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Frank Jo Roster #14

EDU 202
Lesson Plan

Objectives: To explain about what we can do as teachers if we encounter a Gifted and Talented
student, and elaborate on the resources available to them.
Materials/Equipment: Power point presentation including video from “Meet the youngest
Mensa member in the country. He is 2”. Three handouts: GATE progress report, difference
between a bright child and a gifted learner and requirements to receive an endorsement to teach
in a program of gifted and talented education. An evaluation sheet with 3 closure questions and 5
evaluation questions.
 Start out with showing the video in the first page of the Power Point presentation.
 Open a discussion about our expectations as future educators, when, if ever encounter a
Gifted or Talented student. Get two answers from the class since we have limited time.
 Proceed to show slide 2 of the PPT: Go over the Outline
 Slide 3: What is GATE?
 Slide 4: How to identify a student who might qualify for the GATE program?
 Slide 5: Steps for selection and enrollment.
 Slide 7: What kind of questions are on the GATE test?
 Slide 8: What do you do in GATE?
 Go over the handouts, including the evaluation sheet.
 Slide 9: Famous Gifted students

Closure: Would you like to teach in a GATE program, why or why not? Can you think of any
disadvantage for Gifted and Talented students? What will you do if you identify a student who
might qualify for the GATE program?

5 questions.
1) What is gate?
2) What is the definition of a gifted or talented student?
3) When can a student enroll in the GATE program?
4) How many tests do they need to take?
5) What do they do in GATE?

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