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Ways to Keep Your Hospitality Team Motivated

Running a hotel day in and day out gives us so much joy and fulfillment! But we shouldn't kid
ourselves, it’s not always a walk in the park. There are good days and there are bad days. There
are slow days and there are busy days. That said, there’s no denying that feeling of being burnt
out is a likely possibility.

Which is probably why the hotel business has one of the highest employee attrition rates across
all industries. And it also underscores the importance of having programs and strategies in place
to keep us and our staff motivated.

Here are a few things to be really effective when it comes to keeping our hotel teams
enthusiastic and energized. 

1) Turn Every Day into a Learning Experience

One of the primary reasons why a lot of hotel employees resign is because they feel stuck, that
they’re not growing or evolving in their jobs. They feel bored and discouraged and it’s only a
matter of time and finally, they will find themselves resenting their jobs.

This is why it is extremely important that we should “turn our hotels into a classroom” and
provide learning opportunities every day. This can be in the form of trainings, one-on-one
coaching, end-of-day mini-performance evaluations and mentoring, and sending them to
conferences and workshops.

Always express this to your team : 

"Non of us, including myself are going to be at this hotel forever. However the ideas and
mindsets we LEARN here, you will be able to use throughout your life (in or out of the
hospitality industry)"

2. Talk to Them about Career Growth

One of the best ways to keep your hotel employees motivated is to make them feel that their hard
work will advance their careers forward.

During your regular coaching sessions, talk to them about their career path and what’s in-store
for them, what it would take for them to get promoted, and how they can prosper financially,
personally and professionally if they stay and work hard at your hotel.

You can show your appreciation to your deserving hotel staff in many ways, such as a day off,
spa gift card, take them out for lunch/meal or even a genuine pat on the back.

Thank them! Through incentives, you are bringing out the natural competitiveness of your
employees to get these incentives. Just make sure the competition remains healthy and

3. Team Building
It’s not only important for employees to like their work in order to stay motivated, they also have
to like the people they are working with.

It is important that you foster teamwork and a culture of mutual respect among your hotel staff.
Schedule regular team building sessions where you can have fun and feel more connected to
each other. Have lunch catered in. Go to dinner with your team. You can also do a survey among
your employees on what they like to do for a team building activity to give you an idea.

Teamwork is very important among our hotel employees if you want them to come to their jobs
every day with renewed enthusiasm.

The pressure that our hotel staff are facing every day can be daunting and demoralizing. It is
important today more than ever to motivate our employees, keep their spirits up and inspire them
to continue to work.

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