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Written test 1 (GROUP A) NAME SURNAME

1.Underline the correct item. 6p

1) You ‘m/’re in grade 8

2) I have an/a atlas.

3) I/me am 13 years old.

4) Lyn am/is not new to the school.

5) Mary and Betty is/are in the same class.

6) I have an/a ruler in my pencil case.

2) Choose the correct item. 6p

1) Mark has…… blue school bag. a) a b) an

2) Betty has ….. orange pen on her desk . a) an b) a

3) John…… new to the school . a)’m b)’s

4) Tim and Wendy….. in the same science class. a) are b) is

5) …….name’s Pat. a) she b) her

6)……are my teachers. a)They b) them

3) Write the word, as in the example 8p

e.g. She’s got long black hair.

1) He’s s………..., and p…………...

2)She’s tall and s………… with fair hair.

3)He’s got a big m………….. and a big n…………

4)They’ve got thin l………… and big f……….... .

5)He’s got red hair and a red m……….…. .

4) Underline the correct item. 7p

1) Mary has got a hat/hats collection.

2)Amy has got a new bikes/bike.

3)Tim has got a blue cap/caps.

4)We have got red watches/watch.

5)Jim has got brown glove/gloves.

6)She has got a guitars/guitar.

7)Emma has got three dolls/doll

5) Choose the correct item. 5p

1)I have got a desk …….. my bedroom. A) next to B) in C) on

2)Dave keeps his shoes …… my bedroom. A)in B) under C) on

3)There are …… chairs in the room. A)any B)some C)an

4)The bed us …… the wardrobe. A)next to B)in C)on

5)That is ….. house. A)our B)we C)he

6)Write the plural of the words and make up sentences.

Fly--- Tomato-

Foot— Mouse—

Box--- Child—

Glove— Lady—

Toy— Party-

7)Choose the correct response. 5p

e.g how many bedrooms has it got? F A)Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.

1)Which is you bedroom? ……… B)This one here.

2)Where is the kitchen? ………. C)It’s next to the dining room.

3)What’s your new flat like? ……. D)It’s on the first floor.

4)What floor is it on? …….. E)It’s very nice.

5)Is there a coffee table in your living room? …… F)It’s got three

8)Describe your bedroom. (40-60 words ) 13p

Mark 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points 0-15 16-23 24-31 32-39 40-47 48-55 56-60

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