the increased oxidative stress may
as well as serum glucose. In young, apparently healthy be due to increased susceptibility of body organs to free
athletes, persistent magnesium deficiency as a result of radical injury.100 In Syrian hamsters placed on a magne-
strenuous physical activity was found to correlate with sium-deficient diet, oxidation (isoprenaline)-induced
long-term increases in cholesterol, triglycerides and injury was dramatically increased in magnesium-deficient
blood sugar.92 These studies suggest that magnesium rats.101 This finding suggests that magnesium deficiency
supplementation may be beneficial as treatment for the increases the susceptibility of the cardiovascular system
primary prevention of atherosclerosis. to oxidative damage. In humans, similar findings were
reported. Kharb and Singh estimated serum malonalde-
hyde (MDA), magnesium, vitamin E and total glutathione
Coronary vasospasm levels (GSH) in 22 patients with acute myocardial infarc-
Multiple studies have suggested a link between magne- tion and 15 healthy controls. Low levels of magnesium,
sium deficiency and coronary artery spasm. Magnesium GSH, vitamin E and elevated levels of MDA were observed
controls the movement of calcium into smooth muscle in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The findings
cells, leading to smooth muscle contraction. In dogs, suggest that magnesium deficiency can potentiate oxida-
coronary arteries incubated in low magnesium solutions tive injury in post-ischaemic myocardium.102
are predisposed to vasospasm.85 Additionally, low magne- Patients with acute myocardial infarction also tend to
sium solution can significantly increase the potential for have lower magnesium content, particularly in the early
contractile responses of both small and large arteries hours after infarction. Urdal et al studied mononuclear

6 DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775


cell magnesium and retention of magnesium after administration can reduce platelet hypercoagulability in

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
intravenous loading in patients with acute myocardial patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes.109 Shecter
infarction compared with healthy volunteers. The study also found that low intracellular magnesium levels
found that mononuclear cell magnesium concentrations promote platelet-dependent thrombosis in patients with
before magnesium retention test were slightly higher in coronary artery disease by exposing porcine aortic media
patients with acute myocardial infarction compared with to their flowing un-anticoagulated venous blood for 5 min
healthy volunteers indicting no magnesium depletion in by using an ex vivo perfusion chamber.110 These studies
the acute myocardial infarction group. However, when suggest that magnesium may play a role in thrombosis
magnesium retention test was performed 4–11 days after and supplementation with magnesium may be beneficial
admission in the subjects with acute myocardial infarc- in certain population of patients.
tion, the retention of magnesium was 45±23% of the
30 mmol given intravenously (retention of more than
Magnesium and mitral valve prolapse
20% generally represents magnesium deficiency). It is
The mechanism of mitral valve prolapse has not been fully
unclear what caused the increased retention of magne-
elucidated. However, magnesium deficiency has been
sium during the acute phase of myocardial infarction,
proposed to be related to mitral valve prolapse syndrome.
but it may be due to increased concentrations of circu-
In a study comparing 49 subjects with mitral valve
lating catecholamines during the early hours of myocar-
prolapse to age-matched and gender-matched subjects
dial infarction.103 Rasmussen et al also found that patients
without mitral valve prolapse, both groups were found to
with ischaemic heart disease both with and without acute
have similar serum magnesium levels. However, subjects
myocardial infarction retained significantly more magne-
with mitral valve prolapse had lower magnesium levels in
sium than did the control group of healthy volunteers.
the lysate of their lymphocytes. The results suggest that
The increase in magnesium retention points to a state
lymphocyte magnesium deficiency may play a role in
of magnesium deficiency in patients with ischaemic heart
mitral valve prolapse.111 In a separate study by Licholdzie-
disease. Unsurprisingly, when the patients with ischaemic
jewska et al, serum magnesium levels in 141 subjects with
heart disease were subgrouped according to long-term
heavily symptomatic mitral valve prolapse and 40 healthy
diuretic treatment, the patients receiving long-term
subjects were compared. The group found that many
diuretic treatment had a 39% retention of magnesium
patients with heavily symptomatic mitral valve prolapse
(11.6 mmol/L (28.2  mg/dL)) compared with a 29%
have low serum magnesium, and magnesium supplemen-
retention (8.7 mmol/L (21.1 mg/dL)). This study indi-
tation leads to improvement in most symptoms such as
cates that patients with ischaemic heart disease may be
chest pain, dyspnoea, weakness, palpitations and anxiety
severely magnesium deficient and that long-term diuretic
along with a decrease in catecholamine excretion.112
treatment may contribute to this deficiency.104 The bene-
Further studies are needed to further elucidate the rela-
ficial effect of intravenous magnesium treatment in
tionship between magnesium deficiency and mitral valve
acute myocardial infarction has also been demonstrated
prolapse syndrome.
in regards to reducing both mortality and early cardiac
insufficiency. Besides antiarrhythmic and vasodilatator
effects, magnesium also seems to protect cardiac cells Diabetes and glycaemic control
against the harmful effects of ischaemia.70 Magnesium deficiency has also been implicated in the
pathogenesis of diabetes and poor glycaemic control. In
animal models, magnesium deficiency as well as excess
Thrombosis sucrose intake has been shown to be associated with the
In both animals and human models, magnesium defi- generation of reactive oxygen species. When male Wistar
ciency has been linked to a prothrombotic state. In an rats were divided into groups fed control, low-magne-
uncontrolled study in 1954, Parsons et al found that sium, high-sucrose and low-magnesium high-sucrose diet
patients with angina or myocardial infarction had a for a period of 3 months, the rats fed high sucrose and
reduced death rate, from 30% to 1%, if they were treated low magnesium diet were found to have significantly
with magnesium sulfate intramuscularly. The improve- higher levels of lipid peroxidation in the plasma and liver
ment was thought to be secondary to favourable effects tissue; however, the same effect was not observed in the
in reducing the inhibition of plasmin, an enzyme that other groups. These findings suggest that a diet low in
plays an essential role in fibrinolysis and responsible for magnesium and high in sucrose causes oxidative stress
the degradation of fibrin clots.105 A more recent study in rats, as reflected by increased lipid peroxidation and
in 1986 demonstrated that bleeding time increased with reduced antioxidant potential.113 In humans, randomised
magnesium infusion in patients with acute myocardial double-blind placebo-controlled trials have been done
infarction.106 Magnesium has been shown to inhibit to study the effect of magnesium deficiency in diabetic
ADP-induced platelet aggregation.107 In patients with patients. In a study conducted by Simental-Media et al,
pre-eclampsia, treatment with magnesium infusion 62 men and non-pregnant women with a diagnosis of
has been shown to reduce certain clotting factors.108 pre-diabetes and hypomagnesaemia were enrolled in the
In a 1989 paper, Paolisso et al found that magnesium double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to receive either

DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Open Heart 2018;5:e000775. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 7

Open Heart

magnesium supplementation or placebo. At the end of Conclusion

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000775 on 1 July 2018. Downloaded from on 8 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the trial, subjects receiving magnesium supplementa- Magnesium plays an important role in cardiovascular
tion were found to have higher levels of serum magne- health. It is instrumental for the proper maintenance of
sium, as well as lower levels of high-sensitivity C reactive cellular membrane potential, functioning of the mito-
protein.114 In a separate randomised controlled trial, chondria and plays a key role in the body’s antioxidative
Guerrero-Romero et al showed that supplementation of pathways. As a result, magnesium deficiency can lead to
oral magnesium in subjects with pre-diabetes and hypo- serious morbidity and mortality, and has been implicated
magnesaemia improved glycaemic control. At the end of in multiple cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension,
the follow-up period, subjects in the treatment group had cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia, atherosclerosis,
significantly lower fasting and post-load glucose, home- dyslipidaemia and diabetes. Unfortunately, the western
ostatic model assessment for insulin resistance indices diet is often low in magnesium due to the refining and
and triglycerides, whereas HDL cholesterol and serum processing of foods, and hypomagnesaemia is often
magnesium levels were significantly increased in those underdiagnosed in hospitalised patients. Studies have
receiving magnesium supplementation. Remarkably, suggested that prompt diagnosis and timely supplemen-
a total of 50.8% of those in the magnesium treatment tation of magnesium may be beneficial in patients with
group improved their glycaemic level compared with certain cardiac conditions. However, more prospective,
only 7% in the placebo group.115 randomised controlled trials are needed to be able to
further elucidate the value of magnesium as a therapy to
prevent or reverse some of the aforementioned cardio-
Stroke vascular conditions.
Hypomagnesaemia has also been found to be a risk factor
for cerebrovascular events and complications. Szabo et al Contributors  All authors contributed to the final manuscript.
found that a slight decrease in extracellular magnesium Funding  The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
from 1.2 to 0.8 mM resulted in sustained relaxation when funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
the endothelium was intact; however, when the endothe- Competing interests  JJD is the author of The Salt Fix and operates the website ​
lium was interrupted, the slight reduction in magne- thesaltfix.​com.
sium resulted in elevation of vascular tone. These results Patient consent  Not required.
suggested that magnesium modules human cerebra-ar- Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
terial tone through an endothelium-derived relaxing Open Access  This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
factor rather than by altering smooth muscle tone directly, Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and magnesium deficiency appears to drive endothelial
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work
dysfunction and hence atherosclerosis.116 Amighi et al inves- is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​
tigated the prognostic impact of magnesium serum levels licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/
with respect to the occurrence of neurological events in © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
patients with advanced atherosclerosis in 323 patients with article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
symptomatic peripheral artery disease and intermittent expressly granted.
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