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Network Management & Automation Software Development with Python

Lab Setup

1) Register here to download Virtual Machine for Python:

a. NOTE:​ if you have already registered, you should have received email
instructions on how to download. if you have not, please contact​ with the title: Python Lab VM Request
c. The VM is custom built to follow along with the course & labs

2) Once you have the VM file downloaded, Install VirtualBox:


3) Launch VirtualBox Application

a. File → Import Appliance → Browse and Select the .ova file (VM that you
downloaded) → Click Import → Agree to licencing
b. Your VM will be imported
c. Once it has been successfully imported, run the VM

4) Lecture Videos will be released on YouTube

a. YouTube: ​

5) Register @ ​​ for future courses.

a) Future Courses;
i) Production Grade OpenStack Deployment from scratch - hands on lab
ii) SD-WAN Deployment from complete scratch - hands on lab
iii) Cloud Computing from complete scratch - hands on lab

Happy Learning!

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