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INSTRUCTIONS: All questions apply to this case study. Your responses should be brief and to the point.
When asked to provide several answers, they should be listed in order of priority or significance. 

SCENARIO: A 35-year-old multigravid client (28 weeks AOG; G4T0P1A3L0), has sought the telenursing
services of your hospital because she opted not to come in person to the hospital for a prenatal check-up,
fearing that she might contract the corona virus disease 2019 outside. She sought to consult about the
following complaints: 1) having persistent elevated blood pressure and throbbing headache and 2) having
a history of a “bloody show” three days ago, and 3) currently having a sore throat, episodic episodes of
difficulty of breathing, and fever. She stated that, a week before this consult, she just arrived in the
Philippines after travelling to China, and, while she was there, she had undergone the following tests:
AST; 50 u/L, ALT: 75 u/L, CBC – Hgb: 10 g/dL, RBC: 4.3 x 1,000,000/mm3, WBC: 11 x 1000/mm3,
Platelet: 95,000 mcl/blood, and urinalysis: +3 protein. The following questions apply: 

1. From the three complaints that she shared to you for a consultation, which of the following must be
given the utmost priority? Discuss extensively and support your discussion with evidences (e.g., health
status of the patient, signs and symptoms, etc.). 2. Is using telenursing – or telehealth, in general, in this
instance beneficial or detrimental? Why or why not? Support your answer. 3. What are the possible
medical problems (i.e., differential diagnoses) that the patient may be suffering from? Discuss and
support your answer with the diagnoses’ signs and symptoms. 

Because of the presented symptoms, you advised the client to go to the hospital as soon as she can
because of the possible gravity of her situation. Upon arrival, a post-graduate medical intern who
attended to her ordered the following: a CBC, STAT Chest X-ray, arterial blood gases and oxygen at
4L/min via Venturi mask, a respiratory viral panel and COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab, and viral loading
of blood, urine, and stool samples for 3 consecutive days - samples which will be refrigerated and shipped
to laboratories in the National Reference Center for Respiratory in Lyon, France, where RNA extraction,
real-time RT-PCR, and virus isolation and titration procedures. She has also been considered for platelet
transfusion and possible hydralazine therapy if cardiovascular symptoms persist. 

4. As a patient advocate, would you support the orders made by the PGI for the patient in terms of their
appropriateness and relevance to the case of the patient? Why or why not? State your reasons. 

After 24 hours, she tested positive for COVID-19, however she is considered as a mild case as she has
shown capability of tolerating her symptoms. She is, however, concerned that her family might have
contracted the same disease from her, considering that the is COVID-19 positive. 

5. How can telehealth in this scenario, duly noting that the family of the patient lives far from the hospital
and that going out is still a risk for anybody nowadays due to the COVID-19 contagion? 

Note: When making your discussion and position statements, it is best that you support your arguments
with related literature. Cite your references as deemed necessary. Observe APA 7 edition guidelines for

in-text citations and referencing. 

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