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Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

BS Mechanical Engineering Technology Program (Batch Fall 2019)

Course Code AUT-2201

Course Title Computer Programming & Applications
Credit Hours 3 (2+1)
Contact Hours 4 (2+2)
Semester BSMET 2nd Semester — Spring 2020
Prerequisite Computer Fundamentals
Course Instructors Ms. Iram Abdullah
Designation Lecturer

Course Objective:
The Objective of the course is to
 Analyze a given program for all possible errors and rewrite the corrected code.
 Apply the concepts of programming to solve real world problems.
 Analyze the program for possible output.

Lab Objective:
The Objective of the lab is to
 Display the development of logical codes by applying the concepts of structural and basic
programming constructs.
 Modify a program to produce a program with new features.

Course Outline:
Basics of C++ programming: constants and variables, keywords, identifiers, data types, variables
and their types, Escape sequence, operators and statements.

Decision and control: if statements, if-else-if statement, switch statement, for loop, while loop, do-
while loop, nested loops, break statement, Functions: defining a function, types function, return
statement, default argument, local and global variables, standard function and user defined
functions, multifunction, arguments pass as reference or as a value. Arrays: declaration,
initialization, arrays and function, multidimensional arrays.

Structures: declaration, initialization, functions and structures, arrays of structure, nested structure,
Classes: declaration, initialization, constructors, destructors, inline member function, static class
member, friend function, defining and accessing object, arrays of class object, structure and classes,
nested classes.

Inheritance: single inheritance, types of base classes, types of derivation, multiple inheritance
containers. Overloading: function, operator, binary and unary Polymorphism: early and late
binding, virtual functions, pure virtual function abstract base classes, virtual destructors, virtual base
classes, constructor and destructor under inheritance.

Recommended Books:

Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, 4 th edition, Pearson Edition, 2002, ISBN
10: 0672323087

References: Dietel and Dietel, “C++ How to Program”, 10th edition, Pearson, 2014, ISBN: 978-

Schildt. H. “C++ the complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill Latest Edition

Office Hours:
• Monday, 08:00 AM– 10:00 AM
• Wednesday, 08:00 AM– 10:00 AM
• All Week, 01:00 PM-02:00 PM

Grading Policy:
75% class attendance is mandatory to appear in the examination.
Course grades will be determined by the following weights:

Theory (100%) Laboratory (100%)

Assignments 10 % Lab Reports 40 %
Quizzes 10 % Lab Performance 30 %
Mid Exam 30 % Lab Mid 10 %
Project 10 % Lab Final 15 %
Final Exam 40 % Lab Viva 5%
Course Total (100% per
Theory (100%) + Laboratory (100%)
credit Hour)

Schedule of Exams:
Commencement of Classes:
Mid Examination:
Final Examination:
Results Notification:
Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

BS Mechanical Engineering Technology Program (Batch Fall 2019)

EC-111: Computer Programming & Applications 3 (2+1)

2ndSemester — Spring 2020

Week: Lecture Date Lecture Breakdown Evaluation

 Programming Basic Concepts
 Basic Programming Construction
 Header Files
 Data Types
 Arithmetic Operators
 Decision Making - Conditional Statements
 Relational Operators
 If-else Statement Assignment
 Switch Statement
 Conditional Operator
 Repetition – Loops
 While Loop
 For Loop Quiz
 Do-While Loop
 Break Statement in Loops
 1-D Arrays
 Array Elements
 Accessing Array Elements
 Sorting
 2D Arrays
 Array Elements
 Accessing Array Elements Assignment
 Matrix Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Transpose etc
 Strings
 Arrays and Strings
 Build-in String Functions
 Using String Class
 Structures Quiz
 Defining Structures
 Accessing Structure’s variables
 Nested Structures
 Arrays and Structures
 Functions – I
 Function Declaration
 Calling a Function
 Function Definition
 Passing Arguments to Functions (Constant and
 Returning Values from Function
 Variable’s Scope (Local, Global, Static)
 Functions – II
 Passing Structures as Arguments
 Returning Structure Variables
 Passing Arrays as Arguments
 Reference Arguments
 Overloaded Functions
 Pointers – I
 Address and Pointers
 The address-of Operator & Assignment
 Pointer Variables
 Pointers and Arrays
 Pointers – II
 Pointers and Functions
 Pointers and C-Type String
 Memory Management: new & delete Operator
 Introduction to OOP
 Procedural vs OOP
 Objects and Classes - I
 A Simple Class
 Using the Class
 Calling Member Functions
 C++ Objects as Data Types
 Objects and Classes - II
 Constructors
 Destructors Assignment
 Objects as Function Arguments
 Structures and Classes
 Operator Overloading
 Overloading Binary Operators
 Arithmetic Operators
 Concatenating Strings
 Stream Classes
 Stream Class Hirarchy
 The ios Class Quiz
 The istream Class
 The ostream Class
 Disk File I/O with Streams
 Formatted File I/O
 Character I/O
 Binary I/O
 Closing File
Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

BS Mechanical Engineering Technology Program (Batch Fall 2019)

EC-111: Computer Programming & Applications3 (2+1)

2ndSemester — Spring 2020

Breakdown of Laboratory Experiments

Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Conditional Statement

Concepts. (if-else, switch, Conditional Operator)
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Loops Concepts. (For,
While, Do-While)
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using 1-D Arrays Concepts.
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using 2-D Arrays Concepts.
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Strings Concepts.
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Structures Concepts.
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Basic Functions Concepts.
(Declaration, Definition, Function Calling, Pass by Value, Return Types)
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Functions Concepts.
(Passing and Returning Structure variables, Passing Arrays, Pass by
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Basic Pointers Concepts.

Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Pointers Concepts.

(Pointers and Function, Pointers and Strings)
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Basic OOP Concepts.
(Objects and Classes)
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Constructors Concepts.
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Binary Operator Overloading
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using Basic File Handling Concepts.
Development of Logical C++ Codes Using File Handling (Binary)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

BS Mechanical Engineering Technology Program (Batch Fall 2019)

2nd Semester
(Spring 2020)

AUT-2201 Computer Programming & Applications 3 (2+1)

Course Completion Certificate

This course has been taught and successfully complete in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering Technology, Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore, Pakistan.

(Ms. Iram Abdullah)

Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

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