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I will go to the cinema if you come with me.

– iré al cine si vienes conmigo

I will buy a house if I find a job. – Compraré una casa si encuentro un trabajo

I will wash your car if you pay me. – lavaré tu coche si me pagas

I’ll(I will) make dinner if you wash the dishes. – hare la cena si tú lavas los platos

If you pay me I will watch your car – Si me pagas vigilaré tu coche

I will = I´ll (pronunciación: “ail”

I played football yesterday – jugué al futbol ayer

I wanted to go to the cinema last night – quise ir al cine anoche

What did you do at the weekend? – ¿Qué hiciste al finde semana?

Where did you go last week? - ¿A donde fuiste la semana pasada?

Did you go to the cinema yesterday? - ¿Fuiste al cine ayer?

Yes I did – Sí fui

No I didn´t – no, no fui

I went to the supermarket yesterday because I needed to buy milk. – Fui al supermercado ayer
porque necesitaba comprar leche.

I didn´t go to the cinema because I had to study. – No fui al cine porque tenía que estudiar

I didn´t have time – no tuve tiempo

I liked my car – me gustaba mi coche

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