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Social comparison

Sometimes we look to the behavior of others to provide a yardstick about reality. This process occurs as
a way of increasing the stability of one’s self evaluation.

Tactical requests

The way a request for compliance is phrased or structured can make a difference in how a person will
conform to our wishes. Foot door technique often used by companies to sell product.


A process in which individual identities get submerged within a group and a special situation.

Risky shift

Group members show a greater willingness to consider riskier alternatives following group discussion
than they would if members made their own decisions with no discussion.

Shopping patterns change when shopping is done with someone else.

Resistance to influence

Some people have their own unique styles so they don’t let things influence them that easily thus
market strategies don’t work on them well.


News or info spread through mouth instead of commercials or other methods.

It is a more efficient way to make info spread.

Guerrilla marketing

Hidden marketing when companies use different locations to promote their product. Ex: Sprite
sponsored showers at beach.

Viral marketing

Viral marketing refers to the strategy of getting customers to sell a product on behalf of the company
that creates it. Ex: Youtube channels of people allow companies to post ads on their videos.


Opinion leader is someone expert in his field or have knowledge about something.

The surrogate consumer

Person hired by companies to give their review or effect purchase decisions about products.
Cheat Sheet Chapter 11 (GROUP INFLUENCE AND

Social comparison (26)

Tactical requests (27)

Group effects on individual behavior (28)

Shopping patterns (30)

Resistance to influence (31)


Factors encouraging WOM (33)

Guerrilla marketing (34)

Viral marketing (35)

Efficiency of WOM (36)

Rumours (38)


Market Maven (44)

Identifying opinion leaders (47)

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