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Thnk miss arifah for give me the time. Now, I do welcome if anybody wants
to give me a question.

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That is a good question so your question is about the differences between
self – esteem and self confident right?
Actually my topic focuses on self esteem and speaking skills but I will try to
answer this question. Perhaps many people think that self-esteem and self-
confidence are the same. At first I also thought that the two things were the
same. In my opinion, self esteem is about how you value yourself or the way
you apreciate your self. It depends on your life experiences. While, self confident is
about knowing what YOU can and can’t do and trusting in YOUR abilities.

It depends on the situation you are facing.

OK Let's take an example from a case about the response you give when you receive a low
mark for an assignment.
if you're lacking self-confidence or low self confident. WHEN YOU receive a low mark for an
assignment, you may think, "What else could I expect? Or I'm bad in this topic. This proves
it, and I might as well leave." It show that when you have low self confident you wont truts in
your abilites.

If you have healthy self-esteem when you receive a low mark, you may think, "I
wonder where I went wrong? Or I'll find out so that I can do better next time."
Although you may feel disappointed by the low mark, you don't feel diminished as a
person and you can appreciate your self.

Another example, let's take the case of an event that we often encounter, i.e. with
many performers singer or celebrities, who can perform before an audience
of thousands but then damage and even kill themselves with drugs. That
situatation indicate that they might have high self confident because they
can perfome better in front of the audience but they have low self esteem
because they damage their self it means they cannot appricite their self.
Does it answer ur question?
Ipeh ngestate atau nanya

Thats true iffah. So, we can conclude that self esteem is an assessment of
value while self confidence is a matter of trust or the belief in yourself to achieve
a goal

Pertanyaan kedua

are there any other questions?

Okay tamara please

That's a good question. so your question is about the type of speaking test that I am using. Am I
Actually in my video, when I explained the instrument that I was using I did not provide detailed
information about the type of my instrument. Instead I just explained the usefulness of the
instruments that I used. the type of speaking test that I use is an oral test especially descriptive text.
This test procedure is that students are asked to talk in front of their friends about the topic. Then,
to measure students' ability to speak I use guidance rubric of
speaking. But I'm sorry I can't remember where I adopted the guidence.

Does it answer ur questions?

Rarak: Yes it is. But May I ask again? So what do you measure in guidence of speaking

INTAN: In addition, of course the guidence that I use contains about the elements in
speaking skills. Those are the Assessment of Pronunciation, The Assessment of
Vocabulary and so on. And then all of them have some criteria inside.

are there any other questions?

Pertanyaan Ketiga

Thank you zain for your question. So, your question is about how many participant that I will
use. Am I right?

Okay, First I will discuss again about population and sample in my rresearch The population I
use is all first year students in the ELED department at UMY. Then to get the number of
samples that will be used that is by using a table of confident that is equal to 95% for
educational level. Here I do not know the exact number of participants I will use because I do
not know the exact number of students in the first year. What is clear is that my participant is
a first year student of ELED at UMY.

Does it answer your questions.

Inul restate aja jangan nanya lagi

Yes you are right.

Thats all from me thnk for ur nice attention


I think the topic you are using here is interesting because it is updated with technological
developments, namely The use video to improve students' abilities. My question is what
distinguishes your research from previous research?


There are many popular English teaching strategies such as Grammar Translation Method, Audio-

Silent Way, and so on. Actually you have explained

Lingual Method,

your reason for choosing your topic, which is active learning

in your video, but my question is what underlies you prefer
this method over other learning methods?
So it means that


Your research is about teaching in inclusive schools. Acording to your video you have found
the strategies and challenges faced by teachers teaching in inclusive schools. We know that
in inclusive schools there are students with special needs. My question is do you think the
strategy is able to help students with special needs in understanding the material?
Intan : So, it means The strategy you mentioned in your video is effective to students with
special needs, for example by using an interesting learning method that is tailored to the
needs of students with special needs. Am I right?


In your study there are no participants because you make your own observations of the film
you watch. So how do you validate your research because we know that it isn't possible to do
member checking?

Intan: So it means that to measure the validity of your qualitative reseach you only usr the
Brown and Levinson theory right? because your research questions are not related to any
participants at all

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