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Name : Muhammad Taufiq Ramadhan

Class/Number : Port and shipping management II Bravo/ 462190207

Discuss the following questions based on your own opinion!

a. What tools do people use to help them manage their time?

b. Do you think employees waste too much time on the internet? How can this be


c. What are benefits of time management?

d. How do you manage your time?

e. Do you agree to the slogan ‘time is money’? why?

Answer :

a. The tools that people usually use to help manage their time are watch, because it’s the
thing that mostly people use on daily bases and also there are alarm feature that can make
people easily remind themselves on particular time, for example when they use it to woke
them up every morning at 5 AM, and also there are digital timer that possibly could manage
someone time, basically on the time management, nowadays there are smart watch , it could
give you many information that you need beside the time, so you can get more productive on
your duty with that smart watch, the invention in electronic industry grow really fast, so I
think that in the future time management could be more efficient and make us productive as a
workers with the features that could make our duty getting more easier

b. Yes, Internet make the employees postponed their duty, because they looking for the
entertainment on the internet. For example there are Youtube,Netflix even Spotify and
another entertainment medium that could be find on the internet. This could be prevented by
their own self conscious, if the employees are discipline, and keep remember whats their real
duty as an employee, the must be done their work before entertain themselves.

c. Time management have so many benefits, some of them are:

Deliver projects on time

Allocating a finite time period to tasks help you complete them on time. It also helps you
to manage your workload in the most effective way. When you have time-boxed tasks,
your brain gets rewired to follow the structure and accomplish those activities within the
desired time-frame. Thus, you can easily deliver work on time if you have managed your
time well.

Provide a better quality of work

As a dedicated employee, you are expected to provide work of certain quality and
standards. With the proper utilization of time and prioritization of activities, one can
easily provide a better quality of work. Prioritization helps you focus on important tasks
by keeping them in the highest priority which enables you to work on them with full
attention and focus. Hence, the quality of the work is improved.

More productivity and efficiency

It is no secret that effective time management skills make you more productive and
efficient as a working professional. These skills are helpful in helping you finish tasks as
early as possible without compromising on the quality of work. Your overall productivity
often goes for a toss when you’re working on unimportant tasks but effective time
management skills let you tick off tasks that are both important and urgent on time.

Much less procrastination

“I will do it later” – This is an excuse that we all have made at some time. The meaning
of time management is not just about doing more in less time but also to reduce the urge
to delay and procrastinate over important tasks. Applying good time management tricks
enable you as a founder, leader, or employee to work smarter rather than harder. It
instantly eliminates procrastination by ensuring that you’re familiar with the tasks added
in your to-do list and when it needs to be finished.

Less stress and anxiety

There are times when employees feel overwhelmed due to too much work on their plates.
This can not only hamper your productivity but also take a toll on your overall health.
Excessive stress and hypertension can lead to heart diseases, depression, obesity and
more. Knowing what to do we can reduce unnecessary stress and tensions from your life.

Improved quality of life

Effective time management skills don’t just benefit your professional life but can also
improve your life outside of the office. If you keep things under control on the
professional front, you get more time to focus on your personal life and relationships.
Knowing the fact that tasks and activities are on track will bring a sense of calmness in
your personal life. As you feel calmer and less stressed out, your quality of life improves

More opportunities and career growth

Being punctual with your work will not only increase your effectiveness but will also
help you earn a good reputation at work. When managers and seniors know that you
always complete your tasks on time, it could lead the way for more promotional
opportunities at work.

More time for leisure and recreation

When was the last time you had time for yourself doing things that you really enjoy?
Can’t remember, right? Fortunately, with good time management, you get more free time
in your day to do the leisure and recreational activities that make you happy. Ultimately
this helps you to create the perfect balance by working smart all day and having a reward
of your choice in return.
d.How we manage our time, I already summarize some of them, there are :
1.Create a time audit.
2.Set a time limit to each task.
3.Use a to-do-list, but don't abandon tasks.
4.Plan ahead.
5.Spend your mornings on MITs.
6.Learn to delegate/outsource.
7.Eliminate half-work.
8.Change your schedule.

e.Yes I personally agree with the statement “Time is money” , because its so true for
example when we late in our work interview, of course our chance to get a job will be
and then, when you want to came to your business meeting and you came late, of course
your business partner will underestimate your integrity, then they will have trust issue to
your professionalism as a businessman, basically time is a valuable resource so it appear
an idiom that time is money, In the Western world, time is money is one of the most well-
known conceptual metaphors, known not only by linguists or cognitivists, but also in
business and in everyday life. Time is a valuable commodity, like money, which we
spend, save, waste, and even try to borrow or lend. So with all of that argument, I
personally believe the valuable resource called “Time” is really important in our daily
bases, every single day, better we make time management, so our life get more

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